The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 864: Villain’s Redemption Plan (23)

Remember [new] in one second! “…I’m going to a nursing home to stay for a while!”

Qiao Anqi was holding the coffee and drinking it leisurely while casually saying something to Wu Zhiqian.

Her words were not a discussion, nor an inquiry, but a notification.

It seems that regardless of whether Wu Zhiqian agrees or not, she will go!

Wu Zhiqian clenched his fists so hard that the veins on his forehead bulged.

He almost gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, "Qiao Anqi, don't go too far!"

"Excessive? Why did I go too far?"

Qiao Anqi asked coolly without raising her eyelids.

"Qiao Anqi, do you really think I don't know why you went to a nursing home?"

Wu Zhiqian continued to grit his teeth and looked at Qiao Anqi with eyes full of resentment.

This woman really deserves to die!

She, she actually cuckolded him!

What sanatorium?

Are you going to recuperate? !


This free-spirited bitch clearly went there to meet wild men!

Do you really think he knows nothing?

After all, he, Wu Zhiqian, is also a dignified military commander and has his own informant.

Not to mention, during this period, Wu Zhiqian had been following Qiao Anqi in order to plan the plan.

He wants to grasp Qiao Anqi's every move, and he wants to find out the rules of her life... Only in this way can he find the best opportunity to take action.

As a result of the intensive following, Wu Zhiqian discovered his wife's adultery immediately.

"A pretty boy suffering from depression? He's melancholy and talented, but the key is that he looks pretty good..."

Wu Zhiqian came to Qiao Anqi and said coldly, "Our Miss Qiao is really intolerant of both meat and vegetables, and she won't even let go of snake spirits!"

It's too much to say that the snake spirit is sick. The big boy painter actually has some mental illness.

That's why he was sent to a nursing home by his family instead of being imprisoned in a mental hospital.

Mental hospital?

What a great place!

Wu Zhiqian originally wanted to cuckold him because his wife wanted to cuckold him.

A thought suddenly flashed through my very angry and irritable mind.

In fact, if Li Daitao is stiff or something, he doesn't necessarily have to kill Qiao Anqi!

After all, when someone kills someone, even if he kills someone with a borrowed knife, he is still suspected of being an "accomplice".

But sending someone to a mental hospital, even if the matter is finally exposed, will not rise to the level of a criminal offense.

Wu Zhiqian's brain was working rapidly, trying desperately to perfect his plan.

Qiao Anqi pretended not to see Wu Zhiqian's distracted look, sneered, and said coolly: "To each other!"

"Your majestic Mr. Wu can even have a little girl who sells wine to have a 'Golden House Hidden Beauty'. I just went to a nursing home to talk about art with young artists. It doesn't mean anything!"

Qiao Anqi's words brought Wu Zhiqian back from his imagination.

The anger he had just suppressed because of the research project surged up again.

"Qiao Anqi, you actually admitted it? You, you are despicable!"

Wu Zhiqian was so angry that he directly retaliated with foul language!


Qiao Anqi raised her hand and slapped Wu Zhiqian, "I'm mean? You're not mean?"

"Or is it that you, Wu Zhiqian, are a well-known double standard? You are only allowed to play with women, but I am not allowed to find my confidant?"

"Please! Mr. Wu, he died early in the morning, now men and women are equal!"

"Besides, dear President Wu, have you forgotten that your Wu family, including you, still rely on me, Qiao Anqi!"

The pretty girl who was just a freeloader went to raise a mistress. She, the princess of the Qiao family, just talked about life with a melancholy and handsome little painter. How could she be so sinful? !

Wu Zhiqian's eyes turned red when Qiao Anqi slapped him in the face.

His fisted hand creaked.

He could hardly control his body rationally, and it seemed that in the next second, his fist would hit Qiao Anqi's face.

Seeing Wu Zhiqian's furious look, Qiao Anqi felt a flash of fear in her heart.

Women and men are naturally weaker physically.

Qiao Anqi has practiced martial arts such as Taekwondo and Judo, and has also participated in special self-defense training classes.

There is no way, the daughter of the richest man, the first thing to consider is safety.

Being kidnapped or something, money is not important, what is important is people.

Qiao Anqi has received many relevant trainings in the past twenty years.

She was confident that she could defeat one or two grown men, so she dared to anger Wu Zhiqian so unscrupulously.

However, Qiao Anqi has learned self-defense, and Wu Zhiqian, as a rich second generation, has also taken related courses.

And when people are angry, it is easy to activate their potential.

just in case--

Qiao Anqi slightly regretted that she should not have wantonly stimulated Wu Zhiqian without help.

If you lose, you don't lose. In other words, when the troops are making dangerous moves, Qiao Anqi does not flinch. Instead, she holds her neck and puts her face in front of Wu Zhiqian.

"Want to hit me? Then hit me! I just don't know if you, Wu Zhiqianwu, can bear the consequences of hitting me!"

"Tsk, I already have 9% of the shares of your Wu Group. Wu Zhiqian, guess how many shares your fist is worth?"

"5% or 10%? Wait, if I remember correctly, the shares in your hand are only 27%. If you compensate me, how much do you have left?!"

Qiao Anqi's words were like a basin of cold water with ice cubes, which directly woke up the furious Wu Zhiqian!


I, I can't do it!

If I hit Qiao Anqi, even if it only scratches my skin, Qiao Shengyuan, that treacherous old fox who loves his daughter, will definitely tear a piece of flesh from the Wu family!

The key is, he can't refuse yet!

After all, he doesn't care about domestic violence or anything like that.

As for Qiao Anqi's hooking up with men, ahem, in their circle, many "loving couples" with combined interests basically play their own roles.

Wu Zhiqian's bottom is not clean, so it's really hard to ask Qiao Anqi, the heir to the Qiao Group, to protect his integrity for him!

In the end, Wu Zhiqian will not only not get the result he wants, but will lose money and be embarrassed!

All face is lost, Wu Zhiqian will not do such a stupid thing!

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed all the anger rising in his chest.

"Hmph! Qiao Anqi, I advise you to take care of yourself!"

"If you play too much, you'll get sick easily!"

Wu Zhiqian sadly discovered that now, apart from showing off his power verbally, he could not do anything to Qiao Anqi!

This woman!

We really can’t keep it!

Letting her die happily is a kind of kindness!

Looking at Joanne's proud and arrogant face, Wu Zhiqian felt deep malice in his heart.

"What? You want me to go to a mental health hospital for a checkup?"

Suna couldn't believe her ears.

She just found a rich sponsor and wanted to get some benefits, so why did she get a snake syndrome?

"Xiao Na, don't get me wrong! I'm not asking you to be hospitalized in a mental health center, but I just need a name!"

Wu Zhiqian failed to question Qiao Anqi, but was slapped and insulted again.

Tuo Tuo has lost all face.

Originally, Wu Zhiqian was still hesitant about whether to carry out that plan.

However, Qiao Anqi's humiliation made him completely determined - do it! She must be killed!

Oh no, let her die, it's too cheap for her.

He wants to make Qiao Anqi unable to survive or die!

And a psychiatric hospital is a great place.

Wu Zhiqian believes that even if she is not sick, if she is sent there and locked up for several years or more than ten years, she will be infected with snake spirit disease!

Once Qiao Anqi really goes crazy, even if the matter is exposed in the future, no one can do anything to him!

The more Wu Zhiqian thought about it, the more feasible it became, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

So, he hurriedly left the house and went straight to the golden house he bought for Suna.

There is no way, Wu Zhiqian's plan requires an indispensable tool-Suna!

Whether it is killing Qiao Anqi or sending Qiao Anqi to a mental hospital, there must be a substitute.

And Su Na, who looks somewhat similar to Qiao Anqi, is the best candidate.

Wu Zhiqian patiently told Su Na his plan in detail.

Su Na was frightened and her face turned pale: "Isn't this bad?"

Sending good people to a mental hospital is not murder, it's almost like murder.

Because this is a real heart-breaking act!

Su Na is just a vain girl. She can ignore morality, but cannot trample on the law.

At most, she could just rely on her youth and appearance to take a shortcut, but she didn't want to send herself directly to prison.

"No! This is a crime! Zhiqian, I, I can't do this!"

Suna shook her head hurriedly, her face full of shrinkage and fear.

Now you know you are scared and want to retreat? !


If you take advantage of him, you have to do things for him!

Wu Zhiqian sneered secretly, but his face still looked gentle and tolerant.

He sighed and said sadly: "Actually, if possible, I don't want to do this!"

"After all, she is my wife and she has helped me through difficult times!"

"But, for you, I have to do this!"

Having said this, Wu Zhiqian reached out to hold up Su Na's cold face, looked into her eyes, and said solemnly: "Xiao Na, Qiao Anqi knows about our affairs!"

Suna's pupils contracted hard, and it was obvious that she was scared.

"She, she knows? What will she do?"

"What about that? How about I ask her to explain it to her? I and we didn't do anything. We are just friends. We chatted and drank together. We didn't do anything else that crossed the line!"

As she spoke, Su Na's voice was filled with tears.

Although she has never met Qiao Anqi, she has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running away. What kind of virtue is the willful and arrogant Fu Erdai? Isn't it exposed enough on the Internet? !

And during the time when she was friends with Wu Zhiqian, Wu Zhiqian often complained in her ears about Qiao Anqi's willfulness, domineering, and unreasonableness.

In Wu Zhiqian's words, Qiao Anqi did not miss any of the bad things that a playgirl would do, such as beating and scolding the nanny at home, or being cold-blooded to classmates.

Wu Zhiqian created a arrogant, lawless and arrogant second-generation rich woman.

Suna also believed it.

Therefore, the "secret" was exposed and Qiao Anqi knew about her mistress. Su Na was afraid of what kind of revenge she would take next.

"She won't let us go!"

"Xiao Na, did you see the redness and swelling on my face? It was Qiao Anqi who beat me!"

"She still wants me to give her the shares of our Wu family, and she wants to make the matter bigger!"

"I am her legitimate husband, and she treats me like this. How much more so to you?"

"Xiao Na, I don't want you to get hurt. I want to be with you forever... Now it's not whether we want to harm her, but whether she is willing to let us go!"

"...We have no way out, we can only take the initiative, otherwise, what awaits us is Qiao Anqi's brutal revenge!"

Wu Zhiqian lied and exaggerated, and succeeded in frightening Su Na to the point of trembling.

don't want! She doesn't want revenge from Qiao Anqi!

Su Na can't bear any of the revenge methods of such a rich and powerful playgirl.

Su Na was confused and her voice was trembling. She asked: "Zhiqian, as long as I, I go for a check-up, will I be fine?"

"Yes! As long as you go to the mental health center for a check-up and try your best to act like a psychopath, I'll be responsible for what happens next!"

Wu Zhiqian was overjoyed when he saw that Su Na finally relaxed.

"...Okay! I, I'll go! But, I really won't pretend to be sick, Zhiqian, you have to help me!"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. Just be obedient!"

Wu Zhiqian hugged Su Na, who was shaking into a ball, and said the words of promise softly!

Next, Wu Zhiqian found a professional psychologist to train Su Na in reverse.

Su Na was very smart, but she was young, timid, and Wu Zhiqian was exaggerating and exaggerating, so she was frightened.

When she really made a decision, she was able to concentrate on "learning".

Within a week, Suna, who was originally lively and cheerful, became a patient with severe depression.

Wu Zhiqian took her to the public mental health central hospital.

"I'm not a mistress! I just love him so much!"

"Dad, don't invest anymore, they are all lying to you!"

"My mother is gone. She doesn't want us anymore. I don't want to live a hungry life anymore. I want to become a rich man!"

"...I'm not sick! I don't want injections, I don't want to be hospitalized!"

Suna's acting skills are very good. No matter what the doctor asks her, she is immersed in her own world.

Say what you want to say, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, sometimes frustrated, sometimes excited.

The doctor also conducted brain wave and other tests, and finally diagnosed: "Unidirectional affective disorder! The symptoms are serious, and there is suicidal tendency! It is recommended to be hospitalized!"

Wu Zhiqian nodded quickly, but he wanted to go to the ward to take a look first.

The doctor agreed and sent him to the inpatient unit.

There are heavy iron doors, and patients wearing hospital gowns with dull eyes or paranoid eyes are walking around as if they have lost their souls.

There are also some patients who were fixed to the hospital bed by the medical staff because they were noisy, wailing at the top of their lungs, "Let me go, I'm not sick, let me go."

This picture will make real relatives feel distressed;

As for Wu Zhiqian, he was so excited that he wished he could send Qiao Anqi over the next day——

However, thinking of his plan, Wu Zhiqian still said to the doctor with a serious face: "We'd better not be hospitalized yet!"

Doctors understand very well that basically, patients’ family members will hesitate and then change their minds when they see the situation in the ward.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, they will not send their relatives to suffer.

However, under normal circumstances, many family members will send the patient back within a few days after taking him away.

There is no way, mental illness is too annoying.

The little girl in front of me is already seriously ill. If her family calms down, she will still send her to the hospital...

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