The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 737: The long-lost villain (58)

"Earth-level alchemist?"

"true or false?"

"This little girl looks like she is only in her twenties, but she is actually a prefecture-level alchemist?"

"Isn't it possible? How many prefecture-level alchemists do we have in the entire Yuancang Continent?"

"...It's hard to fake this kind of thing."

"Yes! Yes or no, true or false, you will know once you try it!"

Everyone was talking about it.

There were doubts, surprises, and joy, but in the end they all turned into silence.

Wait and see what happens!

We are all disciples of the four great immortal sects. People with low cultivation level have less say, so naturally they dare not speak nonsense.

But the leaders of the team are all powerful people with golden elixirs. They have high cultivation level and have a good status in the sect.

Whether it is to verify the identity of "Chu Baozhu" or to evaluate her value, these golden elixirs have their own reasons.

The four major immortal sects are headed by Tianyuan Sect.

Therefore, everyone's attention focused on True Lord Yuanyang.

Surprise flashed in Zhenjun Yuanyang's eyes, and he was desperately calculating in his heart——


That's great!

First there was a sixteen-year-old golden elixir, and then there was a twenty-five-year-old earth-level alchemist!

These two people with such extraordinary talents and amazing talents are all related to Master Su.

At that time, as long as Master Su comes forward, their Tianyuan Sect will be able to get two geniuses to join them.

He also has a share of credit for making this happen.

Just when True Lord Yuanyang was filled with joy and planning to ask Uncle Su to persuade the two geniuses to join the Tianyuan Sect, a sharp female voice rang in his ears.

True Lord Yuanyang was startled, and everyone was also a little shocked.

Because the person who is shouting is not someone else,

It is the famous Dan Fairy in Yuancang Continent!

However, at this time, Fairy Dan still has no trace of the noble, aloof, noble and dignified person she used to be?

"Nonsense! What a nonsense fanatic! You can't be an earth-level alchemist!"

"You said you are an Earth-level alchemist. What evidence do you have?"

"You, you are a liar! You are full of lies..."

Yang Yunrong was so stimulated that he completely forgot to take into account his own identity and image.

She was already pale and looked haggard from vomiting blood twice.

At this moment, she heard He Tiantian "talk nonsense" again, and she was completely in a state of madness.

First, when He Tiantian revealed that she was an earth-level alchemist, it was to ridicule and belittle the Alchemy Fairy.

Secondly, Yang Yunrong is jealous.

Yang Yunrong, who is also a female cultivator, has lived for more than a hundred years and is a Xuan-level alchemist.

As for "Chu Baozhu", he is already at the prefectural level before he is thirty years old!

Earth-level alchemist!

What kind of level is this?

Demigod level!

No matter what the cultivation level of such an alchemist is, as long as her alchemy level reaches the earth level, she can walk sideways in Yuancang Continent!

Is Yang Yunrong so popular in the past really because of her good family background and good looks?


The main reason is that she is the disciple of the Alchemy Sect who is most likely to be promoted to the prefectural level alchemist!

But now, before Yang Yunrong could make a breakthrough, another younger and more beautiful "Chu Baozhu" appeared, whose alchemy skills were comparable to that of a demon.

Even though Yang Yunrong had no sense at all, he could still understand that his days of being sought after were over!


Yang Yunrong would never allow himself to fall from the clouds into the quagmire.

And the way she wants to get rid of this fate is not to practice hard on her own, but to deny "Chu Baozhu" like crazy!

He Tiantian didn't even look at Yang Yunrong, who looked like a crazy woman.

The most humiliating way is never to scold or hit someone, but to ignore them!

Yang Yunrong: "You, you liar, you are so brave, you actually -" ignore me?

Yang Yunrong was so angry that he was shaking all over.

There was another lump in his throat.

Her eyes began to turn scarlet.

However, the focus of everyone's attention is "Chu Baozhu".

As for Yang Yunrong——

Alas, how could a good elixir fairy turn into a shrew?

Also, is this Dan Fairy confused?

She is not a mortal, but a cultivator.

Although her cultivation level is limited, she is also a serious golden elixir power.

If she really hates "Chu Baozhu", she can do it directly.

It's not like this moment, where he only yells and makes himself half angry to death.

These disciples were on the flying boat just now and did not see Su Nuan whip Yang Yunrong's magic weapon away.

They just thought that Yang Yunrong, the elixir fairy, was not calm and calm enough, just like the flowers in the greenhouse that could not bear the slightest storm.

None of the people noticed that in their hearts, Fairy Dan had fallen from the altar.

They no longer have awe and admiration for Yang Yunrong, but instead have a lot of complaints and pity.

Yang Yunrong:......

It’s even more infuriating, okay?

Long Jiaojiao saw the right opportunity and gave Yang Yunrong a critical blow——

I saw her taking out a small jade bottle from her storage bracelet and deliberately taking out the elixir.

The round elixir is surrounded by rich spiritual energy.

Golden runes are looming.

Everyone sniffed desperately, "The best elixir! But, what kind of elixir is this? It seems that I have never seen it before!"

A few golden elixir experts were more knowledgeable, and they blurted out: "Spirit Fusion Pill! The best Spirit Fusion Pill!"

This is a typical earth-level elixir.

Basically, they are rented by Nascent Soul to replenish spiritual power and nourish the soul.

Golden elixir stage monks like them are not qualified to eat!

There is no way, this kind of elixir is too scarce.

I heard that one of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures requires the blood of ancient dragons. This alone gives many earth-level alchemists a headache.

In Lancheng's Liangjie Trading Company, one middle-grade spirit-melting pill costs ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

The best spiritual elixir?

Ha, almost rarely!

Even if there is, it can be sold at a sky-high price.

At this moment, such a precious elixir appeared in front of everyone.

Forget about the others, even Zhenjun Yuanyang, who was determined to bring "Chu Baozhu" into the Tianyuan Sect, couldn't help but breathe heavily and stared at the pill in Long Jiaojiao's hand. .

"Sister Baozhu, you were struck by lightning just now, and your soul must have been impacted. Give me a spirit-melting pill!"

With that said, Long Jiaojiao casually stuffed the precious elixir into He Tiantian's mouth.

He Tiantian's eyes were full of satisfaction: Long Xiaojiao, well done!

This is the real pretense, this is Versailles!

"Ouch! How could such a precious elixir just, just -"

A powerful golden elixir carrying a spiritual sword looked a little poor. He saw He Tiantian, a monk in the foundation building stage, eating the best spiritual elixir so casually.

The monk's face was full of distress and regret——

Ouch, what a waste of natural resources.

Monks in the foundation-building stage can just take any Qi-blood pill or spirit-gathering pill!

How can I take Fusion Spirit Pill?

So much spiritual power cannot be absorbed at all, and it may burst the Dantian. It is simply a waste!

"Expensive? Is this elixir expensive?"

Long Jiaojiao tilted her little head, she was naive and ignorant.

What he said made everyone present feel envious, jealous and hateful.

"These elixirs are all refined by my sister Baozhu, there are many of them!"

Long Jiaojiao continued to speak stimulating words.

She said it easily, but her heart ached a little: Wow, drawing blood or something, it hurts!

Moreover, she was too young and her cultivation level was too low. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the Melting Spirit Pill, she did not randomly draw blood from her body, but chose the most essential drop of her heart blood.

Sister Baozhu did not ask her where the "dragon blood" came from, but she cherished it very much.

When refining the spirit-melting elixir, Sister Baozhu was extremely cautious and succeeded in one attempt, with six elixirs in one batch.

Three top quality pieces, two high quality pieces, and one medium quality piece!

Although not all of them are top-quality, the elixir-formation rate is as high as 100%, which is absolutely heaven-defying!

However, if you want to show off now, naturally you can't take out the middle grade.

Long Jiaojiao simply took out a top-grade elixir that Sister Baozhu had given her for safekeeping.

"Yes! You can eat the elixir I refined myself as you like!"

He Tiantian was so satisfied with Long Jiaojiao that after she finished eating the elixir, she secretly started her junior uncle's Wuji Art.

Convert all the wisps of demonic energy around you into the spiritual energy needed for cultivation.

Yes, transform the demonic energy!

This is the most domineering part of Junior Master's Wuji Jue.

It can not only absorb spiritual energy, but also absorb any kind of energy fluctuations between heaven and earth.

Whether it's demonic energy, turbid energy, evil energy... it's all okay.

"By the way, give Su Xiaonuan one too! She just broke through and healed me again, and her spiritual power was severely reduced!"

He Tiantian said carelessly.

That kind of indifferent expression is really annoying!

The eyes of several golden elixir masters were red.

It's not because of the invasion of demonic energy, it's just jealousy!

Wow, I am so powerful in the Golden Pill, that is, I am only willing to take the Fusion Spirit Pill when I break through the small realm.

Unexpectedly, these little girls in front of me, who have obviously been promoted successfully and have good hands and feet, actually want to take the Spirit Gathering Pill.

He still had such a scornful attitude, as if what he was taking was not some expensive elixir, but a jelly bean!

"As expected of an earth-level alchemist! Such heroic spirit!"

Someone muttered secretly.

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Yes, if you weren't able to make elixirs yourself, how could you be so casual?

By this time, no one doubted He Tiantian's identity as an earth-level alchemist.

"Impossible! This, how is this possible?"

"Earth-level alchemist! It is impossible for a cultivation level in the foundation-building stage to reach a low-level level at the age of twenty-something?"

Yang Yunrong was greatly stimulated, as if in a daze, and kept mumbling.

He Tiantian continued to ignore Yang Yunrong, and she suddenly remembered the topic she had not finished talking about just now.

She took it again and said, "Hey, Su Xiaonuan and Long Xiaojiao, do you think I, as a dignified earth-level alchemist, should also have a name?"

"Well, Fairy Dan definitely can't do it! The layout is too small, and she sounds like an ignorant little girl!"

While He Tiantian was showing off, he also didn't forget to step on Yang Yunrong again.

Yang Yunrong was still immersed in the emotion of "disbelief" and did not hear what He Tiantian said.

Maybe she heard it and just didn't want to face it.

"Alchemy God? Alchemy Emperor?"

He Tiantian tilted her head, and she said one ridiculous name after another.

True Lord Yuanyang and other powerful golden elixirs frowned and their foreheads twitched——

This earth-level alchemist should have a very high level of alchemy, but he is just not humble enough.

Even if you are proud, you cannot be so unscrupulous.

This is simply arrogant and arrogant!

Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao felt that "it's true".

Right, this is Chu Baozhu.

Even if she becomes a master of alchemy, she cannot change her arrogant and willful nature!


People who have no ability will be called arrogant and unruly if they show their temper.

And people who are capable, or in other words, have great abilities, show off their temper and have personality.

Even if everyone is dissatisfied, they will hold it back and endure it, not daring to explode, for fear of offending the "big shot".

The once arrogant young lady may not have the talent for cultivation and her cultivation level is not high, but now she has become a highly praised expert by virtue of her heaven-defying alchemy skills!

Su Hao and Mo Xiaoxiao couldn't tell what they were feeling in their hearts, so they could only watch in silence.

"Sister Baozhu, Dan Huang sounds very nice and domineering!"

Long Jiaojiao gave a thumbs up and sincerely praised it.

In fact, Alchemy is not bad either.

However, gods and immortals are opposite to each other. Yang Yunrong has already occupied the word "immortal", while Long Jiaojiao somewhat rejects the word "god".

Furthermore, putting aside her personal grudge with Yang Yunrong, Long Jiaojiao did not think that Yang Yunrong's alchemy skills could be compared with her sister Baozhu.

"Sister Baozhu, I also think Danhuang is good!"

Su Nuan tilted her head and thought for a while, then said seriously.

"Elixir Emperor? Egg yolk?"

As a arrogant young lady, He Tiantian found fault with her every day.

She curled her lips and said with some dissatisfaction, "I'm not an egg, so I don't want the yolk!"

Su Nuan \u0026 Long Jiaojiao: ...o(╯□╰)o.

They didn't think of egg yolk at all.

It can only be said that my sister Baozhu's brain circuit is indeed different from that of ordinary people like them.

"The emperor is the king, otherwise, I will call you Queen Dan!"

He Tiantian worked hard enough to maintain her character.

I directly took out an Internet meme from later generations.

Queen Dan, right?

Why does this sound so awkward?

Moreover, the Queen of Dan is a little, a little weird.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao didn't know what middle school was, but they still instinctively felt that Queen Dan was neither fish nor fowl.

However, the two little followers have a unified understanding——

If Sister Baozhu says yes, that’s good!


The two little sisters said hello together.

"Sister Baozhu, I will call you Queen Dan from now on!"

"That's right, the Dan Queen, how powerful and domineering?! She sounds much better than the Dan Fairy!"

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao echoed each other eagerly.

The people around them endured the twitching of their foreheads and mouths, and sparsely shouted: "Queen Dan! I've seen Queen Dan!"

Well, it's not that they are too lazy, it's true that in the world of immortality, alchemists cannot be easily offended.

Earth-level alchemists are even more demi-god-level beings, so they don’t dare to provoke them.

Yang Yunrong: ...Bullshit Dan Queen!

This Chu Baozhu is deliberately trying to overwhelm this fairy!

"Master! Master! Where are you?"

Yang Yunrong was filled with anger. At this moment, he heard the voice of his disciple Han Susu, and Yang Yunrong finally had someone to vent to.


When Yang Yunrong saw Han Susu's figure, he raised his hand and there was a burst of spiritual power.

Han Susu was beaten so hard that she fell from mid-air into the Wuji Sea.

The surging waves are pitch black, like the Netherworld Sea in the Demon Realm... Remember the website address, WWW. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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