The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 949: The Exiled Villain (30)

Remember [new] in one second! "To inform you, Young Master, there are 286 bandits in the village, 53 dead and injured, 6 bandit leaders, and 227 people left."

As soon as Jia understood what He Tiantian meant, he quickly replied seriously.

He Tiantian nodded, "Those who are seriously injured will be executed directly, and those who are slightly injured will be taken back together."

Her annexed city needs a lot of working animals, and these bandits who have suffered a lot of blood debt are just the right ones!


Hearing that He Tiantian was so decisive and showed no intention of being soft-hearted, Jia Yi's worry disappeared in an instant.

He agreed and hurried to carry out He Tiantian's order.

After struggling for most of the day, I cleaned every corner of the cottage to make sure nothing was missed. It was already evening.

It was inconvenient to travel in the evening, so He Tiantian asked the tribe to spend the night in the cottage.

The captured bandits wanted to take the opportunity to cause trouble, but when they saw with their own eyes, He Tiantian, a boy in his mid-teens, actually raised the collapsed mountain gate with his bare hands.

"The Sword Comes"

They immediately became as quiet as chickens, with no more thoughts of escaping or rebelling!

Mom, what kind of humanoid murder weapon is this?

He is born with divine power, is he still human?

No wonder these people can easily break through the mountain stronghold. Such a powerful monster can easily crush even a small mountain stronghold, even those brutal Beirong soldiers!

The mountain bandits were afraid, but the rescued people were rejoicing——


They were really saved!

Later, when they heard that these "horse bandits" had taken over the nearby city, some people even became interested.

How about going to the attached city too?

Even if you don't settle there, you can still make a living.

Didn't you listen to what that young man said, "he" wants to drag these damn bandits to the attached city to work as hard labor.

The attached city is being built soon.

And with such a powerful young man in charge of the attached city, he will definitely not be afraid of those bandits!

The people nearby were really frightened by bandits and horse thieves.

Poor people are afraid of being caught by bandits and "forcing good people to become thieves";

Merchants who have a little bit of money are afraid of being treated as fat sheep by bandits, so they often kidnap and tear up tickets!

Alas, the focus of the yamen in Xicheng, border towns and other places is to defend Beirong.

But these arrogant horse bandits were unable to be eradicated.

Of course, there are rumors circulating that behind several groups of horse bandits there are shadows of certain generals or officials.

They raise bandits to respect themselves.

They were not good at fighting regular Bei Rong soldiers, so they used the heads of bandits to ask for credit, and by the way, they could make a fortune by confiscating the bandits' belongings.

Isn't it wonderful to gain fame and gain at the same time?

Therefore, banditry in the northwest has never been completely resolved.

Obviously there are 200,000 troops in the northwest camp, and a random group of troops can easily wipe out a mountain stronghold.


General Yu has long discovered these problems, but his focus is also on resisting the Beirong.

As long as the bandits didn't cause too much trouble, he would turn a blind eye.

And my lieutenants... Alas, if the water is clear, there will be no fish!

In addition, these bandits were also used by General Yu to "train troops" for the Yu family's children.

...The bandits are like leeks, they have been cut off one crop after another, but they have never been eliminated, but they have not been able to form a large scale.

This time, He Tiantian is here, she doesn't want these thieves to continue to exist!

At least in her "turf", no second force is allowed.

"Young Master, what should we do with those women?"

A Yi walked around and thought of a troublesome little thing. He came close to He Tiantian and softly reported back.

He Tiantian's eyes dimmed, those women were all poor people who had been robbed.

They were abused by the thieves and had been tortured to a state of disgrace.

However, the biggest harm is not physical, but the psychological shadow on them and the terrible worldly outlook.

The folk customs in Daliang are relatively open, and the restrictions on women are not so strict.

The frontier is more open, not about ethics, but here, survival is the most important thing.

Only when the warehouse is full can you know the etiquette and observe etiquette!

Only when people are full can they pay attention to etiquette and rules.

In the northwest border, there were either Beirong sieges and massacres, or mountain bandits and horse thieves plundering. The border residents and military households could not be said to be in danger, but they were also living a very difficult life.

In such a living environment, etiquette and so on are not that important.

It is very common for widows to remarry and for women to establish households.

In some poor families, in order to support their families, women secretly engage in secret business, and they will not be beaten or killed by their neighbors.

At most, they just couldn't see each other, didn't communicate with each other, and just talked about indifferent gossip.

Even so, it seems that the woman who was robbed into the bandit's den will be pointed at when she returns home.

People's words are terrible.

Therefore, after these women learned that they had been rescued, their first reaction was joy, followed by confusion and sadness.

They cannot go home, and they will have nowhere to stay if they go back, and their family members will be ridiculed and disliked.

People are deserted and homeless.

In order to survive, she might even become a prostitute.

Then they might as well die cleanly.

He Tiantian went to see those women and clearly felt a strong sense of twilight in them.

There is no light in their eyes, they are numb and desperate, and many of them have the will to die.

"They are all poor people. It is not their fault that they were robbed and humiliated by bandits."

He Tiantian sighed and said slowly, "Jiayi, go and ask them for their opinions. If they have families to return to, give them some dry food and money and let them go home."

"If you have nowhere to go, you can follow me to the attached city. Our attached city not only lacks young men to work, but also needs women who can do light and delicate work."

There is another point that He Tiantian did not mention, that is, if you want a city to prosper, a stable family and a new baby are indispensable.

And these require women!

He Tiantian does not want to treat women as fertility machines, but if she wants to build a normal and stable city, she needs to establish a healthy and orderly "ecosystem".

Women are the most important part of this "ecosystem"!

Soldiers need wives, and they also need someone to bear children for them and support a small family of their own.

With their wives and children at home, they will be more courageous to kill the enemy and defend the country.

The morale of the military will be stable.

"Yes! Just go if you humble yourself!"

As soon as A agreed, he retreated.

Not long after, Jiayi came back, and he reported back: "Young Master, I humbly asked."

"There are sixteen women in total, two of them said they want to go home, and the others want to go to the attached city with us."

Of the sixteen people, only two were confident that they could be accepted back home.

He Tiantian sighed silently, without any expression on her face, and said calmly, "Then take it back."

"It just so happens that our camp needs handymen who can cook, mend clothes, and take care of the injured. They are paid 200 yuan a month, including food and accommodation. Once these women are healthy, they can work directly!"

He Tiantian said this to Jiayi again.

She knew that even though those women were willing to follow them to the attached city, they were still worried.

They really had nowhere to go, and He Tiantian's troops rescued them, so they were willing to go to the attached city.

They don't really want to go, and they are deeply confused and afraid about the attached city and the future.

What He Tiantian said was just to tell those poor women——

We are not bringing you back to be camp concubines, nor are we assigning you to random people, but we are asking you to work in an upright and upright manner and receive rewards for your own labor.

"As you command!"

Jiayi answered again.

He won't go out of his way to explain it to the women, but he can convey the young master's meaning to them.

Alas, Mr. Shaolang is indeed kind, just like Mr. Sanlang who died young.

Everyone in the Yu family attaches great importance to General Dalang Yu, and they miss him very much in their hearts and mouths.

But Jiayi, who was a private soldier of the Yu family, once followed Saburo, the second son of the sickly eldest son.

Sanlang is indeed not as heroic as Dalang, and he cannot take on the important task of the Yu family army.

But he is kind and tolerant, and is so sincere whether to his subordinates or to his family.

It's a pity that good people don't live long, and such a good Saburo died easily because of a cold.

A first-class song, sad and desolate.

I originally thought that no one in the Yu family would be as generous as Mr. Sanlang, but I didn't expect that Jiulang, a child who recognized him halfway, actually had some shadow of Sanlang.

The same kindness, the same compassion, but more decisive and brave than Mr. Saburo.

In Koichi's view, Kuro is a perfect blend of the advantages of Dairo and Saburo.

[There is a successor to the Yu family! General Yu, Major General and Lord Sanlang, if you know what you are doing, you will be able to rest in peace! 】

Jiayi thought secretly.

Unknowingly, the private soldiers of the Yu family headed by him began to favor He Tiantian!

Early the next morning, He Tiantian led his troops back to the attached city.

And behind her is a long list of trophies——

There were more than 200 prisoners, more than 20 fine prairie horses, and carts of gold, silver, jewelry, grain and cloth.

And fourteen women who were all injured and embarrassed, but with light in their eyes.

"The guarding soldiers said that we went to the attached city to work as handymen. We mainly did washing, cleaning, sewing and mending."

"Not only do you have room and board, but you also get wages every month. It's a full 200 yuan."

"...Great, we are doing serious work, no, no -"

The fourteen women did not have the joy of "rebirth" until this moment.

They followed the team, as if full of strength, walking step by step towards the strange and promising city.

"Kuroro, as expected of you!"

After receiving the news, Yu Che and others rushed to the city gate to greet him.

They originally thought that it would take at least a few days to attack a stronghold with nearly 300 troops.

Unexpectedly, it only took a day and a night for Jiulang to come back and forth.

Gee, that’s plus the time spent on the road.

If we simply calculate the fighting time, it is estimated to be less than half a day.

Three hundred tough bandits were still guarding the stronghold, and they were easily breached.

"Haha, okay, okay! The main thing is that I am strong enough to break open the mountain gate easily, so I can attack smoothly."

He Tiantian laughed and spoke the truth about Versailles.

When she said this, she was definitely not just showing off.

More, I still want to remind the other three brothers:

Dear, I was able to successfully break through the fortified city at the gate, not because those bandits were weak, but because of my incredible strength.

He Tiantian didn't want her success to give her brothers the wrong impression, thinking that these tough bandits who were kings of the mountains could be easily defeated.

In order to make his words more convincing, He Tiantian also personally untied the two mountain gates that he had dragged back from the village, and then used his bare hands to reach the city gate.

Yu Che \u0026 Yu Heng \u0026 Yu Xing: ...stunned!

I had long known that my little cousin was a boy with strange powers, but seeing it with my own eyes again, I was still deeply shocked.

The tribesmen, craftsmen, and disabled veterans were dumbfounded.

Damn it!

Is Yu Jiulang so powerful?

Is he a god-given general? !

Everyone suddenly had full confidence in the attached city.

Not to mention anything else, just such a naturally powerful Jiulang can defend a city.

Subsequent facts told them that there were more "miracles" in the attached city.

"These prisoners?"

Yu Che asked with some confusion when he saw the more than 200 fierce bandits who were trembling with their heads down.

He Tiantian did not directly answer Yu Che's words, but looked at Yu Heng, "Fourth brother, your blacksmith shop is here to work!"

"Let's make three hundred pairs of shackles for my little brother first."

He Tiantian said with a smile.

When Yu Che and Yu Heng heard this, combined with the more than 200 prisoners of war, they guessed it after a brief thought——

"Kuroro, what do you mean?"

He Tiantian nodded vigorously, "That's right! Building city walls, digging trenches, setting up defensive horses, etc. all require strong labor!"

"Our troops and veterans are very precious and cannot be treated like this."

"As for these thieves, they all have serious crimes and heavy blood debts. It would be too cheap to kill them directly. Why not do some work for us first?"

After squeezing out all the value, it's not too late to use it to charge people.

Yu Er and Yu Si have already gone to the military camp, and they still need "war merits" to be promoted.

"Okay! Haha! This is a good idea!"

Yu Che instantly thought of what He Tiantian didn't say.

He only wanted to suppress the bandits and then use their heads to gain military exploits for his father and uncle.

But they forgot that the attached city still needs to be built.

Furthermore, Yu Er and Yu Si had just returned to the military camp and needed some time to establish themselves.

It's so fake to suddenly achieve such a great feat.

Are you acting? Even if everyone knows it's fake, you still have to act more realistically.

Jiulang's method is very good, taking into account both the attachment of the city and the military exploits.

"Yes! We will do the same!"

Yu Heng's eyes flashed with scorching light, and he clenched the Hengdao at his waist tightly, full of fighting spirit.

"That's right! Try to capture them alive, and then kill them when you're done!"

Yu Xing also shouted.

In this way, the three brothers once again unified their opinions.

Another day later, He Tiantian led his troops to garrison the attached city, while Yu Che, Yu Heng and Yu Xing took their respective troops to exterminate the bandits assigned to them.

Watching the three teams roaring away, He Tiantian looked at the shackled gangsters who were working conscientiously, and nodded with satisfaction——

Fucheng has had a very good start, and Fucheng will definitely get better and better from now on!

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