The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 899 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (32)

Remember [new] in one second! "Uncle, I just walked around the Taoist temple and found no trace of that master!"

After entering the Taoist temple, Su Wenbo ran around alone.

He wanted to see what other mechanisms there were in the Taoist temple, and also find out the whereabouts of the two spiritual pets.

As a result, after wandering around, I found nothing unusual, so I had to come back to meet my uncle again.

As soon as I arrived, I saw a lot of people gathered in the courtyard in front of the main hall, and there was a lot of noise.

Su Wenbo greeted his junior uncle and asked curiously, "Huh? What's going on? Is it possible that someone came to Guiyuan Guan to cause trouble?"

The young uncle had been standing in the corner and watching, so he saw the whole process in his eyes.

At this moment, I heard the gossipy talk of my cheap nephew, so I asked casually, "How do you know that someone is causing trouble? It is not some other accident?"

Maybe the tourists had a dispute, or there were other situations?

Some people are watching and some are making noise, but they may not be here for the Taoist temple.

Su Wenbo secretly rolled his eyes and said carelessly, "Uncle Master, this is not easy. The wind in Guiyuan Temple has been blowing too hard in the past few days!"

There are experts, and there are superior spiritual talismans.

Ge Fuli and Zhang Duoduo each threw a stone, causing a lot of waves in the Xuanmen world.

Excellent talisman!

One million!

Large quantities are preferential, and you can also recharge as a member!

What's the membership fee of 100,000 yuan? If you buy 10 million yuan, you will get 100,000 yuan...

The magic talisman is nothing more. This Guiyuan concept seems to have taken the "death for money" to the extreme.

Well, although the Xuanmen world has always been like this, cultivation resources are scarce and the price is naturally very high.

However, many people are still relatively obscure when doing business.

Just like Ge Fuli, his elixirs are not cheap, but he is more restrained and will not directly act like "I am a profiteer and I am just for money."

But he couldn't stand the requests from everyone, so he "beared the pain" and gave away the elixirs he cultivated to others.

As for whether he would charge some money, he was more tactful.

How different is this Guanzhu He?

Directly calling out the price, and even giving away as much as you sell, just like a profiteer.

To use an analogy, it is also a drugstore——

In ancient pharmacies, there was usually a hanging message at the door: "I hope people in the world are free from disease, why bother with the medicine on the shelf?";

Nowadays, large pharmacies have banners such as "Get free eggs when you buy medicines over RMB 200" and "Discount on medicines on member days."

In fact, they are all doing business with an open door, but the two slogans give people different feelings.

When the people in Xuanmen heard that Guiyuan Temple was selling spiritual talismans at high prices, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts that "people's hearts are not as old as they used to be, and the world's customs are declining."

Of course, these are just small thoughts in my heart.

What's more important is envy, jealousy and hatred——

One million, easily tens of millions, or even 100 million.

Tsk tsk, not to mention a little-known Taoist temple, even those famous sects with a long tradition, profound foundation and reputation, their own business will not be so prosperous.

Pinkeye is not just for ordinary people, people in Taoism are also jealous and hate the rich!

This kind of jealousy, in addition to being jealous of Guiyuan Guan Ri Jin Dou Jin, is also jealous that it actually has a high-quality spiritual talisman.

The high-quality talisman, even Ge Fuli and Zhang Duoduo helped to make crazy calls, which is enough to prove the wonderfulness of this kind of talisman.

There is such a treasure in Guiyuan Temple, which is nothing more than a big piece of fat.

It wouldn't matter if Guiyuan Guan was from a thousand-year-old family or a famous sect. No matter how jealous everyone was, they wouldn't dare to do anything.

However, Guiyuan Temple is just a small Taoist temple, with only one officially registered Taoist priest.

The results of Xuanmen’s private investigation also show that——

In the entire Guiyuan concept, there is only one He Qingfeng.

His wife can only be counted as half.

Oh, by the way, there is also a mysterious senior from the sect.

However, it would not exceed three people at all costs.

Such a small number of people, no matter how advanced they are, can't compare to those big families and sects that often have hundreds of disciples.

Of course, those who can refine superior spiritual talismans are certainly not ordinary people.

Therefore, no matter what the thoughts of those in Xuanmen are, they will not directly cause trouble to Guiyuan Guan.

"...They first carefully test Guiyuan Guan. If Guiyuan Guan has no means to fight back, they will intensify their efforts, and finally treat Guiyuan Guan like a big piece of fat and eat it up!"

Su Wenbo leaned close to his junior uncle and whispered his guess.

And Xuanmen’s secret methods are just these——

Report on the propaganda of feudal superstition, instigate people to cause trouble in Taoist temples, and create a few deceived victims...

Basically, they are all unattractive, but they can achieve the purpose of "testing".

As long as Guiyuan Guan fails to handle one of them, it will make itself passive, and may even be used and coerced by some ambitious Taoist forces!

"Not bad, I can think of this!"

The junior uncle nodded with satisfaction.

He had always known that his nephew was not stupid, he was just spoiled and a bit of a brat.

However, after listening to Su Wenbo's words, the young master realized that he had underestimated this child.

He is quite smart, sharp and meticulous.

Perhaps in the past, senior brother and he always felt that Wenbo was still young and always treated him as a child. They protected him too much and never allowed him to be truly independent, so he ignored his own abilities!

"...Hey, little uncle, do you think I'm right?"

When Su Wenbo heard his junior uncle praising him, he grinned like a child.

"Yes! You are right! Wenbo, you have really grown up!"

Alas, we can no longer treat Wenbo as a child.

Su Wenbo:......

This feeling is a little subtle.

Just like a child in a kindergarten, he eats and drinks obediently, and then is praised by his doting parents, "Oh, my baby is so awesome, he is now a sensible big boy"!

With three black lines hanging from his forehead, Su Wenbo shook his head and shook off this unreliable thought.

"Uncle Junior, since someone is really looking for trouble, let's go over and help!"

Su Wenbo put aside the messy thoughts in his mind and brought the topic back to Yuan Guan.

He said excitedly, "We have helped Guiyuan Guan solve the trouble, and we have formed a good relationship. In this way, it is not too rash to want to see that expert again!"

Maybe we can still get in touch with that Guanzhu He.

Su Wenbo said, eager to give it a try.

Hehe, behind them stood Mai Su's family, the junior uncle was also the deputy director of the Extraordinary Affairs Office.

Whether it's a competition for family strength or official influence, the two nephews will definitely win!

The key point is that if the young master uncle really "forms an alliance" with Guiyuan Guan, it will definitely frighten the people in Xuanmen.

Even if they covet the Taoist temple's talisman, they would not dare to cause trouble easily.

In this way, the junior uncle can not only solve the problem with that expert, but also the Su family can become an "ally" with Guiyuan Guan, which is definitely killing two birds with one stone.

Su Wenbo rubbed his hands and looked at his junior uncle expectantly.

It seemed that as soon as the little master uncle gave an order, he rushed directly to help Guiyuan Guan "fight"!

The young master's uncle curled his lips, "Wenbo, this kid, has a pure heart."

He shook his head gently, "No need! I've already solved it myself!"

Su Wenbo was stunned for a moment, "Ah? It's been solved! Is it so powerful?"

The young master's uncle's smile became even stronger, "Yes, it's indeed amazing!"

He had just witnessed the whole process, and his feelings were naturally more profound——

He Guanzhu of Guiyuan Temple is really a wonderful person.

To ordinary people, he praised science righteously and without any fanfare, whether it was delivering magic weapons or flicking his fingers to drive away evil spirits.

Everything seems to be as he said: there are no ghosts in this world!

When collecting money, he didn't act like a profiteer at all.

It's nothing like the lion's big mouth when dealing with people in Xuanmen.

This is a bit like a real miracle doctor——

Provide free treatment to poor people, and even provide doctors and medicines as gifts.

For wealthy businessmen or powerful people, they would ask for large sums of money and precious medicinal materials.


The young uncle smiled playfully, but he couldn't help but guess in his heart——

I just don’t know whether He Qingfeng came up with this style of behavior on his own, or whether there was someone with guidance from an expert behind him.

Uncle Master, who has already investigated the details of Guiyuan Guan in detail, is more inclined to the latter.

Because according to the investigation results of the past ten years, He Qingfeng is a magician without any cultivation.

His wife, Su Min, is a goddess who went to college but devoted herself to dancing in the countryside.

This couple is a perfect match, a perfect couple.

However, although the two deceived, they did not harm anyone, and the amount they defrauded was not large.

At least according to the law, it does not reach the amount required to register a fraud case.

Moreover, with the current behavior of "He Guanzhu", even if someone in Xuanmen finds those "victims" and tries every means to persuade them to report the crime, they will refuse!

Just like the group of uncles and aunts in front of them, even if He Qingfeng himself admitted in public, "I am a liar! I lied to you in the past," these people would not believe it.

They will protect He Qingfeng even more.

In addition to the fact that they have been brainwashed by He Qingfeng, the most critical reason is that He Qingfeng has become a real master!

"Master! The little aunt He Qingfeng mentioned must be someone with a very high level of cultivation!"

The junior uncle gently fumbled for a string of rosary beads on his wrist, his expression still indifferent as usual.

But his mind was tumbling violently——

Junior Junior Uncle bets that He Qingfeng's "transformation" is closely related to his mysterious Junior Junior Aunt.

Perhaps, all this is due to the little sister-in-law!

The young uncle became more and more interested in this "master". In addition to the fact that the other party might be able to save him, it was also because this person was too mysterious and powerful.

"A sneeze! A sneeze! A sneeze!"

He Tiantian, who was sitting cross-legged in the backyard of the Taoist temple, sneezed several times in succession!

"Tiantian, someone scolded you again!"

The hoopoe shook its bright feather crest and cooed in a slightly gloating tone.

"What do you know? Someone should be thinking about me!"

He Tiantian rubbed her nose and said angrily: "I thought, scolded and worried about you! I just sneezed three times!"

He Tiantian resisted the urge to continue sneezing and quarreled with her arrogant spiritual pet.

"I guess it's that Su Wenbo!"

This time the speaker was the white fox who had developed two tails.

It lay lazily next to He Tiantian, yawning and saying, "By the way, he went up the mountain a long time ago, why haven't he been found yet?!"

"Just now, he was standing stupidly at the gate of the mountain and shouting. He looked like that, not to mention how stupid he was -"

He Tiantian raised her eyelids and glanced sideways at Xiao Bai, "He's not stupid! This kid is very clever!"

There is nothing to be afraid of when you look like a coward or look ugly in front of a real expert. At least you won't suffer any loss.

In the original plot, the aura of the male protagonist was too overbearing.

After the death of his junior uncle, Su Wenbo seemed to have been forcibly reduced to intelligence, and then he became a hateful and vicious male supporting actor, who was finally killed by the male protagonist with great righteousness.

Otherwise, based on Su Wenbo's adaptable and current-minded behavior, he would definitely not be doing too badly.

Even if he is not as good as the male protagonist (there is no way, he is favored by heaven), he will not become a Xuanmen scum that everyone wants to beat up, and will end up with a tragic death.

"Oh, Tiantian, you seem to like that naughty kid!"

Xiaobai sat up straight and looked at He Tiantian curiously.

"It's not bad! I like people who are knowledgeable."

He Tiantian replied lightly.

Now that Su Wenbo was mentioned, He Tiantian also wanted to know where the uncle and nephew had wandered off.

She held her breath and concentrated, released her consciousness, and began to search the Taoist temple.

"Huh? Someone is causing trouble? And using demon spirits?"

He Tiantian "saw" the commotion in front of the hall and couldn't help but frown slightly.

However, He Tiantian later discovered that the matter was resolved in a very weird way!

A group of superstitious old men and women who came to He Qingfeng to exorcise ghosts and seek peace actually tried their best to prove to the police that He Qingfeng was here.

Well, this picture is a bit strange.

It also made He Tiantian's previous arrangement show its "power"——

Guiyuan Temple is a formal Taoist temple that complies with national laws and regulations. We will only promote traditional culture and will never promote feudal superstition.

Not only do we respect and believe in science ourselves, but we also pass on this correct thought to tourists and believers!

...Ahem, okay!

He Tiantian also knows that her whole behavior style is a bit weird.

Didn't you see that the police officers who came to handle the case after receiving the report call all looked messy in the wind?

They were probably all going crazy in their hearts. They knew clearly that He Qingfeng had indeed done something feudal and superstitious, but there was no "evidence".

Amazingly, there were a group of old men and women who helped testify.

Damn, I have been handling cases for so many years, and I have also caught crooks and liars, but today's situation is definitely the first time I have encountered it!

The policeman with the Chinese character face was full of powerlessness and frustration.

However, the He Qingfeng in front of him looked smiling and extremely cooperative!


You're even more angry, are you? !

"Captain, let's go!"

Seeing this, the other policemen hurriedly came closer to Guozi's face and whispered.

He is stepping down for his own captain.

Guozi's face looks upright, but he is not stupid.

Seeing his team members walking him up the stairs, he walked down the stairs, "Since the uncles and aunts all helped to testify, there should be no activities promoting feudal superstition, so let's go!"

"Yes! Yes! We bear witness!"

"...No! Master He didn't promote feudal superstition! Oh, Master He, did you do the Dharma just now? Why do I suddenly feel that my shoulders have become lighter and I don't feel uncomfortable anymore!"

"It's so effective! Master He, please show me, am I also caught in something unclean?"



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