The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 161st chapter villain VS savior (12)

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Gu Bei and Xiao Ruobing drove an off-road vehicle, crossed the highway intersection, followed the highway, and headed towards their hometown.

It is a pity that the end of the world has come, and countless people are driving their cars to try to escape or find their relatives through the highway.

Sixty to seventy percent of these people turned into zombies, and 100 to 20 percent were bitten and devoured by relatives, friends or passers-by who turned into zombies.

Less than 10 percent of people actually survive.

They barely escaped from the mouth of the zombies, either by car or on foot, escaping the highway.

All that was left on the highway were cars that were parked indiscriminately, or junk that had been knocked into pieces.

Of course, there was also a zombie that wandered unconsciously and made a loud cry.

Gu Bei gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator hard, relying on the ultra-high chassis and modified casing of the off-road vehicle, he just knocked out a passage.

After more than half a month, they finally got close to the city where their hometown was. The off-road vehicle they found in the north of the city had long been smashed into pieces.

On the side of the road, Gu Bei temporarily found another one, and also collected some things and drinking water at the convenience store at the gas station and the small supermarket in the service area.

The two finally had a full meal and returned to their hometown without any danger.

However, as the car approached the third ring, the surrounding zombies became more and more.

At the very beginning, Gu Bei was able to use his supernatural powers with ease, directly blasting the heads of zombies with ice picks.

However, the more times and the longer the time, Gu Bei's abilities were somewhat exhausted.

But there are more and more zombies, and there are only three rings here.

Both the Gu family and the Xiao family are rich. Although they failed to occupy a place on any rich list, they also have billions of dollars.

The two lived in the wetland villa area in the south of the city, while Gu Bei and Xiao Ruobing came from the north.

To get home, they had to traverse the city.

City C is only a second-tier city with a population of seven or eight million.

If at half the scale,

Then when the end of the world just came, there were three or four million zombies.

In addition to the zombies that were finally transformed by being bitten by zombies, it is estimated that there are five or six million.

This, this is simply a huge cemetery full of living dead.

Looking at the strangely shaped and bloodstained monsters, Gu Bei, who had completely adapted to his status as a power user, turned pale.

"Gu Bei, you say, my parents and yours, how are they doing now?"

Without seeing the fall of City C with his own eyes, Xiao Ruobing can still deceive himself - the situation in his hometown may not be so serious, and his parents and relatives may still survive!

However, in front of this group of wandering zombies, and the lifeless city in the distance, there is still half of the noise and prosperity of the past.

This, this place is like a dead city.

"They, they will be fine, they will be fine!"

Gu Bei was also beating drums in his heart, but as a man, as the patron saint of his fiancée, he couldn't say anything depressing.

"There are not many households in our house, and my parents have the habit of storing things..."

The villa area must have a lower population density than those high-rise residential buildings in the city.

Fewer people, fewer zombies, and much less danger.

In addition, being far away from the city, shopping and groceries is not particularly convenient, so the nanny at home will buy a lot at one time.

In addition, Gu Bei's brother is a biologist, and his father owns a pharmaceutical company, and there is no shortage of medicines at home.

The Xiao family and the Gu family are neighbors, and the two families became very close because of the engagement between Gu Bei and Xiao Ruobing.

When the end of the world comes, the two families will definitely help each other and resist the crisis together.

Gu Bei tried his best to comfort himself like this in his heart.

"Yeah, they'll be fine!"

Xiao Ruobing didn't know if he was comforted by Gu Bei, or if he wanted to comfort himself with such words, he nodded again and again.

"In this way, the situation in the city is not very good. Let's wait outside and see if there are other teams of power users!"

The end of the world, it is safer to form a group to fight monsters.

Gu Bei has supernatural abilities and is extremely strong in combat, but it is really not feasible to fight alone.

"Okay, listen to you!"

Xiao Ruobing was originally a weak woman, and her fiancé became a strong man, so naturally, he listened to everything.

So, they found a temporary residence at the highway intersection outside the city.

Coincidentally, I really met a team of power users.

Coincidentally, they also temporarily stayed in the wetland villa in the south of the city for a while.

"What? The Wetland Villa is completely occupied by zombies?"

Gu Bei and Xiao Ruobing turned pale, their hearts sank.

"Yeah, we originally wanted to live there for a while. After all, there are mountains, waters, plenty of houses, and few zombies!"

A fire-type ability user will think about what he experienced half a month ago, and his face is not very good-looking.

He said with lingering fear: "But, we have overlooked one point. There are few zombies there and the environment is good, but there are many wild animals and plants. And these have suddenly mutated!"

Small pets such as cats and dogs have grown in size, while harmless flowers and plants have become human-eating monsters.

What's even more ironic is that Chengnan Villa is a wealthy area, and those wealthy people always have some strange hobbies.

A rich man kept an artificially bred crocodile in his yard.

And after the end of the world, this originally ferocious animal mutated directly into a man-eating monster.

The whole family was eaten alive by the mutant crocodile.

The villa area is also full of mosquitoes unique to wetlands, which are even more terrifying after mutation.

Some directly carry zombie viruses, and being bitten by them will turn people into zombies!

"A few of us have supernatural abilities, but we only escaped after dying!"

The fire-type ability user had a frightened expression on his face, "And those ordinary people are pitiful~~~"

He didn't continue talking about what happened next, but Gu Bei and Xiao Ruobing understood what he meant.

It seems that the fire-type ability user with extremely sturdy fighting power in front of him is almost unable to escape. The parents of the Gu and Xiao families are also estimated to be—

"I advise you, don't go to the south of the city, it has become a paradise for monsters!"

Seeing that Gu Bei and Xiao Ruobing were unwilling to give up despite their grief and anger, the fire-type power user kindly persuaded them.

"The survivors in the city have all escaped. We estimate that it is the last group. The survivor base established by the military region is also being relocated."

"I heard that before this official base moves away, we plan to blow up all the hardest hit areas in the city!"

"And the villa area in the south of the city is one of them. No way, the mutant animals and plants there are terrible!"

As if to confirm the words of the fire-type ability user, at this time, there was a rumbling explosion in the direction of the distance.


Pfft! !

Gu Bei and Xiao Ruobing fell to the ground together, crying in grief in the direction of the south of the city.

Seeing the heart-wrenching appearance of the two of them, although the Fire Elemental Ability User has some sympathy, it is also commonplace.

Alas, the end of the world has come, and too many life and death are separated and families are destroyed.

Even themselves, most of them have experienced life and death and suffering.

Cry, vent, dry your tears, and then continue to work hard to survive, so that you can be worthy of your relatives under Jiuquan.

"Gu Bei, I have only you!" Xiao Ruobing cried hoarsely, hugging Gu Bei and whispering sadly.

Gu Bei: ...I, I, oh yes, I have a brother!

Gu Bei's sad eyes that his parents might have died suddenly lit up a little.

Even Xiao Ruobing suddenly remembered that they still had a relative they could defect to, "Brother Nan? Yes, let's find Brother Nan!"

Gu Nan is a famous genius in their circle.

When he was in his twenties, he got his Ph.D. and set up his own laboratory.

And, most importantly, Gu Nan's laboratory is right next door to City D.

The straight-line distance is only more than 100 kilometers. If you drive a car, under normal circumstances, you can arrive in one or two hours.

In the last days, it is estimated that it will take ten days and a half months.

"it is good!"

Gu Bei also wanted to find his eldest brother, who might be his only relative.

"You're going to City D? Coincidentally, we're going too!"

The fire-type ability user said with a smile, "You should have heard of it. The hope base of D city, Dr. Gu Nangu, has developed a zombie virus medicine!"

"Although it is still in the clinical stage, I heard the effect is very good!"

"Tsk tsk, that's a zombie virus preparation. If you inject such a medicine and get bitten by a zombie, you will no longer be afraid of being infected!"

"Well, the price is a little high, and it takes a hundred first-order crystal nuclei."

The fire-type ability user said with a bit of pain.

Gu Bei and Xiao Ruobing focused on: "Dr. Gu Nan?"

The two shouted in unison.

"That's right, it's Dr. Gu Nangu. Although some people slandered him, saying that he used abilities for experiments, but the development of zombie virus medicine is a matter for the benefit of all mankind."

"Such a great cause will definitely be sacrificed in the process. And Dr. Gu is purely for the sake of all human beings in the world, not because of personal grudges!"

In the end, the knife did not cut his body, and the fire-type ability user itself was the ability user.

Not only did he not feel how terrifying and anti-human it was for Gu Nan to experiment with a power user, but he felt that the other party was a hero for all mankind and a true savior.

However, Gu Bei and Xiao Ruobing didn't listen to the words that the Fire Elemental Ability Master explained to the "Savior".

They were very excited at the moment, especially Gu Bei, who had struggled for more than two months in the end of the world, experienced all kinds of human affection, as well as the oppression and humiliation of villains and scumbags.

After becoming a power user, he felt the importance of power firsthand.

Now that he heard that his only older brother had become such a swindler, there was only one thought in his mind: that's great! Finally have a backer!

Xiao Ruobing's thoughts were similar to his, he just wanted to rush to the Hope Base as soon as possible, defect to Gu Nan, and then live a rich, stable and dignified life.

Oh, by the way, if the big brother is really as powerful as the outsiders tout him, he has become the savior of the last days.

So, does it mean that they can use the power of the big brother to avenge the snow?

"Brother, I almost won't see you!"

"Uuuu, that He Xiaotian from the north of the city is simply a scumbag. He not only manipulated Ruo Bing, but also abused me in every possible way!"

"...Yes, Brother Nan, Gu Bei and I managed to escape. That scum not only tried to hurt us, but also killed many innocent survivors."

After more than half a month, nearly four months after the end of the world, Gu Bei and Xiao Ruobing finally found Gu Nan, the soul of Hope Base.

When the two brothers met, Gu Bei burst into tears while hugging the eldest brother.

First, I told about the villa area of ​​my hometown, and the speculation that my parents and the next-door Xiao's couple might have died.

In this regard, Gu Nan has more accurate news, "I ordered someone to go home to find it, our father became a zombie, and our mother—"

"Uncle Xiao and his wife were bitten by the mutant dog at home and died!"

It was indeed a smash!

Although they had already guessed the ending, but hearing Gu Nan's words with their own ears, Gu Bei and Xiao Ruobing couldn't help crying.

After crying for a long time, Gu Nan became impatient, and Gu Bei and the two slowly stopped crying.

And then, it's a complaint!

When they arrived at the Hope Base, they felt the respect for Gu Nan from top to bottom, from superhumans to ordinary people. Gu Bei and the others had a deep understanding of the status of their eldest brother.

Moreover, with the promotion of zombie virus medicine, this respect will also spread from a small base of hope to the entire country, and even the entire world!

Big brother is the savior!

Gu Bei didn't use his identity to be domineering, he already knew how to be restrained, kind and beautiful.

Now, he just wants to ask the big brother to help him take revenge. It shouldn't be a big problem, right?

Xiao Ruobing and Gu Bei had the same mind, and when he heard that he mentioned He Xiaotian, he quickly agreed.

Gu Nan: ... He is a traveler, and he really doesn't have much affection for his cheap brother who hasn't been with him for a long time.

However, since he took over the body and identity of the original owner, he naturally had to bear the corresponding karma.

This younger brother, Gu Bei, is the only blood relative of the original owner.

Besides, Gu Bei didn't want him to do anything wrong, he just taught a beast who would take advantage of the apocalypse to rule the world and kill the weak, but Gu Nan didn't reject it very much.

"okay, I get it!"

"Dare to hurt my brother Gu Nan, I will never let him go!"

"He Xiaotian, right, just a small character!"

As the owner of the male matching whitewashing system, Gu Nan is familiar with the plot.

And in the plot he read through, it seems that there is indeed a top-notch scumbag, and it seems that he even killed Gu Bei.

Although there are some differences between the current development and the plot, it does not matter.

He relied on the system to develop a zombie virus vaccine in advance, and the original male protagonist Palace Banquet did not appear at the Hope Base, and the plot has been affected by the butterfly effect.

A few small changes are normal.

Gu Bei didn't die in the devil's lair in City B, but he still made a request for "revenge", so he didn't completely deviate from the plot.

Because Gu Bei died, Gu Nan definitely wanted to avenge him.

"Dr. Gu, this kind of thing, we don't need you to come forward, we will help you do it!"

As soon as the news that Dr. Gu's only relative was almost murdered by personal scum came out, including the Hope Base, countless power users who wanted to exchange potions from Gu Nan expressed their opinions.

In order to befriend Gu Nan, they even rushed to form a group to the north base of City B.

Of course, the news that Gu Bei inadvertently revealed that "the base in the north of the city has dozens of tons of supplies" also made the ability users excited!

Everyone thought that this would be an easy trip that would "kill two birds with one stone", but when they finally arrived at the north of City B after struggling and spending a month and a half, they saw the large-scale and well-guarded base, and they suddenly felt a sense of surprise. dumbfounded feeling...

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