The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 717 The long-lost villain (38)

"Su Xiaonuan, let me tell you, you are only one thunder tribulation away from the golden elixir now. You are not allowed to form the elixir easily!"

After He Tiantian finished eating the monster hot pot, he lay lazily on the imperial concubine's couch and gave Su Nuan "daily reminders."

Ever since Su Nuan entered the foundation-building stage of Dzogchen, He Tiantian has come here almost every day.

She seems to be more afraid of the thunder disaster she will face when she is promoted than Su Nuan.

The reason is very simple. When Su Nuan is promoted and encounters the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder, the person struck by the lightning is most likely "Chu Baozhu".

Although Chu Baozhu has special spiritual roots, he has also practiced the Five Elements Jue of Jitian.

You can get certain benefits from thunder tribulation.

But don't forget, Chu Baozhu is an arrogant young lady who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

For her, the benefits gained from the thunder tribulation were far outweighed by the pain she suffered.

"Why do I have to suffer this? I am now a yellow-level high-level weapon refiner and alchemist, and I am about to break through to the earth level!"

"Earth-level alchemist! Earth-level weapon refiner! Earth-level talisman master! Su Xiaonuan, do you know what these mean?"

"It means that even if my cultivation is only at the pitiful foundation-building stage, there are still a lot of monks who please me and compliment me!"

"In addition, with my elixirs, spiritual weapons, talismans, formation disks, puppets and other things, I don't know how many spiritual stones I can sell!"

She is rich and respected everywhere. Why should she enjoy herself to the fullest? Why would she risk being struck to death by making a wedding dress for others?

Anyway, her spiritual roots are not very pure, but it is not that she has no spiritual roots.

The speed of cultivation is a bit slower, but it doesn’t mean that cultivation is impossible!

Moreover, her bone age is only twenty-six years old this year, but she has already reached the third level of foundation building (cultivation after suppression).

She is already far, far ahead of her peers, okay? !

"Sister Baozhu, promotion is not something I can decide!"

Su Nuan smiled bitterly.

Last year she entered the foundation building stage and reached Great Consummation.

It seemed like we were only one step away from promotion.

However, this last step is particularly difficult.

Su Nuan fights with various monsters and beasts in the Nine Nether Sea every day, and her cultivation is definitely not the kind of thing that looks like it is piled up with pills.

She has absolute and powerful fighting ability.

Especially a few months ago, they encountered the ninth-level demon king.

Even if the other party is seriously injured, he is also a big boss in the God Transformation stage, and it is definitely not something that two young monks in the Foundation Establishment stage can easily deal with.

Su Nuan fought against the ninth-level demon king, and she was seriously injured and exhausted several times.

Fortunately, she had a large amount of elixirs given to her by Sister Baozhu, and she ate the Spirit Gathering Pill and the Qi and Blood Pill as jelly beans.

A lot of talismans and formation disks were thrown out, and she barely managed to earn a living.

She pulled He Tiantian and made a mad escape under the sea.

That sense of crisis, that sense of urgency, made the spiritual liquid in Su Nuan's dantian ready to move.

Almost in the next moment, Su Nuan was able to gather the spiritual liquid into elixirs and come directly to the scene to make a breakthrough.

Still He Tiantian, when she was running for her life, she did not forget to shout at Su Nuan: "Su Xiaonuan, no breakthrough! No breakthrough!"

"...It's miserable enough to run for your life, but I don't want to be struck by lightning!"

Su Nuan:......

Sister Baozhu poured a basin of cold water over her pocket, and the spirit liquid in Su Nuan's dantian that was about to gather into a pill was instantly cooled down.

However, with this experience of escaping from the mouth of the ninth-level demon king, Su Nuan had a clearer understanding of the Golden Pill.

As long as she has the right opportunity, she can complete it in one go.

Unfortunately, Sister Baozhu has not allowed her to break through at sea.

Uh, no, to be precise, Sister Baozhu did not allow her to form the golden elixir before she was "prepared" enough.

The so-called preparations, in addition to getting some elixirs, spiritual stones, spiritual weapons and other items for Su Nuan to use in his breakthrough, were mainly because "Chu Baozhu" wanted to refine a spiritual weapon to protect himself from lightning.

However, although the sea is rich in resources, it still lacks certain materials.

And the most important point is that "Chu Baozhu" is about to break through to the prefecture level alchemy and weapon refining master.

But she didn't have a better elixir recipe or weapon refining technique in her hands.

The technique she has been practicing was obtained by Su Hao for her when she was in Haicheng.

The most basic street goods, He Tiantian can break through to the yellow level, which is already very powerful.

If you want to refine more advanced elixirs and spiritual weapons, you must enter the continent of human monks to find better elixirs and techniques.

"But don't worry, I will try my best to suppress it before arriving at Wu Cang Mansion!"

Su Nuan knew this very well, so in order to avoid trouble along the way, Su Nuan did not hunt monsters too wantonly.

She was afraid that she would provoke a high-level and powerful monster. During the fierce battle, she had to break through on the spot in order to save her life.

Sister Baozhu doesn't want to be struck by lightning, so why doesn't Su Nuan feel distressed?

The relationship between her and Sister Baozhu has long transcended blood ties and become the closest family members.

"It's good to know!"

He Tiantian's face showed his trademark willfulness and arrogance.

Hearing Su Nuan mention Wu Cang Mansion, He Tiantian suddenly became interested: "How far are we from Wu Cang Mansion?"

"Oh, after ten years at sea, I have almost forgotten the feeling of being 'down to earth'!"

"What kind of place is Wocang Mansion? Isn't it the same as Haicheng?"

"I don't know if people in the city will bully students. They see us as bumpkins who just came to the city, so they come to bully us!"

Xu Shi was really tired of the boring and lonely life at sea. When he mentioned the mainland he was about to arrive, He Tiantian was very excited.

She talked nonchalantly, and when she mentioned "bullying students", her eyes actually shone brightly.

Su Nuan:......

Sister Baozhu, if you didn't have so much eagerness to try in your eyes, I would believe your "worry".

Still bullying students?


Wucang Mansion is a small city on the outermost edge of Yuancang Continent.

Most of the monks in the city are rookies in the Qi training period.

Su Nuan and "Chu Baozhu", one built the foundation of Dzogchen and the other built the third floor.

Moreover, they have been in the Jiuyou Sea area where monsters are raging for ten years, and their fighting power is very strong.

They are still krypton gold players. If they really come to a critical moment, it is not impossible to challenge the golden elixir monks by leapfrogging!

For such cruel people, it’s okay if they don’t bully others. Who else would dare to bully them if they don’t have the foresight?

Practitioners, even if they are just starting out, are not newbies.

When you can't figure out the opponent's cultivation level, even if you are obsessed with wealth, you don't dare to take action easily.

Once you fail, you will not just be slapped in the face, but you will lose your life!

Of course, Su Nuan would never tell these truths directly.

She knows her sister Baozhu so well that she can't coax people too easily.

"Sister Baozhu, others may be regarded as a country bumpkin, but you will never be treated as such!"

"You are the noble Miss Chu. Your demeanor makes people know at a glance that you have an extraordinary background!"

"Furthermore, you are an alchemist and weapon refiner, and you are a real talent. Even a group of disciples from aristocratic families and famous families with eyes above their heads would not dare to neglect you easily!"

"...Sister Baozhu, when we get to Wu Cang Mansion, I will be completely dependent on you to protect me!"

Su Nuan's flattery made "Chu Baozhu" feel comfortable.

She raised her chin high, looked at the person through her nostrils, and said arrogantly: "Yes, I am the dignified Miss Chu! I am not some ignorant country bumpkin!"

"Su Xiaonuan, you are very good, you are discerning and aware of current affairs!"

"Don't worry, I will protect you!"

As He Tiantian spoke, a proud smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, Su Xiaonuan, you said my pills and spiritual weapons should be sold at a high price when they arrive at Wu Cang Mansion!"

With the spirit stone, she can buy elixir recipes, exercises, and good materials.

"Sure, those people are not fools. How could they not see the value of what you gave me, Sister Baozhu?"

Su Nuan continued to increase her flattery.

After being coaxed by her like this, "Chu Baozhu" smiled, completely forgetting about forming the golden elixir, and instead focused on planning what to do after arriving at Wu Cang Mansion!

Su Nuan smiled as she watched her sister Baozhu laughing proudly and busy arranging the storage bracelets.

She twisted her fingers slightly, crushing the faint trace of demonic energy in the Black Turtle's flying magic weapon.

Demonic energy!

Although it is very light, Su Nuan's cultivation is put here.

Moreover, she has been fighting monsters all year round, and her six senses are extremely sharp.

Su Nuan released her consciousness and realized that Wu Cang Mansion was close at hand, and she couldn't help but have a hint of worry in her eyes.

"In a small human monk town like Wucang Mansion, there is actually demonic energy floating in the air. It seems like something big is going to happen!"

Su Nuan thought to herself, but didn't show it at all on her face.

She didn't even tell "Chu Baozhu"——

"What are you telling Sister Baozhu to do? It's just one more person to worry about!"

Furthermore, they only entered the Far Cang Continent through Wu Cang Mansion.

What does the crisis in Wu Cang Mansion have to do with them?

Su Nuan is not selfish and cold-hearted, but self-aware.

There are four major immortal sects in Yuancang Continent, as well as many large and small sects.

The master of Wucang Mansion seems to be a disciple of Tianyuan Sect.

If there is really a problem in our Cang Mansion, those famous and decent people will come to deal with it.

These famous sects occupy the best spiritual veins and have the most cultivation resources, so they naturally have to shoulder corresponding responsibilities.

She is a casual cultivator in the foundation building stage, and she is accompanied by Sister Baozhu, who is even lower in cultivation, so she will not get involved in these things.

The Black Turtle Flying Magical Artifact finally arrived at the port outside Wucangfu City.

In the eyes of the monks and mortals who were either surprised, envious or speechless, the huge turtle shell slowly landed.

He Tiantian wore a blue dress made of shark gauze and slowly stepped out of the black turtle shell.

On the exquisite embroidered shoes are golden pearls the size of dragon eyes.

As she walked lightly, huge golden beads loomed in the hem of her skirt.

Su Nuan was like a little maid, standing beside He Tiantian, raising her hand to support her delicate hand, very considerate and respectful.

He Tiantian was very satisfied with Su Nuan's performance.

She glanced around and realized that she was the center of attention. Her chin rose even higher!

She artificially raised a finger as white as jade and gently tapped the turtle shell, which was the size of a courtyard.

The black turtle shell instantly turned into the size of a palm.

"Su Xiaonuan?"

He Tiantian did not put away the shrunken black turtle shell herself, but the eldest lady shouted to Su Nuan with great style.

Su Nuan quickly responded: "Yes, Sister Baozhu!"

While responding, Su Nuan put the black turtle shell into the storage bracelet.

"I'll go! Which family's eldest lady is this? What a grand lady!"

"How grand is this? There's only one maid beside you!"

"Tch, you are blind. Didn't you see that they have such a mysterious flying magic weapon?"

"You're blind! What kind of magical weapon! My turtle shell has reached the level of a spiritual weapon, okay?"


Spiritual weapon? !

It’s not that there are no spiritual weapons in Yuancang Continent, the four major immortal sects or several major families even have them!

But the problem is, they are here in Wu Cang Mansion.

Let's talk about these little passers-by and ordinary people, even the master of the palace in the Golden Core stage may not have such a good spiritual weapon.

And this eldest lady, handling the spiritual weapons so casually, clearly has a good family background and an extraordinary background.

"I haven't heard of any eldest lady coming to our Cang Mansion!"

"...Well, a few days ago, the master of the palace had a few distinguished guests from the four major immortal sects, but they were riding in a unified flying boat with spiritual weapons!"

"Oh, what's the point of your mumbling here? Why don't we go over and ask?"

"Yes! Maybe the eldest lady will be happy and reward us with some spiritual stones!"

A few casual cultivators standing outside the city or asking for help in Wucang Mansion were chattering and pointing at He Tiantian and the other two.

Finally, a young man who looked to be in his twenties finally plucked up the courage, smiled, and respectfully came to He Tiantian.

"Miss, this is your first time coming to my Cang Mansion. Do you need me to introduce you to it?"

He Tiantian seemed to be pleased by the young man's "Miss" and nodded reservedly, "Yes, it is indeed my first time to come to Wocang Mansion!"

"Miss, the younger one's name is Liu Cheng. He is an old man in the city and knows our Cang Mansion best. Please let me take care of you as you wander around the city."

The young man named Liu Cheng became more and more respectful, looking like a humble slave.

He Tiantian seemed to be even more satisfied, "Okay! It's you! Take us to the biggest inn in the city first!"

As He Tiantian spoke, he took out an ingot of gold from his storage bag.

She remembered that Su Hao once said that there was a record in his family's ancestor's handbook: Wocang Mansion, like Haicheng, can use gold.

When he was traveling with Su Hao, the storage bag He Tiantian made for Su Hao had limited space, so he had a lot of supplies and put them with He Tiantian.

Among them was a large amount of gold obtained by Su Hao from selling the properties of various enemies.

He Tiantian threw out a gold ingot, a total of ten taels.

You can buy a nice house in Haicheng.

He Tiantian considered that this was Wu Cang Mansion, and even though it was located on the edge, it still belonged to the world of immortality.

The most valuable currency here should be spirit stones.

Gold will definitely depreciate!

However, one ingot of gold should be enough to send a helper who leads the way!

But He Tiantian still didn't expect that the current Wu Cang Mansion was different from the past.

Ten years ago, when Su Hao passed by, he could still use gold to stay in a hotel and buy things.

Nowadays, even a low-level commoner like Liu Cheng, who relies on rewards from foreigners for a living, actually despises gold... Remember the website address of this website, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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