The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 801: The former heroine of the sadomasochism novel (19)

Immortal? !

By the way, this article is not an interstellar article, although it is selling dog meat with a sheep's head.

There isn't much about high-tech stuff, it just describes in detail the love, hate and hatred of a brainless lover.

However, no matter how much sheep's head is used, the outer cover is still interstellar.

All belong to the fantasy romance channel.

Why did it suddenly change to Xiuxianwen? !

Shijiu 19 only thought it was absurd.

She is familiar with the plots of the original work and the fan fiction, and of course she knows the legend of the Shi family.

This is the origin of the Spirit Beast Star, and the reason why the Shi family is so noble - the fairy's spiritual pet!

But, legends are just legends after all.

Teacher Nineteen didn't believe it at all.

In her opinion, the so-called "fairy spirit beast" is the same as Liu Bang killing the white snake.

They are all myths deliberately concocted by the superiors in order to consolidate their rule.

Although the existence of orcs is somewhat beyond recognition.

However, this is the interstellar universe.

There are bugs, murlocs, all kinds of strange creatures, and of course there are orcs.

The origin of species is so magical.

Master Nineteen, who has a pair of lynx ears, has already approved the orc setting.

She would rather believe that this is a possibility of species evolution, and refuses to acknowledge any spiritual or fairy beasts!

Shijiu even scoffed at the rumor that "the little princess has welcomed back the immortal".

This love brain should be a master now? !

Master Nineteen doesn't believe it, but the orcs do.

Their ancestors have heard the story of the "spiritual beast and lion" for generations.

That legend is even integrated into the genes.

Not to mention ordinary orcs, even the remnants of the dynasty gathered by the Nineteenth Division were all excited——

"Great, the little princess has found the immortal! Wow, there is hope for the revival of our Lion Dynasty!"

"Yes! God is blessing us, our ancestors are blessing us! Our spirit beast star finally has hope!"

"...She is indeed a little princess, with the blood of the most noble divine lion clan flowing through her body."

"Yes, yes, the little princess has been different since she was a child. She looks most like a fairy, and now she can even invite the fairies back!"

Everyone was talking about it.

Especially those branches of the Shi family, their relationship with the royal family is already far away.

It's just a surname with the word "teacher".

However, this does not prevent them from claiming to be descendants of the divine lion.

Moreover, because their blood relationship was too far apart, they all escaped when the royal family was slaughtered.

The dead people had no close relationship with them.

They were just afraid, without much grief, let alone hatred.

Not only were they compared to the secret guards trained by the royal family like Shi Jiu, but also the ordinary guards and subordinates were more loyal to the royal family than them.

Now, the little princess welcomes the fairy back, and they are happier than anyone else.

There is hope for the restoration of the Divine Lion Dynasty, but the direct branch is dead, can't their side branch succeed?

No matter how distant their blood relationship is, they all have the surname "Shi".

As for those subordinates and guards who were accustomed to being loyal to the Shi family, they really loved and hated the little princess, the only direct bloodline of the dynasty.

However, the appearance of the "immortal" made these people who believed in the "immortal and spiritual beast" temporarily suppress their hatred for the little princess.

They have mixed emotions, but they still hope that the little princess can regain the glory of the Lion Dynasty with the help of the immortal!

Teacher Nineteen:...

When I first advised you to join me in resisting the "alien", I didn't see you being so active!

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, as a wild writer who grew up in modern times, it would be difficult for Shijiu to understand the fear and respect of the imperial power by the subjects of the feudal dynasty.


Have these people forgotten that it was Shi Ling'er who lured the wolf into the house? It was she who revealed the biggest secret of Spirit Beast Planet, which made Spirit Beast Planet a colony of advanced civilization!

Even if these people don't care about the blood debt of the Shi family, they have been reduced from free people to slaves of the invaders.

Life was difficult for slaves who had subjugated their country. He Lianhuang was not a murderous villain.

However, when establishing a base and digging for red lanthanum ore, they still adopted a high-pressure policy against the orcs.

Many orcs lost their lives, and after the secret of the "renewable" red lanthanum mine was exposed, the orcs were reduced to "dung-making machines."

Well, it's not a spoof, but realistic.

The necessary condition for the regeneration of red lanthanum ore is orc feces.

If he wanted to get more and purer red lanthanum, Helianhuang would use the laser whip to force the orcs to give birth to babies and make feces.

At that time, people are no longer people, but tools to be ruthlessly used!

The people who caused all this include executioners like He Lianhuang, but they also have Shi Ling'er as an accomplice.

Such a sinner of the Spirit Beast Planet, a traitor to the Shi clan, how could these orcs still...

Shijiu's chest was blocked with a breath, and he couldn't spit it out or swallow it.

But she can't have an attack yet!

Because Shi Jiu is the most loyal and royal warrior.

In the original plot of the fanfic, Shi Jiuhui killed Shi Ling'er because she not only forgot the hatred of her country and her family, but also married her enemy and helped her enemy exploit the people of Spirit Beast Planet!

Shi Ling'er brought shame to the Shi royal family. She was the sinner of the entire dynasty.

Shijiu couldn't bear it anymore, so he had to kill her.

Now it’s time to switch to a wild writer as Shijiu. She has not been brainwashed into being the guardian of the feudal dynasty.

She killed Shi Ling'er just to clear an obstacle in advance.

Only by killing the last direct bloodline of the Shi royal family can she, the "fake princess", hold high the banner of "Shi".

There is another more important reason, Shi Linger is the heroine of the original work.

If Master Nineteen wants to become the heroine of the mixed world, he must kill the former heroine!

Unfortunately, she failed and failed to kill Shi Ling'er.

At that time, Shi Jiu didn't think much about it, because Shi Ling'er was just a lover.

She has caused the Spirit Beast Planet to become a colony, and the greater damage would be to become a puppet at most.

She has no more or more substantial destructive power.

However, Shi Nineteen never expected that such a love brain whom she considered a waste would actually cause such a scene!

Shijiu was secretly angry, but she didn't expect that something even more irritating was still to come -

"Nineteen, the princess is back, let's go and greet her!"

"Bring the princess back?" Why!

Shi Nineteen almost blurted out the second half of the sentence.

Yes, why!

This base located in the primeval jungle was built by her.

There are also firearms workshops and steel mills. She spent a lot of points to exchange formulas and important raw materials from the system mall to build them.

She had paid so much and finally had the prototype of the infrastructure, but Shi Ling'er had done nothing, and she was even burdened with debts.

These people, with just one word, would give up her hard work to Shi Ling'er? !

Just because Shi Linger is a princess?

I'm not convinced!

Teacher Nineteen's chest was filled with anger.

Her whole body was filled with great anger.

"Yes, we are all loyal to the dynasty. Now that the little princess is back and has invited the immortal, of course we must welcome the princess and the immortal back!"

It was another secret guard who spoke.

He is a feline beastman with thick fur on his cheeks.

Both eyes also have obvious animal pupils.

He ranked twenty-fourth among the secret guards. He was given the surname Shi by the royal family and was known as Shi twenty-four.

His ranking is lower than Shijiu Nineteen, but he is two years older than her.

Because the ranking of secret guards is not based on age, but on overall strength.

Shi Jiu's martial arts skills were high, so she naturally became a senior sister.

Division Twenty-Four respected Division Nineteen very much, not only because of his admiration for strength, but also because Division Nineteen was the most loyal to the royal family.

In the view of Shi Twenty-Four, Shi Nineteenth should be the one who most wants to revive the dynasty.

And if you want to restore the country, the little princess is the key.

Not to mention, the little princess also found an immortal.

This, this is simply destined by God and protected by our ancestors!

Teacher Nineteen:...

The taken-for-granted look on Master Twenty-four made the already angry Master Nineteen even more angry.

But she couldn't refuse, let alone show any disgust towards the little princess.

There is no way, the character cannot be destroyed!

"...Yes! Twenty-four, you are right, we should indeed welcome the princess back!"

Shijiu almost squeezed out these words through his teeth.

In addition to surrendering to the character, Shijiu also wanted to see the so-called immortal with his own eyes!

She was a child who grew up in the age of information explosion, and she had watched countless revealing videos.

As for pretending to be a ghost, there are only a few tricks.

Breathing fire, spontaneous combustion, reaching down from the oil pan, making ghosts appear... and even some magic techniques, Master Nineteen is very clear about it.

She wanted to see what deceptive tricks this so-called immortal would use.

"Sir, this is our spiritual beast star!"

He Tiantian and Nangong Jue took Xuanyuan He's starship, passed through the wormhole, and came to the Spirit Beast Planet.

After leaving the starship, Nangong Jue launched his flying sword.

He was still dressed in white, standing with his hands behind his back, and He Tiantian stood with him on the slender sword.

The flying sword flew through the air and quickly cruised around the Spirit Beast Star.

He Tiantian seems to have adapted to the flying sword. She no longer shakes and her voice no longer vibrates.

She began to introduce the Spirit Beast Star in detail.

"Huh? There is enough spiritual energy here!"

Nangong Jue seemed very satisfied.

"That's right, the air in our Spirit Beast Planet is very good! With the martial arts skills passed down from our ancestors, the members of our Royal Family live very long lives!"

He Tiantian is not talking nonsense.

People from the Shi family's royal family are indeed long-lived, and they can basically live to be over a hundred years old.

The most powerful ancestor in our ancestors even lived to be over 160 years old.

In the interstellar era, there have been several major breakthroughs in genetic technology, as well as high-tech medical cabins.

Humans in the Tianlong Galaxy can basically live to be a hundred years old.

This is the power of high technology.

But on the Spirit Beast Star, there is no technological bonus, it all depends on "nature".

Under such conditions, it is already very rare for orcs to live to be over a hundred years old.

After He Lianhuang occupied the Spiritual Beast Star, the second thing he was interested in was the secret of the longevity of the orcs.

If he hadn't been distracted for a while, He Lianhuang would have probably captured some orcs and conducted some genetic experiments!

"I have seen your set of martial arts mental techniques. They are actually a set of basic cultivation techniques."

Nangong Jue still looked cold and arrogant. He said calmly, "It's just that it's a little incomplete and can't draw Qi into the body, so it's reduced to martial arts instead of skills."

"I have already completed it for you. When I have time, I will teach you how to practice!"

When He Tiantian heard this, she immediately beamed with joy, "Thank you, Master!"

...Ahem, don't think He Tiantian is pretentious.

When it comes to acting, even if there is no audience, you must continue to be immersed in it.

Only by convincing yourself can you infect those around you.

So, just like this moment, even if there are only He Tiantian and Nangong Jue on Feijian, she still does what she should do!

And so, when Feijian landed at the base established by Division Nineteen, He Tiantian was extremely excited.

"Your Highness, are you back? Is this the Immortal?"

Everyone (excluding Division 19) was very surprised when they saw the two people falling from the sky.

They were already looking forward to it, and now they were even more excited to see the "god coming" with their own eyes.

Oh my gosh!

This is the immortal.

The ghost appears and falls from the sky.

They surrendered instinctively, without any deliberate act, they all fell to the ground with cheers and cheers.

This is not only the awe of the royal family, but also the reverence for the immortals.

When Shijiu saw everyone kneeling down, she stood alone, which seemed to make her stand out from the crowd.

Don't let yourself become an alternative, not too high-profile.

But the character will collapse, dear!

Master Nineteen endured the humiliation and knelt down stiffly.

Nangong Jue's flying sword can make a group of orcs astonished.

But he would not really convince the well-informed Shijiu.

Flying into the sky and escaping from the earth is nothing more than a cover-up.

To put it bluntly, in the interstellar era where technology is highly developed, even on Blue Star, there is a way to achieve "sword flying".

Hanging a wire or getting a device under your feet can achieve the effect of showing off.

Anyway, unless Shijiu 19 is asked to test it in person, she will maintain a negative attitude.

"Everyone, get up. This is the immortal I invited back. His surname is also Nangong, which is the same surname as the spiritual fairy from our ancestors!"

He Tiantian said this deliberately.

If you tell your lies a few times, they will become the truth.

Besides, the Shi royal family is all dead, and "Shi Ling'er" has the final say on what the family secrets are.

It's Shi Jiu. Although he feels awkward, he won't question the surname.

"Ah, he has the same surname as the Fairy Spiritual Fantasy!"

The branches of the Shi family were very excited.

In their view, having the same surname means they are one family.

Rounding things off, the immortal in front of him, who looked pure and refined, noble and pure, belonged to the same family as their ancestral master.

Rounding things off, the Shi clan and this immortal are also members of the same family.

The other orcs also felt very close to him.

My own family!

Hehe, the fairy is our own family!

Teacher Nineteen:...

What is this all about?

You're still not sure who the person in front of you is, so you want to start a relationship?

She looked steadily into Nangong Jue's eyes. People with good acting skills can also deceive their eyes.

However, Shijiu believed in his own vision and intuition.

However, under her gaze, Nangong Jue remained calm and calm.

A pair of cold eyes, like cold pool water, deep and cold.

There was no guilt or dodge, as if he was really some Nangong Immortal.

After watching for a long time, Shi Nineteen couldn't find any flaws, so he had to turn his attention to He Tiantian.

"Teacher, princess!"

Shijiu was in a complicated mood. The last time they met, she pierced him with a sword.

This time, he became the other party's subordinate again.

Shi Nineteen was not afraid, and she was not worried at all about the other party scolding her in public for his treasonous act of assassinating her.

The little princess is innocent, kind and has a wonderful love brain.

Such excellence cannot be judged by ordinary people's standards.

Sure enough, "Shi Ling'er" did not expose Shi Nineteen. Instead, the moment he saw her, he seemed to have thought of something and his whole mood changed...

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