The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 933 The Exiled Villain (14)

Remember [new] in one second! The scene was silent.

It was Shi He's bodyguards who reacted first, shouting "general" one by one, kicking their horses crazily and chasing after him.


The horse team consisting of more than a dozen people trampled crazily on the yellow dirt road, splashing mud all over the sky.

Mrs. Tu Liuhou, Yu Er, Captain Yuchi and many others continued to be dumbstruck!

【what's the situation? 】

[Uh, Shi He's horse was frightened? Did you drag Shi He and escape? 】

[Are you kidding me? Who is Shi He? 】

Yes, who is Shi He?

The man who had just been awarded the title of General of Hussars for his military exploits in the southwest.

He may not be as good as General Yu, and even General Yu, who is more than ten years younger than him, is envious, jealous, and resentful.

But, this doesn't mean that he is really a waste.

After all, he is also the queen of generals, and he has studied riding and archery since he was a child.

I can’t say that I grew up on a horse, but my riding skills are always good.

How could a veteran like him, who had been on the battlefield for many years and whose horses were close comrades-in-arms, be dragged away by a frightened horse? !

In fact, it was not just him, but also his batch of bay-red horses, authentic Dawan horses, which had been with Shi He for more than ten years and experienced many battlefields.

How could such an experienced horse, who had been on so many battlefields, be easily frightened?

【There is something fishy! There must be something fishy! 】 Colonel Yuchi looked at Yu Er and Yu Si suspiciously.

Brothers Yu Er and Yu Si shook their heads hurriedly.

They wanted to use a little trick to severely punish this arrogant and despicable Shi He.

However, both of them were shackled and under the spotlight.

No small gesture will be spared.

Furthermore, if they take action, will Shi He not be prepared?

"Haha, my son is right! This thief Shi He is at odds with my Yu family. If he insists on following us, there will be a bloody disaster!"

"God has eyes, haha, ancestral fairy spirit! This old bastard Shi He is getting his retribution!"

Mrs. Hou was stunned for a moment.

Suddenly he burst into laughter.

Smiling, her face was already covered with tears.

However, at this moment, she was more happy——


Deserve it!

Shi He, this evil-hearted thing, had better be thrown off his horse by the crazy horse and trampled to death.

Even if you don't die, your arm is broken, or your leg is stepped on, that's fine!

Anyway, it’s all a “bloody disaster”.

They all followed the prophecy of her family's Jiulang.

As soon as she thought of the miserable scene of Shi He with his head covered in blood and his short arms and legs, Mrs. Hou's heart, which had been gloomy just now, was instantly opened.

【Blood disaster? Got retribution? ! 】

Yu Er and Yu Si looked at each other.

It is said that as warriors who have been fighting on the battlefield all year round, they have seen a lot of life and death.

Are there more than one or two innocent souls who died in vain on the battlefield?

If there really was any kind of underworld retribution, those bastards who drank soldiers' blood and killed good people while taking credit should have been punished long ago.

However, the fact is that those people are living well, they deserve to be rich and honorable, and they deserve to be promoted.

However, Mrs. Hou's words still reminded Yu Er and others.

They all looked at He Tiantian.

Just now, it was "Yu Li" who said conclusively that there would be a "bloody disaster" in Shihe.

He also pointed at Shi He.

However, they didn't seem to see anything like pebbles.

Furthermore, Shi He is not blind. As a veteran on the battlefield, his reactions are also very sharp.

Even if he gets carried away with his pride, he will still pay attention to the abnormalities around him.

If "Yu Li" is a child and throws pebbles or other objects at Shi He.

Everyone will see it, and Shi He will also be on guard.

No pebbles!

So, what happened to Shi He's horse?

He Tiantian:......

Of course, she used the inner strength she had finally cultivated to pour into her fingers, and then clicked the acupuncture points with her fingers.

call! !

Just like that, the internal energy in He Tiantian's dantian was overdrawn.

Without the support of internal strength, the thin and weak body of the original body could not hold up the iron shackles weighing more than ten kilograms.

He Tiantian gritted her teeth and endured it, so that she did not let her body sway or simply fall to the ground.

Even so, He Tiantian herself felt a little uncomfortable.

The key is that she can't reveal it yet.

Everyone present is a human spirit, and if she has the slightest abnormality, they will be discovered.

Although, everyone probably had some guesses in their hearts, and believed that Shi He's frightened horse had something to do with them.

But guessing is one thing, being caught is another.

What He Tiantian wants is the effect of "he clearly guessed it was you, but he was helpless about you".

No, even if He Tiantian didn't show any abnormality, everyone still cast suspicious eyes on her.

He Tiantian blinked her big innocent eyes and said in a feigned joy, "You see, it really complied with my prediction!"


Oh, yes.

The child just said that his adoptive father was a knight-errant and had made friends from all walks of life.

Among them was a sorcerer who was good at fortune-telling, and this child learned some lessons from them.


Again, no one present is a fool.

Although at the moment, the theory of ghosts and gods is very much adhered to.

But whether it was Yuchi or the second-class brothers Yu, they all came here from mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

They don't believe in ghosts and gods at all, let alone retribution.

Even Mrs. Hou, who occasionally burns incense and worships Buddha, doesn't really believe it - what kind of underworld retribution?

If it was true, why didn't God strike down a thunderbolt and kill the old thief Shi He? !


Licking her chapped lips, Mrs. Hou asked He Tiantian hesitantly.

She obviously had a lot to say, but when she saw her youngest son's clear and sincere eyes, she swallowed them all.

After a long while, Mrs. Hou chuckled lightly and said, "Yes! My son's predictions have indeed come true. My son's fortune-telling skills are indeed accurate!"

No matter why.

As long as it can hurt the old thief Shi He, as long as it can make everyone vent their anger, that's enough!

After hearing Mrs. Hou's words, Yu Er and Yu Si actually felt that this was the best.

They did not continue to ask questions, but secretly kept the matter in mind.

Then, they looked at Captain Yuchi.

As the representative, Yu Er held the heavy shackles with difficulty, cupped his hands, and said: "Captain, is it time to set off?!"

Although just now Shi He kept saying "companion".

But he was not a member of the Yu family, rather than an officer and soldier responsible for escorting.

At best, he was an uninvited guest with ulterior motives. Not to mention the Yu family, even Captain Yuchi didn't want to go with him.

At this moment, Shi He was dragged away by Crazy Horse. He didn't know if he would be injured, let alone how long he would be delayed.

Shi He's thousands of troops can wait for him, but there is no need for Captain Yuchi and the Yu family to wait.

"Let's go!"

Colonel Yuchi looked at Yu Er and others, not knowing whether it was intentional or not. His eyes focused on He Tiantian.

He looked again at the official road where the dust had just settled, nodded, raised his right arm, and shouted loudly.

"Let's go!"

Twenty or thirty soldiers under his command responded in unison.

The Yu family was also ready, led by Yu Er and other men, and marched step by step along the official road.

After walking for more than an hour, everyone became a little unbearable.

At this time, the sun was already high in the sky, and the big sun was emitting hot rays wantonly.

The Yu family were tired, hot and thirsty.

The adults were fine, but the children began to cry unbearably.

Yu Er was tall. He put up a pergola and looked into the distance. Then, he was pleasantly surprised to find that about half a mile further, there was a tea shed on the roadside.

He and Yu Si looked at each other, and the two brothers nodded in unison.

However, this time, besides communicating silently with his brother, Yu Er also looked at "Yu Li" specifically.

I have to say that He Tiantian's move just now really caught Yu Er's attention.

Yu Er suddenly realized: Tsk, this nephew who was recognized as real or fake, actually had something.

Considering that Gongsun Lei is a knight-errant, I won't comment on his character for now, but his kung fu is really good.

Otherwise, General Yu, who has always been proud and confident, would not invite him to the Yu family to teach martial arts.

It is said that Gongsun Lei can fly over walls and fly over walls, just like the martial arts master in the storybook.

Perhaps this ranger has developed the legendary dark power.

Shooting cattle from afar?

Yes, Yu Li most likely used it to hit the cow from a distance!

Yu Er thought happily, and he was actually getting closer to the truth.

Of course, Yu Er was making assumptions, but there was no evidence, so he didn't dare to be too sure.

However, this did not prevent Yu Er from taking a look at "Yu Li", his cheap nephew.

Yu Er didn't realize it himself. Unknowingly, he regarded "Yu Li" as a person of equal status to himself.

Of course, Yu Er still has doubts about Yu Li's identity.

Before thoroughly investigating Yu Li's character and ethics, he would never let Yu Li come into contact with the core and secrets of the Yu family.

He Tiantian: doesn’t matter! Anyway, as my strength shows, you will "pay more attention" to me!

He Tiantian felt Yu Er's gaze, and she took out a jade pendant of poor quality from her lapel.

"Second uncle, we are all tired. If there is a suitable place, please ask Captain Yuchi to let us rest for a while."

While talking, He Tiantian thrust this jade pendant to Yu Er.

Her meaning was very clear. She asked Yu Er to use this somewhat valuable but not very precious jade pendant to decorate Captain Yuchi.

Yu Er was slightly stunned——

At first, he didn't expect Yu Li to be so transparent.

A child who is only ten years old, and who has been raised in the hands of rangers and maids since birth, from a small family, actually has such knowledge.

Secondly, he was a little confused as to why Yu Li had such a jade pendant on his body.

Speaking of value, before the Yu family was ransacked, even some respectable servants and stewards would not wear it;

It's not valuable, but it's not that bad. At least it's normal for the Gongsun family to wear it for their children.

As if he understood Yu Er's doubts, He Tiantian smiled slightly bitterly and said, "My adoptive father suddenly gave me this before he took me to Dali Temple."

"I have never owned a jade pendant, but if you think about it, you will know that he probably feels that as the real heir of the Hou family, even if he has to put on a facade, he must have a decent accessory."

"Or maybe my adoptive father is a little guilty of me. I have suffered so many years of poverty for nothing, and now that I have to change my identity, at least give me some thoughts."

In fact, Gongsun Lei would give his son a jade pendant, mainly to "fool"——

You see, it’s not that dad doesn’t feel sorry for you, he even bought you such a good jade pendant.

It was true that the Yu family had done a great favor to the Gongsun family, and my father had no choice but to repay it.

My father cannot help but sacrifice you. You must be considerate of your father and share your burden and sacrifice for him!

He Tiantian: ...It’s disgusting.

Gongsun Li's life, in Gongsun Lei's view, was actually worth a broken jade pendant worth less than two guan.

He Tiantian was complaining in her heart, but she still had some emotion on her face, "Fortunately, I entered the prison in the middle. The guards, perhaps because they saw that I was young, or perhaps they forgot, did not search me, so they let me take this jade pendant." Stay!"

He Tiantian looked like she wanted to hate Gongsun Lei, but she still cared about his slight family affection.

Yu Er felt He Tiantian's contradiction and pain, thought for a while, and said: "Since your adoptive father gave it to you, then keep it. I still have some gold and silver here."

Yu Er doesn't have it, but the second lady does.

Her mother-in-law sent a large package of things, including clothes, emergency pills, dry food, cured meat, gold and silver and other items.

Yu Er is not short of money.

Moreover, Yu Er had already seen the sign left by the Yu family's secret guards on the roadside.

He knew that those people had already arrived and made arrangements in advance.

Alas, if it weren't for Shi He's poisonous snake causing trouble, Yu Er would have called those people out long ago.

In this way, they don't have to go to Captain Yuchi for everything.

"Nothing to miss."

He Tiantian seemed to have made up her mind and looked at Yu Er with a determined expression, "I am from the Yu family and have nothing to do with the Gongsun family!"

Yu Er is a military commander who values ​​straightforwardness and grudges.

He would not be like a sour scholar, saying the words of the Holy Father, saying "How could you say such things?", "The Gongsun family has raised you for ten years after all" and so on.


It's all bullshit!

If the child exchange is true, then the Gongsun family is the traitor who confused the bloodline of the Hou family.

It would be considered a kindness of the Yu family not to investigate his evil deeds, but they still want the prince of the Hou family to go and "filialize" a dog thief?

What's the point?

If the Yu family really did this, they would be innocent and would be laughed at by everyone in the world.

Also, once there is a precedent for such a thing, it will "encourage" some ambitious and evil-minded villains.

They will try every means to steal the children of the rich and powerful, raise them for a few years, and then consider themselves the benefactors of the rich and powerful!

Damn, this is not kindness or filial piety, but a serious injustice.

Let's just say it's a house of martial arts. It's probably the literati. If something like this happened to their family, they wouldn't talk about "nurturing their kindness".

It is the decisive attitude of "Yu Li" that appeals to Yu Er.

"Okay! Kuro, you are right."

Yu Er took the jade pendant and said solemnly to He Tiantian, "You have recognized your ancestors and returned to the clan. You are the Yu family. From now on, you will have nothing to do with the Gongsun family!"

He Tiantian's eyes were wet. It seemed that Uncle Yu Er's words were a kind of recognition of her. She looked at Yu Er with a close look.

When Yu Er saw He Tiantian's eyes that were as clean and clear as a little beast, his heart softened and he couldn't help but reach out and rub the little guy's head——

"Good boy, I'm sorry for you!"

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