The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 883 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (16)

Remember [new] in one second! He Tiantian wants to teach He Qingfeng and Su Min the exercises. Soon, a problem is placed in front of everyone——

"You two are a little older and have missed the best period of cultivation."

He Tiantian held her chest with one hand and held her chin with the other, circling around He Qingfeng and his wife, mumbling helplessly.

He Qingfeng and Su Min's hearts sank slightly.

In fact, they didn't need to explain it to the young aunt, they knew it in their own hearts.

They are indeed older.

Both of them are in their thirties and will soon break through the thirty-five-year-old mark.

In some perverted employers, they are all old people who need to be fired.

Although they have also learned some breathing formulas since they were young, and have also practiced simple martial arts moves.

But the gap between these and real cultivation is too big.

"...Little sister-in-law, if, if it's too difficult -"

He Qingfeng spoke with difficulty, he didn't want to embarrass the young senior aunt too much.

If you can cultivate, it will be great.

If he can't, then he won't continue to cheat. Like Master, he can run a Taoist temple in a low-key manner and keep food and clothing for his family.

Ahem, He Qingfeng didn't really "repent his past mistakes" or completely "turn back the prodigal son", he was just a ghost.

If you don’t sell fake talismans, why can’t you sell the real talismans drawn by the young master’s aunt?

Perhaps, the little aunt's magic talisman can also allow him to take a high-quality route and carry forward Guiyuan Guan even more.

...So, whether it is because he cares about his life-saving grace, or because he respects his elders and relies on him in the future, He Qingfeng must attach great importance to his feelings.

He couldn't let his little sister-in-law be in trouble!

"It's a bit difficult, but it's not without a solution!"

He Tiantian didn't seem to see He Qingfeng's hesitation, but continued what he said and said casually.

He Qingfeng and Su Min's eyes suddenly brightened again, and they asked in unison, "Little Senior Sister, what can I do?!"

He Tiantian did not answer directly, but stopped circling and stood in front of the two of them.


you first! "

He Tiantian pointed her finger at He Qingfeng.

He Qingfeng:...

Junior Sister, why should I come first?

At least you, old man, can explain it more clearly.

For example, what do you want me to do?

He Tiantian rolled her eyes, as if she disliked He Qingfeng for not being smart enough, "Sit cross-legged, with your five hearts facing up, and I will 'plant' a spiritual seed for you!"

There was no way, He Tiantian had to speak more clearly.

He Qingfeng didn't hesitate at all and immediately sat cross-legged.

He grew up with his master. Although he failed to learn the real Guiyuan Jue, he was very familiar with Taoist meditation, chanting, etc.

He didn't ask what "spiritual power seeds" were, nor did he suspect that He Tiantian would take the opportunity to hurt him or play any conspiracy.

With five hearts facing upward, he exposed his head and heart in front of He Tiantian.

This is a very big trust, and He Qingfeng did it naturally and as it should be.

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction, and she stretched her hand above He Qingfeng's head.

For a moment, He Qingfeng's breathing stagnated slightly.

He Tiantian knew that this was the body's instinctive reaction for a person who had been wary since childhood.

He is not a person who resists or is wary of He Tiantian. He is someone who only trusts a very few people, and this is true for most people.

Obviously, He Qingfeng does believe in her, but he has not yet reached the same situation as Su Min and He Susu.

He Tiantian could also understand that she, a cheap young aunt, had only spent less than a few days getting along with He Qingfeng.

It is absolutely difficult for others to treat her as the most important person in their lives.

He Qingfeng could only be "nervous" for a moment and quickly return to normal. Such a trusting state was already very difficult.

He Tiantian took a deep breath, abandoned all distracting thoughts, and moved her luck to her dantian.

A stream of spiritual power began to travel from the Dantian, passed through the meridians, and came to He Tiantian's fingertips.

Then, the spiritual power followed her wishes and slowly entered the Baihui point on the top of He Qingfeng's head.

He Qingfeng only felt a thrill, followed by a very comfortable feeling, as if he was in a hot spring.

That kind of warmth, that kind of being enveloped, washed, and -

Just when He Qingfeng was so comfortable that he wanted to moan, the clear voice of the young master's aunt suddenly sounded in his ears: "Recite the formula with me, and follow it while you recite it!"


He Qingfeng didn't dare to be distracted and responded quickly.

He Tiantian began to recite the training formula of Guiyuan Gong.

She said something, and He Qingfeng recited something in response.

At first, He Qingfeng just repeated it mechanically.

However, after thinking about it, He Qingfeng had an epiphany.

And he instinctively began to follow the requirements of the mantra, breathing and exhaling, capturing the spiritual power entering the meridians from Baihui Point, and then urging it to travel in his eight extraordinary meridians.

After He Tiantian finished reciting the formula, He Qingfeng also completed a week.

Afterwards, He Qingfeng started practicing on his own naturally without He Tiantian's repeated reminders.

He fell into an indescribable and wonderful state.

It was as if there was nothing else between heaven and earth.

And his brain was completely emptied. Apart from practicing according to the formula, he had no other thoughts.

After running for an unknown number of days, He Qingfeng felt like fireworks suddenly exploded in his body——


A stream of air poured into his Dantian, and he clearly felt that the world around him had changed.

He can feel the presence of more comfortable gas.


Could this be the legendary spiritual energy in public? !

Such thoughts suddenly flashed into He Qingfeng's mind.

He did not dare to delay and hurriedly continued to practice according to the formula.

This time, what he absorbed was not the "spiritual power seed" given to her by her junior aunt, but the thin spiritual energy that existed in nature.

Well, although the spiritual energy of nature is not as full as the spiritual energy given by my little sister-in-law, it does add up to a little.

Moreover, he is the only one who is absorbing this part of the world. Although it is thin, it is still enough.

I don't know how long it took, but He Qingfeng clearly felt that the "spiritual power seeds" in his Dantian became stable and solidified.

It was like a small fire, firmly rooted in the depths of his Dantian, swaying and burning, making his whole body different!


He Qingfeng opened his eyes, and he found that the world had indeed become clearer.

He could see the wings of insects lying in the grass a few meters away, and he could also hear someone whispering in the neighbor's house in the distance. He and his body seemed to become lighter!

"Little Senior Sister, I, I -"

He Qingfeng was so excited that he almost forgot that he was still meditating. He wished he could jump up and continue to experience the "mutation" of his body.

"Well, I have helped you plant the 'spiritual power seeds', and you have successfully introduced Qi into your body."

He Tiantian was a little tired.

However, the results were very gratifying. She directly helped He Qingfeng save several years or even more than ten years of practice time.

Sure enough, "initiation" is the easiest thing to do.

Of course, if He Tiantian hadn't reached a high enough level, she wouldn't have been able to do it.

After secretly running the technique, the surrounding spiritual energy was absorbed by He Tiantian into her Dantian, slightly replenishing her losses.

Then, she came to Su Min.

Su Min didn't need He Tiantian's reminder, she had already meditated.

Ahem, she didn't even need her husband to remind her with a wink. Just by looking at her husband's excited and ecstatic expression, Su Min knew that her man had gained a lot!

Then he heard what the young aunt said, "The Qi has been successfully introduced into the body." What else did Su Min not understand?

Their ancestors in Guiyuan Guan were the masters of talismans. One sentence that ancestors of all generations often mentioned in their handbooks was——

"Cultivate a breath of innate energy and turn it into a spiritual power to control the gods!"

Only by drawing Qi into the body and infusing it with spiritual power can the real magical talisman be drawn.

Rather than the "intangible cultural heritage" works used by He Qingfeng to fool people.

[I can finally practice, and I don’t have to pretend to be a ghost anymore! 】

Su Min was filled with excitement, and she tried her best to control and suppress it.


Taking a long breath, Su Min finally stabilized her mood, relaxed herself, and allowed herself to enter the best state.

He Tiantian followed suit and gave Su Min an "initiation".

She directly took a shortcut for He and Su!

Su Min's understanding seemed to be higher than that of He Qingfeng.

After being helped by He Tiantian to introduce the Qi into her body, she followed her instinct and ran the formula.

I don't know how many weeks, but soon, she stabilized her cultivation and improved slightly.

In just a few breaths of time, she actually broke through to the first level of Qi training!

He Tiantian:......

Su Min, the goddess, is even more talented than He Qingfeng, the successor of Guiyuan Guan Zheng'er Ba Jing!

She turned her head and glanced at the main hall not far away, and said silently to the sculpture: "Master Patriarch, have you seen it? It turns out that the decline of Guiyuan Temple is doomed!"

This successor is not as good as an outsider. Tsk tsk, even if he has a complete skill, it will be difficult for He Qingfeng to cultivate that innate spiritual energy.

That is, He Tiantian forced to cheat, and then——


There is no way, in the Dharma-ending era, our inheritance of Guiyuan Guan is too unnatural.

If it is not forcibly suppressed, this supernatural world will be turned into an immortal continent by Guiyuan Jue in an instant!

He Tiantian:......

That makes sense!

Just like that young martial uncle, his self-created Wuji Jue is also extremely unparalleled.

Therefore, in the original plot, the young master uncle was killed by a more powerful zombie just after he started practicing.

In the first version of the plot written by He Tiantian, the young master uncle was cured, and God directly let him ascend in order to make way for the male protagonist!

...He Tiantian can predict that her future destiny, and that of the entire Guiyuan Guan, will probably be similar to that of her junior uncle——

Either be destroyed by the way of heaven, or be "ascended".

"Okay! You have all introduced Qi into your body. Next, you can officially learn the complete collection of talismans from Guiyuan Temple!"

He Tiantian took a short rest and took out a book from his Taoist robe.

He Qingfeng and Su Min were both extremely excited: It’s coming! finally come!

The formal inheritance of their Guiyuan Temple, the complete collection of talismans created by their ancestors more than a thousand years ago!

However, when they saw clearly what He Tiantian was holding, all their imaginations were instantly shattered.

This, this is——

He Tiantian shook the pile of printing paper in her hand and said with great pain, "It cost me a full twenty yuan. The printing shop down the mountain is really dark!"

He Qingfeng \u0026 Su Min:...

What about the promised millennium inheritance?

Even if it's not an ancient book, it must be a serious "book" at least.

A stack of printer paper, still A4, and then fixed with thumbtacks.

The cultivation secrets sold online all look more decent than this!

"Oh, the form is not important, the important thing is the content! Content!"

He Tiantian saw the accusing looks in He and Su's eyes and hurriedly explained with a smile.

So what, you really can't blame her.

The Guiyuan Technique given to her by the system was a scroll, and it disappeared on its own after she completely mastered it.

It is estimated that the system has learned lessons from the future mobile phones in the previous world, lest He Tiantian or the equally cunning and shrewd He Qingfeng couple find any loopholes in the scroll and exploit them.

The system was very straightforward this time and directly "burned corpses to eliminate traces."

He Tiantian had no choice but to write out the talismans she had memorized proficiently.

As for why not make a fake and get a decent "ancient book" out?

Firstly, He Tiantian felt it was unnecessary, and secondly, it was to enrich her "personality"!

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Here is a printout. You two can practice together."

"If you find it inconvenient, go to the print shop at the foot of the mountain and make another copy."

He Tiantian directly handed the "Encyclopedia of Talismans" to He Qingfeng.

He Qingfeng was still speechless.

Looking at the little sister-in-law and the printed book in her hand, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch!

Just a moment ago, it was a mysterious and fantasy practice, but the next second, he was pulled back to the "human world" by the young master aunt.


She is really damn down-to-earth, which is completely in line with my little sister-in-law’s character of respecting science and opposing feudal superstition.

"...Yes! Little Senior Sister!"

After He Qingfeng and Su Min complained, they still answered respectfully.

Just like what the young aunt said, the most important thing is the content, the method of drawing talismans recorded on these printed papers, not the external form.

Isn’t a printed book a skill book?

The two comforted themselves in this way, and sure enough, they quickly accepted the form of printed books.

As for the "copying" that He Tiantian mentioned?

Are you kidding? This is the secret method of their Guiyuan Temple. It is the treasure of the Temple. It is the right thing to hide it. How can you show it to outsiders casually?

The husband and wife are already congenial and close, and there is not much inconvenience when they study the same secret book together.

Therefore, in the following days, He Qingfeng and Su Min stayed in the Taoist temple, studying various talismans desperately.

Peace Talisman, Ghost Exorcist Talisman, Fire Talisman, Xuan Lei Talisman...

From simple to complex, their finished talismans also went from failure, to failure, to success!

Then, there are elementary, intermediate, advanced...

"Haha, it worked! I, I finally refined the superior spiritual talisman!"

"Excellent, a real talisman, haha, it was refined by me, He Qingfeng. I, I will no longer be a magic stick in the future, I am the master of Guiyuan Guanyin!"

Su Min looked at her husband's ugly appearance of laughing and crying with a smile, and secretly put away the high-quality peace charm that she had refined a long time ago...


Thank you for the reward, I am a self-deceiver and a big spring roll pro, and thank you all for your support. Please give me another monthly pass, (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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