The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 895 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (28)

Remember [new] in one second! Ge Fuli really wants to vomit blood!

It’s really not that good? !

Listen, what are you saying?

I just said a few words of modesty, but you actually took it seriously?

Isn’t my Peiyuan Pill good enough?

Do you know that in the market, one of my pills costs five figures?

If it weren’t for the fact that your cultivation level is higher than mine, I, I would, just—

Ge Fuli felt embarrassed in his heart, but tried his best to endure it on his face.

Fortunately, he came from a grassroots background and knew how to exercise restraint since he was a child. Otherwise, he would really lose his power at this moment.

Ge Fuli concealed it very well, but he forgot that there was a female ticket next to him.

When Zhang Duoduo heard He Qingfeng's words, he immediately got a little angry——

Does this person know anything?

Or do you want to be nice even if you get a bargain?

How dare you dislike her Fu Li elixir? !

In addition, just now his ghost servant was struck to pieces by a mysterious thunder from the man in front of him, and Zhang Duoduo was so angry that he couldn't control it anymore.

She didn't get angry directly, but said in a sinister manner, "Senior is an expert hermit, so he has seen many good things!"

"Many of the treasures we highly admire, such as Fuli's Peiyuan Pill, cost tens of thousands of yuan each in the market. To you, they are probably nothing -"

Zhang Duoduo was young and energetic and did not dare to fall out with He Qingfeng directly.

But she still couldn't help but use words to express it. She deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of "not really".

This doesn't seem like an innuendo, but it's a bit obvious and offensive.

Ge Fuli was immediately speechless.

Well, although Zhang Duoduo's words were very relieving, they also spoke to his heart.

However, when traveling in the world, you must learn to be patient.

Being able to bend and stretch is the way to go.

Knowing that the other person is a powerful person, but still talking and trying to bully someone, isn't this asking for death?

Ge Fuli once again doubted that the girlfriend he had found was...

Is there something wrong with your brain?

He completely forgot that Zhang Duoduo initially attracted him because of her flamboyance, brightness, confidence, and uprightness!

But now, facing an expert with unfathomable power, and the crisis has not been completely resolved, Ge Fuli is most worried about his own personal safety.

After discovering that his girlfriend was so stubborn that she wanted to die, Ge Fuli couldn't help but complain and even feel disgusted in his heart——

Damn you, if you want to die, go and die on your own, don't hold me back!

In case the master in front of him was angered by Zhang Duoduo's words, he immediately turned his face.

A few talismans were thrown over, and both he and Zhang Duoduo would end up like the fierce ghosts in red!

Ge Fuli was so anxious that he tried to pull Zhang Duoduo several times to shut her up.

But he was afraid that if his little moves were too obvious, He Qingfeng would see them.

By the time--

Ge Fuli had no choice but to wink at Zhang Duoduo from an angle that He Qingfeng couldn't see.

However, Zhang Duoduo was so focused on "reasoning" with He Qingfeng that he didn't notice Ge Fuli's little moves at all.

Just listen to Zhang Duoduo continue to say, "Senior, how about you take out the really good elixir and let us open our eyes?!"

Ge Fuli:......

Damn it, this, this is no longer a run, but a blatant provocation.

This Zhang Duoduo really thinks he doesn’t die fast enough!

Ge Fuli closed his eyes in despair.

Opening it again, he was ready to fight to the death.

Wow, I just hope this senior won’t be too angry and begrudge his talisman, otherwise, tomorrow will be their death anniversary!

It's no wonder that Ge Fuli is pessimistic. He comes from a grassroots background and has no background.

Ever since I stepped into Xuanmen, I have been cautious all the way.

Whenever he encounters difficulties, he is not too optimistic. Instead, he anticipates the worst-case scenario and then tries his best to find a solution.

For example, at this moment, the terrifying scene of He Qingfeng being furious and angrily throwing a large number of Xuan Lei Talisman appeared in his mind.

He Qingfeng:...

You think I'm stupid!

Not to mention that murder is illegal, but it is not difficult for me to get just a magic talisman, just draw it casually.

But, even a low-grade elixir of yours can be sold for tens of thousands.

Our Guiyuan Temple’s high-quality spiritual talismans are worth dozens or millions each?

And hit you with a bunch of talismans?

Beautiful thought!

Wouldn't it be better if I sell the money directly? !

He Qingfeng was not stupid. Of course he could hear Zhang Duoduo's provocation, and he could also feel the little girl's disdain and doubts.

He has been a skilled stickman for many years and has already developed the ability to do what he says.

His character and patience are also exceptionally strong.

Zhang Duoduo just said a few strange words, which was nothing more than childishness to He Qingfeng.

Not to mention angry, he didn't even bother to care.

However, it is impossible to say that he doesn't care at all.

After all, he is not the magic stick of the past, but a true master with cultivation!

Furthermore, even if his face is worthless, he still has to fight for the Taoist temple and his little sister-in-law.

He Qingfeng: What a willful and overbearing little girl!

If I don't kill you with a knife, I won't agree even with my big sword.


He Qingfeng is definitely possessed by a profiteer at this moment.

The little aunt will not let them become liars, let alone make money under the banner of Xuanmen.

In the past, He Qingfeng and Su Min didn't quite understand.

Only when they gained some cultivation and cultivated their Taoist heart did they understand the good intentions of the little aunt.

There are indeed ghosts in this world, but most of them are ordinary people.

Encountering a ghost or something like that is a low-probability event.

He Qingfeng cannot promote feudal superstitions to ordinary people. This is not only to protect the world's three views, but also to prevent those Xuanmen scum and charlatans from harming people.

However, He Qingfeng's mind moves quickly——

Ordinary people can't do "business", what about people in Xuanmen?

They are all "companions", so they naturally know the inside story. Selling the magic talisman to them should not be considered cheating!

However, He Qingfeng is a magic stick, and Guiyuan Temple is too remote.

He is a "layman" and has no idea where the Xuanmen door opens.

Just when He Qingfeng was thinking about how to let more Xuanmen people know about the evil charms of Guiyuan Temple without deceiving ordinary people, Zhang Duoduo and Ge Fuli rushed in.

He Qingfeng: ...came just in time!

He would so easily let go of these two people who broke into the Taoist temple and attempted to steal the secrets of Taoist exercises. In addition to not wanting to make the matter bigger, he also had the idea of ​​"taking advantage" of these two people!


It seems that the two Xuanmen juniors should have some cultivation skills, so they can distinguish the quality of things from bad ones!

The Xuan Lei Talisman just now not only punished the evil spirits, shocked Zhang and Ge, but also served as an "advertisement"!

Hong Yi: ...advertisement? Are you polite? !

It's a pity that Zhang Duoduo and Ge Fuli didn't understand what He Qingfeng meant, especially Ge Fuli, who actually promoted his own elixir!

He Qingfeng simply couldn't bear it.

It would be fine if Ge Fuli's elixir was really good, but it's still at this level!

Zhang Duoduo made people even more speechless, even accusing him of "You don't know the goods, you don't know what to do".

He Qingfeng couldn't bear it!

"Xiao Dai, bring me my Spirit Gathering Pill!"

He Qingfeng did not get angry as Ge Fuli feared, but instead shouted directly.

"Gu! Gu Gu!"

He was answered by several bird calls.

Ge Fuli's heart moved. Hey, this bird's call sounds familiar.

I seem to have heard it somewhere!

It should be a very important occasion or something very important, otherwise, he would not "memorize" a few bird calls.

Ge Fuli thought to himself and looked around more cautiously.

After a while, a huge bird flew over in the dark night with fluttering wings.


The big bird landed in front of He Qingfeng, with a small bag hanging from its long and thin beak.

He Qingfeng reached for the bag and took out a small porcelain bottle.

Unscrew the lid of the porcelain bottle, revealing a dark pill with a slight golden glow.


Ge Fuli's nose twitched a few times, and his pupils suddenly shrank——

What a rich aura!

This, this is a pill?

How can it be?

In the Age of Ending Dharma, the spiritual energy is thin and most of the spiritual plants and herbs are extinct.

There is also the broken inheritance of elixirs.

Adding up these few items, the consequence is that under the current situation, it is impossible to refine a real elixir.

But, what happened to the elixir in Master He's hand?

Ge Fuli had never seen a real elixir, but he was an alchemist after all. His expertise and intuition told him that He Qingfeng's elixir was the elixir.

And the grade is not low!

Compared with such a high-quality spiritual elixir, the Peiyuan Dan that I refined is simply a useless elixir.

Ge Fuli's mind was full of messy thoughts, but his nose twitched subconsciously——

Smell it!

Smell again!

Well, even if you can't take such a good elixir, you still have to smell it a few times!

Even Zhang Duoduo was a little shocked at this moment.

Oh my gosh!


A real panacea!

Zhang Duoduo is not an alchemist, but she was born in the Tianshi Mansion.

With thousands of years of inheritance on Longhu Mountain, the family heritage is not as rich as usual.

In the Zhang family's treasure house, there are several high-quality elixirs.

Unfortunately, the elixir is too precious, not to mention juniors like Zhang Duoduo, even her own father, Zhang Tianshi of this generation, dare not touch it easily.

Those elixirs are reserved for the ancestors of the clan or the elite children who are dying.

At most, Zhang Duoduo could sneak into the treasure house with his father and take a few glances from a distance.

However, although Zhang Duoduo has never tasted it, he knows what the elixir looks like and even more so its value.


Haha, no amount of money can buy this!

But now, with such a treasure right in front of him, Zhang Duoduo's mind is spinning very fast.

For the time being, she forgot to get angry with He Qingfeng, but like a qualified girl from aristocratic family, she opened her mouth and asked: "How much? Senior, please give me a price. I, Tianshi Mansion, sincerely want to buy it!"

He Qingfeng suddenly felt that the little smelly girl in front of him was much more pleasing to the eye!

Right, this is the correct way of communication among people in Taoism.

Under Zhang Duoduo's expectant eyes, He Qingfeng slowly shook his head, "Sorry, I don't sell my Spirit Gathering Pill!"

Zhang Duoduo was so anxious that he opened his mouth and wanted to continue to seduce He Qingfeng with other treasures.

But before she could speak, He Qingfeng said, "It's not about money, it's about this pill being given by the elders of my master's sect. The quantity is very small. If I sell it, I won't be able to use it!"

"However, I can sell you some of my talismans!"

He Qingfeng changed the topic and finally turned to the topic he wanted to talk about most.


The ups and downs of mood are all about Zhang Duoduo at this moment.

Hearing He Qingfeng say that the elixir cannot be sold, Zhang Duoduo was naturally very disappointed and frustrated.

But then, when he heard He Qingfeng said that he could sell the magic talismans and return them in large quantities, Zhang Duoduo's depressed mood suddenly rose.

"Really? Senior, how is the quality of the spiritual talisman you want to sell? Like, like the Xuan Lei Talisman just now——"

When mentioning the Xuan Lei Talisman, Zhang Duoduo couldn't help but think of his ghost servant.

Wow, so heartbroken, so sad!

Her red dress was struck by lightning and lost.

However, when Zhang Duoduo thought about Hong Yi’s fate, he suddenly realized something——

ah! My man in red is a powerful ghost at the level of a ghost general, and his strength should not be underestimated.

When he conquered it, Zhang Duoduo almost consumed all the magical weapons and talismans on his body.

He was also injured, and he almost used the magic talisman given by his father to barely control Hong Yi.

Moreover, when Zhang Duoduo thought about the entire battle afterwards, he couldn't help but guess——

Redcoat will admit defeat, maybe it's not just that it can't beat it.

It must have seen Zhang Duoduo's "rich wealth". It is expected that she has a good background and has a large family or sect.

Hongyi is not a ghost that has lost its intelligence, but a high-level ghost with sufficient IQ.

It can judge danger and think about many problems.

Therefore, it will surrender to Zhang Duoduo, not only because Zhang Duoduo is strong enough, but also because her backer is strong enough!

Zhang Duoduo even suspected that if Hongyi fought to the death with her, she might not be the opponent of this fierce ghost.

But such a powerful existence was instantly wiped out by a spiritual talisman.

This talisman is so overbearing!

Just now, Zhang Duoduo only cared about Hong Yi and resented He Qingfeng, but ignored the Xuan Lei Talisman.

At this moment, Zhang Duoduo finally reacted after being reminded by He Qingfeng.

She hurriedly asked eagerly, "Senior, are you really willing to sell your magic talisman?"

"Of course! And I guarantee that all the talismans in my Guiyuan Guan will be of the highest grade."

Seeing that Zhang Duoduo finally asked about his favorite topic, He Qingfeng felt instantly better.

His attitude also became enthusiastic, like an excellent profiteer, trying his best to sell: "In addition, in addition to the Xuan Lei Talisman, we also have the Fire Talisman, the Ghost Exorcist Talisman, the Soul Gathering Talisman, the Qi and Blood Talisman..."

He Qingfeng talks with great eloquence about his treasures.

Not only did he explain all the types of talismans that the couple could refine, but they also explained their effectiveness and power one by one.

"For example, if you are fighting with someone and have a serious loss of energy and blood, you can use the energy and blood talisman!"

"Hehe, my Qi and Blood Talisman is much more useful than that Peiyuan Pill. Just one talisman can replenish your lost Qi and blood and make you in the best condition!"

So, no matter what magic pill you want, you can "cheat" it with a talisman!

"I'll buy!"

Zhang Duoduo's eyes widened when he heard this, and tears of excitement flowed from the corners of his mouth.

She raised her hand to wipe her mouth and said boldly: "How much? I want it all!"

Isn't it just money? She is the little princess of Longhu Mountain, and the most important thing she needs is money!

He Qingfeng, a profiteer worth the most, raised a finger and said with a smile: "One million pieces, large quantity discount, membership can be applied, pay in person, no credit required!"

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