Remember [new] in one second! Yes, Zhang Xueqing admires He Tiantian very much.

Perhaps before seeing He Tiantian with her own eyes, Zhang Xueqing was a little embarrassed in her heart——

Is there really nothing between her and Brother Yi Ming?

Later, Cheng Yiming confirmed his feelings and officially announced his relationship with Zhang Xueqing.

Cheng Yiming took Zhang Xueqing to meet some of his friends in the industry.

By doing this, he not only gave an explanation to his relatives and friends, but also gave Zhang Xueqing a status.

Among Cheng Yiming's friends list is He Tiantian.

On the third day of the official announcement, Cheng Yiming and Zhang Xueqing jointly invited He Tiantian as a couple.

The three met in a private restaurant.

At first, Zhang Xueqing was wary of He Tiantian, but also a little curious.

However, Zhang Xueqing soon realized that she was superficial. How could she think that He Tiantian would like her brother Yi Ming?

He doesn't deserve it!

Ahem, Zhang Xueqing doesn't look down on her boyfriend.

In fact, in Zhang Xueqing's heart, Cheng Yiming was both her childhood idol and her favorite person.

Still her noble person.

Her feelings for Cheng Yiming are very complicated.

Cheng Yiming was also an extremely important person to her.

She revered him, loved him, and appreciated him.

In her heart, Brother Yi Ming is her only one, a god-like existence.

However, after seeing He Tiantian with her own eyes and having further contact with her, Zhang Xueqing discovered——

He Tiantian was not from the same world as them.

Zhang Xueqing knew that He Tiantian was a top student and a recommended student of Peking University. How could he be an ordinary person?

However, after watching He Tiantian at close range, Zhang Xueqing knew what a god-like existence was.

"...It's not a technical problem with artificial intelligence itself, but the fact that supercomputing simply cannot support its huge computing needs!"

"Professor Chen, I am studying quantum...computers..."


Quantum computers involve silicon carbon chips again... Hmm, I'm still researching, the theory is feasible, but I haven't found a more perfect formula yet..."

While eating, He Tiantian answered a phone call.

She went directly to the corridor outside the box.

But through a door, Zhang Xueqing still vaguely heard the content of He Tiantian's conversation.

What artificial intelligence, what supercomputing, what quantum, silicon carbon...

Zhang Xueqing couldn't understand it at all.

Don't talk about her, Cheng Yiming also looked confused.

Although the couple couldn't understand what they were talking about, they felt a sense of "unconsciousness" when they heard He Tiantian talking on the phone.

Suddenly, Zhang Xueqing felt that her previous worries were simply ridiculous.

He Tiantian and Cheng Yiming, oh no, to be precise, artists like them are no longer on the same channel.

Perhaps, in the eyes of someone with a super high IQ like He Tiantian, she, Cheng Yiming, etc. are almost like unevolved apes!

Pure IQ crushing, it is simply a chasm between the two species.

Will people fall in love with apes?


Therefore, He Tiantian will not like Cheng Yiming at all!

Cheng Yiming: ...Thank you so much. I’ve turned into a fucking ape.

In fact, not only Zhang Xueqing, but also Cheng Yiming had been in contact with He Tiantian many times, and had also heard her call some professors and scientists.

Cheng Yiming himself also had this deep suspicion——

He obviously understood every word He Tiantian said.

But why they were combined, he didn't understand at all.

Cheng Yiming is also a graduate of Chinese Opera. In terms of academic qualifications, he also has a bachelor's degree.

But, in front of He Tiantian, he felt that he was as ignorant as a primitive person.

I still remember that when "Breaking Dawn" was filmed, He Tiantian was still a senior in high school.

On the set, He Tiantian once held a thick book and gnawed at it.

At that time, Cheng Yiming and others were curious and ran to ask.

There are several staff members in the crew who graduated from the 985 and 211 programs. They claim to be top academics and enthusiastically told He Tiantian:

"Tiantian, where are you doing your homework? Are there any questions that you can't solve? Let me help you!"

"Haha, don't look at me now. I'm just a handyman. When I took the college entrance examination, I scored 673 points."

"That's right, I was still the third best in our city back then, and I was a perfect prodigy!"

A few people were joking, but they really wanted to help with their homework.

However, when they saw what He Tiantian had written, they were all stunned.

They can understand the symbols of large sections of mathematical equations and know several of them.

But when combined with Mao, they were like reading a book from heaven.

There were also some purely English papers and materials, but they were even more confused and confused.

"When did the courses in the senior year of high school become so advanced? I feel like it wasn't this difficult when I was in college!"

"More than that! I secretly took a photo and sent it to my classmate who is studying for a PhD. Guess what, my classmate didn't understand it!"

"...No wonder I was recommended to Beijing University. This level is enough to be a professor in the university!"

"Haha, our crew is really awesome, we actually have such a legendary genius——"

These are all famous scenes witnessed by Cheng Yiming.

When he once again wondered "why such a corrupt person would come to be an actor and carry out dimensionality reduction attacks on poor artists," he was also extremely impressed.

There may be a reason why Cheng Yiming is so friendly with He Tiantian.

Later, his girlfriend was also successfully dormant by He Tiantian's academic attributes.

She no longer had any doubts or jealousies, but instead crossed Cheng Yiming and became good friends with He Tiantian.

Therefore, when He Tiantian calls Zhang Xueqing "sister-in-law" at this moment, she is definitely not acting or deliberately covering up anything.

The relationship between the two has really reached this point.

"Ouch, I'm so scared."

When Cheng Yiming heard that He Tiantian was going to complain to his daughter, he made a fearful expression in unison.

However, his appearance was so funny that he directly amused He Tiantian and Jiang Li.

The other staff members who were listening with their ears perked up were also amused and laughed.

Among the crowd, there was an actor who had worked with Cheng Yiming, and he joined in the fun, "You kid, you finally have someone who can treat you!"

"That's right! Yi Ming, you have to behave well, otherwise, when Xue Qing comes, we will all sue you too!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and the atmosphere at the scene was instantly ignited.

And the little embarrassment caused by Faye Zhao just now disappeared.

No one cared about Fei'er Zhao's words anymore, and no one even took the initiative to chat with her.

Although Fei'er Zhao was still standing in the crowd, she seemed to be isolated.

Fei'er Zhao bit her lip, a flash of dissatisfaction flashed in her eyes——

Isn't it just a joke, one by one, as for this?

Also, Cheng Yiming and He Tiantian have only collaborated once. They are not even lovers, so how come they have such a good relationship?

Humph, what kind of sister?

Love my sister!

Fei'er Zhao felt very angry.

Her young lady's temper was almost uncontrollable.


With a cold snort, Faye Zhao turned around and left.

Catching this scene from the corner of his eye, Cheng Yiming didn't take it seriously at all, but continued to joke with the people around him.

Jiang Li also saw it, her eyes flashed, she said nothing, and continued to stay here, chatting with everyone.

He Tiantian:......

never mind!

Faye Zhao is a second-generation person who also brought money into the group.

But there is nothing wrong with her He Tiantian.

He Tiantian was not afraid at all if she had to compare with the young lady's temper.

After the opening ceremony, the intense shooting began.

Chen Lin has abundant funds, so she is particularly meticulous in all her work.

Exquisite costumes, beautiful real-life shooting, war horses, group performances, etc., Chen Lin has one principle -

All want the best!

We are not short of money.

"...Today we are filming a polo scene. Tiantian, are you okay? Do you need a substitute?"

Chen Lin came to talk to He Tiantian in person.

During this period, I did not forget to ask questions of concern.

Although I knew He Tiantian could ride a horse, I also saw her dashing and heroic appearance on horseback during the filming.

However, playing polo is different from simply riding a horse.

People, horses, and polo are all uncontrollable factors.

As long as there is a problem with one item, it will lead to accidents.

Although Chen Lin strives for perfection, she is also worried that the actors will get injured.

He Tiantian didn't seem to hear Chen Lin's words. A chill ran down her spine, as if she was being targeted by something.

She calmly held her breath and looked around with the corner of her eye.

Soon, she locked her target——

A group of people suddenly entered the "horse farm" from the outside. The person walking at the front was a handsome man in his thirties.

The moment he saw the man, He Tiantian's heartbeat suddenly accelerated: It's him!

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