The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 925: The Exiled Villain (6)

Remember [new] in one second! After being surprised, Mrs. Hou was filled with anger.

As smart as she is, how could she not realize that the Gongsun family has caused a big trouble for the Yu family.

No matter which one is true and which one is false, Gongsun Dalang and Yu Yan, as long as the rumors are true or false, it will affect the prestige of the prince and even the entire Yu family.

The Yu family is facing a great crisis, and they have to work hard to stay dormant, waiting for a time when they can rise up.

People's hearts are unstable and power is collapsing. If there are rumors about the "real and fake prince" at this time, it will definitely affect the stability of the entire Yu family.

Moreover, even if it is "proven" that a certain child is indeed the real son, there will still be rumors about the "child exchange".

And let people use it to criticize and criticize it from time to time!

For the Yu family, this is tantamount to burying a huge hidden danger!

Damn it!

Gongsun Lei really deserves to die.

Even if there really was a child exchange, it shouldn't have been such a big fuss.

...Wait a minute, what does "even" mean?

The idea of ​​exchanging children was too absurd, and Mrs. Hou instinctively resisted.

She was even more unwilling to believe that a smart person like her, with the power of Yong'an Marquis Mansion and Chengjun Prince Mansion, could be fooled by a ranger and a cheap maid.

He can't even recognize his own flesh and blood, and he has raised a child for ten years for a pariah for nothing, and he still treats it like a treasure...

Just thinking about these things makes Mrs. Hou feel annoyed and angry!


She would not be manipulated by a pariah.

Furthermore, what kind of place is the Zhendang Hou Mansion?

On the day she gave birth, there were a lot of confidants including women and maids.

How could it be possible to watch Cuixia secretly take away the newborn prince?

Those people are all dead!

Not only did Mrs. Hou think this way, but also the young minister of Dali Temple had similar suspicions.

If you have any doubts, keep asking.

It happened that the Yong'an Hou Mansion was raided, and all the female relatives and slaves were in prison.

Among them are Mrs. Hou’s confidants.

So, the young minister of Dali Temple was shocked and asked the police officers to take these people to court.

Not long after, two nuns and two maids were brought in by the guards.

Mrs. Hou took a glance and saw that the two nuns were her companions. They were her personal maids before they were married. After they got married, they married the dowry stewards.

They are all old men who have served her for more than 20 years, and they couldn't be more reliable.

The two maids also served her for more than ten years.

When Mrs. Hou gave birth to Yu Yan, these two were still second-class maids, responsible for running errands and delivering things in the delivery room.

If something really happened, the two nuns and two maids should have noticed it.

Four people:......

After listening to the story and questioning of the Dali Temple Shaoqing, the four of them were dumbfounded, okay?

At first, things were so unbelievable that they didn't even think about it.

Secondly, it was already ten years ago, and that day Mrs. Hou gave birth, and people were coming and going in the delivery room. They only stared at Mrs. Hou, how could they care about anything else?

However, people are like this. For a situation that they don't care much about, if someone speaks out and says there is an "accident".

They will also think about this subconsciously.

Some vague and specious pictures in the memory will become clear——

It seems that there really was such an episode back then.

For example, the little maid who was responsible for running errands in the delivery room said hesitantly, "I remember that Sister Cuixia did enter the delivery room, and she seemed to be holding something in her arms."

"Yes! I saw it too!"

A nun also agreed, "But at that time, the old slave was only busy asking the imperial doctor to consult the madam, and did not pay attention to the young prince for a while."

"...Well, the slave did enter the delivery room."

Cuixia tried her best to remember and put the blame away, "It was Gongsun Lei. He said that Sister Cuizhu missed his wife, but she had just given birth and could not move, so he specially brought a swaddling clothes for her son."

"It's said that this will bring good luck and help my wife get a boy in one fell swoop."

As for Cuixia, there are actually many loopholes.

As a person involved, Cuixia couldn't remember what happened back then.

She just mistakenly thought that the evil deeds Gongsun Lei had done had been "revealed", but she had indeed helped Gongsun Lei deliver things to the delivery room.

She definitely did not change the child, but it is unknown if Gongsun Lei colluded with other maids.

It's good now. This bastard Gongsun Lei wants to put all the shit on her head, but there's no way!

Cuixia has never been an affectionate person.

The fact that she was able to have an affair with her "brother-in-law" Gongsun Lei when her former good sister Cuizhu was pregnant and giving birth proves how despicable her moral integrity is.

Now, when she discovers that Gongsun Lei seems to have gotten into a big trouble and is trying to make her a scapegoat, Cuixia's first reaction is to throw the blame away.

Nothing can happen to her.

Confusing the blood of the Marquis, or even worse, the royal blood, is a serious crime.

She still has two sons, and she still has a lot of good life, but she can't let Gongsun Lei harm her.

However, she had long forgotten everything that happened back then.

And she had no idea what Gongsun Lei had planned.

She could only try to distance herself and put the blame back on Gongsun Lei.

Gongsun Lei:......

Go to Te Niang’s plan!

I had no plan at all back then.

Asking Cuixia to deliver something to the delivery room was just an excuse.

He just found an excuse to meet and have a tryst with Cuixia in the Hou Mansion.

Gongsun Lei's eyes turned red with hatred. He never expected that Cuixia would be so stupid——

I was just talking nonsense in a hurry, but you damn bitch, you actually improved the evidence bit by bit.

It's fine now, the mud fell into my crotch, it's either shit or shit!

The matter of child exchange has been confirmed, and there are even witnesses for Te Niang.

If Cuixia is full of loopholes, in her own opinion, she cannot remember what happened back then.

But to the ears of the Dali Temple Shaoqing, Madam Hou and others, she had a guilty conscience and deliberately concealed and lied in order to get herself out.

As for the two nuns and the two maids, after hearing Cuixia's words, they tried to think back again and felt that this was exactly what happened back then——

Cuixia used her status as a maid to secretly carry a bag of things in and out of the delivery room.

She said it was swaddling clothes and clothes, but in fact, she secretly exchanged it for a child.

"This is wrong. Cuixia is just a maid. She can only stay in the inner courtyard. If she rashly goes to the outer courtyard, it will definitely arouse suspicion!"

The Shaoqing of Dali Temple was quite sensible and quickly discovered the problem.

Mrs. Hou had a dull face and said coldly, "Young Master, you don't know. Gongsun Lei has been serving as a martial arts instructor in our Hou's residence these years!"

"The servants in the outer courtyard were basically trained by him."

"... I have great trust in Gongsun Lei and allow him to move around the outer courtyard as he pleases!"

Therefore, as long as Cuixia takes the child out of the delivery room and sends it to any corner door or side door connecting the outer courtyard, Gongsun Lei can take the child away quietly!

"Stealing while guarding" will naturally not be easily discovered.

He Tiantian was amazed when she heard this!

She was just telling a lie to disgust those who thought they could control the fate of others at will.

Unexpectedly, these people were so powerful. Each person provided "evidence" to kill the "substitution" issue.

He Tiantian was even more surprised to find that Mrs. Hou, who was originally the most determined, now also had a troubled face.

Although she still refused to believe the "facts", in her heart, the seed of doubt had taken root and sprouted, and grown into a strong seedling!

"...Child, how did you know about this?"

Just when He Tiantian was secretly feeling happy, Mrs. Hou's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

She raised her head and met Mrs. Hou's complicated eyes——

There is doubt, pity, curiosity, and inquiry.

Mrs. Hou's mood is probably as complicated as her eyes:

On the one hand, she doesn't want to believe that this is "the truth";

On the other hand, the "facts" were already before her eyes, and she had to believe it.

And she was even more unwilling to question the child in front of her. He might really be her own flesh and blood.

He is the only remaining son of her and her husband.

Mrs. Hou looked at He Tiantian intently, without blinking, trying to clearly see every bit of this thin face.

I don't know if it was psychological effect, but Mrs. Hou actually found that the face of "Gongsun Dalang" looked familiar.

Well, not like her, but somewhat like Prince Cheng, her biological brother.

Is this the so-called "nephew Uncle Xiao"?

Mrs. Hou herself didn't realize that she had already believed in the so-called son-exchange theory.

And her tone when talking to He Tiantian became more and more gentle, "Don't be afraid, just tell the truth!"

He Tiantian deliberately pretended to be envious and aggrieved, pursed her lips, and replied: "My mother-in-law, oh no, I mean, my adoptive mother told me before she died!"

"Your mother-in-law?!" x2.

Two voices, one male and one female.

The man belonged to Gongsun Lei. He stared with a pair of bull's eyes filled with disbelief.


And got involved with that dead woman Cuizhu?

Did she also find out that the child had been changed? !


What kind of exchange is there? There is no such thing!

But, why did Cuizhu say that?

Oh, I know, this damn woman is still worried that her children will be bullied afterwards.

Cuizhu simply made up a lie and told Dalang that he was not from the Gongsun family at all, but the eldest son of the Hou family!

If nothing happened to the Hou Mansion, and if Dalang was more courageous, he might actually cause trouble in the Hou Mansion.

By then, no matter what the truth was, Gongsun Lei's reputation will be ruined.

He will become a scum and scum that everyone despises——

How much of a bastard can he be that his wife, who is sleeping with him, would be so defensive?

In order to keep his son, he did not hesitate to make up lies about "swapping his son"!

Anyway, Cuizhu is dead, and the world will pity her for her "loving love".

Even the Marquis Mansion probably wouldn't care about a woman who had been dead for many years, and would instead help Gongsun Dalang make the decision.

In order to gain a good reputation, the shrewd Madam Hou might even take advantage of the situation and recognize Gongsun Dalang as her adopted son.

What Gongsun Lei imagined was a joke.

Until this moment, he had not noticed anything unusual about his "son", nor had he suspected that the little brat was lying.

First of all, in the past ten years, Gongsun Li has been very honest and timid, and he does not look like a man who talks nonsense at all.

Secondly, Gongsun Li was only ten years old after all, a half-grown child who had never seen much of the world. How could he come up with such a bizarre lie? !

Thirdly, children are born to admire their parents and receive filial education from an early age.

These ancient people could not imagine that there would be a child who did not recognize his biological father and deliberately made up stories.

Even Mrs. Hou did not think that Gongsun Dalang was lying at all.

"Child, you, you said A Niang, oh no, is your adoptive mother, does she know about this?"

Mrs. Hou asked eagerly.

He Tiantian nodded, "Aniang said that although she didn't tell her what Gongsun Lei did, as a mother, she can still tell the difference between her children."

"Nonsense! Fart!"

Gongsun Lei was so angry that he didn't even know what he was scolding.

But his chest was so tight that he just wanted to vent, "If that bitch Cuizhu knew about it, why didn't she tell her earlier? Did she have to take the secret underground?"

Cuixia also echoed, "That's right! Back then, Madam valued Sister Cuizhu the most. Even if it was for Madam Hou, she shouldn't hide it!"

He Tiantian didn't even look at the couple, and said coldly: "If my mother doesn't say anything, there is no evidence."

"She is a woman who has just given birth and can't even guarantee her own safety. How can she go to report back to Mrs. Hou?"

"Secondly, my mother-in-law also has selfish motives. She knows that her life is not long, and she is worried that after her death, her son will be abused by his stepfather and stepmother!"

"I was transferred to the Marquis Mansion. No matter what, I can always grow up well!"

A flash of resentment flashed in Mrs. Hou's eyes, but soon she said with a slight sigh, "There is a third reason, Cuizhu still blames me!"

Others didn't know it, but Mrs. Hou knew that Cuizhu didn't want to marry Gongsun Lei back then.

But at that time, General Yu valued Gongsun Lei as a ranger and asked him to teach martial arts in the Hou Mansion, and entrusted him with the security of the Hou Mansion.

Mrs. Hou felt that something was wrong. Gongsun Lei was not a member of the family, and he was not a slave with a death contract. How could he be allowed to walk around the Hou Mansion at will?

However, Mrs. Hou has a deep relationship with General Yu, and she knows how to be a wife and will not directly question her husband's decision.

After thinking about it for a while, Mrs. Hou came up with a good idea - marriage!

It happened that Gongsun Lei had no wife, so Mrs. Hou chose one of her eldest maids to allocate to Gongsun Lei.

With confidants in check, Gongsun Lei can be more reliable even if he is not one of his own.

Mrs. Hou chose Cuizhu, but she vaguely heard that Cuizhu had a fiancé in her hometown.

However, Mrs. Hou didn't take it seriously.

Firstly, it has been more than ten years since Cuizhu sold herself into the prince's house, and her fiancé must have married a wife and had children long ago;

Secondly, what Cuizhu is selling is a death contract. Not to mention her marriage, even her life belongs to the Hou Mansion;

Finally, Mrs. Hou felt that she was doing it for Cuizhu's own good.

Even if her fiancé from her hometown is still waiting for her, he is just a country man.

No matter how bad Gongsun Lei is, he is still the martial arts instructor of the Hou Mansion. Even the young men in the Hou Mansion call him "Master".

Marrying Gongsun Lei and still living dependent on the Marquis Mansion, isn't it better than being a humble commoner? !

Therefore, Mrs. Hou knew that Cuizhu was not happy, but she still decided to marry her to Gongsun Lei.

Mrs. Hou never expected that her good intentions would actually make Cuizhu resentful, so much so that she clearly discovered Gongsun Lei's ambition, but deliberately concealed it!


Thank you for the reward that I deceived myself, thank you for the reward from the bookstore, and thank you for your support. August has passed and a new September has begun. I ask everyone for your continued support! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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