The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 867: The Villain’s Redemption Plan (End)

Remember [new] in one second! Sitting in front of the hospital bed, looking at Wu Zhiqian who could only breathe and couldn't even move a finger, Qiao Anqi fell into memories——

That day, she went to the beauty salon for care as usual.

In the underground garage, a girl named Annie found her.

At first, Qiao Anqi was dubious about what Annie said.

Why is her husband hiding a vicious plot, finding a girl who looks like him as a substitute, and trying to replace him!

This, this is not talking in sleep in broad daylight.

Qiao Anqi didn't believe in her husband's character, integrity, etc. To be honest, she had always known that her husband had plans for the Qiao family.

This is normal.

In Shangyanshang, even the Qiao family, when helping the Wu family, also had the idea of ​​tearing a bite of flesh from it.

There was even a business marriage between her and Wu Zhiqian.

There is no emotion to speak of, only Chi Guoguo's interests.

Qiao Anqi was surprised that Wu Zhiqian came up with such a ridiculous and bizarre way to kill herself.

Gee, this is really a TV series.

However, then the girl named Suna also stood up.

He deliberately placed a POSS in front of her, and from her perspective, Su Na was indeed very similar to her.

When Su Na opened her mouth to reveal her identity, she was even more serious about Qiao Anqi:

"Hello, Miss Qiao, my name is Su Na, and I am also the 'personal assistant' of President Wu."

Su Na deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "personal assistant".

We are all members of society, who is really a fool?

Especially Qiao Anqi, who belongs to a wealthy family, gossips about "catching an adulterer" and "beating up a mistress" would pop up from time to time in her circle of friends.

Therefore, she doesn't know much about the routine in this regard.

Secretary and personal assistant are often synonymous with mistress.

Qiao Anqi had already expected that Wu Zhiqian would eat secretly.

It’s not that men all have bad qualities, but that everyone likes the new and hates the old.

In their circle,

Some rich women and dandy girls play more playfully and wildly than men.

Qiao Anqi has long been accustomed to strange things.

She had never simply thought about asking Wu Zhiqian to obey him until the end.

Qiao Anqi's bottom line is, at least in the first three years of marriage, at least when she gives birth to their children, at least not to make things go too far...

For the rest, Qiao Anqi would turn a blind eye.

Qiao Anqi felt that she had lowered her bottom line very low.

However, Wu Zhiqian still——

Less than a year after their wedding, Wu Zhiqian went to Jiuchongtian to support his young lover with great fanfare.

Later, it was revealed that the beauty was hidden in the golden house, which caused an uproar in their circle.

Although in front of Qiao Anqi, no one dared to be weird.

However, behind the scenes, Qiao Anqi has long been the subject of discussion among insiders.

Originally, Qiao Anqi felt that Wu Zhiqian's unscrupulous eating was enough to make her angry.

I didn't expect this person to be so vicious.

When she first met Annie, Qiao Anqi was still hesitant about her words.

Seeing Suna's profile, Qiao Anqi no longer had the slightest doubt.

What else do you doubt?

Didn’t you see that the mistresses Wu Zhiqian was looking for were girls who were 70 percent similar to her? !

Qiao Anqi is not a lover, and thinks that Wu Zhiqian found his substitute because of some bullshit love.

He has bad intentions and is hiding evil intentions!

What Su Na said next also confirmed Qiao Anqi's guess.

"Wu Zhiqian has been showing me all kinds of perfect crime movies and TV shows during this period, and also taught me how to 'repair cars' step by step."

"The focus of repairing the car is the brake system. He also gave me special practice on three models including Maybach, Porsche and Mercedes-Benz!"

These three types of cars are the models that Qiao Anqi often drives.

There is a row of them in her garage.

"In addition, Wu Zhiqian also told me all about your regular visits to this beauty salon, including the distance, time, etc.!"

Having said this, Su Na spread her hands.

That look seemed to say: Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to guard you so accurately!

Qiao Anqi:......

As a smart and well-informed woman, Qiao Anqi could probably guess Wu Zhiqian's plan just by hearing this——

Instigating Su Na to take advantage of the opportunity when Qiao Anqi went out for beauty treatment, she destroyed the braking system of her car in the underground garage.

In this way, when Qiao Anqi drives, a car accident will occur.

It can range from serious injuries to life-threatening injuries!

"You are not stupid at all, you must have thought that this is a crime!"

Although Qiao Anqi believed what Anne and Suna said, she was still a little doubtful in her heart.

Su Na is not a fool. She doesn't know that there are cameras everywhere in the underground garage. She also doesn't know that once the car has been tampered with, the police will definitely be able to find out when they investigate afterwards.

What is the perfect crime?

In today's high-tech world, it simply doesn't exist.

The difference lies in whether you are willing to invest huge amounts of money and energy in investigating.

Qiao Anqi believed that if something happened to her, her father would do his best to find out the truth for her.

This kind of knowledge may not be expected by an ordinary vase who has not read any books, and it is more likely to be lucky.

But the girl in front of her, a top student from University S, could come to her on her own initiative. Qiao Anqi felt that she was definitely not a fool.

Although Wu Zhiqian has low self-esteem and arrogance, his vision is not bad.

He would not expose such an important matter easily if he was not even sure of it.

What Qiao Anqi was curious about was how did Su Na "deceive" Wu Zhiqian into thinking that she was a silly girl who was blinded by love?

"Wu Zhiqian often uses things about you to irritate me and deliberately arouse my anger and dissatisfaction."

"Yeah, similar looks, but completely different lives. God is so unfair!"

"I did get jealous, and occasionally I would think impulsively; if only I were Qiao Anqi."

"Fortunately, I have the best college roommate in the world. Annie vaccinated me in advance and let me know that Wu Zhiqian also had plans for me."

"At first, I didn't know what Wu Zhiqian wanted me to do. When he kept saying this in my ears, and when I thought about Annie's awakening, I guessed something."

"So I followed the trend, first like a gold digger who was corrupted by money, and then I felt all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred towards Miss Qiao, who has the same face but different destiny. What happened after that happened naturally!"

Su Na faced Qiao Anqi's questions and told the truth calmly.

She talked eloquently, Qiao Anqi listened and pondered, and finally nodded slowly.

Well, Wu Zhiqian is too conceited. He boasts that he has a very accurate grasp of people's hearts.

He underestimated Suna.

Also, an 18-year-old freshman who has no experience in the world and lives in a difficult situation.

If it were any other girl of the same age, when she was most helpless and pitiful, a wealthy young man would fall from the sky like a savior hero.

It is to help oneself complete the performance, to support oneself, to slap bullies in the face, and to be gentle and tolerant to oneself.

Eighteen-year-old girls are the most ignorant and dreamy age.

At this time, Wanwan's romance novels were very popular.

Many little girls, after watching too many plots of domineering presidents and cute little girls, will naturally take the initiative to take the role.

In reality, if they really meet, even if it is a wolf in sheep's clothing, they will mistakenly think that he is the right one!

Wu Zhiqian took advantage of this and used Su Na as a pawn.

As the saying goes, "The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind."

He thinks he is a chess player, but in the eyes of a "chess piece", why is Wu Zhiqian not just a chess piece? !

What surprised Qiao Anqi the most was Su Na.

She doesn't like to fight with women like some TV shows promote her.

After gaining insight into Wu Zhiqian's conspiracy, her first reaction was to seek cooperation with her "love rival"!

Who says that women are the most malicious to women? Only when you become a woman will you know that the people of your own sex who understand and care about women the most are often the ones of your own sex.

Women not only fight, but also help and cooperate with each other.

Qiao Anqi was bothered by the idea of ​​"beating the mistress". Please, it wasn't the dog-coin man who cheated on her. Even if she had to deal with it, she should deal with the dog-coin man.

...Just because Su Na was sober enough, Qiao Anqi had a much better impression of her.

Later, Suna also took out some recordings.

In the audio, Wu Zhiqian's extremely bewitching and misleading words successfully eliminated the last trace of doubt in Qiao Anqi's heart.

"What a Wu Zhiqian, he really wants to kill me!"

After learning about Wu Zhiqian's conspiracy, Su Na acted as an internal agent, and Anne, a smarter and more cunning person, made suggestions.

Oh, there is also a girl named An Xin who plays soy sauce.

Ahem, I'm not really fooling around. This little girl who looks young is actually a computer expert.

At the time when office automation was just emerging, leading companies in provincial capitals such as Joe's and Wu's were the first to introduce computers for office work.

But under such circumstances, the little girl was able to easily invade the group's network.

The secrets of the Wu Group were hidden under the little girl's keyboard.

...Several women work together and perform their duties.

Not only did they want to use every trick to kill Wu Zhiqian, but they also wanted to embezzle the entire Wu Group.

Originally, Qiao Anqi thought that just a few of them might not be able to achieve it smoothly.

But Wu Zhiqian is too conceited and is looking for death.

The car accident couldn't be prevented, but he actually wanted to send Qiao Anqi to a mental hospital?

Qiao Anqi simply let him suffer the consequences!

"Wu Zhiqian, you didn't expect that your little lover is a good partner with me."

"She has successfully changed from your personal assistant to the general manager of Wu Group, which is also my assistant secretary."

"Oh, by the way, I also took over the pharmaceutical company owned by your Wu family. I can't help it. I have your posthumous son in my belly. Chairman Wu has great trust in me!"

"This pharmaceutical company is currently developing a traditional Chinese medicine to combat malignant tumors. Once successful, I will be able to secure my position as the CEO of the Wu Group——"

Annie and An Xin will get a pharmaceutical company with a market value of over 100 million, and a cash cow that continues to create huge profits.

This was the remuneration Qiao Anqi promised to both Anne and Anne when they first discussed cooperation.

Afterwards, Wu Zhiqian was successfully turned into a vegetative state. For a few moments, Qiao Anqi regretted it.

I feel like I shouldn’t promise such a large reward so easily.

However, when she saw the semi-finished product of the experiment that Anne brought, she instantly knew that these young girls must have a back-up plan.

In addition to some audio materials, they can also help them gain a foothold in the Wu Group.

A secret Chinese medicine recipe to conquer cancer is enough to make the Wu family's pharmaceutical company skyrocket.

As the general manager who initiated this project, she can successfully establish her prestige by creating enough value for the group.

Without relying on anything else, just relying on such a traditional Chinese medicine project, Qiao Anqi can successfully secure the position of Wu Zhiqian's boss by virtue of her status as "Wu Zhiqian's wife".

And shareholders are all about profit.

As long as she, Qiao Anqi, can bring them a steady stream of dividends, even if something is exposed in the future, Father Wu will be unable to do anything to drive her out of the Wu family!

Sure enough, when Qiao Anqi was about to give birth to her unborn baby, the total number of scattered shares that Qiao Anqi continued to acquire finally exceeded the shares held by Wu's father.

Qiao Anqi reopened the board of directors and kicked Qiao's father out of the board of directors.

Qiao Anqi took complete control of the Wu Group.

Later, after she gave birth to the child, she refused to cooperate with the Wu family for a DNA test. She even showed up with Wu's father and mother, saying that the child was not Wu Zhiqian's at all, and she did not know who the child's father was.

Qiao Anqi deliberately made her words ambiguous, as if she was too dissolute to know who the child's biological father was.

The Wu family couple thought about it, and when they thought that their son was not only cuckolded, but also had a prairie on his head, they were so angry that they just pouted over.

One had a stroke and the other was a little crazy. They were all sent to a nursing home by Qiao Anqi to join Wu Zhiqian.

"A family should be neat and tidy!"

Qiao Anqi held her newborn son in her arms, her delicate face looking solemn.

A few years later, Suna and Annie graduated from college.

Su Na took the resources and connections she managed from the Wu family, as well as the "remuneration" given to her by Qiao Anqi, to start her own business and became a strong woman.

Anne continued to run her pharmaceutical company. As early as her college days, she was a well-known female entrepreneur.

She bought luxury houses, luxury cars, and numerous properties.

However, Li Ying, who has a daughter and everything she needs, still likes to live in the old house in the staff dormitory of S University.

The only regret is that after Anne found the man she loved deeply, "An Xin" disappeared on the night she became pregnant.

"Xinxin, you have been reborn in your mother's belly, right?"

Anne could only comfort herself in this way.

The daughter comes from the future, and her destiny has completely changed. In the new future, there may be no daughter like An Xin!

At the thought of this possibility, Anne was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe.

After several years of getting along, like best friends and close relatives, An Xin has already entered Annie's heart.

For her, the family she cares about most is not only her biological mother Li Ying, but also a cheap daughter An Xin.

It's a pity that An Xin is destined not to accompany her until the end.

However, she will remember what An Xin cares about most——

"Don't worry, cheap girl. Your mother and I will never make any detours again. I will abide by the law. I will become a law-abiding model and a moral pacesetter. I will never delay your public examination..."

"Ding! Successfully redeemed the villain Joanne, mission completed, reward points 30 points!"

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