Remember [new] in one second! The three roommates looked at He Tiantian with strange eyes and hesitated to speak.

Dong Shiyu, who had a better relationship with He Tiantian, couldn't hold it back and asked: "Tiantian, you, you and Cheng Yiming——"

He Tiantian hasn't accessed the Internet yet, so she didn't know that v-blog and d-sound were all popular.

She just followed Dong Shiyu's words and replied: "Brother Yi Ming? Shiyu, are you asking me if I have met Brother Yi Ming?"

He Tiantian put down her bag and said to herself: "Well, I had dinner with Brother Yi Ming yesterday -"

Before He Tiantian could finish speaking, Liu Yinuo on the other side had already asked eagerly: "Tiantian, you, you really and Cheng Yiming, what's going on!"

You really can't blame Liu Yinuo for gossiping.

She grew up watching Cheng Yiming's TV series.

The former champion of the Cheng family is the eternal male god in the little girl's heart.

Liu Yinuo never thought that one day he would become a college classmate and roommate with a celebrity.

She never imagined that a classmate living under the same roof as her would actually be in a relationship with her idol.

Liu Yinuo was so excited, his little face was full of joy.

She didn't even wait for He Tiantian to answer, and she shouted excitedly: "That's great, haha, Brother Yi Ming finally has his eyes on me!"

"Tiantian, you don't know, when there were scandals about him with Xue Min and Zhang Xueqing, we fans all suspected that Brother Yi Ming had been demoted!"

"What's the 'double snow'? None of them are good enough for Brother Yi Ming, okay? One is an 18th-tier young actor, and the other is an Internet celebrity. Alas, I don't know what happened to Brother Yi Ming, but he actually -"

Liu Yinuo kept talking.

She picked up her cell phone. If it hadn't been for a hint of reason to remind her, she would have shared the good news directly with the fan group that "Brother Yi Ming finally has a real girlfriend."

He Tiantian finally caught the key points from Liu Yinuo's words.

She was angry and funny.

I originally didn't want to pay attention to such baseless scandals, but Liu Yinuo, who was also studying at Beijing University, looked excited and gossipy.

He Tiantian can imagine how ordinary fans and melon-eating people will interpret it.

What rumors stop the wise?

Most of the time,

It's still what everyone else says.

He Tiantian waved her arms and made a big "X" in front of her chest, "Stop!"

He Tiantian met the curious looks of her three roommates and said funny, "You mean Cheng Yiming and I are having an affair?"

Dong Shiyu and Liu Yinuo nodded and shook their heads, but Qi Xinran, another roommate, was the calmest.

As expected of a math major, her organization is the clearest. She corrected her directly: "It's not us! It's what people say on the Internet!"

"Yes!" Dong Shiyu and Liu Yinuo nodded in unison.

Seeing this, He Tiantian quickly took out her mobile phone.

By the way, He Tiantian hasn't looked at her phone too much since meeting Cheng Yiming yesterday.

It is almost difficult for people nowadays to not look at their mobile phones for a day.

When outsiders hear such words, they will feel that they are evading and lying.

He Tiantian is different.

She is used to traveling to different eras and backgrounds to do tasks, and is not very dependent on her mobile phone.

In fact, when he was first doing the task, He Tiantian had to force herself to give up her mobile phone addiction.

There is no way. Not every mission world has mobile phones. If you go to the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, etc., or simply go to ancient times.

Let’s talk about mobile phones, they don’t even have power!

He Tiantian must get used to the days without mobile phones.

Therefore, even if he returns to reality, He Tiantian tries to use his mobile phone as a communication tool rather than a daily necessity.

Coincidentally, Sister Yuan Mei took leave last night and no one around He Tiantian reminded her.

However, seeing the three roommates acting like this, He Tiantian knew that there must be a huge quarrel online.

As for Cheng Yiming, he is probably trying his best to refute the rumors.

He Tiantian didn't think much and just searched on her phone.

Sure enough, when only searching for the three words "He Tiantian", the first thing that popped up was not "Breaking Dawn" or her v-blog account.

But a lot of headline-grabbing scandals.

He Tiantian:......

This is very speechless, okay?

She and Cheng Yiming just had dinner together, and there were two "assistants" at the dinner table.

There are clearly four of them, but how come the photo shows them as an "intimate photo" of her and Cheng Yiming?

People say that the entertainment industry "starts with a picture, and the content is all edited."

But when it comes to her, there is not even a real picture, and even the pictures are borrowed and photoshopped.

"Brother Yi Ming and I were just talking about work. Also, we are not the only ones having dinner together!"

He Tiantian shook her head helplessly, feeling for the first time the craziness and bottomless nature of the entertainment industry.

Alas, these paparazzi will do whatever they can to gain traffic and attention.

He Tiantian faced the three roommates who were gossiping and wanted to explain clearly.

But as he talked, he found that he had no more definite proof.

Unless she goes to the private kitchen to monitor it now.

At this time, even if Cheng Yiming spoke up, he might not be able to explain clearly.

Just as He Tiantian thought of Cheng Yiming, her phone rang.

"who is it?"

"Your agent or assistant?"

"Oh, it can't be Cheng Yiming, right?!"

The three roommates shouted in unison.

He Tiantian's forehead twitched. This was the first time she knew that students from prestigious schools loved gossip just like ordinary people.

"Yeah, it's brother Yi Ming who's calling. He should be discussing with me how to handle this matter!"

He Tiantian responded casually, pressed the call button, and turned around to raise the baby.

Dong Shiyu \u0026 Liu Yinuo \u0026 Qi Xinran:...

They really want to hear it too.

Woohoo, the guy on the other side is the national male god Cheng Yiming, the white moonlight from their childhood!

He Tiantian didn't seem to accept the three people's desire. After coming to the balcony, he closed the door.

"Hey, brother Yi Ming!"

He Tiantian said hello first, without any panic or impatience in her voice.

Cheng Yiming, who was upset by the hot search, was inexplicably soothed when he heard He Tiantian's voice.

Tsk, a newcomer who just debuted is so calm.

He, a veteran who has been around the world, is worried.

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Yiming apologized first: "Tiantian, I'm sorry, I caused you trouble!"

Cheng Yiming's words were not polite, but the truth.

"Well, recently, I wanted to make my relationship public. The paparazzi seemed to have caught wind of it, and they followed me even more crazily-"

In recent years, Cheng Yiming's reputation has declined, but he still has traffic.

Firstly, it's his greasiness, and secondly, it's the love triangle between him and "Double Snow".

After entangled with two girls for several years, Cheng Yiming finally recognized his feelings and wanted to settle down.

On the other hand, if scandals are always hyped up, it will do too much harm to Cheng Yiming's reputation and personal image.

Now some netizens are denouncing Cheng Yiming as a scumbag - a man who sways left and right and treads two boats.

I'm not sure about the relationship, I just know that I'm having an affair with a girl.

Not willing to take charge, not manly enough, a proper Neptune.

Although Cheng Yiming's reputation is bad enough, if he still wants to continue to be in the entertainment industry, he cannot let it develop.

Being a scumbag is not a good label. Once it is labeled, it may even be included in the list of bad artists.

Cheng Yiming didn't dare to take a gamble, especially after he became famous after taking over the filming of "Breaking Dawn" and stood at the top of the entertainment industry again.

He still wants to be famous forever!

"Brother Yiming, I understand, this has nothing to do with you!"

It was all taken secretly by paparazzi. How can you blame the other party who is also a victim of the scandal? !

He Tiantian can definitely distinguish between enemy and friendly forces.

Cheng Youjun Yiming smiled happily when he heard He Tiantian's words.

"Don't worry, I have already issued a statement and obtained the surveillance video from Private Kitchen! You can just forward it later!"

Cheng Yiming's studio is still very efficient.

After the scandal broke out last night, we started taking action.

The next morning, they obtained the surveillance video and contacted the navy.

While Cheng Yiming was on the phone with He Tiantian, Cheng Yiming's statement had already become a hot search topic.

When He Tiantian put down the phone and searched online, she was shocked to find that another big melon had been exploded——

"Cheng Yiming made his relationship public, and it turns out that Zhang Xueqing is his destined daughter!"

"The three-year relationship was exposed, and the 'Double Snow' dispute finally came to an end!"

"The love story between Cheng Yiming and Zhang Xuehing on August 18th!"

"Xue Min sent a long message, blessing with tears——"

Compared with the unknown scandal targets, Cheng Yiming's public love affair was the big one that shocked the entertainment industry.

Cheng Yiming is thirty-five years old this year and has been in the industry for almost 20 years.

Since he came of age, he can't count on two hands the number of actresses he has dated or people with whom he has had scandals.

In recent years, the "Double Snow Controversy" has become a hot search topic from time to time.

Everyone is speculating on what kind of partner the "tyrannical president" who has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years will have.

Now, Cheng Yiming blew himself up, causing V-Bo's server to crash.

Everyone was busy eating, and Cheng Yiming and Zhang Xueqing were naturally at the center of the storm.

The other Xue Min in Shuangxue is also the third most popular figure after the two main characters.

As for He Tiantian, who was on the hot search list with Cheng Yiming yesterday, she was completely forgotten.

“It turns out it’s really just eating!”

Ordinary melon-eating people can naturally throw He Tiantian aside.

But He Tiantian's roommate is more concerned about his classmates.

They clicked on the video released by Cheng Yiming Studio and took a closer look. Sure enough, they were sure that it was not a private meeting for two people, but a work meal for four people!

The truth is so clear that the so-called scandal is self-defeating.

"No wonder no one pays attention to Tiantian anymore!"

Dong Shiyu is also a small Internet celebrity after all, so she knows the "traffic password"——

No one pays attention to real people and true stories, but catching people's attention by catching people's attention.

"It's better not to pay attention! It's better not to pay attention!"

Liu Yinuo took over the conversation and said with great joy.

Being the heroine of a scandal and being suspected of a third party's involvement is definitely not a good thing for a girl.

But, immediately after, Liu Yinuo reacted, "No! No! I'm not cursing Tiantian for not getting enough attention -"

Ahem, Tiantian is still a star.

If there is no attention, wouldn’t it be cool?

"What I mean is that Tiantian will continue to work hard for her career. Scandals and gossips have nothing to do with you!"

Liu Yinuo quickly corrected him.

He Tiantian smiled and waved, "Okay, Yinuo, you don't need to explain, I understand everything!"

Although the roommates looked curious, He Tiantian could still feel their kindness.

The four people chatted and laughed for a while, and then got busy again.

The turmoil on the Internet was over.

Everyone began to pay close attention to the relationship between Cheng Yiming and Zhang Xueqing, and people with the benefit of hindsight also used magnifying glasses to look for clues about their love on the Internet.

Someone noticed that Zhang Xueqing was wearing a relatively loose skirt during her live broadcast a few days ago, and they wondered if she was pregnant.

As soon as someone became "suspicious", a topic appeared on the hot search list——

shock! Zhang Xueqing was suspected of being pregnant and took the opportunity to force Cheng Yiming into the palace!

Immediately afterwards, there was an overwhelming discussion on the Internet.

Speculations about Zhang Xueqing's pregnancy are getting more and more crazy, and netizens are still "reasoning".

It is estimated that even the parties involved, Zhang Xueqing and Cheng Yiming, couldn't help but wonder after reading the news: Are we really going to have a child?

Xue Min on the other side was unwilling to be left alone and took the opportunity to post a message.

This time it's not a "blessing", but a sad sigh——

It turns out that she was not defeated by Zhang Xueqing, but by her belly!

Zhang Xueqing \u0026 Cheng Yiming:......

Damn, what is all this?

Especially Cheng Yiming was once again glad that he did not choose Xue Min.

Logically speaking, Xue Min has a better background than Zhang Xueqing.

After all, Xue Min is a student of Chinese Opera, with a solid academic background.

Zhang Xueqing is just an internet celebrity.

In the chain of contempt in the entertainment industry, majors \u003e grassroots \u003e internet celebrities.

At the lowest point of the contempt chain, Zhang Xueqing has no special skills, including no acting or singing skills.

The only thing that is praised or criticized is her youth and great looks.

Beautiful is really beautiful, but the vase is also a real vase.

Cheng Yiming took a fancy to Zhang Xueqing's good looks and simplicity.

Unlike Xue Min, who looks smart on the surface, but always does some top-notch things.

Tsk tsk, with this intelligence, Cheng Yiming is worried that if he really establishes a relationship with her, it will harm him in the future.

Of course, Cheng Yiming's relationship status has nothing to do with He Tiantian.

If He Tiantian hadn't been involved this time, she wouldn't have paid special attention.

After making sure that he was cleared and would no longer be implicated, He Tiantian threw it aside.

He Tiantian may not care, but some people secretly remember He Tiantian in their hearts.

Next, He Tiantian found Director Chen Lin for an interview according to the agreed time.

Chen Lin is already in her fifties this year. She looks gentle, with only one pair of eyes flashing a sharp light from time to time.

She was very satisfied the first time she saw He Tiantian.

This girl is young, beautiful, and most importantly, photogenic.

Whether it's appearance or aura, they can withstand the test of the big screen.

"I heard from Yi Ming that you can also do martial arts and ride horses?"

Chen Lin looked at the little girl in front of her and went straight to the topic without any ambiguity.

"Yes! Director Chen, how about I give you a lesson?"

He Tiantian said confidently that she really liked the role of Dugu Danxia, ​​so she was willing to go all out...


Thank you Jinyue Ganqin for the reward, and thank you dear friends for your subscriptions, recommendations and monthly votes! It’s the last few days of August, dear friends, don’t keep your monthly passes! Just throw it all to a certain Sasha, ( # ^.^ # )

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