The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 958 The Exiled Villain (38)

Remember [new] in one second! He Tiantian "unified" the northwest and handed over the task of integrating and training the northwest army to Yu Er, Yu Che and others.

She led the main force of the 10,000-strong new Yu family army in the attached city and chased the eldest prince and the little prince of Beirong all the way.

There are also Yu Heng's vanguard battalion and Yu Si's 10,000 left army.

The three armies launched together and continued to penetrate deeper into the hinterland of the grassland.

He Tiantian has a well-trained iron cavalry and a mysterious weapon "Zhentian Thunder" to chase and kill all the way.

Feeding war with war, he caught up with the eldest prince as quickly as possible, annihilated all of his remaining 20,000 tribesmen, and captured the eldest prince alive.

Yu Heng's side also achieved great results. Although they failed to annihilate the little prince and the rest of his tribe, they severely damaged the tribe of King Zuo Xian, the most trusted minister of King Beirong Khan.

Yu Heng rushed too hard and accidentally found the royal court of Beirong.

He Tiantian received the letter from Fei Ge, quickly determined the location, and quickly joined Yu Heng.

Unfortunately, a step too late, King Beirong Khan had already led some of his relatives to escape.

He Tiantian and Yu Heng only defeated King Youxian and captured him alive.

The royal court of Beirong was blown up, and although King Beirong Khan escaped, he would not be able to recover within ten years with his remaining strength.

Not to mention having enough energy to attack Daliang again.

After this battle, He Tiantian created ten years of stability for the northwest.

All the vast grasslands were returned to Daliang, well, to be precise, they were returned to the name of the Yu family.

At the beginning of the new year, there is a great gathering at Zhengdan.

It's the New Year, and it's still the first day of the new year. Not only the saints, but also the courtiers want to have good luck.

On this day, even the iron-headed censor, who is the most capable of impeaching people, would not go out of his way to criticize people.

Censor: ...I'm just upright, not stupid.

Zhengdan is a ginseng person. Isn't this deliberately trying to make people uncomfortable or making enemies with them?

Especially the one sitting on the dragon throne, who looks wise and mighty, but is actually the most petty.

If you make him unhappy on the first day of the new year, he will make you unhappy all year long!

Furthermore, I also want to spend the New Year happily.

Unless there is a major military situation,

Or it may be a natural or man-made disaster that is enough to shake the country. Otherwise, the courtiers would not use other trivial matters to trouble His Majesty today.

Everyone in the court was in a harmonious mood, and all they spoke were pleasant and auspicious words, and all the reports were auspicious and good omens.

The saint sat high in the court, feeling relaxed.

"Great victory! Great victory in the northwest!"

"Report! Good news eight hundred miles northwest!"

On the streets of the capital, a fast horse galloped, and the knight on the horse shouted at the top of his lungs.

His voice was hoarse, but his tone was high.

The disturbed people along the way, or passers-by who heard the content clearly, couldn't help but stop.

"I-did I hear you right just now, Northwest? Didn't you say that the prince of Beirong led an army to besiege the border city a few days ago. The border city was in emergency three times a day, so why did it suddenly lead to a great victory?"

"Oh, isn't a great victory good? Are you still waiting for news that the border town has been breached?"

"That's right! At the beginning of the new year, there is such good news. God bless me!"

"The saint is wise, long live the saint!"

The people living in the capital are, after all, more politically sensitive than other people.

They discussed a few words and then raised the tone.

Some people knelt down in excitement and knelt down in the direction of the palace and knelt down again and again.

Once one person does this, more people will follow suit.

As a result, many people knelt on the Zhuque Street leading to the palace. They knelt down and shouted slogans such as "Long live" and "Wingming".

The people cheered loudly and even reached the palace.

However, at this time, the saint was listening to the postman's report and had no time to pay attention to the people outside the palace.

"The Northwest Army defeated the Great Prince of Beirong and captured him alive?"

"They also invaded the Beirong Royal Court and forced the Beirong Khan to flee to Mobei?"

Beirong, which has always been a threat to the northwest, was completely disabled?

At least for ten years, there will no longer be the ability to pose a danger to Daliang's border defense? !

The saint could not believe his ears.

His heart was beating so hard that it almost burst out of his chest!

Beirong, what a powerful alien race?

During the reign of the late Emperor, Beirong broke through the northwest direction and attacked all the way, approaching the capital.

The late emperor had no choice but to bear the humiliation and "form an alliance" with Beirong.

It's ceding a large piece of grassland, it's a marriage... it's humiliating.

After this incident, the late emperor became depressed and died within a few years.

Before his death, the late emperor was still worried about this matter.

He held Jin Jin's hand hard and warned him repeatedly: "We must take back the Hexi grassland, and we must avenge Daliang!"

It is also these last words of the late emperor that make today pay special attention to the northwest.

As for the Yu family troops who can guard the northwest, they also take care of them.

Otherwise, according to the temper of today's saints, the Yu family would have been confiscated and exterminated long ago.

How could he get exiled?

There will be no checks and balances in the Northwest Army.

The saint knew very well that the Northwest Army could be disunified and disunited, but it could not really become chaotic.

Otherwise, we will destroy the Great Wall.

The farce in which Beirong besieged the capital was once again staged.

It was because of this incident that the late emperor's saintliness was stained.

Today's saints are determined to be wise kings and will not repeat the mistakes of the late emperor.

At this moment, the battle report in his hand told the saint that his forbearance and tolerance were not wrong!

Haha, the royal court of Beirong was destroyed, and the Khan of Beirong fled far away.

The cruel and greedy Beirong can no longer cause trouble to Daliang.

The saint's heart was about to fly, and he tried his best to maintain his imperial majesty that "hidden emotions and anger."

However, the corners of the mouth always have their own thoughts, curling up and up.

The eyebrows and eyes are also extremely relaxed.

"Okay! Haha! The soldiers in the northwest are indeed brave and invincible!"

The saint couldn't control his smile, so he simply stopped controlling it.

He laughed and said several good things in succession.

He was extremely proud in his heart——

Fortunately, I made arrangements in advance and there is no more so-called "Yu Family Army"!

Otherwise, the person who was written down in the battle report at this moment was the general of the Yu family.

Instead of "Northwestern Generals".

Without a leading general, the biggest hero in the battle of Wang Ting was him, the emperor.

Whether they are courtiers or ordinary people, they will only know that it was the wise saint who led to the great victory in the northwest!

Haha, wow!

This is right.

The imperial court spent money and sent troops to win the war, so the credit should naturally fall on the emperor as the leader.

Not a certain general, let alone the "X Family Army"!

"Feng Lang and Yu Ye did a good job!"

"Oh, but the one who really fights should be Yu Er!"

The saint studied secretly.

You know the ministers you choose.

The saint does not need to read specific battle reports or conduct on-site investigations. He can make guesses based on his understanding of Feng Lang, Yu Ye, Yu Er and others.

Feng Lang and Yu Ye do have some abilities, but they are not enough to lead the overall situation.

They are not as brave as the Yu family army, who are not afraid of death and have the courage to sacrifice.

These two people can defend the city well, but when attacking, they have to rush all the way to the royal court?

Tsk tsk, Yu Er is the only one who did this!

As for why there is no sign of "Yu Er" or any Yu family troops in the battle report, the saint can also guess the reason.

Why else?

Of course, it was Feng Lang and Yu Ye who suppressed Yu Er and shamelessly snatched and appropriated Yu Er's achievements.

Well, shameless is indeed a bit shameless!

But it plays into the saint's hands.

He deliberately promoted Yu Er, didn’t he just have this intention——

The ones doing the work are Yu Er and his Yu family army, but the credit and glory go to Feng Lang, Yu Ye, and the mighty Emperor!

Thinking like this, the saint became even more proud.

He repeatedly confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the battle report. Ahem, the soldiers who came back with the battle report were also the soldiers escorting the prisoners.

The captives were naturally the eldest prince, King Youxian, as well as some royal family members and important ministers who were abandoned in the royal court.

Battle reports can be faked, but prisoners of war cannot.

Therefore, whether Northwest has won a great victory or not, we will know the truth and falsehood when the troops escorting the prisoners of war arrive in the capital in two days.

Including the saint, everyone in the court did not think that Northwest dared to lie about the military situation.

It's a slight exaggeration at best, but it's true that the eldest prince and other prisoners of war are real, and it's also true that Beirong was severely wounded.

that's enough!

The saint was determined and began to reward him based on his merits.

Feng Lang, Yu Ye, ahem, the saint was not shameless to the end, and finally added Yu Er's name.

The three deputy general managers held fast to the city, fought bravely against the enemy, severely damaged Beirong, and captured the eldest prince alive. They made great achievements and were granted the title of marquis and general.

Yes, at this time, the saint did not forget to make checks and balances.

First, he did not promote any of the three to Grand Steward.

There are still three deputy general managers on the Northwest Road.

Second, he made all three of them generals. No one is bigger and the other is smaller. They can only restrain and balance each other.

The saint secretly thought that the Beirong soldiers were sent back to their hometown in Mobei and would not be able to invade Daliang for ten years.

The Northwest Army seems to have become less important.

He can completely let the infighting in the Northwest Army go further, and then select one of his confidants to make a profit, and completely take the military power in the Northwest into his own hands!

With this thought in mind, the saint was not so wary of Yu Er.

He was placed in the same position as Feng Lang and Yu Ye, and he was commended and awarded.

Soon, the saint came to regret his decision.

Half a month later, the team escorting the prisoners entered Beijing.

When the people in the capital heard the news, they all came to see the excitement and almost surrounded Zhuque Street.

The saints and important officials of the court all stood on the walls of the palace city, admiring it from a high position.

The eldest prince no longer had the arrogance and cruelty of the past. He was disheveled and curled up in the prison car like a wounded beast, letting the onlookers point, talk and laugh.

The other members of the Beirong royal family and nobles were also withered and had no courage to resist.

Ha ha!

Wow, that’s great!

I have finally avenged my shame, and my father can rest in peace under the Nine Springs.

The late emperor: ...I will close my eyes and die!

You stupid son, the northwest has been lost, are you still happy? !

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