The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 901 Re-entering the world of the magic stick (34)

Remember [new] in one second! "I can cure your disease!"

What a domineering six words.

The young uncle's heart was beating loudly, and the sound hit his eardrums.

Su Wenbo next to him said "oh" first, with surprise written all over his face.

Then comes eagerness and urgency.

If he hadn't been worried about his junior uncle, he would have shouted out "That's great, please help me, senior."

Although the junior uncle was not as happy and angry as his junior nephew, the excitement in his heart almost broke through his reason.

However, soon, the young martial uncle's reason contained the ecstasy of being saved from a desperate situation.

He asked lightly, "Xuan Mo is not talented. He knows a few spells, but I don't know what he can do for his seniors!"

He said it politely and tactfully. If it were more straightforward, it would only be three words: "What are the conditions?"

There is no free lunch in the world.

It is only natural to ask people to do things and reward people.

The young uncle has never felt superior to others because of his appearance, talent, family background, etc.

They think that others will help them unconditionally and without principles.

Especially Guiyuan Guan——

Ahem, that He Qingfeng and He Guanzhu implemented the profiteer's principle of "demanding money at all costs" extremely thoroughly.

Inherited from the same lineage.

If his nephew is like this, how can his little sister-in-law be a holy mother and bodhisattva who treats patients for free.

Even if they have compassion, they are towards ordinary people or the weak, not Xuanmen elites like him who look like wealthy people at first glance.

The young junior uncle has not forgotten that just now, the young senior aunt was still saying that he was "the number one person in Xuanmen"!

Xiao Xuanmo Ge Fuli, as a rising star in Xuanmen, was slaughtered by Guiyuan Guan.

Xuan Mo doesn't think he will be a special case.

He is indeed cold and noble, just like an immortal, but he is not really like an immortal who does not eat the fireworks of the world and does not understand the ways of the world.

On the contrary, he was very sober and extremely transparent.


He Tiantian was stunned for a moment,

Xuan Mo wanted to make her make some conditions.

She treated her junior uncle, firstly to complete a task, and secondly to fulfill a long-cherished wish in her heart.

She never thought about asking for payment from her junior uncle!

However, these words of the junior uncle reminded He Tiantian.

Yes, she knew her "origin" with her junior uncle, but others (including the junior junior uncle himself) did not.

It would be a bit strange for her to treat her junior uncle for free, and it would not be in line with her Guiyuan concept of "advocating fairness."

If she was too special to her junior uncle, some people might secretly suspect something.

He Tiantian doesn't want to become someone else's talking point.

There is also the young master uncle himself. Since he can say such words, it shows that he is also a principled person.

He will not easily kidnap people morally, nor will he say "I am sick but I am justified".

She is sober in the world, and she is the proud and noble Bai Yueguang of the Xuanmen people.

Forget it, just put forward a condition.

This is good for her and the little uncle.

This thought flashed through He Tiantian's mind, and she quickly started working on her brain.


A lightbulb went on in her head.

I got it!

He Tiantian curled her lips, and she suddenly had an idea.

"You're welcome, young uncle. As the number one person in Xuanmen, you have created your own martial arts, are extremely talented, and have advanced cultivation. As long as you are willing, you can certainly do me a small favor!"

The junior uncle was polite, and He Tiantian also said it tactfully.

She deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the words "self-created exercises".

Junior Uncle Master instantly received He Tiantian’s hint——

Dear, if you want me to save you, you have to teach me your own Wuji Jue!

Uncle Junior:...

There was some hesitation in my heart.

Wuji Jue is a technique he created himself, although he has just started practicing it.

But he had a hunch and became more confident that his set of exercises must be very powerful.

Guiyuan Guan, the young master sister who has never been masked before, is far superior to her in cultivation, and she must have practiced excellent skills.

Why would a master like her suddenly be so interested in his Wuji Jue? !

The young master's uncle is brilliant and upright, and he will never judge the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

However, he has been practicing for many years and has seen a lot of grudges, grudges, and evils in the world.

He is certainly not an innocent, pure white lotus.

Especially after he was injured, he was at his lowest.

When you are desperately fighting against the corpse poison, you will inevitably think too much.

Everything happens for a reason!

The little aunt would not ask to learn the exercises from him for no reason.

What does she want? !

However, such thoughts flashed through my mind.

Soon the young uncle shook his head in self-mockery: I am about to die, but in front of someone who can save me, I still want to die a lot?

Do you suspect that the little sister-in-law has a conspiracy?

Will it endanger the entire Xuanmen?

Haha, then he should live well, so that he can protect Xuanmen and the world!

The young uncle made a decision in his heart.

He raised his head, cupped his hands in the direction of the main hall, and said with a smile: "I don't dare to take it! In front of my little senior sister, Xuan Mo Duan doesn't dare to claim to be the 'number one'!"

"However, my self-created Wuji Jue has some wonderful features. If my junior aunt is interested, Xuan Mo is willing to discuss it with me!"

Isn't it just a set of exercises? Just teach them.

As long as he is alive, everything is possible.

At worst, he would just create his own.

As the most talented genius in Xuanmen for two to three hundred years, the young master uncle has such confidence.

"Okay! Junior uncle is really happy. Please come in!"

He Tiantian continued the secret transmission and happily reached a "deal" with his junior uncle.

Su Wenbo \u0026 He Qingfeng:...

The two juniors looked at each other and felt that something was not right.

Uh, what's going on?

Of these two seniors, one calls the other person "Little Senior Uncle" and the other calls the other "Little Senior Sister"...

It seemed that they wanted to show respect for each other, but Wei Mao had a weird feeling.

Su Wenbo: ...Little Senior Aunt, ah, no, it’s senior. Junior Senior Uncle is my Junior Senior Uncle. You should be the same generation as him.

He Qingfeng: ...junior uncle? Humph, Junior Senior Aunt is my Junior Senior Aunt. It seems inappropriate for you to open and close your mouth to call "Little Senior Aunt".

The two "nephews" were complaining crazily in their hearts, but they didn't dare to interrupt at will.

They discovered that although the interaction between these two "elders" could not be called a back-and-forth confrontation, it still had an aura of equal power.

The two of them are the ones who can talk directly, and they even have an inexplicable tacit understanding!

tacit agreement?

What the hell is this?

They just met for the first time today, how come they have such a tacit understanding?

However, He Qingfeng and Su Wenbo just felt that when their junior aunt (junior uncle) was communicating with the other side's junior aunt (junior aunt), as their own nephew, they could not get in at all.

"...Qingfeng, what are you doing standing still? Why don't you hurry up and lead the way for your junior uncle!"

Just when He Qingfeng was in a daze, the secret message of the young master's aunt rang in his ears.

"Ah? Oh! Yes, obey!"

He Qingfeng hurriedly came to his senses and responded respectfully.

He stretched out his right arm in a gesture of invitation, "Xiao, oh no, it's Senior Xuan Mo, please!"

Bah bah bah!

It's almost a mouthful.

Young Master Aunt is the same generation as Junior Master Uncle. She calls him Junior Master Uncle, which is probably an "honorific title" to express politeness.

But even so, He Qingfeng still kept his identity in mind——

I am the nephew of my junior aunt. I can call my junior aunt Xuanmo my uncle, but I can’t!

If I screamed, wouldn't I be taking advantage of my little sister-in-law? !

Huh, I won't do this kind of thing of bullying my master and destroying my ancestors.

After several months of getting along, He Tiantian introduced him and his wife without reservation. He Qingfeng and his wife had already regarded their junior aunt as a real elder in their hearts.

In their view, the young master is almost as amiable and respectable as the deceased master.

He Qingfeng would never do anything to disrespect his little sister-in-law.

Not even if it's just a "slip of the tongue."

"Thank you, Guanzhu He! Thank you! You're done!"

The young junior uncle didn't care about the extremely rich inner dramas of the two junior nephews Su and He.

He still looked calm, gentle and reserved.

"...Senior, you're welcome!"

He Qingfeng smiled slightly reluctantly.

For some reason, Junior Uncle Mai, who had just felt like a banished immortal, now felt inexplicably repelled.

It felt very weird, as if the unique and famous flower that I had carefully cultivated was about to be taken away with the flower and the pot!

And this little uncle is the "little thief"!


He Qingfeng, what are you thinking about?

You are really floating. After learning some magic, do you really no longer take Xuanmen seriously?

You know, this Xuan Mo is the number one person in Xuanmen and the deputy director of the Extraordinary Affairs Office.

Black and white take it all, you can get whatever you want!

... He Qingfeng himself didn't know what happened to him today.

My mind is full of random thoughts.

He Qingfeng was in such a mess, and Su Wenbo, who was supporting his junior uncle at the side, was no better.

Woohoo, I have a bad feeling for no reason——

My little junior uncle seemed to no longer belong to him.

And the title "Little Master Uncle" is no longer his special term.

But he couldn't protest yet, let alone drag his junior uncle away directly.

Junior uncle still has to wait for someone to save his life!

Su Wenbo could only grieve secretly, and imagined the bloody drama of "the young master's uncle was coerced by the grace of saving his life and had to follow the young master's aunt with humiliation."

He Tiantian \u0026 Xuan Mo:...

What is this all about?

They haven't even met each other yet, so why did they become the "ambiguous objects" in the minds of the two nephews? !

Of course, the two of them didn't know what their juniors were thinking, so they wouldn't be angry.

Otherwise, while they are dumbfounded, they must give the cheap apprentice nephew a lot of homework——

Humph, one or two of them are just too idle, so they have such random thoughts!

He Qingfeng was thinking crazily while leading the way obediently.

After leaving the courtyard, bypassing the main hall, the group came to the back hall.

"Little sister-in-law, the guests have arrived!"

He Qingfeng came to a wing in the back hall. He did not rush in, but respectfully announced in front of the door.

"Invite the guests in!"

He Tiantian slowly put away her practice, but she did not get up to greet him.

She continued to sit cross-legged.

"Ma Yi Xuanmo, I've met my junior sister-in-law!"

Xuan Mo followed He Qingfeng into the side room and looked up to see a girl who looked only eighteen or nineteen years old.

However, after practicing for these years, Xuan Mo himself has lived for seventy or eighty years.

He knew very well that the appearance of a cultivator did not mean anything.

She looks like a little girl, maybe the other person is seventy or eighty years old like herself.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the other party is really young.

A little senior aunt or something like that can only mean that the other party's master is powerful, or that the senior brother is acting as a disciple.

In just a few breaths of greeting, Xuan Mo's mind had already turned away from these thoughts.

His face showed nothing, he was polite, modest and slightly reserved.

"You are so polite, little uncle, please sit down!"

He Tiantian pointed at the futon beside her.

"Thank you!"

The junior uncle thanked him politely, and then sat cross-legged on the futon opposite He Tiantian.

Su Wenbo \u0026 He Qingfeng:...

For some reason, they always feel like they are a 250-watt light bulb!

Su Wenbo shook his head vigorously to get rid of those unreliable thoughts.

It is the "disease" of the young master's uncle that is most important!

Su Wenbo didn't wait for the two seniors to speak. He took the lead and asked eagerly: "Senior, can you really cure my junior uncle's illness?"

The young uncle must have been seriously injured when he was at the Southwest Tomb.

Ouch, blame me! Blame me!

Not only did he harm his junior uncle, but he didn't even know that his junior uncle was sick, and he was still fooling around outside so heartlessly!

He Tiantian did not look at Su Wenbo, but turned his attention to Xuan Mo.

My uncle, whom I haven't seen for a long time, when we meet again, he is still as gentle as jade, cold and noble as an immortal.

She is worthy of being the Bai Yueguang of the entire Xuanmen. This skin and temperament are unparalleled.

Oh, no, not Wushuang!

There is also a Buddhist disciple Huizhi in Xuanmen who is as famous as Xuanmo.

Although in the original script, Master Huizhi did not appear directly, he only existed in the "legend" of the male and female protagonists.

However, this man has an extraordinary background, he is the reincarnation of a powerful Buddhist, and he is destined to be a disciple of Buddhism.

Moreover, in the derived world, many characters who will not appear directly in it are all real people.

When the male and female protagonists are not on the scene, they are living, studying, and going about their lives normally.

Therefore, the Buddha is not a backdrop, but a real existence.

He is as famous as Xuan Mo. They are both Taoist masters with incredible talents and profound merits.

However, the halo of the male and female protagonists is too dazzling. The existence of "Double Secrets of Xuanmen" is just to highlight the two protagonists or provide them with "opportunities."

Not cannon fodder, but a proper tool!

Xuan Mo was the idol and goal of Ge Fuli, the younger Xuan Mo. In order to make Ge Fuli completely famous, he died young;

Fozi is a "plug-in" who cleanses the heroine's soul and delivers natural and earthly treasures to her. After completing the task, he feeds the devil with his own body and becomes a "legend" early on.

This time, He Tiantian came to save the little uncle. She felt that the Buddhist disciple could actually be saved!

He Tiantian even thought with a little evil intention, if the "two masters of Xuanmen", Junior Uncle Master and Fuzi, were not dead, could Ge Fuli and Zhang Duoduo still grow up to be the saviors of Xuanmen?

Can their protagonist's aura still shine? !


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