The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 879 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (12)

Remember [new] in one second! Sound transmission in the mountains and forests, big birds sending talismans, everything is so mystical.

Showing off the masterful demeanor of the little fairy.


When the hoopoe came closer and everyone saw clearly what the bag was holding in its mouth, everyone felt instantly disillusioned——

It's not a quaint gift bag, or a tall lucky bag, but a plastic bag used to hold food in the supermarket.

Well, the little fairy has not completely escaped from the world, and she is quite "advancing with the times".

Niu Dakui was not too surprised. He met the little fairy girl back then because she wanted to go down the mountain and join the world.

It has been fifty years, and to this day, Niu Dakui has not forgotten that when the little fairy passed by his house, she took away a bamboo basket and a set of coarse cloth clothes.

"Dad, get up quickly!"

After Niu Zhenchang was shocked, he quickly helped his father up.

What, the little fairy said very clearly, those talismans were given to my biological father.

At this moment, their "messenger" - a plus version of the hoopoe bird, landed accurately in front of them.

A pair of small black bean eyes stared straight at Niu Dakui who was kneeling on the ground.

If it weren't for the slender bird holding something in its beak, it would definitely make a couple of cooing sounds to express urging.

Niu Zhenchang was very smart. He helped his biological father up and reminded him in a low voice.

"Oh! Right!"

Niu Dakui reacted and walked tremblingly in front of the enlarged version of the hoopoe.

Normally, Niu Dakui would definitely not have a good look when he saw such an unlucky coffin bird.

But at this moment, Niu Dakui seemed to see the crane delivering the elixir, and his eyes were all smiling.

"Big, big fairy!"

Really not knowing how to honor a coffin bird, Niu Dakui simply shouted vaguely, and then said cautiously, "I, I am Niu Dakui. Was this given to me by the fairy aunt?"

As he spoke, he pointed at the plastic bag hanging from the bird's beak.

Niu Dakui had no doubt whether a bird could understand human speech.

Are you kidding? This is the pet kept by the little fairy.

It must be the kind of existence that has gained intelligence and become a spirit.

Sure enough, the hoopoe lived up to Niu Dakui's trust and nodded reservedly.

Then, it raised its neck and presented the plastic bag in front of Niu Dakui, signaling him to take it off quickly.

When Niu Dakui saw this, he didn't dare to delay any longer and quickly reached out and took down the bag.

The hoopoe did not leave in a hurry, but cooed at Niu Dakui a few times.

Niu Dakui:......

Niu Zhenchang:......

Even the master of Xiangjiang, Su Mingqiang, and the extraordinary master Ge Fuli were a little confused about the meaning of this spiritual pet.

Niu Zihan, the granddaughter of the Niu family, is still very imaginative. Ahem, maybe it has something to do with the fact that she often receives express delivery.

She asked tentatively, "What about it? Does it require Grandpa to inspect the goods on site?"

After confirming that there is nothing wrong with the goods and signing for them on the spot, the "courier" can leave.

After hearing what the little girl said, everyone said "ah" one after another.

Although absurd, there is some truth in it.

In particular, the hoopoe actually turned its head and cast an approving look at Niu Zihan.


Damn it, this coffin bird has really become a spirit!

Niu Dakui quickly opened the plastic bag and found three folded talismans inside.

He took out the talisman very carefully.


"Superior spiritual talisman!"

Su Mingqiang and Ge Fuli shouted out in unison.

Both of them were very excited and looked at Fu Lu with extremely eager eyes.

If they didn't have reason to control themselves, they would probably rush to snatch it.

Niu Dakui and Niu Zhenchang, father and son, looked at each other. Niu Dakui hurriedly put away the talisman, while Niu Zhenchang stood in front of his father and looked at the two Taoist disciples with great vigilance.

Su Mingqiang \u0026 Ge Fuli:...

You can't blame them for being rude. It's really rare to see spiritual talismans in such good condition now that spiritual energy is thin.

That is to say, their respective families (or sects) have deep foundations and long inheritance, so only a few of their stocks are regarded as family heirlooms.

In addition, there is an emergency solution. With the efforts of the whole country, there are only one or two reliable talisman masters who can refine some talismans every year.

But those talismans are ordinary magic talismans at best and cannot reach the realm of spiritual talismans.

Not to mention anything classy.

"Director Niu, your Majesty is really lucky to be able to obtain such a high-grade spiritual talisman."

Ge Fuli, who had always been taciturn, showed a rare look of envy and sighed softly.

"Director Niu, I am willing to pay one million, can you give me this talisman?"

Su Mingqiang is more like a shrewd Xiangjiang person. His first reaction when seeing a good thing is to buy it at a high price!

After hearing this, Niu Dakui and his son treasured these three talismans even more.

Niu Zhenchang even shook his head like a rattle: Not selling! The peace charm that even Xuanmen masters covet must be a life-saving treasure.

He would be crazy to sell.

He is not short of money!

Su Mingqiang originally wanted to say: "I will help you solve the feng shui problem in the ancestral graves, and you can use this peace charm as a reward." But looking at the hoopoe and looking around at the mysterious Wu Yunling, Su Mingqiang finally knew nothing. Didn't say.

Again, the Niu family is lucky enough to meet a boss with superb skills.

The little fairy lady just now said that either Su Mingqiang or Ge Fuli could solve the Niu family's troubles.

Before coming, the Niu family had already explained the remuneration, and both Su Mingqiang and Su Mingqiang agreed.

If at this time, Su Mingqiang takes the opportunity to make a request because he covets someone else's magic talisman, haha, let alone the Niu family disapproving, if he doesn't do it well, he will also offend the little fairy who is related to the Niu family.

This guy is a real genius.

Su Mingqiang claimed to be a master in Xuanmen, but with his cultivation level, he didn't even touch his shadow.

It was enough to show how big the gap was between him and the little fairy.

In the world of metaphysics, it is the most basic common sense not to make enemies easily.

Otherwise, I don’t even know how I died!

"...Director Niu, these three peace talismans are very precious. It is normal that you do not want to take action. Please cherish them!"

Su Mingqiang reminded solemnly.

"Thanks for reminding me, I will cherish it!"

Niu Zhenchang looked at his biological father, Niu Dakui nodded slightly, and then he said this on behalf of his biological father.

Seeing Niu Dakui receiving the goods, the hoopoe flapped its wings and flew away.

"Fairy aunt! Fairy aunt?"

Niu Dakui tried to shout a few more times, but there was no response from the surroundings.

And the next second, the path disappeared again.

"What a powerful formation! Her cultivation level must be very high!"

Su Mingqiang and Ge Fuli both exclaimed.

"Senior is urging us to go down the mountain!"

After a long time, Su Mingqiang sighed and said this.

"Then, let's go!"

Niu Zhenchang felt that this trip was so worthwhile, and he actually got a life-saving talisman worth millions.

He supported his biological father, who held the talisman in his arms, and the group left Wu Yunling.

"Tiantian, you are so successful at pretending! If I hadn't known you for fifty years, I would have thought you were some unborn master!"

On the other side of the pond, sitting on a huge ginkgo tree, was a five or six-year-old boy.

It is no longer a festive red bellyband, but a very cute dinosaur suit.

The boy grabbed the tail of the green Tyrannosaurus Rex on his clothes and said in a slightly sinister tone.

He Tiantian:......

The corner of his mouth twitched, what kind of pretense?

She's keeping it a mystery, okay?

After all, in her script, the little fairy aunt (or the little master aunt) can only exist in legend.

However, she decided not to argue with a brat.

After all, we have been friends for fifty years. We cannot say that we get along day and night, but we still have a harmonious relationship.

The most important thing is that Laoshu is so open-minded that she actually gave up Xiao Dai and Xiao Bai to her!

Seeing that He Tiantian ignored him, the boy felt bored. He curled his lips and got back to the topic: "Hey, by the way, are you really leaving?"

Although his tone was still so unkind when he spoke, if you study it carefully, you can still hear his reluctance.

"Well, the time has come, it's time for me to go out!"

He Tiantian pinched her hands deliberately, as if she had really figured out something big.

The boy rolled his eyes again: "Tch! What are you pretending to be? Don't I know who you are?"

"Also, I seriously doubt that you had planned all of this as early as the moment you entered the mountain!"

For example, when will we leave the mountain?

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows and was noncommittal about the boy's words.

Because this guy's guess was right, He Tiantian had indeed planned everything in advance.

After fifty years of training in the deep mountains where the spiritual energy is relatively strong, He Tiantian has already succeeded in building a foundation.

Now, her cultivation has reached the middle stage of foundation building.

He Tiantian can stand on the top of the mountain arrogantly and shout: My cultivation is the best in the world!

There's no way, she has a cheat.

The god-level cultivation technique Guiyuan Jue is so domineering.

You know, in the original plot, the inheritance of Guiyuan Temple was the biggest opportunity left to the heroine.

And the secret book of Guiyuan Guan is only an incomplete version of the technique.

It is mainly a collection of talismans, and comes with some introductory tips for cultivating spiritual energy.

After all, this world is a supernatural world, not a continent of immortality.

Therefore, as biased as the author (that is, the way of heaven), the biggest and thickest golden finger that can be opened to his daughter (that is, the heroine) is just the master of talismans.

However, He Tiantian exploited a loophole in the system, spent a lot of money to buy the Guiyuan Jue, and practiced it fifty years before the plot began.

There is time and skills, but the key is that He Tiantian is diligent enough and talented. Isn't it like her cultivation has reached the top of the world as if she had a bug? !

He Tiantian is already familiar with the plot, and since she is entering the palace for the second time this time, she is naturally very clear about every important node.

At this moment, "He Tiantian" in this world has been entangled by evil ghosts, and her physical condition has declined sharply.

He Qingfeng and his wife tried everything they could, but still couldn't find a way to save their daughter.

In desperation, they can only place their hope in ghosts and gods.

As divine stick goddesses, they have never believed this.

However, they really can't take care of much when they seek medical treatment in a hurry.

When He Qingfeng began to search Taoist temples for the manuscripts and ancient books left by his ancestors, he gradually discovered that there really were monsters and ghosts in this world.

And their daughter was also possessed by a evil spirit.

If she cannot be expelled in time, her daughter will be used as a substitute by the evil ghost, and her soul will be gone without a chance to re-enter reincarnation.

He Qingfeng and Su Min regarded their daughter as their lifeblood and their salvation. How could they watch their daughter end up like this.

Forced to have no choice, He Qingfeng had no choice but to take risks. The couple managed to save half of their daughter's life by dying together.

"He Tiantian" became a half-human, half-ghost monster. When faced with the corpses of her parents, she turned black.

Using the ancient killing array found in the Taoist temple, he tried to steal the vitality of millions of creatures around him to resurrect his parents.

Of course, the outcome was doomed. She harmed innocent people. Regardless of her intentions, she made a big mistake and was killed by the male and female protagonists as a dungeon mini-boss!

...Yes, this world is not the world rewritten by He Tiantian, but a parallel world similar to the original one.

The mission of the world is not to save He Qingfeng's family of three, but to save the little uncle.

However, He Tiantian lived in a similar world derived from the original and spent a long life.

Although after the mission was over, all her emotions were pulled away.

But, in the end, it is a world and tasks that I am familiar with.

She has an inexplicable affinity for the couple He Qingfeng and Su Min.

Therefore, when choosing a time-travel identity, she deliberately fabricated a character who had a deep relationship with Guiyuan Guan.

"What? You, you said your master is Yuan Zhenzi?"

"Yes, are you the 149th generation descendant of Guiyuan Temple?"

He Qingfeng's always perfect image of a master was shattered into slag in an instant.

He looked at He Tiantian in disbelief, staring at her with his eyes, fearing to miss any of her microexpressions.

"Yes, my master is Yuan Zhenzi. Fifty years ago, he saw me, saw that I was pretty, cute, and extremely talented, so he accepted me as a closed disciple!"

He Tiantian opened her eyes and told lies.

He Qingfeng's eyes almost bulged out. He stared at He Tiantian for a long time and suddenly his expression changed, "Girl, I don't know where you heard the name of my ancestor Yuan Zhenzi, but I must tell you. One thing, my master has already become an immortal and ascended!"

In the Taoist sect, when an elder or a highly respected person dies, they don't say "die", but they become immortals.

When his master Yuan Zhenzi passed away, He Qingfeng was not yet born, but he heard his master mention these things.

In fact, not only He Qingfeng, but also Su Min, who had been running around the Taoist temple with He Qingfeng since childhood, also knew about this.

Therefore, she took over her husband's words and nodded vigorously, "That's right, girl! Our ancestor has long since become immortal——"

"Yes, the master has indeed become an immortal, but no one stipulates that an immortal cannot accept apprentices!"

He Tiantian deliberately pretended to be confused.

He Qingfeng and Su Min were a little angry. Is this child deliberately looking for trouble?

Don't you know that "Yuhua" is just another name for their deceased ancestors in their Taoist sect?

Do we have to let them, as disciples, say bluntly, "My master is dead! He has been dead for fifty years, and the cicadas will rot with the coffin, ashes return to ashes, soil return to earth -"

Wait, He Qingfeng, who reacted quickly, suddenly caught an important point: "You just said that my master picked you up fifty years ago and made you a closed disciple?!"


Dear friends, I have something to do today, so I will update it first and make up for it tomorrow, (*^▽^*)

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