Remember [new] in one second! He Tiantian is going to make scientific research and inventions again!

Yuan Mei knew the seriousness and did not dare to delay. After forwarding a message, she quickly put down her "private matters" and called her boss and the boss of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"What? He Tiantian said he wanted to get a 'gadget'?"

The leaders were very excited when they heard Yuan Mei's report.

When I mentioned the word "gadget", I couldn't help but emphasize the pronunciation.

It's not that they are making a fuss, it's that He Tiantian's "record" is too brilliant.

Artificial intelligence, genetic enhancement fluid, small nuclear reactors, etc.

To put it bluntly, the relevant scientific researchers have not yet fully understood these technologies.

The reason is simple. These technologies are not a single technology, but a complex technical system.

Many small technologies related to it also play a vital role in other fields.

Therefore, what scientific researchers have to do is to thoroughly understand and study all technologies.

However, various project teams have been established and have sufficient personnel.

How many useful results they can produce is just a matter of time.

He Tiantian is willing to continue working on new projects, and the leaders can only be happy.

"Very good! It's a good thing that Tiantian is willing to return to the laboratory!"

The leaders nodded with satisfaction and told Yuan Mei, "Little Yuan Na, you must protect and take good care of Tiantian."

"If there is any shortage of supplies, we must report it in time."

"Tiantian needs to be paid close attention to, and her logistics and other issues must be taken care of!"

After hearing the leaders issuing instructions one by one, Yuan Mei nodded repeatedly.

Finally, she hesitated for a moment, and out of "selfishness", she told the reasons that might induce He Tiantian to go out and make inventions.

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone.

After a while, Yuan Mei vaguely heard a suppressed scolding: "Asshole!"

The incident has been fermenting online for a day, and even leaders who don’t pay much attention to online gossip have seen it.

Even if they have seen too many storms and saw such a rough, cruel, and unscrupulous villain,

I can't help but spit out the fragrance.

It's summer, and it's time to take care of these gangsters!

The leader did not express his position directly, but after he put down the phone, relevant actions were quickly launched.

Yuan Mei heard the news from her old comrades, and her angry mood was always relieved.

She put this matter aside for the time being and devoted herself to taking care of He Tiantian.

Three meals a day are guaranteed, and the security on the island, especially near the experimental building, is directly raised to the highest level.

The few veterans she brought to the island to "farm" were all summoned to the main island.

They actively arrange shifts, patrol day and night, and provide round-the-clock protection.

He Tiantian learned about these people's actions through classmate Xiao D, and couldn't help but shake her head secretly——

Dear, don't bother me.

My island has already deployed a detailed and three-dimensional surveillance system, and has certain defensive measures.

You know, the small nuclear reactor she has on the island can not only be used to generate electricity, but can also do many things.

However, He Tiantian did not tell anyone about certain arrangements.

However, there is one thing that He Tiantian is very sure about:

If someone wants to break in rashly, He Tiantian can use his arrangement on the island to capture the person in minutes.

Her island has long been built into the safest and tightest sea fortress without outsiders knowing it.

However, it is not a bad thing that Yuan Mei and others are so alert.

The island's defense system is He Tiantian's trump card. He Tiantian doesn't want to expose it unless absolutely necessary.

With a dedicated guard, He Tiantian's daily life was also carefully taken care of by Yuan Mei. She simply put aside all distracting thoughts and concentrated on studying the "smart bracelet".

The black technology purchased in Diianniang Mall can be directly provided with information and drawings, or you can thoroughly study this technology through the learning space.

He Tiantian doesn't like that kind of direct "indoctrination", it's too unrealistic.

And after having an experience wearing it, He Tiantian understood the truth that "what you learn belongs to you."

Although you still have to take advantage of the system's learning space, it was He Tiantian who studied and researched it bit by bit!

"Enter the learning space!"

He Tiantian asked Xiao D to monitor the entire laboratory to prevent anyone from breaking in rashly.

Her soul entered the system space.

The principle of a "smart bracelet" is not complicated, and the technology it contains does not transcend time and space.

At least for He Tiantian, she knew some of the knowledge points involved in smart bracelets.

The biggest difficulty is the conversion and storage of energy.

The original energy of the smart bracelet is super light energy that surpasses Blue Star's technology for more than a hundred years, which is a complete black technology.

If He Tiantian wants to reproduce it perfectly in reality, he needs to solve several problems.

He Tiantian must consider factors such as storage, safety, controllability and so on, and have perfect responses.

As for the "intelligence" aspect, it is easy to solve.

Don’t forget, the first black technology He Tiantian handed over was artificial intelligence.

If she is thick-skinned enough, she can call herself the "Queen of Artificial Intelligence".

He Tiantian has been researching repeatedly in the learning space, and finally she found a real-life substitute for the "light energy crystal core".

After staying in the learning space for more than a year, He Tiantian reproduced the "smart bracelet" that belongs to this real time and space.

Withdrawing her soul from the study space, she conducted practical exercises in the laboratory.

So, another ten days passed.

Less than a week before the start of school, Yuan Mei was standing outside the laboratory building, somewhat anxious.

She was afraid that Tiantian would be too obsessed with research and delay the new school ceremony.

After all, it was an important "first time" in life, and Yuan Mei didn't want He Tiantian to leave any regrets.

Just when Yuan Mei was thinking about whether to remind He Tiantian before delivering the food, He Tiantian finally walked out of the laboratory building with her finished product.

"...This, this is the smart bracelet you call?"

Looking at that gadget that looked so much like a real smart bracelet, Yuan Mei's mouth grew bigger.

She thought that the "gadgets" He Tiantian mentioned were definitely different from the gadgets she knew.

But, at this moment, this, this is really just a gadget.

"Yes! I named it Guardian One!"

He Tiantian clasped the bracelet on her hand. It had a black casing, a small screen, and a buckle, making it very easy to take off and put on.

"Guardian One?"

Yuan Mei believes in He Tiantian and knows that she is a safe person.

He also knows what she is capable of.

But, that bracelet looks too, too ordinary.

It feels like you can buy one on a certain treasure for a few dozen yuan.

If it were another Xixi, it would be 9.9 with free shipping and cashback for good reviews!

"I'll go! What am I thinking about?"

Yuan Mei realized that her brain circuit had gone astray and quickly pulled it back.

"Yeah! Just call me Guardian One!"

He Tiantian is a sucker for naming, and she is a little proud of being able to choose such an appropriate and stylish name for her new invention.

"Come on, Sister Mei, try to attack me!"

"Wait a minute, let's change to someone else. He must be ferocious and really mean to me!"

He Tiantian made the finished product. She believed in the rewards of the system and her own judgment.

However, the effectiveness of this kind of thing still depends on actual experiments.

Yuan Mei:......

Attack He Tiantian?

Still being vicious and malicious towards her? !

These people are all here to protect He Tiantian, okay?

Yuan Mei instinctively rejects her, but one of her tasks is to "cooperate" with He Tiantian.

She must carry out He Tiantian's orders!

"Okay! I'll call someone right now!"

Yuan Mei just paused and took out her mobile phone.

She told the phone.

Not long after, a strong man in camouflage uniform walked over.

He Tiantian looked at the person he was looking at and said, "Ahem, I recognize him."

It was Yuan Mei who introduced the "migrant workers" who came to work on the island.

He was in his thirties, with a dark and red face, and a scar on his left eyebrow, which broke his good sword eyebrow into two sections, making him look a little more fierce.

If you get a big flowery arm and wear a big gold chain as thick as your little finger, it will be a perfect big brother.

"I want to leave this place. I want to sell all my research results to the Americans. I want to go to the United States to enjoy freedom and freedom!"

When He Tiantian saw that man, his face was full of disgust, and he blurted out such a long string of words.

"I'm sick of this damn island, I'm sick of those internet mobs, I want true freedom!"

He Tiantian is very much like those shepherd dogs. They typically carry a bowl to eat and put the bowl down to scold their mother.

When Brother Duanmei heard this, his instinctive anger surged.

Then, seeing that He Tiantian was really trying to "escape", he subconsciously wanted to catch her.

His eyes were full of disgust and hatred for a shameless person like He Tiantian who had clearly enjoyed the care of the country and yet turned his back on the country!

"...Old Tu, stop!"

Yuan Mei was confused by He Tiantian's flirtatious behavior at first.

When she came to her senses, she saw Brother Duanmei, the old Tu in her mouth, slapping He Tiantian.

Yuan Mei's heartbeat slowed down several beats, and she almost suffered cardiac arrest.

she blurted out.

However, it was still a step too late. Lao Tu, who was angered by He Tiantian, also killed He Tiantian.

A big, thick slap was about to fall on He Tiantian.

At this critical moment, there was a whoosh and a bright light flashed.

At the same time, a shrill whistle sounded——

"Beep! Beep! There's a bad guy!"

"Beep! Beep! The police have been called!"

"Beep! Beep! The coast guard will arrive at the scene in five minutes..."

The sound of the whistle is rapid and loud, which makes people feel panicked.

Yuan Mei quickly adapted to the noise and carefully studied the content of the sound.

Are there bad guys?

Already called the police?

The Coast Guard will arrive at the scene in five minutes? !


Yuan Mei suddenly had a guess in her heart.

"Is it possible? Is it really that smart?"

"It can actually accurately capture 'malicious', proactively alert, and even intelligently call the police?"

But then, Yuan Mei thought again, what if she just called the police?

If the villain cannot be tied up in time, "Guardian No. 1" will still not be able to play a real protective role.

Soon, Yuan Mei discovered that her worries were unnecessary.

Because she finally saw Lao Tu’s current situation——

He was actually restrained by a beam of light.

The strong man, who was 1.83 meters tall and weighed 1.83cm, was actually firmly controlled by a light as thin as a fishing line.

Lao Tu struggled hard, his facial features were a little distorted, and the muscles on his body bulged, but he couldn't get away no matter what.

Yuan Mei even had the illusion that the light seemed to be tightly bound, and the more she struggled, the tighter the restraint became.

The tendons and flesh all over Lao Tu's body were almost cut into Michelin tires by the thin light, and the blood probably couldn't flow smoothly, section by section.

Lao Tu's face turned red and he began to look painful.

"Tiantian! This, this -"

Is this the true effectiveness of "Guardian One"?

Can you control the villain as soon as he commits the crime? !

He Tiantian came closer to Lao Tu and saw that he was struggling desperately but could not break free and was causing himself great pain. He nodded slowly, "The effect is not bad!"

After saying this, He Tiantian gently clasped the bracelet with her fingers.


The light disappeared instantly.

This time, Yuan Mei was not the only one with wide-eyed eyes.

Even the person involved, Lao Tu, didn't care about the pain in his body. The moment he could move his hands and feet, he subconsciously scratched his body with his hands.


No fishing line, no light, nothing!

However, when he raised his arm, there was a thin, deep mark on the surface of the tight, dark skin.

Therefore, the scene I just experienced was not an hallucination, let alone a dream.

But it's a real situation that actually happened.

The Coast Guard speedboat that arrived later confirmed this!

"Can we really call the police nearby?"

After apologizing and accepting the fine, Yuan Mei sent the coast guard away who had escaped.

Watching the speedboat suddenly leave, Yuan Mei finally came to her senses.

She looked at the smart bracelet on He Tiantian's hand with joy.

Ahem, looking at it this time, Yuan Mei inexplicably feels that this small bracelet is full of black technology and is a life-saving artifact.

"Alarming is just one of its functions!"

He Tiantian smiled and introduced, "Intelligent identification of whether the 'gangster' has malicious intentions——"

Such as those human traffickers, or wolves in human skin.

They can use fake smiles and fake gentleness to deceive naive children or innocent young men and women, but they cannot fool smart bracelets with lie detection systems and micro-expression recognition systems.

"You can also take the initiative to control those bad guys who intend to harm innocent people."

Therefore, this is only a defensive artifact and cannot be used as an offensive weapon by bad guys.

“It can provide timely warnings, alarms, and global positioning.”

He Tiantian introduced the functions of "Guardian One" one by one.

There may not be many spectacular special effects, but everything is very practical, especially for ordinary people, who are simply the most versatile and reliable guardians.

"...No, wait, let me think about it!"

Yuan Mei still had an unreal feeling.

Especially that light, tsk tsk, it’s like a scene you can only see in a science fiction movie.

By the way, energy!

How does this thing "shine"?

The stun bat uses electricity, and the anti-wolf spray is a biochemical attack. What about this smart bracelet?

"Light energy! Our solar energy is the largest and most abundant light energy. As long as it is exposed to the sun and absorbs enough light energy, the smart bracelet can be recycled."

Her light protection is not a consumable product, but a "permanent product"!


Thank you Xixian999 for the reward again, thank you all for your support, thank you!

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