The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 811 Emergency Remedial Task (8)

Remember [new] in one second! In the dark night, the girl was in shock, as if she had just struggled out of a nightmare.

"Is this? This is -"

Qiu Guyu's heart was beating hard, his mouth was dry, and he couldn't distinguish reality from fantasy for a while.

"...It turned out to be just a dream!"

Qiu Guyu sat in the dark room. When her eyes adjusted to the light in the room, she could see the furnishings in the room.

The mottled earth walls, the roof with exposed beams, and the hard earthen bed underneath.

The key is that there is a sleeping girl right next to her.

Qiu Guyu knew that this was her cousin Qiu Xiaoxue.

The two are less than a year apart in age and grew up together.

When they grew up, the family house could no longer be rented, so the cousins ​​lived in the same room.

"Alabaster... don't steal my alabaster!"

Qiu Xiaoxue slept very soundly, and occasionally she would say one or two words in her sleep.

Qiu Guyu couldn't help but twitching the corners of his lips. She was really a girl who loved stinky beauty. She would never forget to buy cream in her dreams.

For ice cream, especially the kind of friendship brand that comes in tin cans, girls from rural areas can only go to the county department store to take a look and are reluctant to buy it.

In order to prevent my face from getting burnt in winter, I basically use that kind of sesame oil, which I also buy from department stores, like the glue stick in my dream.

It's very oily and sticky. When applied to hands and face, it can prevent dryness and also moisturize.

It just doesn't taste that good, and it's too sticky. It's not as refreshing and fragrant as the cream.

Wait, in a dream!

Qiu Guyu's idea of ​​running away due to his cousin's words in his sleep was caught again.

Yes, just now, she had a dream that lasted for decades.

In the dream, she was married and was a mess.

She has seen the country's rapid development and witnessed various high technologies.

Although her personal life is terrible, the society as a whole is peaceful, stable and prosperous.

This dream was so real, it didn't even seem like a dream.

Qiu Guyu himself had a dream,

No matter how sweet or scary the dream was, she could mostly forget it after waking up.

Especially in the dream, she couldn't "see" people's faces clearly, nor did she know their names.

However, at this moment, Qiu Guyu woke up from his dream.

Recalling everything in her dream, she was shocked to find that she could remember the faces of everyone in the dream very clearly.

Some were people she knew, some she had never met.

For example, her "husband"!

When Qiu Guyu thought of the word husband, he subconsciously felt shy and panicked.

She was only nineteen, and she was still an unmarried girl.

In the traditional education Qiu Guyu received, a girl should not think about such shameful things.


In the dream, Qiu Guyu not only married, but also had, had, with her husband——

"Oh, it's so embarrassing! It's so embarrassing!"

When Qiu Guyu thought of something in her dream, she quickly covered her face with her hands.

My face is very hot and my heart is very confused.

In addition to being ashamed and panicking, Qiu Guyu also had a sense of fear.

Because in the dream, her marriage was not happy.

She gave her heart and soul, but failed to get her sincerity back. Instead, she ended up alone and helpless!

He died alone in the rental house.

She called out, but was ignored.

She struggled, but was unable to move due to her old body.

In the end, she could only die helplessly and despairingly, unable to close her eyes.

Die with your eyes open!

Is there a more miserable ending than this? !

It was exactly when Qiu Guyu dreamed of this scene that he suddenly woke up from his dream.

When he woke up from the dream and realized that he had just had a dream, Qiu Guyu still couldn't let it go completely.

Again, that dream was too real!

Qiu Guyu wanted to comfort himself, "Don't be afraid, it's just a dream, and as the old saying goes, dreams are always the opposite!"

But the villain in my heart jumped out and refuted: "What dream? This is obviously a warning."

Just like the folk story my grandma told, those who do good deeds and accumulate virtue can receive warnings from Bodhisattvas in their dreams!

Qiu Guyu: "What kind of Bodhisattva? This is all feudal superstition!"

Villain: "Huh! Won't you know in two days whether it's feudal superstition or not?"

Qiu Guyu was stunned.

Her eyes lit up as she recalled the dream carefully.

Yes, how could I forget this?

Whether this dream was an ordinary dream or a warning from a Bodhisattva, she just had to wait for time to verify it.

As long as what happens in the future matches her dream, it proves that the dream may be a warning.

The latest thing is that a matchmaker came to propose marriage.

Qiu Guyu remembered very clearly that in the dream, two matchmakers came to the Qiu family.

Don't get me wrong, these two matchmakers don't both want to be matchmakers for Qiu Guyu.

The Qiu family has two eldest girls aged 19.

Qiu Guyu's appearance is more striking and his temperament is calmer.

Qiu Xiaoxue is not ugly either, and she is more lively.

The key point is that Qiu Xiaoxue has gone to high school, which is higher than Qiu Guyu who only went to junior high school.

The two parties made a bargain, and Qiu Guyu and Qiu Xiaoxue were almost in demand in the rural marriage and love market.

Therefore, both families hired matchmakers to propose marriage to cousins ​​Qiu Guyu and Qiu Xiaoxue respectively.

Qiu Guyu's partner is a naval officer. He is twenty-eight years old, but he has already become the deputy battalion commander.

I went to military school, my parents are both soldiers, and my family situation is very good.

The only drawback is that he is divorced and has three children.

Of course, it was precisely because the other party was a promiscuous second-married man that he went to the countryside to find a wife.

Even if you are looking for a wife from a rural area, you will not just find someone from a random family.

To elaborate, the Qiu family has some connections with the man.

The man's grandfather was injured while passing by Qiujiaping during the war, and was arranged to stay at a fellow villager's house to recuperate.

It happened to stay at the Qiu family.

Grandpa Qiu did his best to take care of him, and the man's grandfather was deeply moved. After the victory, he came back to visit Grandpa Qiu.

In this way, the two families started to have contact, and they could barely be regarded as family friends.

Nowadays, men have to marry a daughter-in-law for their second marriage, and the Qiu family has two granddaughters of the same age.

After careful consideration, Grandpa Qiu decided to let Qiu Guyu, who was older and more calm-tempered, marry him.

The person who proposed to Qiu Xiaoxue was Su Chuangui from Sujia Village next door. His father was the accountant of the production brigade and his family was relatively well off.

Accountant Su attended private schools for several years and was a well-known intellectual.

After becoming the accountant of the brigade, the Su family felt more and more that they were a cultured family.

Therefore, when I wanted to find a wife for my son, I wanted to find a girl who had studied.

Qiu Xiaoxue attended high school. Although she failed to graduate, she stood out among the village girls who had never even attended elementary school.

Of course, although Accountant Su is a big parent, he still asks his son for his opinion.

They are all from the same production team, and we can meet them occasionally while working.

Su Chuangui had met Qiu Xiaoxue, and what was even more coincidental was that Su Chuangui and the Qiu family sisters were junior high school classmates.

Qiu Xiaoxue is not as beautiful as her cousin Qiu Guyu, but she is not too bad.

Moreover, word spread throughout the three villages that Qiu Guyu was going to marry a city man and go to the island to become the wife of the battalion commander.

[Qiu Xiaoxue is also good! 】

Not as good as Qiu Guyu, but much better than the other girls in the production brigade.

Su Chuangui thought about it for a while, then nodded in agreement.

The son agreed. Accountant Su also claimed that his family was well-off and would not be rejected, so he found a matchmaker and went to the Qiu family to propose marriage.

By chance, the two families bumped into each other at Qiu's house.

However, it doesn't matter if they bump into each other. The marriage between the Qiu family and the battalion commander has been agreed upon.

For the Su family, as long as Qiu Xiaoxue nods, the decision can be settled.

In the dream, Qiu Guyu had never dreamed.

She may have been a little averse to being a stepmother, but she still wisely obeyed the arrangements of her elders and agreed to the marriage.

As for Qiu Xiaoxue, she also agreed to marry Su Chuanjia.

Accountant Su's family is indeed in good condition. I heard that they have some connections in the county, and they are preparing to send Su Chuan's family to work as workers in the soy sauce factory in the county.

Workers, carrying iron rice bowls and food supplies, are what rural people dream of becoming.

In this way, the marriage of the two sisters was decided on the same day.

The lives of Qiu Guyu and Qiu Xiaoxue also changed because of their marriage——

In the dream, Qiu Guyu married Huo Yuanzheng with trepidation and devoted himself to being a stepmother to his three children.

However, there has been a saying since ancient times that "it's difficult for stepmothers".

Qiu Guyu naturally had no bad intentions, she also wanted to take good care of the children.

But people around him didn't think so.

Huo Yuanzheng's mother was wary of her, and the military wives in the family home were staring at her.

If the child makes a mistake, she doesn't care or care about it.

No matter what, people will say she is a vicious stepmother who wants to beat her children to death.

Regardless, people would say she was cunning and wanted to spoil the child.

There are three children, two sons and a daughter.

The boy was six or seven years old, the age when people hate dogs.

The two children of the Huo family are even more out of the ordinary.

Even the biological mother may not be able to accept it, let alone the stepmother who is bound by the world and public opinion.

The only thing I can worry about is my youngest daughter, who is two or three years old and doesn't remember much.

Qiu Guyu gave sincerely, and his daughter gradually accepted him.

However, more than ten years later, the person who stabbed Qiu Guyu in the chest and hated him the most was also his daughter.

His biological mother came back and became an overseas Chinese who returned to invest in the country.

She just cried to her son and daughter, telling her last resort and how much she cared about her children.

Even Huo Yuanzheng seems to have different feelings for his ex-wife.

Qiu Guyu had been depressed all year round, and finally broke out at this moment.

She made a lot of noise, she was hysterical, and she targeted Huo Yuanzheng's ex-wife in every possible way.

All kinds of crazy behaviors caused Qiu Guyu to abandon his relatives and go to a distant foreign land alone.

She only has a junior high school education and has been a housewife for 20 years. She has long been out of touch with society.

When I go to other places, I can only do the most painful and tiring physical work.

He was a street sweeper and a handyman. He was over sixty years old and had no relatives around him. He died alone in a rented house in an urban village!

As for Qiu Xiaoxue, she married Su Chuangui.

Less than three months after the marriage, Accountant Su really found a way to send Su Chuangui to the county seat.

Qiu Xiaoxue followed Su Chuangui into the city.

After working in a soy sauce factory for several years, Su Chuangui learned an ancient recipe from an old master.

Later, the policy changed and the soy sauce factory in the county closed down, so Su Chuangui went out to work alone.

Making soy sauce and pickles, Su Chuangui gradually became a famous by-product tycoon in their county.

Twenty years later, Su Chuangui has become one of the richest people in the country, and their soy sauce is a well-known brand.

Su Chuangui made a fortune, but he did not dislike his wife.

He and Qiu Xiaoxue have been in love all their lives and are recognized by the media as "the couple of gods and gods".

Qiu Guyu:......

Looking back on all the events in her dream, she still remembers "herself" nesting in a rental house, watching the shabby TV provided by the landlord, showing Qiu Xiaoxue dressed in fine clothes, holding Su Chuangui's hand and attending a charity dinner together.

For a moment, Qiu Guyu wished he could "exchange" with Qiu Xiaoxue.

Let her marry Huo Yuanzheng and become a stepmother to three white-eyed wolves.

And she married Su Chuangui and became the wife of the richest man in the provincial capital. She never left him and had children and grandchildren, happy and healthy!


Qiu Guyu let out a long breath and tried her best to calm down her emotions.

After a while, she allowed herself to calm down.

Don’t be anxious, don’t be afraid!

It's all just a dream!

Qiu Guyu comforted herself in this way, even though the villain in her heart kept singing the opposite tune.

However, she finally stopped herself from being addicted to the dream life.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead and neck and adjusting his breathing, Qiu Guyu lay down again.

Close your eyes and empty your mind.

Slowly, Qiu Guyu finally fell asleep.

Slight snoring sounded, and Qiu Xiaoxue, who had been "sleeping soundly" just now, suddenly opened her eyes.

In the darkness, her expression could not be seen, only her eyes were exceptionally bright.

Early the next morning, Mrs. Qiu woke up at dawn.

As an old man, your sleep is shallow.

And she is used to getting up early.

Gulu stood up, Mrs. Qiu put on her clothes, opened the window, and in the drunken morning light, combed her hair in front of the red plastic round mirror hanging on the window frame.

My washed hair is loose and not greasy at all.

With a grate comb, you can easily comb it to the end.

Mrs. Qiu tied her hair up with a rubber band, twisted it a few times, and pulled it into a bun. Then she wrapped it in a black hairnet and pinned it with two wire hairpins.

After combing my hair, I folded the quilt.

Mrs. Qiu brought a small broom and swept the hair and debris on the bed. She also swept the clothes and dusted the pants.

After packing everything, Mrs. Qiu walked out of the east room, walked through the main room, and came to the yard.

She subconsciously looked towards the room in the west wing.

"You little stinky girl has been tired all day, so she must have slept deeply at night——"

Mrs. Qiu thought secretly.

As a result, just as she was going to the kitchen, she heard something moving outside.

Mrs. Qiu quickly walked a few steps to the door. Only then did she realize that the door was unlocked and was only lightly closed.

Is there a thief?

Certainly not.

Mrs. Qiu opened the door and leaned out half of her body.

She looked towards the direction of the village, and sure enough, she saw a slender figure, struggling to carry a pole and staggering this way.

"This little stinky girl actually went to fetch water?"

"Huh, she doesn't even look at her small body, she only has a few ounces of meat -"

Mrs. Qiu cursed, but there was obvious distress in her eyes.

Of course, it’s more of a comfort——

The little girl is really sensible. She is not just a talker, she knows how to work hard!

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