The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 849: Villain’s Redemption Plan (8)

Remember [new] in one second! He Tiantian was talking about "rescue", but she had no use for redemption.

The latter is too condescending.

He Tiantian was very careful with her words, fearing to offend Joanne.

However, even so, Joanne couldn't help but laugh when she heard the word "rescue".

"Haha! Rescue? Hahaha!"

"Save me from what? Keep me from lying to others?"

"But if I don't lie to people, how can I get enough money?"

“If I don’t have money, what should I do about my mother’s illness?”

Joanne smiled and shed tears.

Who wants to do bad things if given the chance?

However, Joanne really had no other choice.

Her biological father died early, and her biological mother raised her alone.

How difficult is it to be a single mother?

Having witnessed what her mother had gone through with her own eyes, Joanne knew better than anyone else.

It was not easy until Joanne was admitted to college, and after four more years, she would have a bright future.

At this time, my mother was diagnosed with gastric cancer.

Fortunately among misfortunes, my mother's illness was discovered relatively early.

If surgery is performed, there is still hope of cure.

There may be recurrences in the future, but for now at least, she can survive.

However, the family did not have much money.

The house is rented, and the family's savings are only enough for Joanne's first year of college tuition plus living expenses.

In less than two months, the fifteen hundred yuan that Joanne earned was nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

When Joanne saw the diagnosis report in the hospital, she was in disbelief and at the same time extremely desperate.

what to do?

The saddest thing in the world is not that it is hopeless.

There was a way to cure it, but because there was no money, it had to be given up.

Yes, Joanne’s biological mother Li Ying refused to receive treatment and secretly committed suicide once.

She doesn't want to drag her daughter down!

Joanne was unwilling to give up Li Ying, who was her only relative.

It is also the only existence that can make her feel like a normal person.

Joanne had a premonition that once her mother left, she would become very scary.

There is a ferocious beast buried in her heart, and her mother Li Ying is the only shackles.

Once this restraint is gone——

Joanne doesn't want to lose her only relative, let alone lose control!

However, if you want to keep Li Ying, you can't just open your mouth.


Joanne needs money.

The initial surgery will cost 100,000 yuan.

There are many treatments available in the later stages.

Once recurrence occurs, surgery is required.

Joanne consulted several doctors, and they all roughly estimated the number - two hundred thousand!

To save Li Ying's life, it would cost at least 200,000 yuan.

And Joanne didn't even have 20,000 yuan.

Li Ying committed suicide this time. She stayed in the hospital for a week and spent the remaining 6,000 yuan at home.

Joanne and her daughter were really at the end of their rope.

In desperation, Joanne suddenly thought that there was no way out!

When I was a child, when my father was still alive, he joked with Li Ying.

The young couple mentioned some interesting things about their relationship.

Joanne remembered a name.

After Li Ying was hospitalized, Joanne saw the same name on TV.

She hurriedly searched the Internet and found that this person was the person her parents mentioned back then.

Qiao Zesheng, the richest man in the province, a member of a wealthy family.

He also has another identity, that is, he is Li Ying's high school classmate.

Both of them were educated youths who went to the countryside.

Qiao Zesheng also pursued Li Ying.

However, Li Ying finally married a local villager and stayed in the countryside.

Qiao Zesheng returned to the city by taking the college entrance examination.

Later, after graduation, Qiao Zesheng went into business and made a huge fortune.

Li Ying, however, had to go to the city to work to earn medical expenses for her husband.

By a coincidence, Li Ying and Qiao Zesheng reunited.

Old classmates + first love, even if we don't contact each other for several years, the affection is still there.

Qiao Zesheng knew that Li Ying was in a bad situation, so he helped introduce a job.

Li Ying was very grateful and always wanted to return the favor to the other party.

After going back and forth, the two gradually started to interact with each other.

There may be moments of ambiguity, but there is no substantive relationship.

Li Ying was indeed moved, but in the end she chose her husband.

With a sum of money earned in the city, Li Ying returned to the countryside.

The husband's illness recovered and they had a child.

But the good times didn't last long. When Joanne was six years old, An's father left.

Li Ying and her child couldn't stay in the countryside anymore, so she took her daughter to the city for the sake of her child's education.

While working, I was raising and educating my daughter.

Mother and daughter barely survive in the city.

Qiao Zesheng has become a well-known rich man in the country, and his only daughter's wedding was directly on the news in the provincial capital!

Looking at the wedding of the century on TV, while Joanne was envious, a crazy idea came to her mind -

"...You secretly called Qiao Zesheng and told him that your mother's name is Li Ying and that you moved your birth date forward by one month!"

He Tiantian looked at Joanne who was lost in memories, and slowly told Joanne's plan.

Joanne woke up with a start and looked at He Tiantian intently, "You really know everything!"

Pretending to be the daughter of the Qiao family was a plan that Joanne had been thinking about over the past two days.

She hasn't acted on it yet, and she hasn't told anyone.

The girl opposite said it accurately.

Or, she really came from the future and knows everything about Joanne.

Either this person was reborn, or he knew the future development by some weird means!

But no matter that possibility, it is so incredible.

Joanne is more willing to believe the former than the latter.

At least, a biological daughter or something is more reliable than a stranger with ulterior motives!

"Yes, I know you deceived Qiao Zesheng into thinking you were his daughter!"

He Tiantian lowered her voice, and amid the noise of the big fan, she said slowly, "It's just that Qiao Zesheng was busy discussing business abroad at that time, and couldn't get back for a while, so he couldn't meet you in person."

"You told him again that your mother was sick and that you were blackmailed by a rogue old lady..."

It can be said that Joanne in the original plot was extremely desperate.

Through the microphone, Qiao Zesheng could feel the collapse of a young girl.

In such an atmosphere, it was difficult for Qiao Zesheng to say anything about doubting Joanne's identity.

Moreover, Joanne did not directly say that she was Qiao Zesheng's daughter. She deliberately kept the matter vague.

Joanne wanted to seek stability. Even if she was exposed in the future, she could still say it with confidence——

I was just suspicious, so I called and asked Qiao Zesheng.

As for the truth, shouldn't Qiao Zesheng, the person involved, know better?

Qiao Zesheng:......

What the future will bring, he cannot predict at this moment.

He still remembered Li Ying. When the two of them were in the city, they also had time alone together.

It's just that more than ten years have passed, and Qiao Zesheng himself is not sure whether they have crossed the line at that time.

However, now children are coming to visit her, and Li Ying is also terminally ill.

Not for the sake of the child, but simply considering the past relationship between the two, Qiao Zesheng would not be too heartless.

He directly transferred half a million to Joanne.

Joanne took the money and paid Li Ying's hospitalization fee.

However, maybe that's how the plot was arranged. Joanne finally got the money, but Li Ying still couldn't save it.

Less than three months after the surgery, cancer cells were found in other organs.

Half a year later, Li Ying passed away.

Without her biological mother, Joanne no longer suppressed herself.

During this time, in addition to accompanying her mother, she also tried every means to investigate the Qiao family.

Qiao Zesheng was the richest man, and the son-in-law Wu Zhiqian he found for his only daughter was also from a wealthy family.

Ordinary people didn't know about the crisis in the Wu family. Even the so-called detectives only found out a little bit about it.

However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

No matter how much the Wu family declines, they will still be better than ordinary upstarts.

Therefore, in Joanne's opinion, Wu Zhiqian is definitely considered a diamond king.

"You are very envious of Qiao Anqi, even a little jealous!"

He Tiantian continued to tell Joanne about the future, "You can't help but wonder why some girls are born in Rome, but you may not be able to reach their starting point even if you try hundreds of times."

Jealousy twists the heart.

And Joanne was not a holy white lotus.

After being blackmailed for rescuing someone, my mother survived for less than a year with the money she got from fraud...

It seems reasonable that Joanne would go astray.

She took the remaining money and went for plastic surgery.

"...Mom, in order to make Qiao Zesheng believe it, you just copied Qiao Anqi's appearance."

And Qiao Anqi looks like her father, and Qiao Anqi, who is 70% similar to Qiao Anqi through plastic surgery, naturally also looks very much like Qiao Zesheng.

"It's useless! It's not like there's no DNA these days!"

Listening to He Tiantian's story, Joanne couldn't hold it back and interrupted directly.

She nodded He Tiantian with her chin and said nothing, but her meaning was very clear——

Let’s not talk about others, just the two of us. Aren’t we just waiting for the DNA test report at the moment?

She, a poor student with little money, could think of using this scientific method to verify her identity.

Not to mention Qiao Zesheng, such a rich man.

Even if you don't pay much attention to your illegitimate daughter, you will still conduct a series of investigations and confirmations before deciding whether to recognize Joanne!

"It's true that you have DNA, but you also have 'helpers'!"

He Tiantian curled her lips and said slowly.


Joanne was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something and blurted out a name: "Wu Zhiqian?!"

He Tiantian nodded vigorously, her face full of approval.

He is indeed the future villain, he is so smart.

In other words, only evil people can figure out the thoughts and schemes of evil people?

Seeing He Tiantian's approving eyes, Joanne didn't feel like there was anything to be proud of.

Because this is the ugly nature of human nature.

Even if you are from a well-matched wealthy family, you don’t mind losing your family!

Qiao Zesheng only had one daughter, Qiao Anqi, and he knew with his toes that Qiao Anqi must be very favored.

Even if she is not spoiled, she is still a delicate young lady who is used to all kinds of enjoyment and pursuit.

As for men, unless it is true love or their own daughter, basically no one is willing to lower their stature and serve a woman carefully.

Wu Zhiqian and Qiao Anqi are more like a business marriage, and he himself comes from a wealthy family, not a pretty boy or a phoenix man who relies on women.

As a young man from a wealthy family, he must have a certain amount of arrogance.

Living together with the little Gongju who is also pampered...

Qiao Anqi bets that Wu Zhiqian will not be able to be consistent with Qiao Anqi.

Even if there is emotion, it is not worth the tangible benefits.

Qiao Group, what a big industry it is?

If Qiao An was Wu Zhiqian, he would definitely use his relationship with Qiao Anqi to annex the entire Qiao family.

The fastest way is to make Qiao Zesheng and Qiao Anqi "disappear" one after another.

However, if you do this, it will leave traces too easily, and it is also a serious violation of law and discipline.

Wu Zhiqian is not stupid, he will not take risks easily.

Even if you do, you will still take advantage of others.

And the "illegitimate daughter" Joanne who suddenly appeared is the best candidate.

Therefore, for his own sake, Wu Zhiqian had to help Joanne confirm her identity as the illegitimate daughter of the Qiao family.

He is the son-in-law of the Qiao family, and it is not easy to help Joanne cheat.

He didn't even have to do much. He just needed to change the sampled specimens to Joanne's, and Joanne could pass easily!

After hearing Joanne's analysis, He Tiantian silently gave a thumbs up.

She is worthy of being a big, boss-level villain. Even if she is only eighteen years old, and even if she has not been pushed to that point step by step, she can still make clear and comprehensive plans.

And this plan is almost the same as what happened in the original plot.

Wu Zhiqian helped Joanne and allowed Joanne to successfully enter Qiao's house.

Later, he encouraged Joanne to tamper with Joanne's car.

Qiao Anqi lost control of her car and rushed into the sea, and her whereabouts are unknown.

Wu Zhiqian asked Joanne to directly replace Qiao Anqi.

There is no way, even though Qiao Anqi is a young lady who only knows how to enjoy herself.

But she also has several good friends.

One of the people she had the best relationship with was married to the heir of a foreign conglomerate.

Wu Zhiqian happened to be doing business with this consortium.

Negotiations have reached the most critical moment.

Wu Zhiqian didn't want the entire cooperation plan to be affected by Qiao Anqi's death.

Joanne herself had plastic surgery done in the image of Joanne.

Because of her original appearance, she couldn't be exactly the same as Qiao Anqi.

The similarity between the two is only seven points.

But if you put on makeup and Qiao Anqi's clothes, you basically won't see much difference.

The key is that Wu Zhiqian is standing next to Joanne. He is the best proof.

At the beginning, even Qiao Zesheng was deceived.

Not to mention the old friends who haven’t seen each other for several years because they got married!

Joanne successfully helped Wu Zhiqian get the contract, and she also succeeded in replacing Qiao Anqi step by step.

She became the eldest daughter of the Qiao family. She began to get involved in business and placed an informant around Wu Zhiqian.

Later, Qiao Anqi came back with a new look, and Wu Zhiqian was able to be defeated so quickly.

In addition to Qiao Anqi's ability and the full support of the male supporting actor, Joanne also secretly helped...

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