The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 795: The former heroine of the sadomasochistic novel (13)

There was a sound.

The silver spoon made a crisp sound when it touched the white porcelain coffee cup.

Xuanyuan He Xun passed by and saw "Shi Ling'er" panicking.

Feeling Xuanyuan He's gaze, He Tiantian hurriedly raised her head, "I, I don't want to see him."

There was panic, grievance, and a hint of anger in his voice.

Well, the little girl in front of me is like a willful little princess.

Xuanyuan He narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he only talked to "Shi Ling'er" for a few words, he already knew a little about her——

So simple that it's almost stupid.

It's almost laughably naive.

Her mind is full of love and love, but she has the arrogance and willfulness of a princess.

To put it bluntly, she is a selfish, stupid woman.

Yesterday, she could lead a wolf into the house and harm the entire clan because of a man;

Tomorrow, she will fall in love with another man and destroy her former lover completely!

She always loves herself the most.

As a prince who grew up in the palace, Xuanyuan He had seen many kinds of people and had already figured out human nature.

Although the case of "Shi Ling'er" is rare, Xuanyuan He can still see through her appearance through her appearance.

"Okay! I'll help you stop him!"

Xuanyuan He was extremely gentle.

Like Helian Huang, he has genes from foreign races.

The only difference is probably that He Lianhuang has blue eyes like sea water, while Xuanyuan He has green pupils like emeralds.

He has blond hair, fair skin, deep eye sockets, and a high bridge of nose.

The advantage of being a mixed race is clearly demonstrated in him.

He is as handsome as He Lianhuang, but his style is completely different.

Helianhuang is a cold and arrogant general, while Xuanyuan He is a gentle and noble prince.

As for the same prince, Xuanyuan He is different from the princes of the Shi family that "Shi Ling'er" is familiar with.

The Divine Lion Dynasty is more inclined to the feudal dynasty of the Ancient Blue Star. The Xuanyuan family, although bearing the Chinese surname, is more international.

Xuanyuan He, the most outstanding prince of the Empire Star, was like a prince charming from a Western fairy tale.

The first time "Shi Ling'er" saw Xuanyuan He, he was attracted by this temperament that he had never seen before.

Of course, the current "Shi Ling'er" loves He Lianhuang the most.

However, her lack of concentration when she saw Xuanyuan He made Xuanyuan He see through "Shi Ling'er".

Xuanyuan He believed that as long as he was given time, he would be able to make "Shi Ling'er" fall in love with her.

[The Spirit Beast Star, Red Lanthanum Ore, and even the First Legion will only be mine! 】

Xuanyuan He secretly swore in his heart.

He Tiantian seemed not to see the calculation and ambition flashing in Xuanyuan He's eyes.

She had long expected to "encounter" Xuanyuan He by chance, but she still didn't expect that this man would come so quickly and block him directly outside the Helian family's mansion.

It seemed that Xuanyuan He was more "urgent" and energetic than she imagined.

In this way, He Tiantian can make better use of it.


Looking at Xuanyuan He's scornful expression that he thought was perfectly concealed, He Tiantian still felt like giving up on Xuanyuan He!

Yes, give up!

He Tiantian wants to find a new male protagonist to replace He Lianhuang.

But she didn’t want to choose a supporting role in the script.

Xuanyuan He is also a character in the script, at the level of a minor villain.

However, the scenes are not heavy, and there are not many "travelable" points.

The chance of Xuanyuan He becoming an wild writer is not high.

In He Tiantian's original plan, she wanted to take advantage of Xuanyuan He.

There is no way, the original master, Ling'er, is just a love brain.

There is no way she can become a heroine.

The best way He Tiantian thought of was to find another "true love" for Shi Ling'er.

Then, under Xin Huan's "control", He Tiantian had to kill He Lianhuang, and was forced to return to the Spirit Beast Planet, restore the country, and make the Spirit Beast Star truly powerful!

She will not follow the path of her 19th master. She has a better way to restore the country that is more in line with the original owner's character.

...All plans require a tool man!

At first, He Tiantian thought about Xuanyuan He or finding a descendant from the Helian family.

It was only after she had a few chats with Xuanyuan He that He Tiantian realized that she had taken things for granted.

It is true that she can draw a puppet talisman and use the talisman to control Xuanyuan He.

However, Xuanyuan He's status as a prince has both advantages and disadvantages, and He Tiantian cannot make perfect use of it.

[Forget it, let’s make a ‘tool man’ by myself. 】

Holding the coffee cup in her hand, He Tiantian still had the complicated expression on her face, but she had already made a decision in her heart.

Hearing that Xuanyuan He was willing to help, He Tiantian was first attracted by Xuanyuan He's affectionate green eyes. Then, with a pretty blushing face, she whispered: "I'm sorry to trouble you, Third Prince!"

"The princess and I hit it off immediately. It's an honor for me to be able to serve the princess. How can I talk about the word 'trouble'?"

Xuanyuan He's voice was low, like a cello humming.

And in his words, He Tiantian was classified as "the same kind".

Aren't they the same kind? They are all noble princes and princesses.

He is definitely not a "courtier" like He Lianhuang.

He Tiantian seems to enjoy this feeling. The princess of the subjugated country is also a princess!

The pride of being a royal daughter cannot be humiliated by an empty-headed wife of the Helian family.

He Tiantian raised the corners of her lips slightly, revealing a reserved smile.

She nodded slightly at Xuanyuan He and said nothing more.

Xuanyuan He put down his coffee cup, stood up, straightened his appearance, and strode out.

Outside the door, He Lianhuang was already waiting impatiently.

The guards and subordinate officers of the Third Prince's Mansion were respectful and polite on the surface, but in fact they were very defensive.

There is no way, the Helian family is nominally a vassal of the Imperial Star, but in fact it is a wealthy family, holding military power. It cannot be said that they have great achievements, but they have also lost a lot of majesty and power that originally belonged to the royal family.

The Helian family has long become a serious problem for the royal family.

These two families will have a fierce battle sooner or later.

When He Lianhuang disappeared during the interstellar cruise, there were rumors that the Xuanyuan royal family had secretly tampered with it.

Obviously, this is slander.

However, in this case, it is very marketable.

After He Lianjin received the news that his son was missing, his first suspect was the Xuanyuan family.

Especially Xuanyuan He, he and He Lianhuang are both the best new generations of the Empire Star.

Apart from family reasons, the two of them are also in a competitive relationship.

It's a pity that Yuliang was in the world at that time.

Now that Helianhuang came to the door, Xuanyuan He's men were instinctively on guard.

"Isn't this person here to cause trouble?"

"It's possible! In the few months since this man was missing, the Third Prince intended to seize the First Legion."

"That's not possible. If we were to look for the back account, He Lianhuang would have looked for it when he first returned. Why did he wait until now?"

"Perhaps when he first came back, he had too many things to be busy with. Now that he is done with his work, he can have his hands free, so he can take revenge and complain?!"

The Third Prince's confidants looked at me and I looked at you. No one said anything, but all kinds of guessing eyes were flying everywhere.

"Admiral Helian, I came here unexpectedly, I don't know what you are doing!"

Xuanyuan He's appearance broke the awkward atmosphere.

"I've met the third prince!"

He Lianhuang was secretly angry, but his face still looked polite.

He first gave Xuanyuan a congratulatory gift, and then went straight to the point, "Is Ling'er here with you? I'll take her back!"

Xuanyuan He looked at He Lianhuang intently and suddenly showed a smile.

He Lianhuang's heart skipped a beat, and the bad premonition became stronger.

"Princess Ling'er is indeed here with me, but she doesn't want to see you, let alone go with you!"

Xuanyuan He finally felt extremely happy when he could finally defeat Helian Huang.

At this moment, he was extremely looking forward to seeing He Lianhuang's angry and angry look.

However, Xuanyuan He was disappointed.

He Lianhuang was indeed unhappy, but he didn't show it.

Except for the fact that his hands were tightly clenched into fists and the veins on the backs of his hands were bulging, there was not much shame on his face.

He also looked at Xuanyuan He intently, trying to get clues from the other person's facial expression.

Xuanyuan He smiled even brighter.

He Lianhuang:......

Mad, damn it!

This guy didn't lie!

So, Ling'er really doesn't want to see him? Don't you want to go with him?

In the end what happened?

Why did Ling'er suddenly become so determined?

You know, after being insulted and assassinated by the remnants of the Divine Lion Dynasty, Shi Ling'er didn't have much resentment towards him.

Not to mention getting angry or losing temper with him!

What on earth did they say to Ling'er? !

This group of them naturally includes the third lady and Xuanyuan He!

He Lianhuang's mind was spinning very fast. He knew that the third lady must have said some unpleasant words, which irritated Ling'er, and Ling'er left angrily.

And the hateful Xuanyuan He in front of him should have made a "promise" to Ling'er.

Ling'er was no longer helpless and could only passively count on He Lianhuang alone.

She seems to have one more "choice"!

He Lianhuang was too sober, and he never believed in feelings.

Even between father and son, mother and son, there are more interests.

Shi Ling'er may be more pure, but isn't this kind of person who only cares about love another type of selfishness? !

And selfish people always only worry about themselves.

The reason why Shi Ling'er was so dependent on He Lianhuang before was because all her relatives were dead and she only had him!

But now——

He Lianhuang narrowed his eyes and looked at Xuanyuan He.

Xuanyuan He seemed to feel He Lianhuang's anger, frustration and helplessness, and actually tilted his head slightly.

That action seemed to say: This time, I win! There is no way, who made you neglect it!


Who made him be too careless?

I thought I had a firm grip on Ling'er, but I neglected too much!

Let Xuanyuan He take advantage of this.

However, Helian Huang was not afraid either.

No matter how selfish Shi Ling'er is, she still loves He Lianhuang.

Ling'er's "running away" was just out of anger, and she just wanted Helianhuang to know that even if her country was ruined and her family was destroyed, she was not a pathetic little person who could be bullied at will.

If she wants, she can still find a spare tire.

Yes, spare tire!

The proud Xuanyuan He in front of him is just an alternative for Ling'er.

He Lianhuang comforted himself in this way.

"okay, I get it!"

He Lianhuang did not get into trouble with Xuanyuan He, nor did he force his way in.

He turned around and left neatly, his figure still as tall and straight.

Xuanyuan He looked at He Lianhuang's back, feeling surprised but also reasonable.

How proud He Lianhuang is, how could he get into a mess and make a big fuss just because of a woman?

Furthermore, will making a fuss have any effect?

Wrong, it has no other use than making him laugh.

Because Xuanyuan He is not a dead person, he will never let Helian Huang act recklessly in his mansion.

He Tiantian didn't know how proud He Lianhuang was, and she didn't care.

She started searching in the Star Mall for the optical brain given to her by Helianhuang.


He Tiantian entered the search keywords using her voice.

Soon, a large number of robot-related products appeared on the search page.

He Tiantian browsed quickly, page, page, and page.

In this era, robotics technology has been perfected.

In addition to the more "retro" clumsy robots, there are also very anthropomorphic robots.

From skin to bones, from language to movement, except that it has no emotions, it is almost the same as a human being.

Of course, if you have to have feelings, you can do it. When customizing the robot, just add one more program.

This is the kind of robot that He Tiantian wants to customize now.

However, custom-made items will leave records.

He Tiantian's fingers hovered over countless product pages, but she never clicked on them.

Forget it, just do it yourself!

The civilization of the Empire Star is highly developed, and intelligent robot technology is not a top secret.

This is like computers and cars in the Blue Star era. As long as you buy all the parts and have the relevant technical instructions, you can assemble them yourself.

He Tiantian started searching for bionic skin, mechanical skeletons, smart chips and other products.

In order not to attract attention, He Tiantian also bought a lot of things.

Basically, as a native of a lower-civilized planet, He Tiantian bought all the black technology products she could think of and needed when she first came to the novel world of higher civilization.

She spent all the Empire Star Points she had just redeemed from Xuanyuan He with red lanthanum.

In the following days, He Tiantian was left in the Third Prince's Mansion by the "enthusiastic" Xuanyuan He.

Xuanyuan He tried his best to get some advice from He Tiantian, wanting to know more secrets about the Spirit Beast Star and the red lanthanum mine.

He Tiantian looks like an infatuated woman who has been hurt by love.

There was only love in her world, only He Lianhuang who was intertwined with love and hate, and nothing else.

Xuanyuan He successfully learned many secrets from He Tiantian.

Even the location of the teleportation array (wormhole) has an approximate range.

Although there is no specific location, Xuanyuan He is very satisfied with a range.

He began to select people, prepare supplies, and tried his best to coax "Shi Ling'er" in an attempt to let her lead the way.

In order to make "Shi Ling'er" happy as much as possible, Xuanyuan He gave He Tiantian a large amount of points.

He Tiantian continued to buy and buy.

She receives piles of express delivery every day.

At first, Xuanyuan He would pay attention to what she bought.

However, he bought too much. The key is that the things He Tiantian bought were too messy. Many things that looked useless were regarded as treasures by "Shi Ling'er".

【Bumpkin! 】

Xuanyuan He secretly despised it. He had no idea that He Tiantian, whom he labeled as ignorant and unfit for the table, had secretly DIYed a robot and refined it using weapon refining techniques...

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