The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 853: Villain’s Redemption Plan (12)

Remember [new] in one second! "A total of three people won the first prize, and each person shared the prize of more than 1.4 million yuan."

"After deducting taxes, there is still a little over 1.12 million. I donated the small amount and received a total check of 1.1 million yuan..."

In the ward, Li Ying felt like she was listening to Annie's words as if she were listening to a book from heaven.

After a long while, she found her voice and asked dryly, "Really won the lottery? The prize is one or more than one million?"

Get rich overnight?

Oh no, in just three days, my family went from being completely destitute to becoming a millionaire?

Li Ying still couldn't believe it!

"Nini, you, you didn't lie to me, did you-" Li Ying's voice trembled a little, and she thought of some bad guesses.

For example, there is no such thing as winning the lottery. The money Nini got back was from a loan shark she borrowed!

Li Ying's soul trembles when she thinks of the word loan shark——

No, absolutely not!

If Nini couldn't produce proof of legal income, she would just jump off the building!

Feeling Li Ying's violent mood swings, Annie didn't dare to show off and quickly took out the photos she took when she claimed the prize.

In the photo, Annie is wearing glasses, a mask and a hat, almost completely covering her face, but Li Ying, as her biological mother, can still recognize her at a glance.

"It's Nini. The person in the photo is my Nini!" Li Ying's heart dropped slightly.

But she was still worried——

Ahem, don't think that because she is old, she doesn't understand what's new now. Nowadays, there is Photoshop, which is very powerful. You can photoshop broken old photos, or two or three different photos.

What if the photo in her hand is also a fake photo that Nini paid someone to make? !

As if she understood her mother's guess, Anne quickly took out another tax payment certificate, pointed to some official seal and said: "Mom, this can't be faked."

"If you still don't believe it, we can also go to the Welfare Lottery Center..." Annie said frankly, and her eyes didn't dodge at all.

After staring into Annie's eyes for a long time, Li Ying said deliberately: "Okay, then I'll go to the Welfare Lottery Center and ask!"

After hearing this, Anne looked calm and not at all panicked.

"Okay, I'll take a taxi-"

The implication is too obvious: Mom, just go!

Anne's attitude only further proves her magnanimity and fearlessness.

If you don't feel guilty and don't flinch, you've either reached the point where you can lie without blinking an eye, or you haven't lied at all.

Li Ying believes in the latter more, and she is more willing to believe in the latter!

Anyway, this kind of thing cannot be done falsely. Unless you don’t want to investigate, there is nothing that cannot be investigated.

"...Nini, let's get out of the hospital. Let's get out of the hospital as soon as possible." Li Ying already believed her daughter in her heart, and she began to have other plans.

In Li Ying's view, even if you win the lottery and have money, you can't spend it randomly.

Especially her illness, which is a bottomless pit.

After staying in the hospital for the past few days, I often heard the patients’ families chatting——

Someone in so-and-so's family was terminally ill. They spent hundreds of thousands and sold their houses, but they couldn't save them.

There is also someone in the No. 9 inpatient building. He had liver cancer a few years ago and had half of his liver removed. At that time, all the cancer cells were removed. However, only a few years later, cancer cells were discovered again. We have to continue to operate and continue to throw money into the hospital!

After hearing such tragic stories so many times, Li Ying no longer had any hope for her body.

More than one million is indeed a lot for a family like theirs, but for critically ill patients... Haha, there is no need to talk about surgery fees, chemotherapy and various other miscellaneous expenses. Just one ICU is not enough to burn a fever. .

"Forget it, it's not cured! This is what I will do in my life, but Nini's life has just begun. With this money, Nini can not only successfully complete her studies, but also buy a small house in the provincial capital. Her future life It can be better..."

Li Ying really has a loving mother's heart. Even if she has money, what she thinks of is not to treat herself, but to leave it to her daughter!


She suppressed her emotions and didn't cry, but her heart was still sour and astringent!

"Okay, Mom, let's leave the hospital!" Annie didn't waste any words. She had already made up her mind anyway.

Of course, Anne did not miss this opportunity.

She looked into her mother's eyes and said seriously: "Mom, I listen to you. Now we are discharged from the hospital. But after you are discharged from the hospital, you have to listen to me -"

Li Ying heard something in her daughter's words, and she couldn't help but hesitate: "Nini, you, you--" You haven't given up on letting me have the surgery yet.

After all, she can still apply for it after she leaves the hospital. Her daughter is the smartest, playing word games and so on. She, her own mother, is definitely no match for her.

"Mom, I found a secret Chinese medicine recipe for you. After we are discharged from the hospital, we must take the medicine strictly according to the recipe. We are not allowed to fail to cooperate." Annie said pretending to be serious.

"Secret recipe of Chinese medicine?" Li Ying was stunned for a moment.

At this time, the heroine Qiao Anqi has not yet counterattacked, the magical secret recipe has not yet been gathered in the dust, the plot has not yet officially begun, and Chinese medicine is not so harmful.

Under normal circumstances, when Western medicine has no solution for a terminally ill person, but the patient cannot be left to die, the doctor will kindly remind him: "Try Chinese medicine. There may be other methods."

This is basically a "dead horse treating a living horse doctor", which is a slight psychological comfort to patients and their families!

People always say that "home remedies can cure serious illnesses." However, in reality, who would easily try any home remedies when they first get a terminal illness and the hospital still has treatment options?

When Li Ying herself was in the hospital, she listened to other people's chats and heard examples of hospitals giving up treatment and patients' families running to old Chinese doctors to find secret recipes.

Success or failure, truth or unreality, actually doesn't matter.

As long as you can get over the hurdle in your heart, that's enough.

Just like Li Ying at this time, she has given up surgical treatment, but she cannot let her daughter bear the moral stigma of "having money but is reluctant to treat her own mother", let alone leaving her daughter with knots and regrets.

It's much better to take the secret recipe of traditional Chinese medicine - you see, my daughter doesn't care about me, it's just that the treatment method is different.

Li Ying made up her mind to wait for her to get out of the hospital, take some traditional Chinese medicine, and then end it on her own.

She was determined not to drag her daughter down.

"Okay, Nini, don't worry. Mom will definitely cooperate after you get out of the hospital!"

Worried that Annie would regret it, Li Ying hurriedly agreed.

She also took the initiative to explain to the medical staff: "Let's try Chinese medicine. Maybe there will be a solution!"

The doctors and nurses who were in charge of Li Ying felt a little pity——

Alas, another one!

They didn't know that Anne had won the lottery. They just thought that the family was really in trouble and gave up treatment completely.

Think about it, for a single-parent family that doesn't even own a house, and the daughter can't even bear to eat a steamed bun, the surgery fee of more than ten or two hundred thousand is astronomical.

If you don’t give up, do you really want a girl who has just turned eighteen to borrow a loan shark?

No parent who cares about their children would drag their children down like this!

"Yes, you can try Chinese medicine. Folk remedies can cure serious illnesses!" the nurse agreed in good faith.

"Hey, that's right, that's the truth." Li Ying seemed not to see the sympathy in the nurse's eyes, and her whole body seemed to become energetic.

There was no depression and despair like when I was first hospitalized, but a strange excitement and joy.

"Oh, I hope that saying can come true." Looking at the mother and daughter leaving together, the nurse, although not optimistic, still silently blessed her in her heart.

"Nini, Auntie, get in the car quickly." He Tiantian was sitting in the passenger seat of a taxi, leaning out half of her body from the window, and yelling at Anne and her daughter.

"Here we come!" Anne replied to the cheap girl, her attitude was not very polite.

"Nini, how can you talk to a friend like this? Xinxin is so kind. I was discharged from the hospital, and she was busy helping with discharge and finding a taxi..."

Li Ying said this not only to her daughter, but also to "An Xin".

In fact, she couldn't bear to scold her daughter, so she said this in order to let "An Xin" know that she, Li Ying, did not protect her shortcomings and understood An Xin's efforts.

"Mom, why are you being polite to her?" Before He Tiantian could express her stance, Annie rolled her eyes and said something rude.

Li Ying:......

You naughty kid, your mother is trying to cover it up for you, but you know how to disrupt it!

He Tiantian watched the mother and daughter "interact". She originally wanted to watch for a while, but was defeated by Annie's fierce look.

In order not to upset her cheap mother, He Tiantian hurriedly smiled and said, "Auntie, it's okay. Nini and I have a good relationship. We don't need to be so polite."

"It doesn't matter if you have a good relationship, it's a matter of attitude!" Li Ying did not rush to get in the car, but turned around and looked at Annie steadily.


The villain in her heart raised her hands helplessly, and said to He Tiantian insincerely: "Xinxin, thank you for your hard work!"

Annie's feelings about "An Xin" are really complicated:

On the one hand, she still can't adapt to the "big boy" who suddenly appeared.

On the other hand, she has recognized the identity of "mother" in her heart, and she is also subconsciously close to An Xin, a cheap girl.

Anne's attitude towards her was also instinctively casual - please, it's not an outsider, but her own daughter.

In the traditional and inherent thinking of the Chinese people, parents naturally have control and authority over their children!


Ha, in this current year of 2002, have you seen any mother being polite to her daughter? !

"Hehe, it's not hard work, I should do it." He Tiantian was secretly happy when she saw Annie's depressed face, and even showed a hint of pride on the surface.

He Tiantian had perfect control over the little appearance of Ying'er Ying'er. Annie looked at it and her eyes became more and more unkind.

He Tiantian:......

Haha, this is right!

In the Annie in front of her, where is the indifference and alienation of the future villain?

It's really not in vain that He Tiantian went through so much trouble to get herself a daughter's identity.

Perhaps even Annie herself didn't notice that she was becoming more and more trusting and closer to He Tiantian.

Maybe she can't compare to Li Ying for a while, but He Tiantian is confident that one day, sooner or later, she will have as important a position in Annie's heart as Li Ying!

In this way, He Tiantian's "redemption" plan can go more smoothly!

"Huh? Is the direction wrong?"

After some joking, Li Ying got into the back seat of the taxi with Annie's help.

The car started quickly and headed towards the location designated by He Tiantian.

Li Ying looked at it but something was wrong.

Especially when the car turned an intersection and headed directly to Dadongbian, and the house Li Ying rented was in the West Outer Ring Road!

"Wrong! Wrong way!" Li Ying became very anxious when she thought that this was a taxi priced by kilometers.

She slapped the backrest of the front seat hard and shouted loudly: "Master, driver, you are on the wrong track——"

Seeing that Li Ying was really anxious, He Tiantian didn't dare to delay any longer and hurriedly said: "Yes, Auntie, we are not going the wrong way!"

"Ah?" Li Ying didn't react for a moment, looked at He Tiantian, then turned to look at Annie.

Facing her mother's gaze, Annie smiled and nodded, "Yes! Mom, we are on the right track."

At this time, Li Ying finally thought of it and blurted out: "Nini, have you moved?"

"Yes, it's right near S University. It's the university's staff dormitory, with two bedrooms and one living room, and a small courtyard on the first floor."

The house is not very new, but it is well maintained.

It only takes about ten minutes to walk to school.

The surrounding neighbors are also very nice, either faculty members or family members.

The distance is close and the environment is good. If Annie hadn't been a freshman at the school and her family situation was so difficult, she wouldn't have been able to rent such a good house.

It must be very expensive!

Li Ying moved her mouth and almost said these words.

She looked at the driver who was still driving and forced herself to swallow her words.

Don't talk about money. If your daughter is in a hurry to explain to herself that "there is no shortage of money" and then lets slip about winning the lottery, that will be troublesome!

Don’t show your wealth in vain!

Pursing her mouth tightly, Li Ying refrained from speaking.

The car quickly arrived at the staff dormitory. The guard asked and confirmed the tenant information again and again before letting him go.

Witnessing this scene with her own eyes, Li Ying couldn't help but sigh: Alas, this is a regular and safe community.

Unlike the old shabby guy I rented before, I didn't even have a property, and the people coming and going were complicated and random.

"My daughter lives in a place like this. Even if she is alone in the future, she should be quite safe!"

Li Ying thought silently.

"Auntie, you see the environment of this community is not bad." Sensing Li Ying's silence, He Tiantian quickly jumped out to liven up the atmosphere.

"Well, that's good!" Li Ying responded sadly.

After saying that, she realized, hey, there is "An Xin", her daughter is not really alone.

Although I don't know what happened to An Xin's child and the family, but judging from her behavior in the past few days, she should be staying at their home permanently.

If An Xin could really live here for a long time, even if it was only for a year or two, he could help Nini get through the loneliest days.

Li Ying didn't know that An Xin was her cheap granddaughter, nor did she know that she was the old Chinese medicine doctor she had guessed. She didn't even know that in the days to come, An Xin would not only stay with Annie, but also with her!

However, she soon knew——

Arriving at the newly rented house, Li Ying was really happy just looking at it.

The house is not particularly big, but the layout is very good. It is transparent from north to south, and the sunlight is not blocked because it is on the first floor.

The best thing is the small courtyard, which is twenty to thirty square meters, where you can grow flowers and vegetables.

Seeing her brand new home, for a moment, Li Ying didn't want to die...

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