Remember [new] in one second! "my fans?"

After hearing Cheng Yiming's words, He Tiantian couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Breaking Dawn" is a hit. Several important characters have become popular when they should be, continue to be brilliant when they should be, and stand out when they should be.

He Tiantian is a perfect newcomer, and he started off like a king when he debuted.

She is also very popular online. Coupled with several influential advertising endorsements, she has firmly entered the ranks of third-tier stars.

She also started to have fans - Lotus Ye!

Uh-huh, it means "Lotus Leaf He Tiantian".

He Tiantian is not enthusiastic about this. She doesn't even bother to do "business", let alone actively interact with those fans.

V-blog has been growing for a long time, and her shadow is almost invisible on other social platforms.

No publicity, no hype, not even a support group to pay attention to.

He Tiantian is no longer a clean figure in the entertainment industry, but an outlier.

However, the lotus leaves still like her very much.

Some people like her looks, but there's nothing I can do about it, the little girl is so beautiful, and her skin is incredible.

When I followed the crew for road shows or promotions, I was photographed in the face with the camera, and I couldn't see any flaws——

With light makeup and light foundation, you can see the lines and fine fuzz on your skin.

Unlike some artists who apply several layers of putty on their face, except for the thick powdery feel, the original appearance of the skin cannot be seen at all.

If you don’t turn on the filter, you won’t be able to see the makeup.

He Tiantian has no such worries at all. Firstly, she is young, and secondly, she has a good foundation.

Plus she has a golden finger.

In reality, without spiritual energy, the power of Wuji Jue cannot be exerted.

However, years of practice had allowed her to develop her internal strength, and her overall condition was particularly good.

In an era where appearance is justice, celebrities can gain fans just by looking good.

Some people like He Tiantian's high education, recommended to Beijing University, inspirational idol, full of positive energy.

Even ordinary netizens or casual fans are more tolerant of celebrities with high education and high IQ.


He Tiantian is an actress, and more fans still like her acting skills.

At such a young age, he can compete with veteran actors and actresses without falling behind. How can he not make real movie fans happy——

Who says that the new generation of domestic actors have no acting skills?

He Tiantian has it!

It's still the kind of acting that explodes.

It's obviously the same person, and he doesn't have unique makeup, but he can act like a pair of completely different twins!

The twin flowers created by He Tiantian in "Breaking Dawn", one is good and the other is evil, one is as beautiful as white moonlight, and the other is like a beautiful black snake.

Especially the two almost opposing looks have made countless people become fans.

On several short video platforms, there are video clips of He Tiantian "going black" in one second.

Not to mention, the master's skills are very good, and the BGM is super hot.

He Tiantian, the client, felt very moved after watching it.

Fans will naturally like it more.

... Due to various reasons, the number of He Tiantian's "lotus leaves" is growing rapidly.

He Tiantian doesn't do business herself, so fans take the initiative to help promote it.

And when there are more fans, there will be some "talents".

There are technical nerds who are good at editing, student fans who insist on checking in and commenting, and white-collar workers who are rational and star-chasing but use their work to help promote... All the great gods are here, and ordinary fans are also very busy.

He Tiantian has seen a lot of "peripherals" about herself on the Internet.

Whether it is a super touching video clip, or a Q-version or Chinese-style picture drawn by an art expert, He Tiantian, the person involved, is very excited.

However, He Tiantian still didn't expect that there was actually a wealthy young man among his fans.

In order to chase stars, invest in a TV series, and spend 80 million? !

Are you sure this isn't an idol drama?

Or the kind of cool entertainment articles that are so sexy? !

"Yes, I am still a fan of your career!"

Cheng Yiming was obviously smiling when he said this.

And there is a hint of envy in the smile——

What great fans, they are willing to spend tens of millions for their idols!

"Career fan?"

He Tiantian's mouth twitched, "What? He saw that I was too idle, so he took the initiative to help?"

"Aren't you idle? When promoting "Breaking Dawn", you spent three days fishing and two days drying up!"

Cheng Yiming gave He Tiantian a big eyeball and said angrily, "Other artists are afraid that they will not be popular, but you are wasting the opportunity that should have been promoted!"

"If several of your advertisements hadn't been broadcast on TV stations and the Internet every day, and if your endorsement posters hadn't been posted in supermarkets of all sizes, the audience would have forgotten that there is such a top actor like you!"

"This new drama directed by Chen Lin has attracted quite a lot of attention on the Internet, and the drama is based on a popular online novel. After reading the original novel, you will know who the important characters are!"

"Some actors who agree with the role requirements, not only themselves, but also their fans are clamoring to recommend it for their own steaming!"

"As a fan of yours, I guess I saw the discussion on the Internet, so I decided to help you land a role so that you can have a good career!"

Cheng Yiming talked a lot.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something, and said with a hint of joy, "Fortunately, you have such a wealthy fan."

Hey, there is something in the words.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "What? Has the role of Dugu Danxia changed?"

She had already received a call from Director Chen and signed the contract.

Could it be that there were any disturbances before this?

"Well! Director Chen didn't say anything. When chatting with her, a little assistant beside her revealed that Fei'er Zhao likes the role of Dugu Danxia very much!"

As Cheng Yiming spoke, he gestured with five fingers.

Fifty million?

Bring money into the group?

And Director Chen was also moved? !

Just when she was hesitating, a rich man "Lian Ye" suddenly appeared, opening his mouth and asking for 80 million.

This directly made Chen Lin make up her mind!

He Tiantian:......

If it were other celebrities, they might feel very happy, even a little proud.

There is something inexplicably weird about He Tiantian.

This fan appeared too timely.

Also, are there really such die-hard fans who would spend tens of millions to chase stars?

Of course, it can also be said that people are investing.

After all, Chen Lin's works are guaranteed, and as long as there are no accidents, she can basically make money.

The worst thing is no compensation!

But, He Tiantian still feels unbelievable.

This is 80 million, no matter how hard it is to smash it, it will come out.

He Tiantian didn't even know her, and even the Third Young Master didn't take the opportunity to come to her, let alone have any intention of doing this or that!

He Tiantian couldn't help but frown——

Is this just a true fan, or is he just too rich? !

However, even the richest man cannot spend 80 million casually and silently.

Seeing that He Tiantian still looked troubled and not happy at all, Cheng Yiming was puzzled and couldn't help but said a few words, "What? Can't figure it out?"

"Worried about the subsequent trouble?"

"Whatever, you didn't promise anything anyway. As long as you can film well, that's enough!"

Cheng Yiming felt that He Tiantian was too sensitive. Why did he think so much?

Being able to sign a contract smoothly and being able to film happily are not more important than anything else?

Even if there is any trouble in the future, it will be a matter of the future.

there is always a solution to a problem.

And that Lian Sanshao may not have any dirty thoughts. Maybe he is just a pure fan and really doesn't need money.

He Tiantian shook her head, "No! I still feel uneasy!"

After thinking about it, He Tiantian said: "Let's do this. I will also invest a sum, just 90 million."

Cheng Yiming:......

Invest in what?

Why do you open your mouth to say 90 million? !

Is the world already so crazy and money starting to become so worthless?

It can easily cost tens of millions. This makes Cheng Yiming, who calls himself a capital man, feel embarrassed.

He only invested 30 million!

He Tiantian suddenly felt funny when she saw Cheng Yiming's dumbfounded look.

Ahem, Brother Yi Ming, who successfully removed the oil, is still very handsome.

Such a male voice with starry eyebrows and sharp eyes, but with a confused look on his face, looks a bit cute in contrast.

He Tiantian met Cheng Yiming's gaze, spread her hands, and said helplessly, "I can't help it, I have money too!"

"If you have to spend money, I can do it! You don't need any fans, let alone a sponsor..."

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