The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 885 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (18)

Remember [new] in one second! After Zhang Duoduo left the emergency office, he began to search for any information and materials about Nanshan Guiyuan Temple.

However, Guiyuan Guan is a new internet celebrity after all.

It may be popular on the Internet, but in the Taoist world, it is a little transparent.

That is to say, some ancestors whose age is measured in "hundred" have vaguely heard of its name.

However, such an existence is not something that Zhang Duoduo, a junior, can just see.

Therefore, after asking around, Zhang Duoduo found that she had no clue. She could only adopt the stupidest and most primitive method——

Find a way to get the sales records of Guiyuanguan Online Shopping Mall, and follow the buyers to verify them one by one.

This process is quite long and boring.

The key is that even if Zhang Duoduo finds a buyer, people will not easily believe her words as a little girl.

"What? Are you saying that Master Qingfeng is a liar? His talisman is useless at all?"

"Huh, you are a little girl. You are young and pretty. Why don't you do something serious?"

"You call me a liar, but I think you are more like a liar!"

"You want to check the peace talisman I brought from Guiyuan Temple? Bah, what if you destroy it and the peace talisman becomes invalid?"

Zhang Duoduo knew that her age and appearance were at a disadvantage, and those middle-aged and elderly women who were deceived by scammers were speechless and gave her a headache.

How should we describe these people?

When they should be shrewd, they are deceived by the magicians and look like idiots;

When you treat them as if they are mentally retarded, they are all super smart!

Zhang Duoduo:......

I'm not a liar!

I am from the Zhang family of Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

The contemporary heavenly master is even more my biological father!

I, I just want to borrow the talisman in your hand to take a look.

As long as it can be proven that Guiyuan Guan is a liar, Zhang Duoduo can go to the emergency department to file a complaint, or go directly to Nanshan to carry out a just action to "remove the cancer."

Unfortunately, all of the "victims" Zhang Duoduo found seemed to have been brainwashed by He Qingfeng.

Open and shut your mouth, "Master Qingfeng\

,"He also stared at himself as if he was guarding against thieves.

If Zhang Duoduo hadn't run so fast, he would have been taken to the police station by these powerful aunts!

Zhang Duoduo:......

Damn you, you deserve to be deceived!

The process of searching for evidence was not smooth, and Zhang Duoduo's self-esteem was seriously frustrated.

It was at this time that the plot came into play again.

Zhang Duoduo circled around and wasted some time, but still met the female ghost in red.

The strength of the female ghost in red should not be underestimated. Zhang Duoduo smashed a lot of talismans bought from the street market and the black market, and almost used the ghost-expelling talisman given by his father when he came down the mountain before he could be subdued. it.

"...Although you did do some evil, it is pitiful and helpless, so I will let you go!"

He did not directly beat the female ghost in red to the point of being driven out of his wits, but pretended to be transcended and sent her into the ghost gate.

"Master Immortal! I don't want to be reincarnated, I want to follow you!"

The female ghost in red is not stupid.

She died innocently and tragically and became a vicious ghost.

After turning into a ghost, she devoured many innocent ghosts.

Although at first, the devouring of the female ghost in red was more of the instinct of a fierce ghost, which could be regarded as "really helpless" as Zhang Duoduo said.

However, later on, the female ghost in red realized the beauty of swallowing ghosts - she could strengthen herself and improve her cultivation!

It then began to deliberately kill and eat all the ghosts floating around.

It is said that it can evolve from an ordinary ghost to a ghost general in just a dozen years, relying on those innocent ghosts.

If it is sent to the underworld, it must settle all its "grievances and debts" before reincarnation.

If one fails, he will be sent to hell to suffer torture.

Even if he were reincarnated, he probably wouldn’t be able to get a good one!

It's better to continue to be a ghost than to put yourself on trial.

The female ghost in red now is no better than when she died. She has already broken through to the level of a ghost general and has vaguely heard some rumors about ghost cultivators.

[Ghosts can also be cultivated! Once you practice to a certain level, you can become immortal! 】

[If you are strong enough and have a higher level of cultivation, you can live in the sun like a normal person and touch entities! 】

So, just be a ghost cultivator, the future is bright!

The little girl in front of her looked young, but she was from a noble family.

Obviously, the other party has a profound background and a lot of history.

Following such a person is like embracing a strong and thick leg.

...On the surface, the female ghost in red looks respectful and surrendered, saying, "I appreciate you, I admire you, and I want to recognize you as my master."

In fact, it had already made a small calculation in its heart.

Zhang Duoduo didn't notice the little girl in red, or maybe she found out but didn't care.

She subdued the female ghost in red and treated her as her ghost servant, with the intention of taking advantage of her.

She can use the ghost and the ghost can use her, that's fair enough.

Moreover, Zhang Duoduo is confident enough that he will be able to completely control the female ghost in red and will eventually subdue it!

One person and one ghost have their own plans, but on the surface there is a rare harmony.

"Okay, then you can follow me. But since you follow me, you will never swallow ghosts for no reason in the future!"

Zhang Duoduo took out a jade pendant and let the female ghost in red temporarily stay.

She secretly thought: Well, take the time to go to the market or go to the emergency department to help Hong Yi get a set of ghost cultivation techniques.

Of course, before granting benefits, she had to sign a master-servant contract with Hong Yi in a serious manner.

With the female ghost in red, Zhang Duoduo temporarily neglected to continue tracking Guiyuan Guan.

She was looking for skills and formally formed a contract with the female ghost in red. She took the time to investigate Ge Fuli while holding back her shyness.

"It turns out he is the famous Xiao Xuanmo!"

"...Hehe, no wonder Su Wenbo would target him like that. Su Wenbo is a die-hard fan of Junior Uncle Xuanmo!"

Zhang Duoduo smiled and gossiped with Hongyi.

Ahem, this is also the benefit of having a ghost servant.

In the past, no matter how much Zhang Duoduo gossiped, he could only enjoy himself secretly.

It's different now. He has a ghost servant who belongs to him. As long as he has orders, he is not afraid of the news being leaked.

Zhang Duoduo can freely talk to Hongyi about his inner thoughts or gossips that are not easy to tell to outsiders.

"Xiao Xuanmo? I have heard that he is a descendant of Maoshan and is proficient in the art of alchemy!"

Hongyi is worthy of being a powerful ghost at the level of a ghost general, and he knows a lot about the Xuanmen world.

In other words, in recent years, Ge Fuli, the "Little Xuan Mo", has been so popular that even a ghost has heard about it.

"Yes! Senior Brother Ge is very talented in alchemy. In the current era of Dharma Ending, real treasures from heaven and earth are extremely scarce, but he can still refine elixirs with spiritual power!"

When Zhang Duoduo mentioned Ge Fuli, his bright eyes were filled with the dreams and yearnings of a little girl.

In addition to his stunning appearance when they first met, the reason why Zhang Duoduo admires Ge Fuli so much is also because Ge Fuli is strong enough.

Alchemists are almost like "national treasures" in Xuanmen.

Although he is not a fairy doctor, he has some similarities with a fairy doctor.

After all, pills and the like can not only improve your cultivation, but also treat injuries and illnesses.

In other words, Ge Fuli's current cultivation level is still relatively low. When he truly grows up, he will become a being that everyone in Xuanmen admires and fawns over.

Don't offend anyone. Don't offend someone who can save your life at a critical moment. This is the most basic common sense!

Take Su Wenbo as an example, if Ge Fuli didn't have the nickname "Xiao Xuanmo", he wouldn't be so targeted.

Perhaps like other people in Xuanmen, he would be at least polite to Ge Fuli.


"Hmph! That bullshit Xiao Xuanmo, he can't even compare to one of my junior uncle's toes!"

Su Wenbo left the office angrily.

I really don't want to see everyone fawning over Ge Fuli because of a bullshit pill.

Didn't see it!

Shame on you!

Just as Su Wenbo was wandering randomly on the street, not knowing where to go or what to do, his cell phone rang.

I opened the screen and found that the call was from a friend I met on the Xuanmen forum.

"Hey, Mr. Su, there is a mission. The reward is 100 contribution points. Do you want to form a team with me?"

As soon as the call was connected, a friend's loud voice came from the phone.

"Mission? What mission? The reward is so generous?"

Su Wenbo had a thought in his mind and couldn't help but asked curiously.

"The Emergency Office just released a mission, saying that an ancient tomb was discovered in the southwest, and there seemed to be a zombie in the ancient tomb..."

The friend on the other end of the phone started talking loudly.

The emergency office not only monitors and manages Taoist people, spirits and monsters, but also issues some tasks.

Of course, after completing the task, there will be a reward - contribution points.

Contribution points can be exchanged for training materials, talismans, elixirs or exercises at the emergency office.

Many casual cultivators who do not have the support of their families or sects, or those who have declined, are very active in completing tasks.

Su Wenbo was born in the lineage of Mai, backed by a large family, and supported by his biological father and junior uncle, so he had no shortage of resources.

However, although Su Wenbo is always said to be a playboy who is not doing his job properly.

But because he admires his junior uncle, he always wants to achieve something. Ahem, even if he is not for the family or his biological father, he cannot bear the title of junior junior uncle.

Therefore, Su Wenbo occasionally takes on some tasks.

While doing tasks, I naturally made a few friends.

They are neither close friends nor life-and-death brothers. They are just partners, working together to earn some contribution points.

"Zombie? What level?"

Su Wenbo was indeed tempted, but he was not stupid, and he would not rush to die rashly.

Zombies are no ordinary ghosts.

If the level is too high, let’s say he is a cultivator for n generations. Even if his junior uncle takes action, he must be cautious!

"I'm not sure, I guess the level is not high!"

Maybe the signal is not very good, and the sound coming from the mobile phone is slightly blurry.

The other party seemed to be aware of this, paused for a moment, and seemed to be looking for a place with a better signal.

Then, the voice became clearer again, "That is to say, the purple zombies that have just formed, or the white zombies at most, I can deal with them by myself. I called you, Mr. Su, just to have double insurance!"

My friend said it very casually, as if the task was really that simple.

Su Wenbo listened to the words, but still had some doubts in his heart——

For such a simple task, I would be given 100 contribution points in an emergency?

This is unreasonable.

Su Wenbo hesitated and did not agree immediately.

Hearing the "silence" coming from the phone, as if he had guessed Su Wenbo's doubts, his friend quickly said: "Actually, the focus of this mission is not the zombie, but the mechanism in the ancient tomb."

"I heard that the owner of the ancient tomb is also a Taoist man. Instead of setting up ordinary mechanisms, he set up some formations."

"Our mission is to break the formation, catch the zombies, clean up the ancient tomb, and then hand it over to the relevant archaeological department!"

There is some truth in what my friend said.

Su Wenbo nodded slowly, "Well, that's interesting! Let's do this. Where are you now? I'll find you and let's talk carefully in person!"

Although there was no direct agreement, there was some relaxation.

The friend on the other end of the phone couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips when he realized this.

Hey, this mission is too simple, I got a Qi-Building Pill!

Half a month later, in the mountains of the southwest, Su Wenbo and his friends arrived at the ancient tomb and descended the tomb passage together.

The ancient tomb is very large, and the formations are really arranged.

Su Wenbo is a dandy, but his cultivation is not bad.

His Mai lineage is good at fortune telling, Feng Shui, etc., while his junior uncle created his own techniques and studied formations on his own.

As Su Wenbo's biggest fan, he admires and respects his junior uncle very much. Naturally, his junior junior uncle also values ​​and loves him very much.

The young master's uncle once personally taught Su Wenbo the five elements and eight trigrams and other formations.

"...It's strange that there is actually an evil formation array set up here. What on earth is this tomb owner who is also a member of the Xuanmen going to do!"

"Zhao Laoliu? Hey, Zhao Laoliu, where did you go?"

After entering the ancient tomb, Su Wenbo was attracted by the layers of formations inside.

He muttered words and stepped on the nodes regularly without paying any attention. I don't know when, but the friend who was following closely behind him had already disappeared!

Su Wenbo noticed that there was actually a huge evil-raising formation near the main tomb chamber, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

He felt that this ancient tomb was definitely not as simple as Zhao Liu said.

The zombies here are not necessarily the lowest-level purple zombies or white zombies.


Before Su Wenbo could continue his speculation, he discovered Zhao Liu's "disappearance".

Damn it!

Did this guy get lost with me?

Or have you fallen into a trap?

Or was this incident a trap aimed at him, Su Wenbo, from beginning to end? !

Su Wenbo is not stupid, really, he is just too bearish and his mouth is too poisonous.

Realizing something was wrong, Su Wenbo took a deep breath, took out his cell phone, and pressed Zhao Liu's number.

Beep, beep!

The phone has signal and I can make calls, but the other party won't answer.

Su Wenbo pricked his ears and listened carefully. There was no cell phone ringing around the tomb, and there was no sound in the corridor.

Zhao Liu is no longer in the ancient tomb at all!

Su Wenbo clenched the phone tightly, his eyes full of horror!

What a Zhao Liu, how dare you plan to harm me!

Su Wenbo didn't dare to delay, even if he hadn't seen any scary ghosts or monsters yet, he immediately dialed the number of his junior uncle:

"Uncle Junior, I may be in big trouble..."


Thank you Xixian999 for the reward, thank you all for your support, thank you! ?(^?^*)

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