The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 798: The former heroine of the sadomasochistic novel (16)

"I-I killed someone?!"

He Tiantian's voice trembled, obviously frightened.

"...Maybe he's just injured!"

Hearing the vibrato coming from the communicator, Xuanyuan He quickly comforted him.

However, what he said himself was not very convincing.

It was a laser cannon and a laser sword again, and most of the garbage mountain was blasted into rubbish.

What's more, a living person?

The insect man, under the siege of both sides, turned into ashes and mixed into the garbage and debris in the sky.

The man in white on the ruins looks like he has a beard and a tail, but who can guarantee that he is still alive and well?

Xuanyuan He didn't want "Shi Ling'er" to bear the psychological burden of killing people, but there were some things that were right in front of him.

Even if you tell lies with your eyes open, you are not so confident.

"Injured? Then, why is he motionless?"

He Tiantian's voice was still trembling.

Obviously, for a little princess who was raised in a greenhouse, even though she was aloof, she had never killed anyone herself.

But this time, she personally killed someone, even if it was an accidental injury, the little princess was deeply shocked.

It has nothing to do with anything else, just an instinctive reaction.

"I, I didn't mean it! I wanted to kill the insect killer, but he ran out of nowhere!"

After He Tiantian panicked, she subconsciously excused herself.

"No, I'm going to have a look! I-I'm going to have a look!"

He Tiantian couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart.

She muttered words and used her mental power to control the mecha.

The cockpit of the mecha opens,

He Tiantian almost crawled out of it.

"Ling'er? Ling'er! Don't panic, even if something happens, I'm still here!"

Seeing "Shi Ling'er" frightened, Xuanyuan He was not surprised.

As a pampered little princess, even if she doesn't take human life seriously, the impact of taking matters into her own hands is too great.

The key point is that "Shi Ling'er" was accidentally injured and did not really want to kill someone.

"Inadvertent killing of innocent people" will instinctively produce feelings of guilt, fear, panic, etc.

Not to mention "manslaughter", Xuanyuan He went to the battlefield for the first time to encircle and suppress interstellar pirates.

The first time he killed someone, he felt very uncomfortable.

On the surface, he tried to remain calm, but he had nightmares for several days at night.

Human nature is good and human nature is weak, most people are like this.

"Shi Ling'er's" reaction is really normal.

Xuanyuan He would not doubt it, but felt that this was a good opportunity for him to appease the little princess!

He quickly jumped off the mecha, like a perfect guardian.

"Hello? Hello! Are you okay?"

He Tiantian wanted to get closer, but she didn't dare to really stand close.

She was still a few steps away from the man in white and shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Maybe he's dead? My laser cannon is not a vegetarian!"

On the other side, Charlotte, Helianyan and others also jumped off the mecha.

This time they were not doing it for the bugs, but just out of curiosity.

This man in white appears so strangely.

Moreover, in the face of the double blow of laser cannon and laser sword, there was not even any trauma.

Gee, what's going on?

As soon as she got closer, she heard He Tiantian shouting. Charlotte curled her lips and said angrily.

It's all this woman's fault. Charlotte can clearly see that this person is the owner of the pink mecha.

And the one who snatched heads just now was the pink mecha.

Charlotte refused to admit that the reason why she was angry at He Tiantian was because she could not open fire directly on the third prince Xuanyuan He.

When He Tiantian heard the word "death", his body visibly stiffened.

She became more and more panicked. Regardless of her fear, she walked closer in a few steps.

She carefully bent down and stretched out a hand, trying to reach the neck of the man in white - whether he was dead or alive would be known by seeing if the carotid artery was still beating.

At this moment, the man in white suddenly moved.

He grabbed He Tiantian's wrist.


He Tiantian was so frightened that she exclaimed.

It's so scary, just like watching a horror movie.

"Shut up!"

The man in white made a cold scolding voice.

"That's enough for you, why are you shouting?"

Charlotte, Helianyan and others were all frightened by He Tiantian's scream.

"That's enough for you! Ling'er was just scared, she didn't mean it!"

Xuanyuan He never forgets his gentle and tolerant persona as a peerless good man.

However, He Tiantian didn't seem to buy it.

She didn't seem to hear Xuanyuan He's protection.

She was directly attracted to the cool man in white.

She didn't care about the cold scolding of the man in white. Instead, she apologized very actively: "I'm sorry, I lost my temper!"

"My, my name is Shi Ling'er, the little princess of the Spirit Beast Star. May I ask what I call this young master?"

After saying this, He Tiantian seemed to react——

Oh, how long has it been and she is still being a nymphomaniac!

According to normal procedures, she should first ask about the person's injury and actively say: Everything is my fault and I will bear the responsibility!

He Tiantian was ashamed and annoyed, with two blushes on her pretty face.

She coughed unnaturally and hurriedly said, "No, I mean, I was chasing the insect killer just now, and I accidentally hurt you. I'm really sorry!"

"Son, are you, are you okay?"

The man in white had turned over and sat up. He raised his head slightly, revealing a dreamy and handsome face.

This is a level of beauty that makes it difficult to distinguish between male and female. The key is the overall style of the other person.

Elegant and noble!

There is an air of immortality that can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be played with, and the eyes are flowing with the spontaneity and freedom of celebrities.

This, exactly, is an unparalleled young man who came out of ancient landscape paintings.

Not to mention that He Tiantian turned into a "nymphomaniac" instantly, even Princess Charlotte, who had a sweetheart, couldn't help but be attracted to the man in white.

There were also several grown men such as Xuanyuan He and He Lianyan who were also stunned by the sight.

"No problem!"

The man in white seems to be used to being the center of attention.

He slowly sat up, his eyes as cold as cold pools, looking around without any trace.

Successfully capturing his micro-expression, He Tiantian transformed into an enthusiastic licking dog and hurriedly introduced: "This is the C-series garbage star in the Tianlong Galaxy."

"Dragon Galaxy? Junk Star?"

The man in white frowned slightly, and a look of surprise and panic flashed across his face, which was like a face carved from cold jade.

It was clear that this world was something he had never experienced before.

And he was very surprised that he would appear in such a weird place.

He Tiantian may have been paying too much attention, but he was keenly aware of it.

She even felt the resonance of meeting someone of the same kind, "Sir, have you never heard of any galaxy? A garbage star?"

"Oh, me too. My home is not here, but in another world——"

Before He Tiantian could finish speaking, the man in white seemed to be touched and murmured softly, "Another world!"

"Yes, in the interstellar era, various galaxies and different civilizations have formed many different worlds!"

He Tiantian hurriedly explained, "Just like my hometown, there is no high technology at all. Farming relies on cattle, and fighting relies on swords!"

"And here, there are big machines for farming, mechas, laser cannons, oh, by the way, there are also nuclear weapons, hydrogen weapons, etc..."

He Tiantian kept talking.

She almost wanted to teach the man in white all the knowledge she learned on the Empire Star.

The man in white's eyes looked shocked at first, then confused.

His frown deepened.

He couldn't help but stretch out his slender fingers and gently knead his eyebrows.

He seemed confused and even more distressed——

Why did I come to such a place?

What should I do next?

He Tiantian has focused all her attention on the man in white.

She instantly understood the other person's thoughts and hurriedly said, "Sir, our Divine Lion Dynasty has a saying, 'As soon as you come, let it be.'"

"Besides, I accidentally hurt you, I should take good care of you!"

Therefore, in the Empire Star, you are not alone, nor are you homeless.

I will protect you well!


Well, this man in white does have a good skin and a noble temperament.

However, there should be a limit to nymphomaniacs.

As a woman, you must be reserved!

How could it be like this, like this——

As a proud princess, Charlotte really couldn't stand He Tiantian's humble and attentive appearance!

Helianyan looked strangely.

He has already recognized that the girl in front of him with his thoughts written all over her face is none other than the subjugated princess that his cheap brother brought back from the Spirit Beast Planet.

Shi Linger!

Yes, that's her!

He Lianyan has always regarded He Lianhuang as a competitor.

Pay close attention to every move of this cheap brother.

A month ago, He Lianhuang came back suddenly and brought back a girl, whom he said he wanted to marry.

The girl had a dispute with the third lady and ran away in anger.

He Lianhuang was very anxious.

During this period of time, he didn't even care about the Spirit Beast Star and the First Legion, he was focused on trying to save the girl.

However, the girl named Shi Ling'er seemed to suddenly think of "the hatred of the country and the family".

I love and hate He Lianhuang at the same time. Every video call between the two of them is like an ancient eight o'clock show.

Weeping and crying, feeling sore... but there was no good result.

As time went by, He Lianhuang became more and more irritable.

He Lianyan really saw a lot of jokes.

It's not that he doesn't know everything, he also has Xuanyuan He as his "ally".

Therefore, He Lianyan knew that Xuanyuan He was poaching his cheap brother.

He is happy to see the results - if the enemy brother is not happy, he will be happy.

Of course, He Lianyan had to admit that the cheap man still had a way of coaxing women.

Although the subjugated princess is always performing a "love-hate" drama, she should be in love with the cheap brother deep down in her heart.

Otherwise, Xuanyuan He, a diligent little hoe, would have poached Shi Linger long ago.

Shi Ling'er lived in the Third Prince's Mansion for a month and spent time with Xuanyuan He day and night, but he did not "feel apart".

If you don't look at anything else, just looking at Xuanyuan He's depressed and defeated appearance, you can tell how profound the "skill" of the cheap brother is.


What's going on with this scene in front of me?

Why did He Lianyan suddenly have the illusion that the "cheap sister-in-law" was going to cuckold the cheap brother?

Looking at Shi Ling'er's eagerness towards the man in white, those who didn't know it might have thought she was an innocent girl who fell in love with him at first sight.

Who would have thought that just yesterday, Shi Linger had a video call with He Lianhuang, which was full of confusion and pain.

The hypocritical manner of "I love you, I hate you, but I can't bear to kill you" really gave Xuanyuan He and He Lianyan, allies, a toothache from peeping at them.

But, but, in the blink of an eye, why did Shi Ling'er run up to a man of unknown origin and show his courtesy again? !

Helianyan's mood was very complicated at the moment.

On the one hand, he was instinctively happy to see the cheap brother being suspected of being cuckolded again.

On the other hand, as a man, he subconsciously felt disgusted when he saw such a "fluttering" woman who had different ideas.

For a moment, Helianyan didn't know whether he was happy or angry.

In fact, the person who should be angry the most at the scene is Xuanyuan He——

Ma De, how hard it is for me to play the role of "the most wonderful man".

After working hard for a month, he even hesitated to confront He Lianhuang directly, but failed to impress Shi Ling'er. Instead, a wild man who appeared out of nowhere took advantage of him!

Is there any heavenly principle?

If Xuanyuan He hadn't had the sense to remind him, he would have rushed back to the mecha and fired a laser cannon to blow the man in white into smithereens!

Even without taking action, Xuanyuan He's whole body exuded a cold aura.

The look he looked at the man in white was even more unkind.


The man in white seemed to sense something, turned his head subconsciously, and looked directly at Xuanyuan He with his cold eyes.

[What a keen reaction! Such sharp eyes! 】

Xuanyuan He's heart beat violently.

Logically speaking, he is the prince of the empire and commands the ninth legion.

He wants to have status and status, and he wants to have real power.

Having been on the battlefield and fighting against star pirates and Zerg, he is no longer a weakling who has never seen the world.

Even when he faced an old general and an old fox like the head of the Helian family, he never flinched.

You won't be intimidated by the opponent's momentum.

However, just a cold look from this man in ancient costume with fluttering clothes made him feel panicked and afraid.

This man is definitely more dangerous and terrifying than he appears!

Xuanyuan He suddenly came to such a realization.

He couldn't help but avoid his sight and subconsciously took two steps back.

After retreating, Xuanyuan He finally realized—

Depend on!

Labor and management are afraid of a bear.

Labor is the third prince of the Empire Star and the future heir of the Empire.

This pretty boy, even if he has a background, is still just a person.

Looking at his ancient costume, it is very likely that he, like Shi Ling'er, is an aboriginal from a second-level civilization.

For such a country bumpkin who has never seen high technology, Xuanyuan He can knock him down by himself.

Not to mention, he has an entire empire behind him.

The more Xuanyuan He thought about it, the more embarrassed and annoyed he felt. As if he suddenly thought of something, he reached out and pulled out the laser gun from his waist.

The gun was pointed at the man in white, "Tell me, who are you? Why are you here?"

In order to frighten the other party, Xuanyuan He also deliberately fired a blow at the garbage pile nearby.


The laser gun fired a ball of red laser, and half a hill of industrial garbage was instantly blown to pieces.

The man in white's pupils suddenly tightened, as if he was shocked by this "artifact".

But soon, the man in white calmed down and turned his right hand slightly.

A talisman suddenly appeared between his slender fingers, and then he threw the talisman towards Xuanyuan He...

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