Remember [new] in one second! "That sounds good, Director Feng, which role did you give me?"

He Tiantian held her cell phone and stood on the balcony, chatting quietly with Director Feng.

Her dormitory is a standard four-person room, and the bed is a bed with a desk underneath.

The dormitory looks relatively new, the walls are clean, and there are no messy hooks or traces of double-sided tape.

Of course, some fixed positions still have the marks of the previous senior sisters.

For example, the roof where the bed curtains are hung has neat track sticker marks.

This does not affect the view, because He Tiantian directly put the bed curtain track stickers he purchased.

There are also some "small devices" on the bedside that can be used.

The first day He Tiantian came to the dormitory, everything was rearranged.

After the military training is over, the students begin to enter their real new life.

Peking University is one of the top universities in the country, and its students are among the best in the country.

Everyone basically comes here to learn.

Even if you enter Beijing University, you will not enjoy college life as much as some college students do.

The library, dormitory, and canteen are still the same three points and one line as the senior year.

There is no deliberate involution, but the self-discipline and sense of urgency from the bottom of the heart make every student know what he is doing and what he should do.

Just like He Tiantian’s three new roommates——

Liu Yinuo and He Tiantian are fellow villagers, both from Qizhou Province.

However, He Tiantian is a child from an inland city, while Liu Yinuo comes from a small seaside town.

Her Mandarin has a faint smell of oysters, which has a unique flavor.

When Liu Yinuo came to report, the whole family was dispatched. The enthusiastic grandma Liu even took the dried shrimps she dried at home and distributed them to He Tiantian and other roommates.

It's just that this old man doesn't speak Mandarin very well, and as a fellow native of this province, He Tiantian can't understand a word of her Jiaodong dialect.

There seemed to be some barriers to communication, but the old lady was so enthusiastic, and with Liu Yinuo as the translator, dormitory 109 was much more lively.

When mentioning Liu Yinuo, the old lady was slightly proud: "Our Yinuo is the top pick in our place!"

Liu Yinuo listened to grandma show off herself,

He hurriedly added with a smile, "Hey, it's not popular now to be the top scorer in the college entrance examination. Besides, those who can come to Beijing University are basically the top scorers!"

What does it mean to be number one in the city?

I don’t know how many provincial champions there are.

Moreover, isn't it also said on the Internet that in top universities such as Beijing University and Shuimu, the number one scholar is not the most impressive person.

The really powerful ones are those who are admitted without examination or even admitted in advance.

My grandma doesn't understand this, so she just shows off in her hometown.

But if you come to the dormitory of Beijing University and still say that, just, just——

Liu Yinuo told his grandma while smiling sheepishly at several roommates.

Everyone smiled in understanding.

If Liu Yinuo was like Grandma Liu, she would be complacent about being the top pick in the market.

He Tiantian and the other three people may not be embarrassed on the spot, but they definitely don't rate this new roommate too high in their hearts.

But obviously, Liu Yinuo is not.

The other people won't care too much.

Dong Shiyu is from Beijing. She is somewhat similar to Zhou Zixuan in that they both have a generous and cheerful temperament.

A proper Beijing girl.

When people introduce themselves, they don’t forget to use internet memes to laugh at themselves: “Yes, I am the kind of lucky person mentioned on the Internet who got into Beijing University and Shuimu University by relying on his Beijing household registration!”

He Tiantian and others started laughing.

Regional misunderstandings are always a hot topic on the Internet.

But, in fact, this itself is also a kind of prejudice.

It is indeed easier for students in the capital to take the college entrance examination than in some hell-mode provinces.

However, it won't be easy.

Capital mothers, especially Haidian mothers, are famous throughout the country for their involution.

Mathematical Olympiad, English, artistic specialty...

If you look at the courses they arrange for their children, they are densely packed, and you will know that children like Dong Shiyu have no childhood and adolescence at all.

She is studying all the time and is being beaten hard by her parents.

Dong Shiyu laughed at himself, and Qi Xinran, who came from the Central Plains Province, also smiled and said, "I'm not a liar either!"

"My family even sold a front room so that I could go to school!"

He Tiantian and the other three were a little surprised at first when they heard Qi Xinran's words.

Then, the three people reacted almost at the same time and said in unison: "Tell me, does your home have a bunch of real estate certificates?"

Why did my family sell a cow in order to go to school, only to find that they had two to three thousand cows in their house, and they were really wealthy.

Such hot internet memes are almost spoiled by netizens!

Therefore, when He Tiantian and others heard what Qi Xinran said, their first reaction was that these girls were playing tricks.

"As expected of Peking University, the students are all so smart and alert!"

Qi Xinran changed her hometown colloquialism and said in standard Mandarin, "There are not a lot of real estate certificates. My family is from a village in the city."

He didn't deliberately show off anything, but he also said that Qi Xinran was an old resident of the provincial capital of Zhongyuan.

It is common for old households in urban villages to have one or two self-built buildings.

Some of the in-laws are also from the same village, and they still have three or four buildings.

You can earn one or two hundred thousand a month just for rent.

So, even though Qi Xinran comes from a province that has been most hacked by the Internet, and his registered permanent residence is still a rural one, he is really not poor.

Besides, what if the family is in trouble?

A real problem solver in a small town, or even a small village, who has overcome thousands of troops to come to Beijing University is a symbol of strength in itself.

In school, grades are the most important criterion.

The roommates all introduced themselves, and He Tiantian was no exception.

However, as soon as she said her name, she was interrupted by the straightforward Dong Shiyu——

"Haha, I know you, He Tiantian, I've already played "Breaking Dawn" for the second time!"

"It was originally for my boyfriend Fu, but I didn't expect that you would also become a fan. By the way, Tiantian, was your last gesture of leaping in the air really useless?"

The male god Fu mentioned by Dong Shiyu is Fu Shaojing, one of the three male protagonists in He Tiantian's screen debut in "Breaking Dawn".

He is a veteran actor with very good acting skills and reputation.

The fans are not the kind of young and mentally retarded fans, but rather model fans who are more qualified and follow the rules in the fandom.

What does it feel like to have your roommate be your "fan"?

He Tiantian:’s a little complicated.

It's a feeling of joy mixed with embarrassment.

Of course, He Tiantian also had to rule out that the other party was talking politely.

However, whether he was a true fan or just being polite, He Tiantian felt Dong Shiyu's kindness.

She answered the other party's question with a smile, "It's true that I don't use a substitute, I have practiced martial arts!"

Dong Shiyu mistakenly heard "wu" as "wu".

Why Tiantian has a dance foundation, so she can do those difficult moves.

Come to think of it, some of the actors in the entertainment industry who are good at dancing and filming have dancing skills.

Anyway, Dong Shiyu was just looking for a topic to chat with her new classmates to enhance their relationship.

Dong Shiyu didn't really care about more details.

"He Tiantian, it turns out that the star on the Internet is really you!"

We are all post-00s who like to play with their mobile phones. Even during the most hard-working senior year of high school, there are still times to "relax" occasionally.

Therefore, whether it is Liu Yinuo or Qi Xinran, they are very familiar with the news on the Internet.

Qi Xinran looked at He Tiantian and then at the hot searches on Weibo, "Before, a big V slandered you for being a liar, and said you were a liar. I was wondering if this big V was mentally retarded. Such It’s a lie that can be easily exposed, but no one with a brain would tell it.”

"That's right, let's @our Beijing University! Tsk, those big Vs are just deliberately stirring up trouble!"

Liu Yinuo also echoed a few words.

After chatting for a while, the four of us no longer felt strange.

They were secretly glad: It's great. The sisters in the dormitory all look normal, not the best or weird ones.

Although they are not too worried about having a great roommate, they still have to live in the dormitory for four years.

If the dormitory is more harmonious, they can also have a comfortable rest environment!

After the introduction, a dormitory group was formed, and they followed their own plans, studied, participated in clubs, and were all very busy.

He Tiantian seemed more relaxed.

Tan Rou is responsible for all the company's affairs.

In terms of study, He Tiantian’s major is physics.

She had previewed four years of college courses in advance, and her brain development was already very developed.

She dare not say how talented she is, but regular courses are very easy for her.

She has her own laboratory, and relevant parties at Beijing University have also said hello.

Therefore, He Tiantian does not need to attend class and take roll calls every day like ordinary students.

Even exams... ahem, special people are given special care.

If He Tiantian is willing, it won't be a problem to get a diploma in the second year and go directly to graduate school in the third year.

It's just that He Tiantian doesn't want to be too special. She also wants to enjoy her own college life.

However, the special care that should be given was given to He Tiantian. She was relatively free and could arrange her time as she pleased.

For example, it doesn’t seem impossible to find time to film a movie.

Especially the new drama mentioned by Director Feng is full of positive energy, and He Tiantian is more interested in it.

She held her phone and glanced at Qi Xinran who was immersed in studying in the dormitory. She couldn't help but lower her voice and said, "Director Feng, if it's convenient, can you show me the script?"

Feng Jing deliberately curry favor with He Tiantian, but He Tiantian did not flatter him in front of Feng Jing.

He Tiantian has all the respect and courtesy he deserves.

"I'll send you the script later! But, Tiantian, I'm not the director this time, I'm just doing a favor."

Feng Jing explained carefully on the other end of the phone, "Liu Meng, have you heard of it? This is his work, the book is very good, and I have a good relationship with Lao Liu——"

Feng Jing's new script is still being polished, but investors have already found him.

After all, the previous film "Breaking Dawn" was a hit and a hit, and investors were willing to invest in such a reliable director.

However, Feng Jing took too long to polish the script, and it took three or four years for "Breaking Dawn" to be officially put into production.

This time, the new drama only has a rough prototype, and the specific script is still being refined.

Feng Jing himself can't guarantee that he will be able to start filming in the next year or two.

It stands to reason that Feng Jing has just had a hit movie and can definitely take a few years off.

This time is enough for him to prepare a new drama.

However, Feng Jing didn't want to break contact with He Tiantian.

If you can’t make your own movie, then help find a resource.

He Tiantian has finally entered the entertainment industry.

There are endorsements, a company has been set up, and I heard that the smart bracelet is selling very well.

Such a good momentum should not be wasted. It is time to take advantage of the victory and directly break through the first and second lines.

Feng Jing sincerely considered He Tiantian. It happened that his friend director Liu Meng was about to start filming a new movie. Feng Jing thought of He Tiantian's nimble skills and superb acting skills, so he recommended He Tiantian to Liu Meng.

Feng Jing also vaguely revealed He Tiantian's background.

Liu Meng is a director who is good at making war films, and may not be as well-known as Feng Jing himself.

But his movies are really good.

A few years ago, a war film that reflected the battlefield of Nanbang directly earned more than 2 billion in box office, becoming the third runner-up in that period.

Although it did not win the championship, considering its subject matter and the fact that there are no popular stars, it is enough to prove how resistant the quality of the film itself is.

This time, Liu Meng set his sights on the subject of anti-drugs.

"It is said to be based on a real case and is a large-scale transnational operation."

"...It's still a man's drama, but there are two dazzling female characters."

Feng Jing introduced carefully, "One is a female special operations soldier, a sniper of the special operations team."

"The other one is the daughter of a major drug lord. She looks like a doting young lady on the surface, but she is actually an ambitious woman."

There are two important female characters, one is the positive and the other is the villain.

Of course, in today's film and television industry, it seems easier to succeed as a villain.

With flesh and blood, tragedy and suffering, even if he does bad things, he can be forgiven more easily by the audience.

As long as the characters are more fleshed out and the actors have some acting skills, the characters can be explosive.

As for positive roles, the audience's requirements will be subconsciously higher.

If the character is too upright, there will be a sense of distance from the audience, and the audience will feel that it is too fake.

If there are some flaws, it is easy to lose control of the size.

Once passed, the hero will turn into the Holy Father and the Holy Mother, or even White Lotus Green Tea.

If the character control is not good, it will easily overturn.

A good heroine will also become redundant and not as lovable as the villain.

Even Feng Jing himself is more inclined to that villain.

Therefore, when he introduced it, he was slightly focused, "...the drug lord died unexpectedly, and his daughter took the opportunity to rise to power and become an even better 'femme fatale'!"

"Tiantian, although this character is a villain, it is easy to stand out and highlight the actor's acting skills."

Strictly speaking, even if Rose in "Breaking Dawn" is not a villain, she is both good and evil.

When He Tiantian performed, she was perfectly proportioned.

With the same face, Bai Yueguang, the eldest lady of the martial arts school, is gentle and chivalrous, but she is far less popular than Rose with a Thousand Faces...

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