The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 822 Emergency Rescue Mission (19)

Remember [new] in one second! A month later, He Tiantian’s household registration book has been issued.

He Tiantian's medical skills have reached the level of a junior Chinese medicine doctor.

Maybe he is not as good as a famous doctor, but he is already much better than those barefoot doctors.

The number of herbs in Mrs. Qiu’s yard grew more and more, spreading from the backyard to the front yard.

The whole yard smells of herbs.

Even Su Chuanxin, his uncle Su Guochang's house, who was twenty or thirty meters away from Mrs. Qiu, could vaguely smell the smell.

Su Chuanxin's aunt Ma Xifeng was extremely curious.

However, that "Pinellia", like Mrs. Qiu, lives in seclusion.

Ma Xifeng stayed at the door of her house morning and night, but failed to "encounter" her by chance.

If she couldn't catch anyone, Ma Xifeng didn't dare to go talk to Mrs. Qiu. She didn't even dare to sneak to the door of someone's house and poke her head around.

What, Su Guochang and his wife had a very bad reputation in Sujia Village because of embezzlement of compensation and house from Shuanzi's parents.

Although later Shuan Zisu Chuanxin "fallen upon himself" and became a well-known second-rate son.

Many people began to dislike Su Chuanxin for being dishonest and losing the face of Sujia Village.

It seems that the things Su Guochang and his wife once did are rarely mentioned.

However, not mentioning it does not mean that everyone has forgotten it.

On weekdays, Ma Xifeng likes to inquire about things, show off, and take advantage of others.

A perfect rural woman.

The people in Sujiacun really didn't have any good comments about her.

Such a disgusting shrew, if she took the initiative to provoke Mrs. Qiu, she would still make trouble.

Not to mention the villagers, even the village chief refused.

Mrs. Qiu is a famous hero mother in the county. Little Jeep comes to see her every year.

The old lady herself is not someone to be bullied.

She was a lonely old lady with no support and no worries.

If you really get in trouble, she can fight tooth and nail!

Su Guochang and Ma Xifeng did not dare.

In the early years,

Mrs. Qiu helped Shuanzi, and Shuanzi repaid the favor by helping the old lady work.

Ma Xifeng took the opportunity to sneak into Mrs. Qiu's house.

As a result, Mrs. Qiu caught her on the spot and made a scene.

Even the captain was alarmed.

If the brigade captain and village chief hadn't taken turns to say good things and said they would "bring justice" to the old lady, the old lady would have brought the matter to the county.

By then, not only Ma Xifeng will be embarrassed, but the entire advancing brigade will also be embarrassed.

Under the double pressure of the brigade captain and village chief, Ma Xifeng not only paid the old lady ten yuan as compensation, but also publicly apologized to the old lady on the loudspeaker of the brigade headquarters.

After struggling for seven days, Ma Xifeng became the laughing stock of the entire production team, and Mrs. Qiu finally relaxed.

Ma Xifeng couldn't steal the chicken but lost the rice, so she didn't dare to provoke the old lady again.

Even when sending a message to Shuan Zisu, she did not dare to be too harsh.

After that incident, not only Ma Xifeng, but also everyone in Sujia Village and the Advance Brigade knew that Mrs. Qiu was not easy to mess with.

Even if he didn't have any scheming intentions, he wouldn't dare to hang around in front of Mrs. Qiu's house.

Ma Xifeng was especially afraid.

Therefore, even if she is extremely curious, she does not dare to go near Mrs. Qiu's house.

Su Chuanxin knew the situation, but Ma Xifeng didn't ask him.

This second-rate kid is no longer the half-grown kid who was easily deceived and easy to bully.

He, a broken pot, is just a smelly bone that cannot be steamed or fried.

Moreover, this man often hangs out with a group of gangsters, and Su Guochang and his wife are frightened just looking at him.

They are the best, but they are just farmers.

Taking advantage and bullying their nephew who has no father or mother is probably their limit.

But those second-rate scoundrels and scoundrels are ruthless people who dare to do bad things.

If one person fails, the whole family will be punished.

In recent years, Su Guochang and Ma Xifeng have regretted it a lot.

They didn't regret embezzling their second wife's property, let alone being mean to their nephew.

What they regretted was not driving Su Chuanxin out when he started to get bad.

At that time, they only wanted to continue to control Su Chuanxin as an old scalper who worked hard and took no complaints and beatings.

I couldn't bear to drive such a strong worker out.

As a result, this stay has left trouble.

A few years ago, Su Guochang wanted to try to "separate the family" from Su Chuanxin.

Su Chuanxin just said: "Uncle (the local name for uncle), where is my house?"

Su Chuanxin's meaning was very clear. If he wanted to drive him out, he could just return his house to him.

Su Guochang:......

For a top-notch person, how can there be any reason to vomit out the meat that has already been eaten in the stomach?

Besides, he couldn't afford to pay back a yard.

There is no shortage of homestead sites, just answer the question to the village chief.

But the question is, what should I do with the money to build a house?

Su Chuanxin's biological father was very capable, and the couple built three tile-roofed houses.

Those bricks and tiles alone can be worth dozens of dollars.

Su Chuanxin's request was simple. He wanted Su Guochang to return it exactly as it was.

Don’t have a house?


Pay with money!

Not much, just a hundred yuan!

Su Guochang:......

Together, he and his son only have three strong laborers.

Coupled with the women and children, at the end of the year, after deducting deductions, we can get more than a hundred yuan.

Su Chuanxin opened his mouth and asked for a hundred yuan. Wouldn't their whole family's work for a year be in vain?

The key is that Su Guochang's eldest grandson is fourteen this year and will be engaged in three or four years.

Betrothal gifts, house building, banquets... are another huge expense.

After the eldest grandson, there are second and third grandsons!

It is a happy event to have children and grandchildren, but when it is their turn to get married, it will make Su Guochang, the head of the family, gray-haired.

Su Guochang calculated again and again, but he couldn't come up with a hundred yuan at all.

Of course, he didn't want to either.

If he didn't give her money, Su Chuanxin wouldn't leave and would stay with them.

Workers in the production brigade are not allowed to work!

No more work at home!

When it's meal time, people come back to eat.

If he was stopped, this bastard would dare to flip the table over.

Su Guochang's family are all farmers, and they all wear shoes. How can they dare to compete with barefoot gangsters? !

In this way, Su Chuanxin became the "disaster" of the Su Guochang family.

Su Guochang, Ma Xifeng and others did not dare to cause trouble easily, so how could they look for trouble?

[This Shuanzi is really a wolf cub! We raised him anyway, but he did this to us! 】

Ma Xifeng cursed fiercely in her heart.

Standing at the door of her home, smelling the scent of herbs coming from Mrs. Qiu's yard, her heart felt like it was being scratched by a hundred claws.

Not being able to find out the news is definitely the most uncomfortable thing for a person who loves gossip.

Ma Xifeng thought about it for a long time, then ran to the street corner and started chatting with other aunts and wives.

Soon, the news spread throughout most of Sujia Village——

There is always a medicinal smell in Mrs. Qiu's house. Is this lonely old lady sick?

When the village chief Su Guoqiang heard the news, he was worried that Mrs. Qiu was really up to something, so he came to check on her personally.

"...are these herbs made from Pinellia ternata? Can she still see a doctor?"

"Hey, that's not right. I asked her last time, didn't she know how to do it?"

Seeing the herbs all over the yard, Mrs. Qiu was still working with her little feet on the medicine grinder. Su Guoqiang hurriedly asked.

After getting the answer, he became even more confused.

Mrs. Qiu rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Don't you want others to learn from you? You little brat has a master."

"In the past, her master was still alive and had no need for her, so she didn't study hard!"

"After she came down from the mountain and realized that studying medicine was useful, she started to study again according to the books her master asked her to memorize!"

"It took her a month to learn this. Her master's skills have allowed her to learn a little bit. She can't stand a serious illness, has a headache, brain fever, falls and fractures, etc., but there is still no problem!"

Mrs. Qiu knows how to speak very well.

She is a "master" who obscures Jiang Yaohua's existence and makes "Panellia"'s medical skills justified.

The point is, the old lady didn't lie.

"Panellia" did memorize the medical books as required by the master, and also learned the basics of the master's skills.

It's just that this "master" is not that "master".

Su Guoqiang really misunderstood. Instead of thinking about the new master, he thought that He Tiantian had learned medical skills from the legendary master.

"Headache and brain fever? Broken bones due to fall?"

It doesn't sound like it's very powerful, but in a small mountain village like theirs, being able to treat these diseases is enough!

Su Guoqiang rubbed his hands excitedly, "Third Aunt, is Banxia okay?"

"Would it work? You'll know if you give it a try?"

Mrs. Qiu rolled her eyes again.

However, her tone was full of trust in He Tiantian.

In addition, Su Guoqiang also discovered that Mrs. Qiu looked very good and had gained weight.

Just looking at Old Mrs. Qiu's state, Su Guoqiang could conclude that "Panellia" took good care of the old lady.

She may not necessarily cure diseases, but she will definitely "keep in good health".

The old lady in front of me is a little less mean and dry, and a lot more rich and calm.

She is completely different from the lonely old lady in her memory.

Just for this point, Su Guoqiang silently gave Tiantian a thumbs up: Girl, this is amazing!

"...Hey, how do you try this kind of thing?"

Su Guoqiang calmed down and laughed twice.

How to try medical skills?

If you are not sick, you cannot pretend to be sick.

If you are really sick, you don't dare to let people who don't know the details try it randomly.

It’s not like it’s hopeless and you want to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

As long as there is some hope, people still want to see a serious doctor.

The health center at the brigade headquarters is a bit far away from Sujia Village, but it is closer than the county.

If the villagers are really sick or injured, they will subconsciously run to the health center.

That girl "Panxia" is young and still a recent learner. She doesn't even have a successful case. Who dares to try it easily? !

It's hard for others to tell, but Su Guoqiang doesn't dare to.

Mrs. Qiu: ...

It's okay, these people don't believe her little stinky girl now. When the critical moment comes, the little stinky girl will definitely convince them and admire her!

When Su Guoqiang came out of Mrs. Qiu's house, everyone in Sujia Village soon knew——

The Banxia, ​​who came to find relatives but settled in Mrs. Qiu's house, knew medical skills and tinkered with medicinal materials at home every day.

As soon as this news came out, people who had been gossiping about whether Mrs. Qiu was sick or dying suddenly lost interest.

It's just a girl's movie, just a few words of bragging, and she really thinks she can be a doctor.

In fact, even if everyone is interested in He Tiantian's medical skills, they don't have time to gossip.

Time has entered June, and the entire forward production team is sharpening their knives and preparing to start the summer harvest.

A year's harvest depends on these few days.

Captain Qiu Changshun started mobilizing several days in advance.

The entire production brigade, as long as they are not too sick to get up or have babies that cannot walk, men, women, old and young are all required to go into battle.

Those second-rate boys and gangsters who were lazy and playful were also tugged by their ears and scolded by their families.

It’s okay to be lazy at ordinary times, but if you dare to cause trouble during the summer harvest, haha, look at how the captain will deal with you when the grain is distributed!

When it comes to your own rations, no one dares to fool you.

Even He Tiantian, a new member who has not yet been assigned work by Qiu Changshun, is preparing to go to the fields.

Qiu Changshun looked at He Tiantian, who was wearing long trousers and long sleeves, a straw hat on his head, and a scarf on the straw hat, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

This, is not a work material.

Looking at the white and tender skin and the thin arms that could be broken with just a pinch, Qiu Changshun doubted whether this girl could wield a sickle.

Don't fall down in the wheat field, or cut yourself in the leg with a sickle!

Don't laugh, Qiu Changshun is not joking.

In recent years, many educated youths have come to the village one after another.

When the educated youth went to the fields, they were in a lot of different situations.

There are some "accidents" that Qiu Changshun and the people in the production brigade could not even dream of -

Damn it!

Can it still be like this? !

And the "Panellia" in front of me is even more delicate and unreliable than those female educated youths.

Thinking of the old lady Qiu he had just met, his eldest sister, she looked much better than before.

Qiu Changshun knew that his aunt had been living a very happy life during this period.

And the hero of all this should be "Panalia".

It is precisely with this in mind that in the past month, He Tiantian did not take the initiative to ask for work assignments, and Qiu Changshun did not go to her either.

If the summer harvest hadn't been so critical that even an old lady like Mrs. Qiu would be dispatched, Qiu Changshun wouldn't have thought of her.

Looking at He Tiantian, and then turning to look at Mrs. Qiu who was standing aside with a worried look on her face, Qiu Changshun closed her eyes and decided to give He Tiantian a back door.

At this moment, He Tiantian seemed to notice Qiu Changshun's difficulty, and hurriedly said: "Uncle Captain, it's too hot. We all have to work. I'm worried that someone will suffer from heat stroke!"

"I specially made some medicinal soup to relieve heat. Although it doesn't taste very good, the effect is good!"

"Huh? You can also make medicinal soup? Oh, yes, I heard someone said two days ago that you re-learned the medical books that your master asked you to be taught-"

Qiu Changshun said nonchalantly.

In his heart, he didn't believe that He Tiantian knew medical skills.

However, he had just decided to let go, and He Tiantian's words gave him a more justifiable reason.

Originally, Qiu Changshun wanted He Tiantian to follow Mrs. Qiu to pick up wheat ears, but now he simply ordered: "Since you have made the medicinal soup, be responsible for delivering water to everyone."

Anyway, I wasn’t going to give her any work points, I was just pretending to keep everyone’s mouths shut.

"Okay! Uncle Captain!"

He Tiantian still has her signature sweet and waxy voice.

Qiu Changshun's frown relaxed slightly.

But soon, a scream sounded from the ground, and Qiu Changshun couldn't help but feel anxious...

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