The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 891 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (24)

Remember [new] in one second! Su Wenbo quickly came down from the mountain.

After he couldn't feel the invisible pressure, he knew that he was finally out of the sphere of influence of "Guiyuan Guan".

He quickly took out his phone and pressed the shortcut key.

Tuk, Tuk Tuk!

After a few waiting tones, the phone was picked up.

"Hey, little uncle, let me tell you, I met an expert today!"

On the other end of the phone, Junior Master Uncle Xuan Mo was wearing plain white Chinese training clothes, sitting cross-legged on a futon and meditating.

There was a mobile phone in front of him, and the phone was in hands-free mode.

"Oh? Master? What kind of master?"

The young uncle tried his best to suppress the rolling black energy, but there was no trace of it in his voice.

Still as gentle and cool as moonlight.

"That expert is from Guiyuan Temple. Uncle Master, have you heard of Guiyuan Temple? It is a small Taoist temple that is very popular on the Internet!"

"It is said that it has been passed down for more than a thousand years, and the founder of the mountain is still a powerful captive. I asked my uncle and the others, and he vaguely heard about it. Unfortunately, in the past hundred years, Guiyuan Temple has declined!"

"...However, now that they have an expert, they have actually set up formations around the Taoist temple. My fairy binding rope was taken away by that expert!"

"By the way, little uncle, do you know how she took away my magic weapon? Oh my God, it's so amazing. She actually cast the magic from a distance, and I didn't even see her."

Su Wenbo was like a child seeing a new world, talking endlessly into his mobile phone.

There is no grievance, let alone a complaint. I simply want to "share".

The young master's white forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and his figure began to shake slightly.

Even if you don't have your eyes open and can only see with your naked eyes, you can still tell that this person with the highest cultivation level, one of the two masters of Xuanmen, is enduring great pain at this moment.

If you open your heavenly eyes, you can see those abnormal energy fluctuations, and you can "see" that the body of the young master uncle is filled with a black energy.

The black energy was like winding dragons, traveling through his body along his meridians.

At first, the black energy only gathered at the wound.

But as time goes by,

The young master's uncle's control over the corpse poison was getting smaller and smaller, and the black energy actually spread to his limbs.

If the black energy spreads all over the body and finally invades Zifu's Dantian, then the young uncle will be completely "blackened" and become a half-human, half-corpse monster.

Junior uncle has a high level of cultivation and amazing talent. If he turns into a zombie, he may become a big boss comparable to Fei Zombie.

If that's the case, Junior Master Uncle will be a huge disaster to Xuanmen and ordinary people.

As the first person in Xuanmen, the young uncle's responsibility and mission do not allow him to "fall" like this.

He is too proud and reserved to tolerate that he will become a monster.

However, the young master's uncle searched all over the Taoist sect's "masters", the Buddhist disciple Huizhi, the Valley Master of the Immortal Medicine Valley, and several ancestors who had been in seclusion for many years...

There was absolutely nothing they could do about the poison in the corpse of their junior uncle.

If the young uncle hadn't been tough-minded, he probably wouldn't have been able to bear the torture of "waiting helplessly for death" and would have given up on himself and committed suicide.

"Oh? The hoopoe bird that opens up intelligence, and the white fox?"

The veins on the young uncle's neck and arms had bulged out, and his figure began to shake greatly.

But he can also forcefully control his voice, tone, mood, etc.

Anyway, even his junior nephew, who was most familiar with him, didn't notice anything unusual in his response.

The little nephew, who has always been a bear, is still talking in high spirits and dancing——

"That's right, little uncle, the spiritual birds and spiritual beasts have all gained cultivation. One by one, it's as if they have become spirits."

"Uncle Junior, although in my heart, you will always be the most powerful and awesome person."

"But, I must admit that the master of Guiyuan Guan is also very evil."

"I have a feeling that her cultivation level is either high or low."

When talking about the comparison between high and low, Su Wenbo was a little vague subconsciously.

He didn't want to admit that there was someone in the world who was more powerful than his junior uncle, but the experience just now left a deep impression on him.

He also cannot talk nonsense without conscience.

That expert, tsk tsk, is really "tall".

"Higher but not lower? Compared to me?"

The little uncle originally just dealt with his naughty children casually.

But when he heard the words "only high, not low", his heart was suddenly touched.

The young uncle understands the young nephew. The child's words are vague, but the meaning is very clear——

The master of Guiyuan Guan, compared with his junior uncle, his cultivation level is only higher but not lower!

[Is there anyone in this world who has a higher level of cultivation than me? ! 】

Young Master Uncle thinks this way, not because he is arrogant or arrogant.

In fact, the young master now desires someone with a higher cultivation level than himself more than ever.

There is no other reason. Only by finding such an expert can we remove the corpse poison from his soul!

This is one of the two methods currently available to treat him.

Another way is to find a real fairy doctor who is more skilled than the master of the Fairy Doctor Valley.

It's a pity that such people, like the masters whose cultivation is higher than that of my junior uncle, are extremely difficult to find and are almost rare.

Now, when he suddenly heard about such a "master" from his young nephew, he was not moved.

It's not that the young master is greedy for life and afraid of death, but that as long as he is a human being, even if he becomes an immortal, he will instinctively fear death.

The young uncle is not simply afraid of death, but more importantly, he doesn’t want to die in such an unworthy death——

In the ancient tomb in the southwest, he failed to kill the flying zombie, but barely sealed it, leaving behind troubles.

Fei Zhan still had the possibility of breaking the seal and continuing to cause harm to the world, but Xuan Mo had no chance to fight Fei Zong to the end.

Alas, even if he died together with Fei Zhan at that time, my junior uncle would not be so regretful and aggrieved.

"Oh, little uncle, I, I just have that feeling!"

"In my opinion, you are always the number one person in Xuanmen, the most powerful and the most evil!"

When Su Wenbo heard his junior uncle's whisper, he thought he had said something wrong and made his junior junior uncle disappointed, so he hurriedly shouted loudly.

Try to tell the other person in a loud and firm tone: Uncle Master, no matter what, you are my number one in the world!

Through the mobile phone, Su Wenbo's eager look could not be seen. The young uncle knew his child too well, so just by listening to the voice, he could imagine what the young nephew looked like at this time.

The corners of his lips curled up, and the young uncle felt particularly comfortable.

Wenbo, this kid, is a real bear, but he is also really caring when he is considerate.


The young master's uncle was slightly distracted and temporarily stopped running his exercises. The black energy actually took the opportunity to attack the city and seize the territory.

The young master's uncle was hit, and there was another sharp pain in his soul.

He couldn't help but want to cry out in pain, but in the end, he forced back the moan and groan.

Gritting his teeth, he continued to run Wuji Jue desperately, and strands of spiritual energy began to gather, bit by bit dispelling the powerful black corpse poison.

"Wenbo, you just said that your immortal rope was taken away by an expert?"

After suppressing the raging corpse poison again, the junior uncle continued to chat with Su Wenbo.

"That's right! It's the fairy rope you gave me. I originally thought that the spiritual bird was good, and wanted to catch it to relieve your boredom, but I didn't expect -"

Kicked onto the iron plate.

Not only was the bird not caught, even the tools for committing the crime, ah, no, it was the incomplete spiritual weapon given to him by his junior uncle, were taken away.

The most pitiful thing is that he also paid compensation.

Woo hoo, fifty thousand yuan, a full fifty thousand.

Although Su Wenbo is a dandy and a Xiong generation who is favored by his elders, he does not have much money.

Cultivation is the most expensive.

Especially recently, he always felt that something was wrong with his junior uncle, as if there was something wrong with his body or his cultivation.

But the junior uncle didn't say anything, he still looked calm and calm.

Su Wenbo didn't dare to ask too much, so he could only think of a solution secretly.

There are a lot of training materials on the market and black market, but these cost money, and the "base price" is often five figures.

Su Wenbo looked at his pitiful savings, and found that he didn't even have enough money to buy a Peiyuan Pill.

Ahem, that bullshit little Xuanmo Ge Fuli is good at refining elixirs, and he also has many excellent elixirs in his hands.

Moreover, Ge Fuli was very good at being a good person, and he would give discounts to his "colleagues" who were in trouble.

However, Su Wenbo just hated him, hated him even more, and even rejected Ge Fuli's elixir.

He would rather spend more than to bypass Ge Fuli and buy directly on the black market.

However, the price of Peiyuan Dan and other elixirs was too high. Not only those on the black market could not afford it, but even the "internal price" given by Ge Fuli was not enough for Su Wenbo.

As a result of being strapped for money, Su Wenbo became "whimsical" and wanted to wander around in search of "opportunities" -

Catching a spiritual bird that opens up intelligence, or finding some natural and earthly treasures that are beneficial to cultivation, can at least make the little master uncle happy, right?

What a fart!

After leaving the capital and the protection of his family and elders, Su Wenbo realized that there are people outside the world and there are mountains outside the mountains.

We haven’t gone very far yet, less than a thousand miles away from the capital, and there is a small Taoist temple that is famous on the Internet, with a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!

"...It's interesting. Send me your location and I'll find you!"

The junior uncle said this like a bear parent who wants to support his naughty child.

Su Wenbo subconsciously declined. He was not a child. He was not complaining when he told his junior uncle.

He was simply excited and curious.

Also, that expert is obviously more powerful. If my junior uncle is no match for him, then, then——

Su Wenbo was not afraid of being embarrassed. Anyway, he was a well-known playboy in the Taoist sect, and he had no reputation or face at all.

But Junior Master Uncle is different. He is a master of both Taoism and Xuanmen. He is a rising star who is praised and respected even by his seniors.

If the young master's uncle loses to a country man, it will definitely affect the young master's uncle's prestige and dignity.

"What about that, little uncle, you, you don't have to come. It was me who was rude first and offended this senior. No matter how much punishment I receive, I still deserve it!"

Su Wenbo thought of that and quickly dissuaded him.

The young uncle did not dwell on this topic, but changed the topic and suddenly said, "You should be more than just 'curious' when you go to Guiyuan Temple!"

The young master's uncle's words were still so gentle, but they hit Su Wenbo's heart like a heavy hammer.

Su Wenbo's face changed instantly, and he looked guilty and panicked as if he had been caught.

He held the phone tightly, trying to quibble, and opened his mouth again and again, but finally did not say anything.

He knew his junior uncle, so how could he not know his nature?

Su Wenbo is a bear, but he is not a person who is overly curious.

These days, internet celebrities are the rule.

Are there too many Taoist temples and temples that have been hyped online?

Why didn't Su Wenbo go to other places to "explore", but he came to Guiyuan Temple instead? !

In addition to curiosity and looking for some opportunities, Su Wenbo must have other reasons.

Su Wenbo knew this very well, and his junior uncle actually guessed it to a certain extent.

Su Wenbo:......

Alas, this is the result of knowing each other too well!

Su Wenbo stopped talking, and it was his junior uncle who took the initiative to speak: "It's for Ge Fuli, right?"


Su Wenbo took a deep breath, but his emotions still couldn't be completely calmed down.

He gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "It's him! He must have tricked Zhao Liu into setting a trap for me and made me take over the mission rashly and go to that ancient tomb in the southwest!"

Flying stiff!

Thousand-year-old zombies, covered in iron walls, invulnerable, and really good at magic.

If the junior uncle hadn't arrived in time, he would have died.

Afterwards, Su Wenbo tried every means to catch Zhao Liu.

Zhao Liu still quibbled, "I don't know, I really don't know. You have also seen the extraordinary mission, no one knows that there are flying zombies in the ancient tomb!"

In fact, Zhao Liu didn't lie to him. The emergency department really didn't find Fei Zong's existence.

Everyone knows that there are zombies in the ancient tombs, and speculates that they may be purple zombies or white zombies.

The focus of the emergency is the owner of the ancient tomb - a Taoist practitioner.

Zombies and the like, but I didn’t care.

Because the flying zombie was sleeping all the time, people who entered the ancient tomb did not notice its existence.

There is a person who is suspected to be purple stiffness or white stiffness, which is basically transformed from a former tomb robber.

This kind of zombie is not very strong. Not to mention Su Wenbo, who is backed by a big family, even a casual cultivator like Zhao Liu can deal with it.

Zhao Liu really just wanted to trick Su Wenbo into going to the ancient tomb and make him suffer some hardships from the tomb owner's formation.

Yes, it's just suffering, not killing people.

Not to mention Zhao Liu, even Ge Fuli, who hinted at Zhao Liu, did not expect that there was a thousand-year-old zombie in that ancient tomb!

So what, Ge Fuli is the male protagonist of Yuan after all.

He is not a holy father, he has shortcomings, he must retaliate, and he takes pleasure in grudges.

Su Wenbo always made trouble for Ge Fuli, and he also crowded, ridiculed and even insulted him in person several times.

Ge Fuli naturally kept it in mind.

However, Su Wenbo had Mai's lineage behind him and a junior uncle who was the number one person in Xuanmen as his backer, so Ge ​​Fuli couldn't take action directly.

Therefore, he used the elixir as bait to induce Zhao Liu to help with the game.

Well, it’s not really a conspiracy, at most it’s just not glorious enough.

After all, the task was issued on an emergency basis, and Su Wenbo accepted the task willingly.

The most important thing is that despite encountering thousand-year-old zombies and being surrounded by dangers, nothing happened to Su Wenbo in the end and he left the tomb alive and kicking!

Uncle Junior: Shuanq, I really appreciate you, Xiao Xuanmo!

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