The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 711 The long-lost villain (32)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Is this the Far Cang Continent?"

"What a rich spiritual energy!"

After drifting at sea for more than two months, Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao finally saw land.

Fortunately for Su Hao, he had already developed the ability to keep his emotions and anger invisible.

No matter how surprised and shocked he was inside, his handsome face was so calm.

No matter in terms of cultivation or ability to hide his emotions, Mo Xiaoxiao was far inferior to Su Hao.

In fact, Mo Xiaoxiao didn't "cover up" too much.

Ever since she and Su Hao became friends through thick and thin at the underwater ruins, she clearly felt that Su Hao's attitude towards her had changed significantly.

She knew that she had successfully hugged the male protagonist's thick leg.

It can't be said that he got carried away, but it can only be said that after the relationship had a further breakthrough, Mo Xiaoxiao no longer deliberately suppressed his own nature.

She has a lively and out-of-the-box personality.

Sometimes, even a little "naive".

As for Su Hao, maybe it was because he had put down his guard against Mo Xiaoxiao, or because of the friendship between life and death, and because his biological sister was not around, he slowly transferred some of his feelings to Mo Xiaoxiao.

It's not that Su Hao has feelings for Mo Xiaoxiao, but that Su Hao has opened his heart and accepted Mo Xiaoxiao.

Like life and death friends, like a cooperative partner, and like his own little sister... Su Hao's feelings for Mo Xiaoxiao are somewhat complicated.

Under the influence of this mixture of family affection, friendship, and even a little bit of ambiguity, Su Hao was a little "indulgent" on Mo Xiaowei.

Mo Xiaoxiao enjoys this feeling very much, and people who are "preferred" are always so confident.

As a result, Mo Xiaowei slowly revealed his true nature and no longer forced himself to be sensible and independent.

He jumped onto the ground of the port.

Mo Xiaoxiao stared with round almond-shaped eyes and her small mouth formed an "O" shape.

The feeling of Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden was immediately vividly interpreted by her.

“The spiritual energy is indeed very abundant!”

Su Hao nodded reservedly.

He looked around, casually taking stock of the clothing and cultivation of the passers-by around him, and made a rough guess in his mind.

"This place should be similar to Haicheng!"

Su Hao lowered his voice and whispered to Mo Xiaoxiao, "Most of the people coming and going at the port are not very cultivated!"

Mo Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment. She subconsciously followed Su Hao's example and looked around.

After a while, she understood what Su Hao meant.

This small town called Wocang Mansion is a border town on the Far Cang Continent, adjacent to the Wuji Sea and indirectly bordering the mortal world.

In this regard, Wucang Mansion is the same as Haicheng.

However, in the mortal world, Haicheng can already be regarded as a "little fairy world".

For those mortals, or those who seek enlightenment and immortality, it is an extremely noble and longing place.

As for Wucang Mansion, it is a deserted town on the edge of the world of immortality. It is a starting point and an entrance to the world of immortality.

The status cannot be said to be very low, but most of the monks who appear in Wucang Mansion are low-level casual cultivators, or rookies who have just entered the world of immortality.

In addition, there are also some descendants of immortal cultivators.

Perhaps because of the decline of their family, they had to withdraw from their former territory and come to such a border town to live in peace.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Perhaps because he has no spiritual roots, there is no hope for cultivation, and he is unwilling to return to the mortal world, so he simply stayed in Wucang Mansion.

I say all this not to belittle Wu Cang Mansion, but—

"This is just a small border town.

There is no big sect, and the palace master guarding it is probably not a high-level monk! "

"Perhaps he is just a disciple of a certain large sect and was ordered to guard the border town."

"...If you want to practice or join a famous sect, you have to continue exploring!"

Su Hao whispered to Mo Xiaoxiao.

Mo Xiaoxiao nodded repeatedly, "Brother Su, what you said makes so much sense."

"...Wucang Mansion is just a small fringe town, but it has so much spiritual energy. I think those real fairy caves must have fuller and purer spiritual energy!"

Mo Xiaoxiao just became "naive", she didn't become stupid.

Su Hao reminded her a little and she thought of it.

Mo Xiaoxiao also carefully used his spiritual sense to detect the cultivation level of the people on the roadside.

This behavior is absolutely inappropriate.

If one thing is not done well, it will cause disputes.

However, Mo Xiaoxiao said: I am not afraid, because there is a male protagonist who is a foundation-building monk standing next to me.

As for the male protagonist, he is not afraid of trouble at all.

Because when there is trouble, opportunities will arise and the male protagonist will grow step by step.

Mo Xiaoxiao has become a close friend of the male protagonist. The better the male protagonist is, the better she will be.

Mo Xiaoxiao could vaguely feel that her luck seemed to have improved.

No, Mo Xiaoxiao also explored all the way from the port to the inner city without encountering any danger.

"Brother Su, as you said, most of the monks here are low-level monks, and most of them are at the fifth or sixth level of Qi training!"

Mo Xiaoxiao said to Su Hao excitedly.

Most of the monks in Wucang Mansion are at the same level as her.

As a newcomer to the world of cultivating immortals, seeing this situation, Mo Xiaoxiao's somewhat anxious heart instantly calmed down——

Everyone is the same. There is a strong man cheating on me, so what should I be afraid of?

Su Hao was more cautious than Mo Xiaoxiao.

He reminded in a deep voice, "Xiaoxiao, be careful! Don't randomly explore other people's cultivation levels!"

The fact that most people's cultivation level is not high does not mean that there are no middle-to-high-level monks in Wucang Mansion.

Not to mention the palace master who must have the highest cultivation level, just some of the owners and shopkeepers who opened trading houses in Wucang Mansion, their cultivation level is not too low.

There are also some patrolling monks in the city, and they are basically practicing Qi Dzogchen.

Su Hao never dared to look down on anyone.

Especially since they have now entered the world of cultivating immortals. No matter how small and desolate Wu Cang Mansion is, it is still in the Yuan Cang Continent.

I dare not say that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers, but they are not something that rookies like them who have entered hastily can despise.

"I know, Brother Su!"

Mo Xiaoxiao coquettishly responded sweetly.

She obediently withdrew her consciousness and followed Su Hao.

Maybe it was Su Hao's timely reminder, or maybe they were lucky enough to not encounter any trouble along the way.

The two people successfully arrived at the largest inn in Wucang Mansion.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

There is another similarity between Wucang Mansion and Haicheng, that is, gold can also be used here.

However, the value of gold has seriously depreciated.

The exchange ratio with spiritual stones is: one hundred taels of gold can be exchanged for one low-grade spiritual stone.

Su Hao asked for two upper rooms, and the cost of one room per day was three low-grade spiritual stones.

Su Hao paid the room fee for three days in advance and immediately took out nearly two thousand taels of gold.

"...Gold is so worthless!"

Su Hao couldn't help but sigh as he took out the gold ingots one by one from his storage bag.

"Immortal, you are really joking. The entire Far Cang Continent, that is, our Cang Mansion, still has gold. If you were to go to another place, you could only use your spirit stone!"

The waiter couldn't help but laugh when he heard Su Hao's muttering.

He replied quickly and quickly.

Su Hao glanced at him and found that such a waiter was actually a monk at the third level of Qi training.

...So, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even on the edge of Wucang Mansion, it is also a small town in the world of immortality, and monks can be seen everywhere.

"Immortal, you two just came across the Wuji Sea."

"This is your first time coming to our Far Cang Continent? Do you want me to introduce you to it?"

When the waiter saw the appearance of Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao, he made a rough guess.

However, he did not show contempt or want to bully the student.

Because in Wucang Mansion, many "new people" come and go every day.

There are mortals, casual cultivators, and even demon cultivators.

Wucang Mansion is an entrance to Yuancang Continent. Except for some permanent residents, a large part of the people in the city are outsiders.

Besides, in the world of cultivating immortals, no one cares about origin or background. What everyone values ​​most is always cultivation!

The first time the waiter saw Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao, he tried to find out their cultivation levels.

As a result, he couldn't detect it at all.

In such a situation, there are only two possibilities:

Either, these two people have no cultivation;

Or, their cultivation level is far higher than mine!

The fact that Su Hao and the two were able to walk all the way from the port to the inner city without being robbed or encountering any trouble was enough to prove that they were not mere mortals without any cultivation.

Later, when taking out the money, the waiter saw that Su Hao actually had a good-quality storage bag——

Tsk, there is no doubt that his cultivation level is definitely not low!

The waiter put away some of his petty thoughts and showed a sense of respect from the inside out.


Su Hao responded reservedly, which was an answer to the waiter's question, "You two just came across the Wuji Sea."

Mo Xiaoxiao then asked the question, "Little brother, what is the situation in our Cang Mansion? Is there any sect?"

Ahem, as the hero's sidekick, you naturally have to be discerning.

The male protagonist is aloof and can't chat with a waiter like a spy, so it's up to her, a little follower, to take over.

Mo Xiaoxiao positioned herself very accurately, and she was not "arrogant" at all just because the male protagonist was close to her.

She knows how to measure things very well!

"In reply to this fairy, our Cang Mansion belongs to the Tianyuan Sect!"

When the waiter mentioned the words "Tian Yuan Sect", he couldn't help but puff up his chest.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It was obvious that he was very proud.

Mo Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed.

Hey, Tianyuan Sect, I know.

In the original script, the head of the four major sects is the top immortal cultivating sect in the Far Cang Continent.

After the male protagonist Su Hao arrived in Yuancang Continent, he happened to encounter the grand event of recruiting disciples of the four major immortal sects once every ten years.

Su Hao was directly accepted as a close disciple by Yan Yuan, the ancestor of Tianyuan Sect, by virtue of his rare Heavenly Spiritual Root and his unparalleled performance at the early stage of foundation building even though he was eighteen years old.

It's just that Yan Yuan has been trapped in the realm of transformation for hundreds of years, and most of the time he has been practicing in seclusion.

Ancestor Yan Yuan could not teach Su Hao himself, so the head of Tianyuan Sect and Su Hao's cheap senior brother taught him on his behalf.

With Patriarch Yan Yuan as his backer and his senior brother as his backer, Su Hao, who had gone through a rough and arduous journey, finally turned around and started his wonderful life in the world of immortality.

Then, there is no more.

The author is a eunuch!

However, Mo Xiaoxiao felt that Su Hao had god-level cultivation techniques, two major backers, and the support of the number one immortal sect like Tianyuan Sect.

Even if you encounter all kinds of difficulties on the road to immortality, you will always turn disasters into auspiciousness and turn crises into opportunities!

Tianyuan Sect is the key to Su Hao's success and his second golden finger.

Unexpectedly, the small town of Wocangfu mentioned in the original script was actually the sphere of influence of Tianyuan Sect.

Does this count as "own territory"?

Mo Xiaoxiao thought to himself.

The waiter was still introducing, "Our palace master is the registered disciple of the head of Tianyuan Sect Yuan Zhongyuan, a true golden elixir power!"

When the palace master was mentioned, the waiter's face was full of awe.

A monk in the golden elixir stage?

Actually came to such a small border town to sit in charge?

Is it because the Tianyuan Sect pays too much attention to a border town like Wucang Mansion, or is it that the Tianyuan Sect has too many elites and randomly sends out a palace master who is at the Golden Core stage?

Mo Xiaoxiao couldn't help but gasped and looked in wonder.

Su Hao looked thoughtful.

He really didn't expect that the master's cultivation level would be so high. He originally thought that with the appearance of Wu Cang Mansion, it would be great to have a monk in the late stage of foundation building in charge.

However, even in the golden elixir stage, there is still the realm of a third-middle-aged boy after junior high school.

Su Hao guessed that the master of the palace, who was a registered disciple of the head of Tianyuan Sect, should not have reached the middle stage of Jindan.

"Our palace master has a high level of cultivation and a very good temper. He is considerate of the people and very generous to the monks!"

The waiter praised his boss emphatically.

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something.

He asked with a firm tone of "I know your purpose of coming", "The two immortals should be here for the grand event in three months."

Of course Mo Xiaoxiao himself knew what the grand event that the waiter was talking about was.

But, the body she traveled through didn't know.

She finally got Su Hao to lower his guard against her, and didn't want to show off his flaws easily again.

So, Mo Xiaoxiao looked curious and asked: "What grand event is it?"

The waiter was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "We have four major immortal sects in the Yuan Cang Continent. Every ten years, the four major immortal sects will open their doors and recruit disciples!"

"Only look at spiritual roots, regardless of origin. No matter whether you are a mortal or a casual cultivator, as long as you pass the test of asking the immortal stone, you can become a disciple of the four major immortal sects!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Of course, whether you end up entering the outer sect or being accepted as a personal successor by a distinguished boss still depends on the specific situation.

However, with the cultivation of these two people in front of them, even if they cannot become inner sect disciples, they can still be accepted into the outer sect.

And as long as you become a disciple of the Immortal Sect, even if you are just an outer disciple, you will be considered to be on the golden list.

As long as you practice hard, you will eventually be able to embark on the path to immortality one day.

Unlike him, his spiritual roots are too complex and he has been stuck at the third level of Qi training for more than ten years.

He failed the last time he accepted a disciple.

This time, the waiter wanted to try.

If that doesn't work, he will stay in Wu Cang Mansion with all his heart, marry a wife and have children, and place the hope of the family on the next generation.

The waiter's mind was busy thinking, but his words were very sharp, and he quickly and carefully explained the matter of recruiting disciples from the four major immortal sects.

Time, place, and basic conditions for accepting disciples.

After Mo Xiaoxiao gave him a piece of gold in an interesting way, the waiter introduced the "Asking Immortal Stone"...

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