The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and ninetieth seventh chapter re-enter the world of magic stick (30)

Remember [New] in a second! He Qingfeng raised a machete at the Taoist, acting like a profiteer who wanted money.

But for ordinary people, he and Su Min strictly followed the requirements of the little aunt——

"Fifth Aunt, I have already said that there are no ghosts or gods in this world, you must believe in science!"

This day is still the first day of junior high school, Guiyuan Temple.

It is also the most prosperous day for Guiyuan Temple.

Su Min showed his hand in front of Mrs. Chen that day, and it spread throughout the small mountain village in less than half a day.

The people in the village had always believed in "Su Xiangu".

Today, Mrs. Chen speaks vividly, but the key is that she really "sees", which makes her more convincing.

"Oh, what science is not scientific, I just believe in you and Su Xiangu!"

Fifth Aunt looked to be in her sixties, she was a little fatter, her round face, and the wrinkles seemed to be stretched out.

It can be seen that this old lady is in a good condition. Although she is not yet in the state of "not short of money", she is a master with a comfortable life.

She looked at He Qingfeng eagerly, "I heard that Su Xiangu of your family used a magic talisman to save the little grandson of the Chen family in the next street?"

"Oh, my eldest grandson in the city just had an accident a few days ago. I suspect that he was entangled by something that didn't hurry!"

"He Guanzhu, why don't you also bring me a talisman, and I'll send it to my grandson so that he can wear it properly?!"

Fifth Aunt said while taking out a handkerchief from her pocket.

Shaking off the handkerchief, there was a stack of banknotes.

"Hey! Hey! Aunt Fifth, don't be in a hurry to pay. Let's make it clear—"

He Qingfeng hurriedly stopped.

Now he has fully realized the painstaking efforts of the little aunt——

It is simply too easy for Taoists to make money.

He just slaughtered his peers, or those rich and upstarts.

Why bother to worry about the mere few hundred pension funds of those rural old men and women? !

He Tiantian: ...

Keke, do I mean that?

But it doesn't matter anymore,

As long as He Qingfeng and his wife stop deceiving people like they used to, it will be fine if they are pointed at their noses and scolded by others.

As for whether or not they took the people from the Taoist sect as being taken advantage of and tried their best to squeeze the wool, He Tiantian didn't care!

Rarely confused!

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings!

He Qingfeng: ...

Well, you are an elder, you can do whatever you want!

He Qingfeng and Su Min have already discussed in private, they will never do business with ordinary people in the future.

If these people really encounter supernatural events, they will act secretly instead of preaching "feudal superstition" in person.

As for money, they would not even ask for it from ordinary people.

Hehe, with just one talisman, they can make a lot of money from people in the Taoist sect.

They don't care about the three melons and two dates of ordinary people at all!

This is true of strangers, not to mention the old people in the village.

He Qingfeng pressed Aunt Fifth's hand to take out the money, and carefully looked at her face.

Not to mention, the old lady's palace for children and grandchildren is indeed a bit dark.

It seems that her eldest grandson is really in trouble.

He Qingfeng thought for a while and said, "Fifth Aunt, we really have to believe in science."

"Of course, if you care about your grandson, you can't help but think wildly. If you really want to have psychological comfort, you can go to burn incense sticks, and then ask for a consecrated rosary."

This is the compromise method that He Qingfeng came up with.

It is indeed difficult to prevent a group of believers from being superstitious.

Moreover, the old lady did have trouble at home.

He Qingfeng can't really take the initiative to solve it, but magic charms and the like cannot be easily given to ordinary people.

He simply prepared some small trinkets such as rosary beads and hang tags.

These things, even if they are handicrafts, are valuable even if they are sold.

Selling it to those old men and old ladies, it can be used as an accessory, and it can also help solve some small troubles. It is definitely worth the money, let alone "cheat"!

"Rosary beads? How much?"

The old lady was a little moved.

In fact, she was also worried that her sons and grandchildren would not believe the talisman she bought back from the Taoist temple after spending money.

They will not wear it!

Alas, there is no way, she can't live with her son hundreds of miles away.

We can't stay together every day, so naturally we can't supervise all the time.

The grandson casually said "forgot, lost", the old lady can't really care about the grandson.

A rosary or a wooden plaque seems to be better.

Anyway, it doesn't have much to do with "feudal superstition". At most, she doesn't tell her grandson that this is a consecrated treasure, but only that it is a souvenir bought in a Taoist temple.

Although the eldest grandson is rebellious, he respects and is filial to her grandma.

Maybe you can't take it with you every day, but you will never lose it.

As long as there is such an enlightened magic weapon at home, it can play some role.

In just a few minutes, these thoughts flashed through Aunt Fifth's mind.

"Ninety-nine, including a handful of incense, plus a string of lightning wooden bracelets."

He Qingfeng pointed to the price list on the side, and the top row read "Ninety-Nine Packages".

"Good! Good!! I will come to this ninety-nine set meal!"

Aunt Wu believed in He Qingfeng and his wife very much, and she knew that Mrs. Chen had stuffed thousands of dollars directly in order to thank Su Xiangu for saving her life.

Now, I only need to spend ninety-nine, and I can get the treasure that is consecrated by Guiyuan Temple.

"Then I'll give you this ninety-nine set meal!"

He Qingfeng is very formal. When collecting money, he did not forget to invoice Fifth Aunt.

Ahem, my little aunt said that since the Taoist temple is open for business, it has to pay taxes according to the state's regulations!

In the past, He Qingfeng mainly relied on cheating, and many things were not visible, so naturally he didn't dare to issue any invoices.

But now, He Qingfeng has confidence, and all he sells are incense candles, bracelets, etc.

And these, there are any Taoist temples and temples, they can only be regarded as souvenirs of scenic spots, not some deceiving tricks.

Without feeling guilty, He Qingfeng naturally dared to issue invoices and pay taxes.

After a few swipes, He Qingfeng completed the invoice, and gave the incense and the bracelet to Aunt Fifth.

Incense is the high incense commonly used in Taoist temples. Fifth Aunt burns a few notes every once in a while, so she is no stranger to it.

On the contrary, it is the rosary, which seems to be a new product of the Taoist temple.

Aunt Fifth picked it up curiously.

This is a bracelet made of wooden beads, and each bead is the size of a peanut.

The whole body of the beads is pitch black, not the paint, nor the original grain of the wood, but as if it had been burned by fire.

Oh, by the way, just now Guanzhu He said it was "lightning wood".

Oh, the fifth aunt of Lei Jianmu knows that it is the wood that was struck by thunder and fire in the mountain.

To ward off evil spirits!

Some of the mahogany swords used by Taoist priests to drive away ghosts and demons are made of lightning wood.

This kind of wood is not at all cheaper than sandalwood and nanmu, it is an excellent thing.

Moreover, such a bracelet will not be too obtrusive for daily wear, and it will have the same fashion style.

Regardless of how old Aunt Fifth is, she usually plays with her mobile phone.

She understands all the particularities of young people!

Aunt Wu dared to bet that even if her grandson didn't like such a bracelet, he wouldn't dislike it too much.

No matter how hard she talks to her grandson, she might be persuaded!

The more Aunt Wu thought about it, the happier she became, and she was very grateful to He Qingfeng.

"He Guanzhu, thank you! Thank you so much!"

After her grandson survived the catastrophe, she brought him to the Taoist temple to burn incense and fulfill her wish.

"You're welcome! Keep the invoice! Also, you have to believe in science. Burning incense is at best a psychological comfort. Asking God and Buddha is far worse than asking yourself!"

After collecting the money and handing the invoice to Aunt Wu, He Qingfeng wore a Taoist robe and continued to promote science to believers!

Fifth Aunt's mouth twitched, feeling awkward in her heart, but she didn't say anything.


Don't be superstitious!

I just trust He Guanzhu and Su Xiangu, okay? !

Fifth Aunt took the bracelet and high incense, first went to the main hall to burn incense, and bowed to the clay statue, and then went down the mountain happily.

He Qingfeng smiled lightly, "Next!"

"He Guanzhu, I feel a little uncomfortable recently. When I sleep, I always feel as if something is pressing on me!"

The next one was from the village at the foot of the mountain, in his fifties, dark and thin, but very energetic.

It's just that the old lady has obvious dark circles under her eyes, obviously she hasn't rested for several days.

She looked around, lowered her voice, and asked mysteriously: "Guanzhu He, do you think I was entangled by some dirty thing?"

He Qingfeng raised his head, and accurately saw a black air mass on the old lady's shoulder.

Tsk, what a naughty little devil.

Although He Qingfeng saw a ghost, he would not tell the old lady about it.

He cleared his throat, and was about to continue his rhetoric of "believing in science and rejecting feudal superstition".

Before He Qingfeng could open his mouth, there was a voice from near to far——

"Who? Who is promoting feudal superstition?"

He Qingfeng frowned slightly, and followed the voice to look over.

Uh, I don't know!

However, he was very familiar with the uniforms on these people.

Demon policeman!

Moreover, He Qingfeng was sure that these policemen were not from their town.

Because in a small place like theirs, the villagers are not too familiar with the police.

Some policemen are children who have gone out of their villages

In addition, He Qingfeng managed the Guiyuan Temple and also led activities such as the Guiyuan Temple Grand Collection.

He is quite familiar with the village chiefs and villagers of several nearby villages, as well as the leaders of the town.

The police station in the town also set up a convenient police service station near Guiyuan Temple.

Every time there is a large gathering, one or two policemen will come to patrol and maintain law and order.

He Qingfeng was very familiar with those policemen who often came on duty.

To put it bluntly, those police officers all knew that He Qingfeng was a magician.

However, He Qingfeng and his wife have a bottom line, even if they deceive people, they will not go too far.

They will not harm their own family members.

At most, they coaxed tourists to spend one or two hundred yuan for a Taoist talisman, or for a face-to-face meeting... The policemen just turned a blind eye.

There is no way, they are all from the folks in the village, and the Guiyuan Temple Grand Fair organized by He Qingfeng and his wife has also boosted the local economy, and they are considered meritorious officials.

Many people knew their details, but no one exposed them.

Not to mention, the old people in the family are very convinced of He Guanzhu and Su Xiangu.

If young people dare to target this couple, not to mention other parties involved, but their own parents, grandparents, grandparents, they will rush to scold them first!

He Qingfeng and Su Min took all these into consideration, so they dared to pretend to be ghosts in Guiyuan Temple and in the small mountain village.

Now that the two of them have washed their hands, they no longer lie to others, and they are even less afraid of those policemen!

What are you afraid of!

I'm not really lying.

Not to mention feudal superstition

However, those few unfamiliar policemen looked like they were coming in bad manners.

He Qingfeng was secretly on guard, but his face was calm.

Standing up and straightening his robes, He Qingfeng walked towards several people slowly.

"Are the comrades misunderstood? We are a serious Taoist temple here, and we only promote traditional Taoist culture. There is absolutely no feudal superstition!"

He Qingfeng's words are right, that's called a righteous one.

He once again thanked the little aunt in his heart: Thank you, little aunt, for letting our husband and wife know the way back.

Otherwise, at this moment, he really couldn't face these strange policemen calmly.

"No? Why did I seem to hear something dirty just now?"

The leader was a young man in his thirties, with a square face, dark skin, and an upright spirit.

When he said this, his sharp eyes swept over the old lady just now.

"Hey! Boy, what are you staring at me for?"

The old lady is not a good-natured one.

She spoke to He Qingfeng softly just now, it was because she feared the gods and regarded the "effective" He Guanzhu as a master of Taoism.

Facing the police now, she was not so afraid!

What are you afraid of?

Her old lady did not break the law or violate the rules, but she was a bit superstitious, but she did no harm.

Even if she makes trouble at the police station, she is not afraid!

"No, old lady, I didn't stare at you."

When the square face faced the old lady, it really lost its momentum in an instant.

Cough cough, Aunt Huaguo can't be provoked, and Aunt Huaguo in the countryside is even more difficult to provoke.

"What isn't it? I think it's your fault! Huh, you don't care about so many thieves and hooligans, why do you have to go all the way to Guiyuan Temple?"

The old lady rolled her eyes, and her momentum became more and more high.

Why did she say that the police came from "a long way"?

Because she also saw that these were not the policemen in their town.

Also, if they were from the town police station, they would rush to Guiyuan Temple rashly.

Where is Guiyuan Temple?

Who are He Guanzhu and Su Xiangu?

Outsiders just watched the excitement on the Internet, but the locals are very familiar with it. .

...So, these people are definitely not from the police station in their town.

Maybe in the county, or even in the city!

"..." Guozi was speechless. He had worked at the grassroots level for many years and met all kinds of people.

Among these people, the most troublesome ones belong to these aunts and uncles.

Stubborn and conservative, unreasonable, relying on the old to sell the old...

Anyway, when they meet such a person, they can only persuade and coax them.

"Old lady, did you just say that you were uncomfortable, as if you were entangled in something dirty?"

Guo Zilian sorted out his thoughts a little bit, instead of continuing to entangle with the old lady, he went straight to the topic...

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