The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 713 The long-lost villain (34)

[The heroine took the villain script] []


A nine-day mysterious thunder, carrying a huge momentum, descended from the sky.

Xuan Lei carried huge energy, crossed the black turtle shell, and went straight to He Tiantian's Tianling Gai.

In an instant, He Tiantian's soul seemed to be trembling.

He Tiantian instinctively wanted to take off all disguises and use her true cultivation to resist Xuan Lei.

Her body even automatically activated her junior uncle's Wuji Art.

However, at the last moment, He Tiantian still held back——

First, be patient and don’t collapse!

The disguise she had finally built up couldn't be thrown away casually.

Secondly, He Tiantian had an inexplicable feeling that this was a fairy world, a place that emphasized cause and effect.

No matter how partial God was to his own daughter, he would never help her cheat at such a critical moment as her going through the thunder tribulation.

Xuan Lei did not go to kill Su Nuan, who had successfully built the foundation, but instead went straight to "Chu Baozhu". There must be some special reason.

He Tiantian's mind turned quickly, and suddenly she thought of the Five Elements of Heaven that Su Nuan had obtained for her!

Ancient skills!

Foundation Building Thunder Tribulation!

There may be some connection between the two.

He Tiantian knew that her guess had no basis.

If she doesn't do it right, her body may be scorched on the outside and tender on the inside by Xuan Lei.

In serious cases, one may die.

But, if you guess correctly——

"Made, for the mission, I made a bet!"

He Tiantian has an element of adventure in her bones, and she values ​​her intuition the most.

Now, her intuition told her to give it a try.

Even if he risked failure and personally experienced the pain of being struck by thunder, He Tiantian still wanted to verify it in practice.

Maybe, there is a surprise!

Or perhaps, she will fail and die directly in the mission world, and then be judged to have failed the mission, and then one point will be deducted.

Crisis and opportunity coexist, everything is possible!

He Tiantian gritted her teeth and finally made up her mind.

While she was yelling at God, she began to run the Five Elements of Heaven.

He Tiantian's series of psychological processes and behavioral actions may sound time-consuming, but in fact, they only take a moment.

Just when He Tiantian had just finished executing the Five Elements Technique of Ji Tian, ​​the first thunder had already struck He Tiantian's head.

"Ah!" He Tiantian didn't cover up at all, and even screamed slightly exaggeratedly.

She has the element of acting, but the feeling of being struck by thunder is really uncomfortable.

From soul to body, He Tiantian experienced double pain.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but He Tiantian smelled the aroma of burnt incense.

Uh, it smells like she accidentally burnt the fish when she was grilling it.

God:'s so dirty, I'm thundering at you, but you still have time to think about grilled fish.

"Sister Baozhu!"

Su Nuan didn't know that He Tiantian had been thinking about it over and over in her mind, and she didn't know that He Tiantian's performance was staged.

She saw with her own eyes that her sister Baozhu was fighting the thunder for her!

Wow, Sister Baozhu's hair is burnt and her face is dark.

She loves beauty the most, and she fears pain the most.

I don’t know how she is doing now!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...God damn it, you, you are so damn—"

He Tiantian took a hit from Xuan Lei and felt an electric current flowing through her body.

Her whole body was tingling with electricity.

It hurts, it definitely hurts!


Soon, He Tiantian discovered that when she was frantically running the Five Elements of Heaven, there was a strange spiritual power in her Dantian, which happened to be fused with the power of Xuan Lei.

That mixed power instantly turned into abundant spiritual power.

He Tiantian continued to run the Five Elements Technique. With the help of the magical technique, the spiritual power traveled around the major meridians of He Tiantian's body and finally merged into her Dantian.

Then, He Tiantian was surprised to find that the spiritual power group in her Dantian had been strengthened.

Her cultivation level has improved!

Although it was only a little bit, she only suffered one thunder, didn't she?

He Tiantian:......

That's right, why are you so mean?

It was as if she wanted to be struck by thunder.

He Tiantian complained secretly while actively running the exercises, converting all the remaining thunder and lightning power in her body into spiritual power.

He Tiantian proved her guess with facts——

Sure enough, everything God arranges has a reason.

She, "Chu Baozhu", has completely become the "tool" of God's daughter Su Nuan.

"Su Xiaonuan! Just watch with your eyes wide open and see that I was almost reduced to charcoal just because I was trying to help you!"

"...You must remember my kindness from now on and never let me down! Do you understand?!"

He Tiantian no longer scolded God, but took the opportunity to ask for credit and sell favors to Su Nuan!

Su Nuan had already rushed to He Tiantian, wanting to use herself as a human shield to protect her sister Baozhu when the next thunderbolt arrived.


Su Nuan quickly discovered something was wrong.

Sister Baozhu was hit by a mysterious thunder, and she looked very embarrassed on the outside, but her soul was not injured.

There is even an illusion that "the more you get hit, the more energetic you will be."

Su Nuan shook her head vigorously, how could she think so?

Sister Baozhu is bearing the pain that she shouldn't have to endure on her behalf.

She didn't say to help, but she still made random suspicions here.

But then, Su Nuan heard He Tiantian's shouts.

The weird feeling in my heart became stronger.

Ahem, it's not that Su Nuan is just thinking, it's because she knows her sister Baozhu too well.

If Sister Baozhu was really in pain at this moment, she would definitely scold God and "Su Xiaonuan".

Amidst the scolding, Sister Baozhu would also mix in various pleas.

Anyway, Sister Baozhu must look very embarrassed at the moment.

She will definitely not be the tragic heroic image of "righteousness" and "sacrifice for you" now!

Sister Baozhu can take the opportunity to claim credit. There is only one possibility: in the lightning strike she just suffered, not only was Sister Baozhu not seriously injured, she also seemed to have received some benefits!

even so!

Su Nuan will not be "relieved" just yet.

Because Sister Baozhu was in real pain when she was hit by thunder, and her hair was burnt.

There are also some injuries on the surface of the body. In some places, even the skin and flesh are...

The smell of burnt coriander filled the air, and Su Nuan couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of spit even if she didn't want to.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Nuan shook her head vigorously to get rid of all the messy thoughts in her head.

At this time, the second thunder had thundered down.

Although Su Nuan guessed that Sister Baozhu might benefit from being struck by lightning, such as purifying her spiritual roots, helping her practice, etc.

However, these are just speculations. Su Nuan cannot just watch Sister Baozhu suffer the thunder disaster for her because of some speculations!


The second thunder circled around the black turtle shell, circled above Su Nuan's head, and aimed very accurately at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ...Although there are advantages to being struck by thunder, but God, your performance is too obvious.

Su Nuann couldn't care less about complaining and shouted "Sister Baozhu".

With a powerful swoop, she protected He Tiantian under her body and faced Xuan Lei with her back.

Su Nuan quickly performed the exercises, closed her eyes, and waited for being struck by thunder.

After a while, the expected pain did not come.

Su Nuan blinked her eyes, her childish face was full of confusion!

What does this thunder tribulation mean?

"Su Xiaonuan, get down quickly!"

When Su Nuan used her small body to protect herself, He Tiantian's heart was filled with emotion.

What a wonderful child, who knows how to repay gratitude even before he is seven years old.

He Tiantian only felt that all her efforts towards Su Nuan were indeed in vain.

Ahem, of course, when protecting and taking care of Su Nuan, He Tiantian also had a lot of fun with her mouth, and even bossed the little girl around.

In addition, He Tiantian initially chose to save Su Nuan for the purpose of maintaining his character and building a closer relationship with the male protagonist.

In short, she took advantage of Su Nuan.

How could He Tiantian not be moved by her utilitarian efforts, but received the other party's wholehearted trust and support?

It's a pity that He Tiantian has to maintain her character at all times, and there are destined to be no moments of tenderness between her and Su Nuan.

He Tiantian's willfulness is mixed with a little disgust. If you look closely, you will find that she even has a hint of eagerness.

"You are so small, as big as a pea. Even if you want to block me, how much can you block for me?"

"Okay, okay! Come down quickly!"

"I am your Sister Baozhu. As long as I am here, of course I can't let you get hurt at all!"

He Tiantian said it "righteously".

Before Su Nuan could express emotion or be moved, her sharp ears heard her muttering: "Besides, didn't you see it? That damn Xuan Lei seemed to have targeted me!"

Su Nuan:......

She passively let He Tiantian pull her off.

He raised his little head numbly, and sure enough he saw a ball of thunder and lightning lingering above his head.

Suddenly, Su Nuan had a naughty and bad thought in her heart.

She jumped on He Tiantian again and blocked her head with her body.

When doing this, Su Nuan did not close her eyes, but watched the thunder and lightning in mid-air.

The thunder and lightning did not crackle down, but made a roaring sound while circling around.

It seems to have really identified Sister Baozhu, and is not willing to kill anyone except her.

Su Nuan didn't wait for He Tiantian to drive away again, and jumped off of He Tiantian.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Su Nuan's eyes never left the ball of thunder and lightning.

Therefore, she clearly saw that the moment she left Sister Baozhu, the thunder and lightning moved again.

Su Nuan's mouth twitched.

I raised my little head and looked at the thunder and lightning and the sky. Well, I couldn't see anything. There was just a thick turtle shell in front of my eyes.

In the end, Su Nuan had no choice but to turn her attention to Sister Baozhu.

What on earth is going on?

Does God really have eyes or is he blind?

Just when Su Nuan was doubting life and the world, the second thunderbolt aimed at He Tiantian's head, and with a kacha sound, it crashed down.

There is another burst of burnt aroma.

He Tiantian was covered in darkness and her body was swaying this way and that.

She didn't dare to relax and kept running the Five Elements Technique of Jitian from beginning to end.

The spiritual power group in her Dantian was strengthened again.

He Tiantian had a hunch that if there was another thunder, she would be able to reach a small level.

I thought to myself that the third mysterious thunder was coming.


He Tiantian couldn't watch anymore.

Fortunately, she was still able to take some time out of her busy schedule, and kept shouting at Su Nuan: "Su Xiaonuan, you have to remember, it was me who helped you withstand the thunder disaster of the Nine Heavens Xuan Lei!"

"Wow, Su Xiaonuan, you must repay me well in the future, otherwise, you will be ungrateful!"

"...I'm so good to you. For you, I, I'm almost roasted!"

"Su Xiaonuan, Su Nuan, you can't forget how nice I am to you!"

Along with the rumbling thunder, He Tiantian roared hard.

Su Nuan:......

Speechless and choked!

She's completely numb, okay? !

After finally surviving the ninth thunder, Su Nuan had given up her defensive posture and sat cross-legged next to He Tiantian to consolidate her cultivation.

He Tiantian is here, standing next to Lei Pi, using the power of thunder and lightning to temper the messy spiritual roots.

After she endured the last thunder, she was pleasantly surprised to find that her cultivation level at the fourth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage had been upgraded to the fifth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage!

It has completely improved to a new level.

After He Tiantian entered this small world, she has been practicing the Wuji Art of her junior uncle.

Wujijue is a god-level skill. In the world of Mofa metaphysics where spiritual energy is not sufficient, it can allow the young master uncle to practice all the way to ascension, which is enough to prove that the skill is heaven-defying!

The small world that He Tiantian lives in is extremely full of spiritual energy.

She is extremely familiar with Wuji Jue personally.

This time, He Tiantian is not lacking in spiritual energy, skills, and training. It stands to reason that her cultivation level will not be too bad.

However, after working hard for several months, those who started practicing later than her were almost able to catch up with her.

She has so many advantages, but she is only slightly stronger than Su Nuan and Mo Xiaoxiao.

The reason should be that the body He Tiantian traveled through was too weak.

Although he didn't have the opportunity to test his spiritual roots, He Tiantian had a vague feeling when he was practicing.

Her Dantian was like a balloon with several holes stuck in it.

She finally managed to draw the energy into her body, but the spiritual energy quickly dissipated before He Tiantian could use his skills to convert it into spiritual power.

In the end, there was only a few drops left in the Dantian, barely enough for He Tiantian to practice.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

With such dilapidated spiritual roots, He Tiantian doubted that the five spiritual roots were all the best, and there might be more messy and unbearable spiritual roots.

And the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder that Su Nuan used when he was promoted seems to be specially able to cut through the messy spiritual roots of the original owner and purify them!

Today, He Tiantian still has holes in her dantian, but they are much better than before.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that He Tiantian was able to improve his cultivation to a small level in a short thunderstorm is enough to explain the problem.

"God, you really go to any lengths to favor your own daughter!"

After He Tiantian digested the remaining thunder and lightning power in her body, she couldn't help but complain in her heart.

No longer practicing, He Tiantian felt the pain in her body.


It hurts so much. From my hair to my toes, every part and cell of my body hurts.

It is a good thing to be able to purify spiritual roots, but "good things take a long time to come."

He Tiantian needs to pay the price of being struck by thunder.

"Sister Baozhu, are you okay?"

Su Nuan finally opened her eyes as she heard constant gasping sounds in her ears.

She looked at He Tiantian with concern. She wanted to touch him with her little hands, but she was afraid of hurting him...

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