The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 716 The long-lost villain (36)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"A certain Han Xiao, this is my disciple Long Jiaojiao."

The aloof monk was just like his temperament, arrogant, cold, and repulsive to others.

Even if he takes the initiative to chat, he is still so cold and aloof.

When speaking, he was concise and to the point, refusing to say a word more.

However, this man has outstanding appearance and outstanding temperament. The key is his invisible cultivation, which makes him look as indestructible as an immortal.

There are no ugly men or women in the world of immortality, but this monk named Han Xiao is still extremely outstanding.

Three views follow the five senses, and most people have the potential to control their appearance.

Han Xiao's image directly conceals some shortcomings in his personality, making it difficult for people to dislike him.

However, the master is aloof and unapproachable, but the apprentice is lively, cute and innocent.

There is a naive look on his face that is ignorant of the world, and his small mouth is chattering, which is very endearing.

"Little sister, you are really amazing. You are not yet seven years old, and you are already able to hunt level four monsters by yourself!"

"Who is your master? She must be very powerful."

"Hehe, this is my master, he is the best to me..."

"Eh? Big sister, you, you are so majestic. You look like a noble lady at first glance!"

Ever since she stepped onto the black turtle shell, Long Jiaojiao's mouth didn't stop.

The key is that what people say is very enjoyable to listen to.

After she finished praising Su Nuan, she came to praise He Tiantian.

Her tone was sincere and her eyes were bright. Even Miss Chu, who liked to find fault with others, couldn't help but show a reserved look like "You have a good eye for me" after hearing her various compliments.

"Little girl, you are very good!"

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction and did not drive the master and disciple out of the black turtle shell because of Han Xiao's stinky appearance.

She even had the time to chat with the other party, "You must not be monks from the Nine Nether Sea Area, right? Which continent are you from? Yuancang Continent?"

Chu Baozhu was not a gossip, so He Tiantian deliberately showed an expression of "I'm not curious, I'm just condescending and polite."

Han Xiao still looked calm.

A strange color flashed in Long Jiaojiao's eyes, but she didn't know because of He Tiantian's words that touched her emotions.

After a brief moment of uneasiness, Jiaojiao shook her head and nodded, looking a bit cute.

He Tiantian thought, oh, this scene, this character seems familiar.

The cold and powerful master VS the cute and useless disciple.

If the divorce flow, counterattack flow, mortal flow, etc. are the main themes of men's fairy tales, then the master-disciple relationship is an enduring theme of women's fairy tales.

If you study it carefully, you will find that the so-called master-disciple essay is actually similar to the Bazong essay.

The master (that is, the male protagonist) who is so outstanding that he can influence the entire world of immortality has lived in a cold and loving way for thousands of years.

Hong Luan's heart finally fell in love, but he ignored the second fairy who was the right match for him and had the same cultivation level as him. Instead, he fell in love with the pretty disciple who was either cute, naive, or reckless and loved to get into trouble.

The disciple doesn't need to be powerful, nor does she need to be beautiful or noble, she just needs to be pure and innocent.

Even a little silly, a little naughty, and even cuter!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian:......

Master and Boss are just as blind.

In other words, these men are all the same in nature. In fact, they all like the feeling of being looked up to and worshiped by little women.

They don't want to be evenly matched, nor do they want to be equals. What they enjoy is always being on top.


This was the early routine for cultivating immortal literature.

With the development of the times, the online literary world has also begun to introduce new ideas.

Readers not only complained about Ba Zong's article, but also began to perform anti-routine interpretations of the article about cultivating immortals.

For example, the Xiu Xian female partner has awakened and no longer chases the tall (Yan) and cold (Xia) male protagonist. She either pursues a beautiful career alone, or has sex with the affectionate male partner.

Men, on the other hand, are a bit bitchy at heart. What you can’t get is the best.

The female partner no longer chases the male protagonist, but they can find the "sparkling points" in the female partner.

As for the cute disciple, after losing the love filter, she is just a little girl with ordinary appearance, ordinary talent, lack of motivation... and a whole host of shortcomings.

As a result, the original heroine in the heroine cultivating immortality novel became darkened, from being innocent and innocent to having ulterior motives.

Well, this is just like some romance heroines in ancient novels. In the past, they were innocent and beautiful, but now they smell like tea and bitch.

"...It seems that my intuition is right!"

He Tiantian's mind was full of messy thoughts.

However, she had an inexplicable certainty: the world was not as simple as she saw.

And there seems to be a big problem with the so-called script!

"Are you going to Tianshan Mountain?"

While He Tiantian was thinking about it secretly, Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao were already chatting passionately.

Han Xiao remained silent and did not interrupt the chat between the two little girls.

But when she heard Su Nuan say that they were going to Tianshan Mountain, she couldn't help but interject.

"Senior Han, do you know Tianhuo Mountain?"

Su Nuan had a pink little loli face, and her tone became more mature and steady than her age.

She couldn't see through Han Xiao's cultivation level, so she knew that this young and cold-looking monk had at least a cultivation level of Foundation Establishment Dzogchen or above.

Maybe he is still a golden elixir monk.

It was two realms higher than hers, and Su Nuan didn't dare to neglect him at all.

"Well, I passed by a few years ago!"

Han Xiao said lightly.

He suddenly asked, "You went to Tianshan Mountain to temper the turtle's shell?"

While at sea, Han Xiao noticed the black turtle shell that looked like a small island.

With such a huge turtle shell, the dead black turtle must have lived for tens of thousands of years.

According to the level of monsters, they are at least level four monsters.

Among the "sisters" in front of them, the younger sister has an incredible talent for cultivation and has successfully built a foundation at a young age.

As for my sister, her spiritual roots are messy, but by some chance, she has reached the middle stage of Qi training.

With their combined cultivation, they couldn't possibly be the opponent of the Ten Thousand Years Black Turtle.

It was probably another chance that allowed them to get the black turtle shell by chance.

Just now, when Jiaojiao was chatting with the little girl named Su Nuan, Han Xiao learned that the other young lady, who looked a bit arrogant, was actually an alchemist and weapon refiner.

When Su Nuan fought, the talismans, elixirs, formation disks, etc. were all refined by this person himself.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Combining these, Han Xiao naturally guessed the purpose of the sisters running to Tianshan Mountain regardless of danger.

"Senior Han is really amazing, he guessed it right!"

Su Nuan quickly flattered her.

After staying with Sister Baozhu for a long time, Su Nuan became better and better at this kind of flattery.

Han Xiao's tight lips relaxed slightly.

The little girl in front of me is somewhat similar to Jiaojiao.

However, the little girl is a bit more "philistine" at her young age.

Unlike his Jiaojiao, it was like a piece of white paper, but also like a pool of clear spring.

So simple, so pure!

"Senior Han, if it is convenient, can you tell us the specific location of Tianshan Mountain and what to pay attention to?"

As Su Nuan said this, he handed over a piece of roasted monster meat skewer.

Han Xiao:......

He has long since gone without food, and has not eaten these mortal foods full of smoke and smoke for many years.

However, the taste of this monster meat skewer is really overbearing.

Han Xiao's Taoist heart, which he thought was stable, was slightly touched.


The familiar sound of swallowing came to his ears, and Han Xiao's mood became better and better.

This greedy little girl, a meat skewer can completely destroy her image!

Han Xiao secretly disliked it, but his face couldn't help but reveal a doting expression.


Long Jiaojiao pulled Han Xiao's sleeve, and her voice drew out for a long time.

"Eat it!"

Han Xiao took the meat skewers from Su Nuan and handed them to Long Jiaojiao.

Long Jiaojiao suddenly smiled and said sweetly: "Thank you, Master", and then she took big bites of the meat skewers.

If you eat someone else's food, even though it's the idiot's fault, you still owe the other party a share of cause and effect.

Moreover, Han Xiao had an inexplicable premonition that in the future, he would have a cause and effect that would fall on these sisters.

Of course, no one can be sure of what will happen in the future.

However, meeting is fate, and Han Xiao vaguely saw his disciple's childhood appearance in Su Nuan.

Han Xiao couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted.

He was rare and enthusiastic and explained the situation of Tianhuo Mountain to Su Nuan in detail, and personally drew a chart of the Jiuyou Sea.

"These places are haunted by high-level demon kings. If you don't have the cultivation level of the Golden Core Stage, don't enter easily!"

"Also, this place is said to be the ruins of an ancient dragon palace, but in fact, it has long been occupied by a level nine monster..."

Han Xiao introduced it carefully, and when he mentioned the ninth-level monster, there was a clear flash of fear in his eyes.

Obviously, he had suffered a big loss at the hands of that monster!

"Level 9 monster?"

Su Nuan's heart was shocked. Oh my god, it's level nine, which is equivalent to the cultivation level of a human monk in the stage of becoming a god.

The monks in the god-transformation stage are already demi-god-level existences.

There is only one step away from ascending.

In addition, due to the physical strength of monsters and their innate inheritance, monsters are better than humans at the same level of cultivation!

Su Nuan could not imagine how powerful that level nine monster was.

And the senior Han in front of him encountered a level nine monster, but he was still able to escape with all his beard and tail intact, which is enough to prove his power!

Han Xiao:......

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In fact, he was also confused.

When he encountered the ninth-level demon king, he thought he was certain to die.

In fact, he breathed his last.

At this moment, suddenly there was a magical force blowing gently.

The ninth-level monster was stunned for a moment.

Han Xiao took the opportunity to escape, finally saved his life, and also picked up a treasure.

Afterwards, when Han Xiao recalled the whole process, he was filled with doubts——

What exactly is that power?

It seems like it can change the whole small world!

Is it the power of heaven?


Han Xiao was puzzled, and in the end he could only regard it as God's protection.

He, Han, should not die!

Moreover, after this disaster, Han Xiao's cultivation successfully broke through the Nascent Soul stage.

At the age of less than a hundred years old, he successfully became a Nascent Soul monster, setting a new record for cultivation in Yuancang Continent!

After improving his cultivation and taking in a dull little disciple, Han Xiao felt that his trip to the Nine Nether Sea was successfully completed.

He was preparing to return to the Far Cang Continent.

Zongmen, Han family, he still has some unresolved causes and effects!

Han Xiao's face was still cold and cold, but he was thinking a lot in his heart.

Maybe his experience was quite successful, and Su Nuan seemed to like the little girl a little bit, so Han Xiao became more patient.

"Yes, there is a level nine demon beast in the Nine Nether Sea! He is worthy of being the demon king!"

"However, you don't need to worry too much. As long as you avoid these dangerous places, you will be fine!"

"Furthermore, even if something happens, it is still an experience. Cultivation is not a smooth journey. If you worry too much, you might as well just hide in Pingyuan Continent!"

When Han Xiao said this, his eyes couldn't help but drift to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian:......

Senior Han, Brother Han, you, such a cold and cold male god, can you criticize Huai like this, okay?

Seeing Han Xiao like this, He Tiantian couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

Is this person aloof or has low emotional intelligence?

The words I said really made me choke.

"Thank you, Senior Han, for your advice!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Su Nuan quickly jumped out to smooth things over.

She bowed her hands respectfully to Han Xiao.

Long Jiaojiao had already finished eating a meat skewer and stretched out her little hand towards Su Nuan, "Little sister, I want more!"

"Okay! Yes, there is more!"

Seeing that the master's apprentice was so capable, Su Nuan greeted him warmly in order to continue to ease the atmosphere.

There were kebabs, teppanyaki, and a plate of sashimi so fresh that it made my eyebrows fall off.

Long Jiaojiao was so excited that she had a lot of soup on her fair and tender face.

"Eat slowly! No one will compete with you!"

When Han Xiao saw such a cute disciple, his thousand-year-old eyes seemed to melt.

He Tiantian:......

Ahem, what kind of metaphor are these?

He Tiantian murmured secretly, and then watched Su Nuan chatting with Long Jiaojiao coldly.

The two girls, who are more than ten years apart in age but have very similar personalities, get together, chattering and making little moves.

When Han Xiao was about to say goodbye, Long Jiaojiao and Su Nuan were so hard to leave.

"Nuan Nuan, I'm waiting for you in Yuancang Continent! Oh, by the way, my master is a disciple of Tianyan Sect. Come to Tianyan Sect to find me!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Okay, Jiaojiao, when I come back from Tianshan Mountain, I will go to Tianyan Sect to find you!"

Two lolita, one big and one small, said goodbye reluctantly.

He Tiantian had a look of disgust and impatience on her face, but she was secretly thinking in her heart——

Tian Yan Sect!

Han Xiao!

The former, He Tiantian naturally knew, was one of the four immortal sects mentioned in the original script.

Once the boss, now the bottom.

It's just that this Han Xiao really doesn't seem to have any sense of existence.

There was a man named Han in the original script, but his name was Han Peng, and he was a vicious male supporting character who was against the male protagonist.


Han Peng has a goddess he admires. That goddess seems to have a fiancé named Han, but that person is not Han Peng.

Could it be that this is Han Xiao?

Alas, there is no way, this book is a eunuch.

The author has laid out a lot of plot in the early stage and created many supporting characters and supporting characters. Unfortunately, the book has become a eunuch before the climax of the plot.

But this small world derived from the novel is real and runs on its own according to a certain setting.

In "reality" there will be many characters not mentioned in the script, which is normal.

Not to mention, with writers like He Tiantian and Mo Xiaoxiao revising and continuing to write the script, the direction of the plot will only become more different...

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