The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 834 Emergency Rescue Mission (31)

Remember [new] in one second! In the early morning, when the sky was slightly bright, Qiu Xiaoxue got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

Huo Yuanzheng didn't think about why Qiu Xiaoxue, who had long been accustomed to cooking in the cafeteria, suddenly went to cook for herself.

However, even if he thought of it, Huo Yuanzheng would not doubt it.

Just assume that she is pregnant, overflowing with maternal instincts, and wants to cook for herself.

Huo Yuanzheng didn't notice that the children sleeping in the next room also woke up.

They rustled, they tiptoed, they—


The sound of something heavy falling to the ground.


The woman's screams, and a roar that was enough to startle the neighbors——

"Huo Dabao, why did you push me?"

Huo Yuanzheng, who was dazed in his sleep, was suddenly awakened.

He jumped out of bed with a sudden jerk.

Then, without caring about anything else, he ran outside wearing only his pants and vest.

Then, Huo Yuanzheng saw a scene that made his heart stop——

Qiu Xiaoxue huddled on the ground in pain. Her face was pale and she held her belly with both hands.

Under her body, there was a scarlet blood trail.

On the steps, Huo Dabao looked at this scene with horror in his eyes and disbelief!

Huo Yuanzheng closed his eyes forcefully and tried his best to calm down.

However, everything that happened before him made it really difficult for him to calm down.

If it was just his wife who accidentally fell and caused her miscarriage, Huo Yuanzheng would not be so shocked.

What really made him feel angry, even scared, was that his son was actually there.

Dabao, he, he won’t be involved in this matter, right?

Until this time, Huo Yuanzheng was still taking chances.


Maybe, this, this is just a coincidence!

Dabao is only over six years old, not yet seven.

He is indeed naughty,

He always likes to get into trouble, but he should always have a bottom line in his heart!

How could he, how could he harm someone?

The most important thing is his stepmother, his elder? !

Huo Yuanzheng refused to believe this fact, and even more refused to believe that his own son was actually a bad person!

However, the "facts" are right in front of us.

Qiu Xiaoxue, who was in great pain, was still mumbling: "Why? Why did you push me?"

"Even if I'm not your biological mother, in the past few months, I've never treated you badly!"

"Why! Dabao, why do you do this to me?"

Huo Dabao:...

He was immediately frightened, and his usual cleverness was completely frightened away.

He opened his mouth and stared, wanting to say something, but couldn't utter a word.

Huo Yuanzheng did not dare to delay and hurried to his neighbor's house to call for help.

Not long after, the entire military compound was woken up.

Everyone helped Huo Yuanzheng to send Qiu Xiaoxue to the hospital.

There were also two enthusiastic aunts, who were worried that no one would take care of the three children of the Huo family, so they took the initiative to stay and take care of them.

"What are you looking at? Humph, that Dabao is so vicious at such a young age!"

"That's right. Although Xiao Qiu has some shortcomings, to be fair, the stepmother is pretty good at what she does!"

"Isn't that right? I don't beat or scold, I don't withhold food or clothing, and I even help wipe my child's butt when he gets into trouble..."

"Yes, yes! Xiao Qiu is quite pitiful when you think about it. I heard that she is only nineteen years old. She suddenly became a stepmother to three children, and her two sons are so troubled. No one else would be able to do it well!"

"...I finally got pregnant, but I was thrown and had a miscarriage. Oh, how can a six- or seven-year-old child be so 'evil'!"

Everyone turned into moral models and scolded the naughty child righteously and sternly.

They had completely forgotten that just yesterday, they held Huo Dabao's hand and told him and his brother to be wary of their stepmother.

What else can I say, once the stepmother has a child, she will have someone to rely on.

They will also have the idea of ​​fighting for family property.

The two little brothers are a thorn in the stepmother's side and a thorn in the flesh...

Huo Dabao finally recovered. Hearing the accusations and curses from a group of women, and then seeing their disdainful and disgusting looks, the child's little heart simply couldn't bear it.

With a sound of "ouch", Huo Dabao started to cry.

"It wasn't me! It wasn't me who did it!"

"Ugh, I really don't want her to have a baby brother, but she fell down on her own before I even started!"

"Ouch! Ouch! You have wronged me! That bad woman has wronged me!"

"...I didn't! It's not me! Woo hoo, it's really not me!"

Huo Dabao couldn't stop crying, he was so wronged.

However, no one believed his cries and excuses.

Oh no, it’s not that no one believed it at all. Huo’s mother, who came to pick up her grandson, heard about it as soon as she landed on the island.

The new daughter-in-law had a miscarriage, and Huo's mother was of course sad.

But then, when she heard that it was about her precious grandson, Huo's mother's heart suddenly turned away.

Ahem, I really can’t blame her for being partial.

One was a small embryo that she didn’t know whether it was a boy or a girl, and the other was a grandson that she had raised personally for more than a year.

Mother Huo instinctively preferred the latter.

Furthermore, Huo's mother knew her grandson well. He was indeed naughty, but he never lied.

It was him who did it, and he would never deny it.

Moreover, as a protective elder, Huo's mother subconsciously did not think that her children would be so "evil".


It must be a misunderstanding!

Qiu Xiaoxue was already lying in the hospital, bleeding and covered with blood clots. She seemed to have lost half of her life. It didn't look like she was cheating.

People are poor victims.

Even if Huo's mother despises her daughter-in-law, she can't be unscrupulous and hard-hearted and say that Qiu Xiaoxue is framing Huo Dabao.

And she believed that her baby meant no harm to anyone, so all this could only be a misunderstanding.

"No! Grandma, listen to me, I really didn't push her."

Huo's mother felt that she had believed in Dabao, but Huo Dabao still felt like he had been betrayed by his grandma.

In a child's world, it's all black and white.

He was not wrong, so the person who was wrong must be Qiu Xiaoxue!

Mother Huo:......

Why is this naughty kid so stupid?

Grandma is here to help you!

He dismissed the whole thing as an "accident" and asked Dabao to apologize to Qiu Xiaoxue.

After all, he is a child and a family. Is it really possible for Dabao to survive? !

Major issues to minor ones out.

Huo's mother was originally here to pick up her two grandsons. This time, she took them away directly and let the matter calm down slowly.

After a long time, if Qiu Xiaoxue is pregnant with a child, everything will be over!

Mother Huo felt that she had thought it through very carefully.

However, Huo Dabao was too bearded and could not understand her painstaking efforts at all.

Forget about apologizing, Dabao kept saying that Qiu Xiaoxue was setting him up.

Mother Huo:......

No matter how biased or protective she was, she could not tolerate Huo Dabao without any principles or bottom line.

Huo Yuanzheng was even more furious.

If it weren't for Qiu Xiaoxue still living in the hospital and Huo Yuanzheng guarding and serving him, he would have wanted to rush home, grab Huo Dabao and give him a hard whip with his belt!

After three days of ups and downs, with children crying and adults scolding her, Qiu Xiaoxue was finally discharged from the hospital.

When she got home, she was still lying on the bed to rest.

It seemed that this "miscarriage" really stimulated her a lot.

Not only was it physically devastated, but it was also a huge psychological impact.

She looked indifferent to Huo Yuanzheng, her three children, and even Huo's mother.

Huo's mother's smiling face was slapped on the butt, and her chest couldn't help but feel tight.

But in this matter, the Huo family did treat Qiu Xiaoxue badly.

Huo's mother felt guilty and guilty, so she could only endure her dissatisfaction and continue to greet Qiu Xiaoxue.

She tried her best to restore the relationship, and did not forget to urge Huo Dabao——

"Dabao, come and make amends to your mother!"

"Your mother has a lot of money and won't care about your child!"

"Hurry up, tell me you are wrong, and never dare to do it again..."

Mother Huo was simply heartbroken.

However, Dabao was stubborn, holding his neck and having red circles under his eyes, but refused to speak.

Neighbors nearby came to join in the fun, oh no, they came to help. Seeing this situation, they all tried to persuade her.

Huo's mother was extremely anxious when she saw this.

The key is that my upright son started to take off his belt again.

Huo's mother was in a hurry, and her mind was particularly bright.

She suddenly thought that among the three children, Xiaoya was the youngest and most well-behaved, and she also had the closest relationship with Qiu Xiaoxue.

Huo's mother thought that Qiu Xiaoxue might be disgusted with Huo Dabao, but she should still have some feelings for Xiaoya.

Perhaps for Xiaoya's sake, Qiu Xiaoxue didn't directly call for divorce. There was always room for redemption.

"Xiaoya! Xiaoya, come here, your mother is not feeling well, come and give your mother a hug!"

Mother Huo shouted repeatedly.

Xiaoya struggled to hold an enamel basin and staggered over from the kitchen.

Her little face was full of flattery, and she said in a sweet voice, "Mom, let me pour the oil for you!"

pour oil?

After everyone heard this, they were a little confused at first.

But soon, Huo Yuanzheng's hand, which was untying his belt, stopped.

After Qiu Xiaoxue's accident, he was the first person to arrive at the scene.

In addition to seeing a scarlet blood stain, he also noticed that the steps were greasy.

At that time, Huo Yuanzheng guessed that pushing people and pouring oil were probably the work of his own naughty kid.

This bastard is "courageous and resourceful", and he even had to get "double insurance" to frame his stepmother!

But at this moment, I saw Xiaoya, who was less than three years old, actually holding a small pot of lard and saying "I'll pour the oil for you"——

Huo Yuanzheng, who was upright but very clever, figured out the joints in an instant.

Even the neighbors around me slowly started to taste it.

If the person holding the lard basin was Xiaobao, no one would think much about it.

It happened to be Xiaoya who was closest to Qiu Xiaoxue, and more importantly, Xiaoya was less than three years old.

For such a young child, even if she is taught to lie, she may not be able to learn it!

What she said was basically the truth!

Qiu Xiaoxue:......

Ma De, if I had known that Huo Dabao was so "cooperative", I wouldn't have poured oil!

Yes, Qiu Xiaoxue made double preparations to be sure.

First, she deliberately exposed her "pregnancy" in front of Huo Dabao. She believed that even without her hint, the gossiping women in the family home could make Huo Dabao "think wildly".

Second, Qiu Xiaoxue still couldn't guarantee that Huo Dabao would secretly push her.

So she deliberately spread oil on the steps.

In this way, even if Huo Dabao is not at the scene, Qiu Xiaoxue can make everyone believe that Huo Dabao is the "murderer".

There is no way, naughty children are so easy to make people suspicious!

It is obviously "double insurance", but it has become "superfluous".

Qiu Xiaoxue felt regretful at this time.

Huo's mother is older and does not react so quickly.

However, she still thought about it, and she even thought about it more than everyone else——

"Qiu Xiaoxue, are you not pregnant at all?"

"By the way, what are the dates of your little days? I heard Yuan Zheng said that your little days are very regular!"

At this point, Huo's mother turned to Huo Yuanzheng and asked, "Yuanzheng, when did your wife get her period last month?"

Huo Yuanzheng was startled.

Although he is busy with work, he does not completely ignore his family.

Moreover, Qiu Xiaoxue suffered from menstrual cramps, and the pain would be particularly severe on the first day of her period every month.

Huo Yuanzheng once got up in the middle of the night to make brown sugar water for Qiu Xiaoxue.

During these days of every month, Huo Yuanzheng would also tell his two sons to be less noisy.

Therefore, although Huo Yuanzheng is a straight man, he still has some impressions of his wife's menstruation.

He hadn't thought about this before, so naturally he didn't care.

At this moment, when he heard his mother's reminder, Huo Yuanzheng thought about it carefully.

Suddenly, he thought about it, his face became very ugly, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura.

Seeing his reaction, what else didn't Huo's mother and the sisters-in-law present understand?

Oh my gosh!

This Qiu Xiaoxue is really scheming and vicious!

First she faked the pregnancy, then she framed her stepson.

Does she know that letting a six- or seven-year-old child bear such a "crime" will affect him for the rest of his life? !

How vicious!

How despicable? !

This, this is simply a vicious stepmother that only appears in story books.

"Qiu Xiaoxue, let's get a divorce!"

Huo Yuanzheng looked straight at Qiu Xiaoxue, making her panic and wishing he could find a place to hide.

For a long time, Huo Yuanzheng did not explode, but said these words very calmly.

"Yes! Divorce! Our Huo family would not dare to have such a vicious woman!"

Mother Huo followed and shouted.

She has not forgotten how arrogantly Qiu Xiaoxue used "miscarriage" to scorn her just now.

And her precious grandson, oh, he is so wronged.

Mother Huo couldn't help but worry when she thought that her eldest grandson would have to live under the same roof with such a stepmother!


The daughter-in-law of the Huo family can be a rural girl with no ability or background, but she must not be a vicious and calculating house-ruiner!

Such a daughter-in-law is enough to destroy three generations of their Huo family!

Huo's mother may be hypocritical or not very generous, but her mind is exceptionally clear.


Must divorce!

The people around who were joining in the fun were dumbfounded when they saw such a wonderful turn of events.

No one thought anything of Huo Yuanzheng's mother and son's decision.

If it were their own family, they wouldn't dare to have such a terrible daughter-in-law.

Qiu Xiaoxue:......

The mission actually failed like this!

Although she did not hear the sound of failure coming from the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Qiu Xiaoxue knew that once she divorced Huo Yuanzheng, it would be difficult for her to have the opportunity to become a heroine.

However, there is no chance of recovery.

Her mission, in addition to becoming the heroine, is also to expel the wild copywriters!

If the former fails, she can still try the latter.

In this way, there may be no reward for the two items, but there will definitely be no penalty!

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