The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 825 Emergency Rescue Mission (22)

Remember [new] in one second! It has been more than a month since Qiu Guyu came to the county seat.

Her cousin works as a temporary worker in the warehouse of the county vinegar factory. Her usual job is to move and lift, which requires a lot of strength.

My cousin usually dislikes it, but her husband's family finally got the job, so she has to do it no matter how hard or tiring it is.

Besides, temporary workers in warehouses are also workers.

Back at her parents' home, she was always the most envied object.

But, it’s really tiring.

My cousin is not a hard-working person, otherwise she would not take the shortcut of getting married.

I finally got pregnant, and I felt I had the confidence to establish myself in my husband's family.

The pregnancy was not very good, and there were signs of miscarriage. I went to the hospital, and the doctor also recommended resting to protect the fetus.

Now, my cousin completely had an excuse.

As for the husband's family, she finally got pregnant, which was naturally a big event for the whole family to celebrate.

I can turn a blind eye to my daughter-in-law's "squeamishness".

"Find someone to take over, preferably a relative from your hometown."

My cousin’s mother-in-law decided this way.

She calculated well——

First, having someone take over can not only keep the daughter-in-law’s job, but also allow her to take good care of her baby;

Second, find an acquaintance in the countryside so that the substitute can be paid less.

Even if the daughter-in-law doesn't go to work, she won't have any income at all.

Third, you can also "generously" mean that food and accommodation are included, but in reality...

"What kind of food and accommodation are included? It's obviously a free nanny!"

Less than a week after arriving in the county, Qiu Guyu discovered a problem.

She can indeed live in her cousin's house, but as a younger sister, she can't see her cousin who needs to have a baby busy in and out.

Moreover, living and eating in other people's homes is one of the benefits of "substituting".

However, as long as you know some rules or have a thin skin, you can't be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Qiu Guyu naturally understands the principle of "being a guest".

Seeing her cousin and mother-in-law deliberately rushing in and out in front of her,

She really couldn't sit still, so she couldn't help but help out.

This kind of thing, once you start, you can't stop.

At first, my cousin and mother-in-law would pretend to give in or say some kind words.

But as time went by, Qiu Guyu got better at it, and she looked like she should be doing it.

There is also a cousin, tsk tsk, Xu is relying on the fact that she is a cousin and Qiu Guyu's "family member".

It's not easy to wake her up.

Qiu Guyu has to go to work in the factory during the day. When he comes back, he still has to cook, wash clothes and clean.

The surrounding neighbors, as well as my cousin's natal family and Qiu Guyu's family, thought that Qiu Guyu, a country girl, had enjoyed such a blessing in the county!

Qiu Guyu:......

She does have a good temper and knows how to be patient.

But, she was not taken advantage of.

If she is married, serving her husband and taking care of her children are her duties as a wife.

Even if she is a free nanny, she won't have much resistance or disgust.

Free nanny is an alternative interpretation of housewives in the "posterity" in her dream. In this era, no one thinks so.

The man is mine, the children are mine, and the whole family is mine. What’s wrong with doing some work?

However, it is different at my cousin's house.

She is just a relative who helps out at work, working hard, and this family has nothing to do with her.

This is a free nanny!

However, her cousin bossed her around and acted as if she was "taking advantage of you".

...Qiu Guyu didn't do well in the county.

The work in the vinegar factory was tiring and boring, and I couldn't learn anything at all.

The only advantage is that she can get close to the county town and further confirm what she saw in her dream.

That dream mainly foreshadowed her miserable life.

But in this process, it is also mixed with social changes and development, as well as some things in the place where she comes from.

For example, Qiu Guyu learned about the black market in his dream.

I also know that in four years, the entire society will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Personal buying and selling is no longer illegal. If you do it well, you can become a "ten thousand-yuan household" that is encouraged by the country and envied by the society.

Ten thousand yuan household.

She worked hard to cover for her cousin for a month and only received a salary of eight yuan.

The distance of 10,000 yuan seems to be thousands of miles away!

However, all the things in the dream made Qiu Guyu's honest heart agitate.

She began to use her lunch break at work to sneak around the county town, looking for traces of the black market.

After work, she would no longer act like a big enemy and let her cousin and her family yell at her.

She would find excuses to sneak out.

Finally, she found the location of the black market.

Qiu Guyu began to think: What should he sell on the black market?

Everything in my cousin's house has nothing to do with me.

She didn't dare to try the tricks of the old workers in the vinegar factory.

The only property she had at her disposal was the eight yuan her cousin gave her at the end of the month.

But these days, you may not be able to buy things if you have money.

Even if Qiu Guyu wanted to use her skills to make some food, she wouldn't be able to buy the materials without enough food stamps and meat stamps.

You can buy it on the black market.

However, the black market prices are too expensive.

Those people can make money by taking advantage of the difference.

If Qiu Guyu bought materials on the black market, made something and then sold it on the black market, it would basically be a fool's errand.

Of course, you can also go directly to the gates of several factories in the county to sell them.

However, in this case, the risk of "exposure" is too great.

Qiu Guyu thought about it, but couldn't find a suitable "deal".

In those days, she always wandered around the black market.

Su Chuanxin was a frequent visitor to the black market. Every now and then he would go to the county town to sell wild animals from the mountains or eggs collected at high prices from commune members.

Inevitably, Su Chuanxin saw Qiu Guyu.

When the black market was cleared by patrol officers, Su Chuanxin fled in a hurry. During the escape, he bumped into Qiu Guyu.

Qiu Guyu was frightened.

She knew the black market was illegal and knew there was a risk of getting caught.

But she still didn't expect that the patrol's arrests would be so scary.

In fact, she was just wandering around the black market, looking for business opportunities.

Even if there are patrols chasing her, she doesn't have to be afraid.

She didn't have anything in her hand, and she didn't have much money or bills. She didn't have "physical evidence." Even if she was caught, the patrol couldn't do anything to her.

But, she feels guilty!

She came to the black market to find a way to make money.

It's just that she hasn't found it yet and hasn't officially taken action yet.

If you have the thought of "being a thief" in your heart, you will naturally feel instinctive fear when you see law enforcement officers.

Qiu Guyu ran away.

While running, she panicked and didn't pay attention to her surroundings, so she bumped into a strange man.

"Stop! Don't run!"

Patrol officers were still chasing after him.

Qiu Guyu's heart was beating wildly, and his calves were weak.

She wanted to run, but was grabbed by the man she hit.

"Hey! I didn't run away! I, I was just hanging out with my partner, and I thought I met the aunts from the neighborhood committee!"

The moment Su Chuanxin bumped into Qiu Guyu, he had an idea.

He no longer ran, but pulled Qiu Guyu together to face the patrols.

"Your partner?" The patrol officer was panting as he chased her.

He stopped, took a few deep breaths, and then began to look up and down at Su Chuanxin and Qiu Guyu.

When Qiu Guyu heard the words "my partner", his pretty face turned red.

Thanks to that extremely real warning dream, Qiu Guyu seemed to have really lived a lifetime.

In the dream, she gets married, becomes a stepmother for children, and becomes a wife for men.

She knows very well the things between husband and wife.

This always gave her a strange feeling——

On the one hand, she is not married yet and is an indifferent young lady.

On the other hand, she spent more than ten years with a man and raised two naughty stepsons from childhood.

She really has nothing strange about men and couples!

The intertwining of two complex and contradictory feelings makes Qiu Guyu both simple and mature.

The specific aspect is that she was held by a strange man at this moment.

Her instinct is fear and rejection, but she doesn't really yell like a young girl who has nothing to do.

Moreover, at this moment, the situation is very critical.

Qiu Guyu knew very well that if she could not cooperate with the man beside her, she might be taken away by the patrol!


Qiu Guyu responded softly and lowered his head with a flushed face.

She was scared and shy, but she managed to get it right. It was completely in line with the way young girls in this era would talk to someone, only to be caught in the act!

"You kid, aren't you trying to fool me?"

The patrol officers looked at Su Chuanxin suspiciously!

They have been keeping an eye on this black market for a while and have seen Su Chuanxin several times.

It's just that this kid is very cunning, and they never catch him in action.

Catch the traitor and the couple, catch the thief and take the stolen goods!

If you want to catch these speculative and cunning people, you must have tangible evidence.

Su Chuanxin spread his hands, pretending to be helpless.

In fact, he was showing the patrol officers that he had no "goods" on him.

As for "payment"——

Haha, when your partner goes shopping, you are not allowed to invite them to dinner or to watch a movie.

If Su Chuanxin had been thicker-skinned, he could have said that he was going to his partner's house to meet his future mother-in-law.

The money and tickets in your hands are all used for betrothal gifts!

Anyway, Su Chuanxin was not blocked alone, there was a young girl beside him.

"Are you really not here for speculation? I've seen you around here several times!"

The patrol officer wanted to cheat and deliberately mentioned the black market.

Who is Su Chuanxin? He has been making a living in county and provincial capitals since he was a teenager.

Lies and lies are spoken as soon as you open your mouth.

The key is that he doesn't have the slightest bit of guilt, and his "righteousness" is simply not too strong.

"My gay brother, have you ever seen any opportunist who took a partner with him when he did bad things?"

Su Chuanxin said with a playful smile.

Qiu Guyu didn't need to say anything, as long as he kept his shy and bowed posture.

Patrol officer: ...

Damn, that makes so much sense, but I’m speechless.

"Stop trying to establish relationships. Who is your brother?"

The patrol officer scolded him angrily, looking at Su Chuanxin who was carefree, and then at Qiu Guyu who lowered his head and said nothing.

His chest was so tight!

"Hmph! Forget it this time, let me see you here again in the future. See if I can catch you!"

After saying the harsh words, the patrol officer turned around and left, continuing to arrest other people.

The patrol left and the alley fell silent.

Su Chuanxin let out a breath.

Even though he looked calm and composed just now, his heart was pounding with nervousness.

He has been in the black market all year round, so he naturally knows what will happen if he is caught.

At worst, they might be sent to a farm; at worst, they might just eat peanuts.

He is not married yet and has not given birth to grandchildren for his parents yet. He cannot die, let alone have a criminal record.

Both parents are strong people. In their short life, both husband and wife are responsible and diligent.

Su Chuanxin's greatest limit is to be a lazy and idle second-rater.

Being sent to prison or forced labor camp is definitely a stain in life.

Su Chuanxin could not make his parents feel uneasy.

This time, he almost got caught. If he hadn't suddenly bumped into such a girl, Su Chuanxin would have had a hard time explaining why he had so much money and tickets on his person!


Qiu Guyu's pretty face was so red that it almost bled.

She was afraid that the patrol officer would respond again, or that someone would overhear her.

I was so embarrassed that I could only lower my voice and yell.


Su Chuanxin didn't react for a moment.

"I asked you to let go! Everyone is gone, why are you still holding on to me?"

Qiu Guyu's voice already contained a cry.

Fortunately, she had that dream and her mind became more "open".

If it were left in the past, she would still be the simple and traditional rural girl.

Now she even wants to die!

"oh oh!!"

Only then did Su Chuanxin react.

He hurriedly let go of his hand and apologized guiltily to Qiu Guyu: "Yes, I'm sorry! I, I didn't pay attention just now!"

"Also! Thank you!"

On the surface, Su Chuanxin was a second-rate man, but everyone in Sujia Village and the entire advancing brigade secretly suspected that he was a bastard who was addicted to eating, drinking, prostitution, gambling and smoking.

Even if it's not that serious, it's not a good thing.

In fact, Su Chuanxin is kind-hearted at heart, and he knows how to be grateful.

It's just because of his past experiences that he doesn't dare to act so honest and innocent anymore.

[It’s better to be a rogue, at least no one dares to bully you! 】

This is how Su Chuanxin reminded himself.

However, this does not mean that when he faces real good people or innocent people, he can still act like a slutty gangster.

He just wanted to deal with the patrol, so he had to take advantage of the girl.

Now that the crisis has passed, Su Chuanxin will never take the opportunity to bully other girls, even if it is just to make nice talk.

"No, you're welcome!"

In fact, Su Chuanxin also helped her.

Qiu Guyu was still feeling weak until now.

"My name is Su Chuanxin, from Sujiacun! You are from Qiujiaping, right? I've seen you before!"

Su Chuanxin solemnly introduced himself.

Then, he took out a handful of money and bills from his pocket and handed them to Qiu Guyu.

Before Qiu Guyu could react, Su Chuanxin turned around and ran away.

Looking at the figure running away quickly, Qiu Guyu was a little distracted, and his hands holding the money and tickets slowly tightened...

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