The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 819 Emergency Rescue Mission (16)

Remember [new] in one second! Destroy the marriage between the male protagonist and the female protagonist, get it!

The next step is to take the heroine's path and leave the heroine with no way to go!

Qiu Xiaoxue put away the virtual task panel in front of her and clenched her fist vigorously.

"Xiaoxue! Xiaoxue! Where did you go, little girl?"

At this moment, Grandma Qiu's shouts came from the front yard.

This familiar loud voice directly made the corners of Qiu Xiaoxue's lips rise quickly.

"Hey! Milk, I'm behind you!"

Qiu Xiaoxue held back the excitement in her heart and replied at the top of her lungs.

"In the back? What are you doing in the back?"

Grandma Qiu’s voice sounded from far away to near.

Soon, she came to Qiu Xiaoxue.

Grandma Qiu looked around, but there was no one there.

There was no sound in the neighboring yards of the east and west families.

I guess everyone has gone to work, and the children have probably gone to collect firewood or dig wild vegetables.

Grandma Qiu felt slightly relieved, took Qiu Xiaoxue's hand, and looked her up and down first.

Qiu Xiaoxue had already guessed the other party's purpose, but she still lowered her head pretending to be shy.

He muttered softly, "Milk, what do you want me to do?"

"...My Xiaoxue is also a big girl!"

Grandma Qiu did not go straight to the topic, but laid the groundwork first.

Qiu Xiaoxue became more and more shy.

"Oh, look at you kid, it's a good thing to grow up to be a big girl. Why are you blushing?"

Grandma Qiu suddenly realized that although her second granddaughter was not as beautiful as her eldest granddaughter, she was not too bad either.

In the village, even the entire production brigade would be ranked among the top three.

The key is that Xiaoxue went to high school. Although she only studied for one year, she was one of the many girls in their advanced production brigade!

Huo Yuanzheng attended a military academy and is a college student.

However, he was in his twenties, nearly ten years older than Xiaoxue.

With three children in tow...

Several aspects offset each other,

Grandma Qiu thinks it would be good for Xiaoxue to marry into the Huo family!

Although Xiaoxue's temperament is not as docile as Gu Yu's, she might not be able to get along well with the children...ah!

What meekness?

Can a docile child disobey his elders at a critical moment?

Grandma Qiu felt angry when she thought of Gu Yu's aggressive manner.

Humph, you stinky girl, you don’t know what is good or bad, you don’t know the blessings when you are in the midst of blessings, and you keep getting rid of the best marriages!

How to say "no regrets"!

Grandma Qiu would like to see if this damn girl can find a good family in the future and how she will not regret it.

After scolding Qiu Guyu in her heart again, Grandma Qiu got down to the topic: "Xiaoxue, it's time for you to talk about marriage. What do you think of Huo Yuanzheng?"

Qiu Xiaoxue was secretly satisfied, but she still had a look of astonishment on her face, and blurted out: "Mistress, isn't Huo Yuanzheng going to get engaged to my sister?"

"Don't mention your sister! She is just a fool! She-"

Grandma Qiu wanted to curse a few more words, but she thought of business and endured it.

"Why does Huo Yuanzheng want to get engaged to Gu Yu? He just fell in love with a girl from our Qiu family. And your sister is not the only one in the Qiu family!"

"Xiaoxue, I think you are more suitable to marry into the Huo family than your sister. You have studied in high school and you are more educated!"

Qiu Xiaoxue's face was filled with hesitation, "But -"

She did all this just to steal the heroine's opportunity.

However, this does not mean that she is a poor spare tire.

If the Qiu family wanted to use her to top the pot, they had to give her enough leverage.

Even the Huo family can't boss around like they did with Qiu Guyu.

Qiu Xiaoxue wanted to take the opportunity to seize the initiative.

Qiu Xiaoxue is familiar with the plot. She knows that Huo Yuanzheng has less than three days of family leave left.

If the marriage cannot be settled within three days and I want to wait until the next family leave, I don’t know when it will be.

Huo's mother couldn't afford to delay.

After Huo Yuanzheng's divorce, he has left his three children in the care of Huo's mother.

Huo's mother is getting older, and the key point is that she feels that she has been suffering for most of her life, and finally encountered a good time, so she should enjoy life.

Mother Huo was somewhat resistant to raising children, even if the child was a biological grandson or granddaughter.

Don't look at what Huo's mother said in the original plot when Huo Yuanzheng was engaged to Qiu Guyu, "The children are used to following me, so just let them continue to follow me."

It seems like she is so reluctant to part with her precious grandson.

In fact, Huo's mother was just beating and manipulating Qiu Guyu.

She just wants Qiu Guyu to understand her status as a member of the Huo family - you are just a cheap stepmother who is not trusted by the Huo family.

Huo's mother struggled for several months and made Qiu Guyu suffer all the criticism from the military wives in the military district. Then she kindly sent the children over.

In the original plot, Huo's mother dared to do this because she already had a daughter-in-law, and she was not afraid that the children would "fall into" her hands.

But this time, Qiu Guyu quit and didn't even participate in the blind date.

Huo Yuanzheng's situation is special and he cannot go on blind dates often.

Huo's mother also doesn't believe those girls who come together for the Huo family's identity and power.

It would be extremely difficult for her to find a daughter-in-law who was as knowledgeable and easy to handle as the Qiu family in a short period of time.

Qiu Xiaoxue is the only choice.

Once she becomes the "only one", Qiu Xiaoxue will have the confidence to negotiate terms.

Qiu Xiaoxue would not swallow her anger and accept the situation like Qiu Guyu!

In this marriage, it was not that she was favoring Huo Yuanzheng, but that the two families begged her to come to the rescue.

Qiu Xiaoxue made this difference very clear.

"Nai, Brother Huo is really good, but our family, oh, I'm afraid I can't live up to it!"

Qiu Xiaoxue used retreat to advance.

Seeing that she didn't resist strongly, Grandma Qiu knew that this was possible.

"There's nothing you can't achieve. We, the Qiu family, are three generations of poor peasants with strong roots. The Huo family is also a singing family. You and that kid from Yuanzheng are a perfect match!"

"Moreover, Mr. Huo personally finalized this marriage, and everyone in the Huo family strongly agrees."

Grandma Qiu persuaded her hard.

She thought it made sense. After all, Xiaoxue didn't say "she doesn't want to be a stepmother" like Gu Yu.

"Nai, it's still not good. Although the marriage is not specified to anyone, everyone in the village knows that it is my sister who is going to the island to be the wife of the battalion commander."

"Now I am suddenly the one who knows the inside story and won't say anything. If you don't know, you will think that I am shameless and stole my cousin's man!"

Qiu Xiaoxue began to negotiate terms.

Grandma Qiu is not stupid either. As soon as she heard Qiu Xiaoxue's words, she knew that this damn girl probably wanted to marry Huo Yuanzheng.

However, she wanted to take the opportunity to make conditions!


One or two are not worry-free things!

She hasn't even gotten married yet, and her elbows have started to turn outward.

Grandma Qiu cursed secretly, but couldn't show it on her face.

People from the Huo family will arrive soon, and they must discuss it with Qiu Xiaoxue.

Otherwise, when someone comes, neither of the two granddaughters want to get married. Tsk tsk. At that time, the Qiu family will really offend someone!


Grandma Qiu took a deep breath and said slowly, "The Huo family promised our family a gift of two hundred yuan. I will keep one hundred yuan of this money and let you take the remaining half as your dowry!"

These days, when girls get married, most of them leave the bride price at their parents’ home.

People who feel sorry for the girl will give her some dowry.

He doesn't take his daughter seriously, he doesn't even give her new clothes, and just lets her go out.

The Qiu family is not a family that loves their daughter very much, but they don't abuse her too much.

The key is that Grandma Qiu is the head of the family, and even their biological father and mother cannot touch the betrothal gifts of the grandchildren.

But one level away, Grandma Qiu's "love" would be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Grandma Qiu had already made up her mind to keep all the betrothal gifts given by the Huo family and save them to find a wife for her youngest son.

The fabrics and other greeting gifts given by the Huo family can be used as dowry for the granddaughter to take away.

Now, things have changed and Qiu Xiaoxue took the opportunity to speak. Grandma Qiu could only endure the pain and spit out half of the bride price.

Grandma Qiu thought, a hundred yuan dowry is already a lot, Qiu Xiaoxue should be content!

Qiu Xiaoxue did not answer the question and continued: "In addition to reputation, being a stepmother is really not a good thing."

"I'd rather take care of the family, but it's difficult for my stepmother. I, I haven't given birth to a child yet—"

Grandma Qiu's face turned completely gloomy.

What a greedy girl.

They don't say they won't get married, they just keep finding fault with her.

Doesn't this show that he is not satisfied with the Qiu family's concessions and wants to continue to make money and stuff from his parents' family?

"Knowing that it's not easy to be a stepmother, the Huo family gave you a gift of two hundred yuan, and also prepared fabrics for four seasons' clothing for you."

"Oh, okay, okay, I'll let you take these away!"

Grandma Qiu seemed to have had a piece of her flesh taken away from her, with "heartache" written on every mark on her face.

"...Mom, the Huo family will be here later. Can I talk to Brother Yuanzheng alone?"

Qiu Xiaoxue glanced at Grandma Qiu's expression and knew that this was the final bottom line.

If the conditions were raised again, the old lady would probably go berserk on the spot!

No matter, the goal has been achieved anyway, Qiu Xiaoxue is too lazy to waste any more words.


It just so happened that Grandma Qiu also needed to talk to Mother Huo.

After getting engaged, if you change the bride to someone else, you will definitely have to turn the table over on the spot.

The Huo family is different.

Although on the surface, the Qiu family is superior to the Huo family.

But in fact, the Huo family is more eager to find a new daughter-in-law with good roots.

After all, the former daughter-in-law caused a lot of trouble for the Huo family, and Mr. Huo was almost implicated.

"Hmph! Our Qiu family has indeed taken advantage of the Huo family, but this time, the Huo family also wants to take advantage of it."

Grandpa Qiu doesn't ask many questions, but he has good vision and knowledge. He is also very good at asking questions and digging into camps.

Otherwise, when there were so many poor peasant households in the village, the army would not choose the Qiu family to place the wounded.

Grandpa Qiu may not be able to know the truth about the Huo family's situation, but just by looking at the Huo family's initiative to discuss marriage with the Qiu family, Grandpa Qiu can guess something.

In the past, Grandpa Qiu thought that even if the Huo family deliberately took advantage of it, the Qiu family would still benefit.

There are some things that you don’t have to worry about too much.

But now that someone is about to be replaced, the Qiu family has no choice but to take the initiative and take the initiative if they don't want to feel guilty.

So, a small jeep drove into Qiujiaping.

Grandpa Qiu and Grandma Qiu, who were guarding the entrance to the village, came forward to greet them.

"Xiaoxue, take Yuanzheng around!"

Grandma Qiu pulled Qiu Xiaoxue out from behind and put her into a pile with Huo Yuanzheng.

Mother Huo got out of the car reservedly, holding her airs in a serious manner. When she heard the name "Xiaoxue", her face suddenly darkened.

What's the meaning?

Didn't you agree to have a sister? Why did you suddenly become a sister?

Even the matchmaker who was invited to go through the motions was a little confused: Did I remember it wrong? The bride-to-be's name is not Gu Yu, but Xiaoxue?

Grandma Qiu quickly pulled Mother Huo aside and whispered a few words.

Mother Huo:......

She could barely maintain her dignity as a noble lady!

What a Qiu family, what do they think of the Huo family?

If the elder sister doesn't want to be a stepmother, why should the younger sister take over?

Do they really think that the Huo family will not marry a girl from the Qiu family?

Anger surged up, and Huo's mother almost fell out with the Qiu family on the spot.

However, reason still stopped Mother Huo in time.

The Huo family does not have to be the Qiu family.

But for now, the Qiu family is the best choice.

Another thing is that Huo's mother also considered Qiu Xiaoxue when she was choosing the Qiu family.

First of all, she is a high school student. Girls with such an education are rare not only in the countryside, but also in the city.

Secondly, Qiu Xiaoxue is of the right age.

It's the Qiu family, and they say "old and young are in order."

He also said that Qiu Guyu is the eldest sister, has a good temper, is steady and docile, and is suitable for taking care of children.

The Huo family wants to marry Huo Yuanzheng. In addition to avoiding a certain trouble, they also hope to have a suitable person to take care of their father and son!

After listening to what the Qiu family said, Huo's mother also felt that it would indeed be better to marry the eldest sister with a stable personality.

Huo's mother finally allowed herself to accept the fact of marrying a village girl as her daughter-in-law. At the last moment, the Qiu family did something like this again!

They, they——

No matter how much it goes too far, the Huo family will have to endure it.

There were only two days of family leave left for the expedition, and he still wanted to go out to fight.

But if the "wife" problem cannot be resolved, although Huo Yuanzheng will not be censored, he will be implicated to some extent.

It is better to marry him a upright wife as soon as possible and make the defection of his ex-wife a thing of the past, so that Huo Yuanzheng can slowly eliminate the suspicion.

Mother Huo quickly went through all the pros and cons in her mind.

In the end, she could only sigh helplessly: Forget it, my sister will be my sister.

Some of Qiu Xiaoxue's conditions were higher than Qiu Guyu's.

In this way, the Huo family can also "deceive themselves".

"Yuanzheng, your Grandma Qiu is right, you and Xiaoxue should go to the village for a walk."

With a gloomy face, Huo's mother managed to squeeze out a smile and spoke softly to Huo Yuanzheng.

Huo Yuanzheng was indispensable. Before today, he had never met his "fiancée", so naturally he couldn't say whether he liked her or not.

Suddenly someone changed, ahem, although it was a little awkward, it didn't matter.

All his tenderness and energy were almost exhausted by his ex-wife.

Now he just wants to find a suitable girl and live together.

Huo Yuanzheng really didn't think about love or anything.

Therefore, when his fiancée changed from an elder sister to a younger sister, his heart was not at all disturbed.


Huo Yuanzheng responded in a low voice, then turned sideways and made a "please" gesture.

The matchmaker sitting in the small jeep finally confirmed: Hmm, I really remembered wrongly, the future bride’s name is Xiaoxue, not Guyu!

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