The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 888 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (21)

Remember [new] in one second! "So, you sent a peace charm to the guy in the capital?"

Su Min knew her husband so well that she could guess his next decision just by listening to what he said.

In fact, not only He Qingfeng, but also her and even the junior aunt would act like this when encountering such a thing.


He Qingfeng showed a sly expression, "I-I didn't send a courier, but asked Paper Crane to deliver it!"

After saying this, He Qingfeng felt inappropriate and quickly explained, "I didn't mean to show off, it was just too late!"

"Our express delivery point is in the town. It would take me half a day to go to the town."

"When I called the old lady, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. When I ran to town, it was estimated to be five o'clock. By this time, everyone who collected the express delivery had left."

It definitely won’t be posted on the same day!

I can only wait for the next day's delivery in the afternoon.

In this way, a day was wasted.

Their city B is not too far from the capital, about four to five hundred kilometers.

Normal express delivery can be received within three days.

If you send it via express express, it will be faster, but it will not arrive until the next day.

"I calculated again and again and found that no matter what I tried, under normal circumstances, it would take the third day to deliver."

He Qingfeng spread his hands helplessly. Really, he tried hard, but it was too late to take the normal route.

As for the old lady's son-in-law, his bloody disaster should occur in these two days.

It was a matter of human life, so He Qingfeng did not dare to delay, so he could only sacrifice the paper crane in a "high-profile" manner.


After hearing He Qingfeng's explanation, Su Min didn't know what to say.

Yes, you can't just watch a living life disappear just because you are worried about being "exposed".

The old lady's son-in-law is still a doctor.

I heard that his medical skills are very good and he is one of the best surgeons in the country.

To put it into perspective, how difficult is it for the country to cultivate such a talented person?

Losing such a good doctor,

How cruel is it to other patients? !

To put it more selfishly, how much effort and money does it cost for an ordinary family to raise such an outstanding child? !

How could his family face his innocent and tragic death?

Questions one after another filled Su Min's heart.

Su Min knew that if it were her, she would be like her husband.

"By the way, what about you? What did Mrs. Chen say?"

Seeing his wife's stunned look, He Qingfeng didn't want to discuss himself anymore, so he turned the topic to Su Min.

Su Min:......

Uh, okay, she and Qingfeng are indeed a couple. Look at the way they do things, they are exactly the same.

After coughing a few times, Su Min's expression became a little unnatural.

She hesitated, her eyes evasive.

Why is my wife so guilty?

A question mark popped up in He Qingfeng's mind, and he began to observe carefully.

Then, he saw the bulging envelope in Su Min's hand.

They are all "experienced" people. In the past era when electronic payment had not yet emerged, He Qingfeng always received "red envelopes".

He Qingfeng looked at Su Min and then at the envelope in her hand.

The implication should not be too obvious.

Su Min had no choice but to tell her what she had just done.

Finally, she added: "I can't help it. I can't just watch the Chen family's child fall."

For a child of several years old, if he falls from such a high place, his arms and legs may be broken in the smallest case, or in severe cases, just--

Neither Su Min nor He Qingfeng spoke, and the couple stared at each other.

Come on, one is half a catty, one is eight taels, no one can tell anyone else!

"...I hope that old lady won't be frightened."

After a long silence, Su Min managed to say this.

He Qingfeng chuckled and quickly made an excuse for himself, "Actually, it would be good to use paper cranes to send talismans. At least everyone except the old lady will believe it!"

He Qingfeng's skills were limited and he only brainwashed the old lady.

Her family probably didn't believe it.

If He Qingfeng took the ordinary method and sent the peace charm to the old lady.

The old lady is interested in wearing it for her son-in-law. The son-in-law who doesn't believe in ghosts and gods will probably also do it.

Even so, tragedy cannot be avoided.

He Qingfeng's trip was in vain.

If there were paper cranes delivering talismans thousands of miles away, and seeing such an "unscientific" scene with one's own eyes, no matter how firm the three views were, they would probably be severely shaken!

Nearly a thousand miles away in the capital, the scene unfolding at this moment was just as He Qingfeng had guessed -

"Mom, what is Master Qingfeng? Have you been coaxed into burning incense and donating money?"

The old lady’s daughter had sharp ears and heard some key words.

She was a little dissatisfied and couldn't help complaining: "Mom, how many times have I told you that they are all lies!"

"If you don't talk about me, you are the older generation of college students. You didn't believe in these things when you were young. Why do you become superstitious as you get older?"

It’s not that the daughter is worried about money, but she just doesn’t want her own mother to be taken advantage of.

"What's the lie? Master Qingfeng is a serious Taoist priest, certified by the Taoist Association, and he even has an ultimatum."

"Also, I never tell fortunes or predict Feng Shui. I just help light some everlasting lanterns."

The old lady was naturally unhappy because she was scolded.

She held up her mobile phone, clicked on the official account of Guiyuan Guan, pointed to the information on the Guiyuan Guan, and said to her daughter, "Look, see for yourself, Guiyuan Guan is legitimate!"

The country didn't call Taoist people a liar, but my daughter actually called him a liar.

Humph, young people are just ignorant.

You can disbelieve it, but you can't blaspheme it.

It's so cool to talk about people being liars.


Even if it is a formal Taoist temple, it is still suspected of cheating money.

What kind of ever-bright lamp is just a psychological effect at most, but can it really ensure peace and prosperity? !

"Oh, okay, okay, mom is doing it for the good of our family!"

The son-in-law jumped out to smooth things over and said with a smile, "Actually, psychological suggestion plays a very important role. In our medical field, psychology itself is a formal science..."

It is worth spending some money to make the elderly happy.

After all, the old lady just lit a lantern and didn't make those messy talismans, nor did she let her family drink talisman water. It was already pretty good!

With this thought in mind, the son-in-law winked at his wife desperately.

However, before his wife could receive his signal, the mother-in-law said, "By the way, when Master Qingfeng was video chatting with me just now, he said that you have been in bad luck recently and may be in some trouble!"

"He specially drew a peace charm for you, and said he had already found a way to send it to us!"

"When the peace charm arrives, I will deliver it to you. When the time comes, you must be wearing it, do you hear me?"

The old lady said to her son-in-law seriously.

son in law:……

This slap in the face came so fast!

He was just about to say that his mother-in-law was not fooling around, but the talisman came!

"Mom! Any peace charms are all lies! By the way, how much does it cost? It must not be cheap, right?"

The anger that my daughter had just suppressed suddenly flared up again when she heard the words "Peace Talisman".

What happened to my mother?

Have you been brainwashed?

He is actually becoming more and more superstitious!

No, she must tell her mother clearly, even if the words are more intense!

"Why do you think of a way to deliver it to us? How can you think of a way? Why not send it by express delivery?"

"Is it possible that Master Qingfeng used magic to send you a talisman from thousands of miles away?!"

The daughter spoke fiercely and couldn't help but make gestures with her hands.

She didn't know what she was thinking, but she pointed to the window and blurted out, "If he can really send a talisman out of thin air, I will believe him!"

The son-in-law wanted to stop her: Wife, you can't do it casually, it's easy to get slapped in the face.

Sure enough, as soon as her daughter finished speaking, she heard a knocking sound on the window.

At first, everyone mistakenly thought they heard it wrong.

However, a few seconds later, there was another beeping sound on the window.

"Is there someone knocking on the door? Oh no, it's knocking on the window!"

The daughter said blankly.

Everyone was even more frightened, Ma Dan, they are on the seventeenth floor.

Who, who is knocking on the window?

It's almost night, and the workers working at heights have all gotten off work... What on earth is going on here? !

Is there really a ghost?

After all, my son-in-law is a medical student and is used to seeing life and death, so he has the strongest three views.

Standing up, he walked to the window and opened it.

Then, he saw a scene that completely overturned his three views...

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