The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 960 The Exiled Villain (41)

Remember [new] in one second! "Congratulations, Madam, congratulations, Madam!"

"Oh my, my wife is so amazing. She has trained a young talent like Major General Yu! A seventeen-year-old general has never existed before!"

"No, if you ask me, our wife is the most fortunate to have such an outstanding son as General Yu——"

The Yu Mansion in Xicheng is full of fragrant clothes and beautiful flowers.

From all the cities in Xizhou, numerous female Juan, large and small, all rushed to the Yu family, gathered around Mrs. Hou, and rushed to say complimentary and flattering words.

There is no way, you can't blame these people for being too flattering.

As a result, the Yu family has become a dominant presence in the northwest.

After Yu Erming officially integrated the Yu family's army, the entire Xizhou became the Yu family's sphere of influence.

The Beirong, who had once been eyeing the enemy and causing trouble in the northwest, were also driven to Mobei by the Yu family army.

I won’t dare to appear on the grassland again for a few years.

There are no strong enemies in the northwest, and the imperial court has already become a mess.

Either the Four Kings were in rebellion or the warlords were separatist. Even the capital was no longer stable.

As for the northwest, under the management of the Yu family, it has long been transformed from a war-prone, barren and barren frontier to the south of the Yangtze River with crisscrossed roads and fragrant fruits.

At first, the people in the northwest did not feel it too clearly.

Until the chaos in the Central Plains, batches of refugees and refugees poured into the northwest.

They saw with their own eyes how skinny, numb and desperate the people were, and then looked at their healthy and healthy days with plenty of food and clothing, meat and cotton-padded clothes. Only then did everyone realize how happy they were.

Ordinary people are grateful to the Yu family army who protected them and brought them a new and prosperous life.

The officials, big and small, and the middle and low-level generals in several cities respected and feared the Yu family.

Of course, what I respect is that although the Yu family occupies the northwest, they have never been overbearing or bullying. The original officials can still continue to serve as officials.

Unless it is a corrupt official who takes bribes, perverts the law, and exploits the common people.

Moreover, it is the loyalty and virtuousness of the Yu family that truly make people from aristocratic families or scholars from poor families admire them.

Putting aside the fact that the Yu family occupied the northwest, just look at the situation at this time: the four kings rebelled and the warlords conspired to rebel, which directly turned a good beam into a ball of mud.

With the strength of the Yu family, they can definitely compete in the Central Plains.

However, the Yu family did not, and they still regarded themselves as vassals of Daliang.

Not only did he pay taxes to the court on time and in an accurate amount, but he also followed the court's instructions and led troops to suppress small rebellions in certain places in the northwest.

After wiping out the rebel army, the Yu family did not take the opportunity to occupy the territory, but obediently retreated to the northwest.

Acting like this, I feel worthy of a loyal and virtuous man!

Tsk tsk, it is indeed the Yu family! Stand firm and proud, loyal to the king and the country! 】

It is easy to understand that Zhucheng officials are afraid of the Yu family.

Who is not afraid of the local emperor who has hundreds of thousands of troops? !

The result of this combination of reverence and reverence is that not only the officials are respectful to the men of the Yu family outside, but even their ladies are crazy about trying to please the ladies and young ladies of the Yu family.

For example, the former Mrs. Hou and the current Mrs. Yang Jinhua, the Duke of Qi, are the key targets sought after by middle school girls.

"...Thanks to the saint's respect, Jiulang was promoted to the chief military officer of the Northwest Road March at a young age, and was awarded the title of general of Zhuguo."

Yang Jinhua tried his best to remain reserved and calm, and even spoke modest words.

But the raised corners of her mouth and her extremely relaxed eyebrows all showed that she was very much flattered and flattered by the girls!

Women's Volume:...

Well, although seeing Yang Jinhua like this, I felt a little sour in my heart.

But they must admit that although their words just now were exaggerated, they were also partly true.

Mrs. Yang is indeed blessed.

She was born as the eldest daughter of the royal family and grew up in fine clothes and fine food.

After she grew up, she married the powerful Marquis of Yongan and General Yu Ji.

Yu Ji is powerful, but the key is that he is a good man who loves his wife.

The couple played the piano and played the piano in harmony, and they were very loving. There was no concubine in the room to cause trouble for the Yang family.

After Yang gave birth to two legitimate sons, her status was extremely stable. In order to show her reputation as a "virtuous", she took the initiative to take concubines for her husband.

With the concubine, Yu Ji did not show favoritism, but continued to respect Yang.

Several concubines behaved well and timidly in front of the mistress Yang, not daring to act like monsters at all.

Although a few years ago, Yu Ji died in battle, the Yu family fell, and the Yang family was also exiled to the northwest.

However, this hard life didn't last more than a few months before Yang became a noble lady raised in Xicheng again.

Perhaps in the past two years, the Yang family was not noble enough and could only stay in Wuzhen and be an empty county king.

But in less than five years, the Yu family army rose again, and the Yang family's youngest son Yu Jiulang became the soul of the Yu family army.

People outside didn't know the details and only thought that Yu Er was the leader of the Yu family army.

As for those in the northwest, everyone knows that Yu Jiulang is the real leader of the Yu family army.

In the battle at Beirong Royal Court, Yu Jiulang swept across the grassland and became a god of war.

As Jiulang's mother, Yang naturally has a rising tide.

However, people from other places, especially the saints in the capital, don’t know about the situation in the northwest.

He only regarded Yu Er as the head of the Yu family.

After Feng Lang and Yu Ye were escorted to Beijing, the saint was very angry at the Yu family, but he couldn't do anything to the Yu family.

In anger, the saint directly killed the entire family of these two people.

Subsequently, the saint sent the hussar general Li Sheng to the northwest in an attempt to infiltrate the Yu family army.

After Li Sheng came to the northwest, he discovered that infiltrating the Yu family army was nothing more than a daydream.

His only role is probably to be a mascot sent by the imperial court, and to report some real situations in the northwest to the imperial court.

Then, the saint knew that there was another Yu Li Yu Jiulang in the Yu family!

When the saint saw the name Yu Li, he thought it looked familiar, and then suddenly thought of an "odd news" from a few years ago -

"Real and fake prince? Is this Yu Li the child who was recognized by the Yu family halfway?"

The saint was surprised at first, and then secretly happy.

There is a way!

He finally thought of a way to split the Yu family.

A saint who is good at checks and balances always likes to use himself to judge others, and in his view, the Yu family army is a miniature version of the world.

As the new head of the family, Yu Er will definitely be reluctant to let go of power after enjoying the feeling of having military power and being the only one in his power.

As for Yu Li, he was the only legitimate son and the most orthodox heir of the previous head of the family.

There will definitely be competition and fights between the successor who is already established and the original heir who is becoming more and more powerful!

The saint didn't believe it, and Yu Li was really willing to give up the huge Yu family army to his second wife.

Even if "he" is young, has an unstable foundation, and lacks confidence, so he doesn't dare to compete with Yu Er, there is still Yang Jinhua in the main house of the Yu family.

The saint knew his cousin quite well.

A woman with super ambition.

The sage bets that Yang Jinhua will never be willing to watch Yu Er occupy the entire Yu family!

Feng Lang and Yu Ye failed to split the Yu family army, so let the Yu family do it themselves! 】

With this idea in mind, the saint started to do something sexy again——

He first used Yu Ye's false accusation to vindicate General Yu Ji, and doubled his compensation for Yu Ji's family records.

Yu Li was granted the title of Duke of Qi, and Yang Jinhua became a first-class wife of the Duke of Qi.

He Tiantian:......

Well, again, as long as you are happy!

However, the sage pushed "Yu Li" to the front of the stage, and He Tiantian took the opportunity to start to become famous.

When the imperial court ordered her to go to the north to "quell the rebellion", she actually led 30,000 troops, bringing their own equipment and food to work for the saint for free.

After putting down the rebellion, he did not even try to take advantage of the opportunity to expand his territory. He directly led his troops and retreated to the northwest.

When the saint heard the news, he was indeed very happy.

I felt extremely proud in my heart, "I guessed correctly!"

It's hard to say whether Yu Jiulang is loyal or not, but there is definitely discord between her and Yu Er.

However, Yu Jiulang's identity is questionable, and it is inevitable that the Yu family lacks confidence.

If he relied on his own ability, it would be difficult for him to directly compete with Yu Er, let alone guarantee his chance of winning.

But, if you have the support of the court and the reputation of righteousness, it will be different!

Yu Jiulang should also be thinking about this, so he "shows off" desperately and tries to surrender to the saint.

As long as the saint supports him, he will be qualified and confident to compete with Yu Er for the Yu Family Army!

Although Yu Li has the flaw of being a "real and fake prince" and his background is not that perfect, he is much better than Yu Ye, a copycat of the Yu family who came from a trivial background!

Maybe Yu Li can complete the "task" that Yu Ye cannot!

The more the saint thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible.

So, on the grounds that Yu Li had "conquered the rebellion", he promoted Yu Li to the rank of General Manager of the March of the Northwest Road, and made him a general of Zhuguo!

This was a conspiracy on the surface, but secretly, the saint also ordered the embroidered clothes guard to do something small.

The camera pulled back to the Yu Mansion. Yang Jinhua, who had successfully been promoted to the title of Grand Duke and Grand Wife, and had a son named General Zhu Guo, was very contentedly enjoying the popularity of the women.

At this moment, a little maid hurried over and whispered a few words into the ear of a nanny next to Yang Jinhua.

Grandma's expression changed obviously.

However, she did not rush to report back to Yang Jinhua, but secretly left the banquet.

After a quarter of an hour, grandma hurried back again.

She looked slightly excited, and there were suspicious water stains at the corners of her eyes.

Arriving next to Yang Jinhua, before she could say anything, Yang Jinhua felt her approach, turned his head and asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

Mammy glanced at the women around her and tried her best to control her expression. She even put on a standard smile.

Only the lips opened and closed, speaking softly.


Yang Jinhua's expression suddenly changed. He ignored the attention of the women and asked hurriedly, "Is it really him?"

"Is he, is he okay??"

"……Where is he?"

Women's Volume:... Him? Or her?

Who is it?

Why does the madam look so excited?

What shocked everyone even more was that Yang Jinhua stood up with a leap, left the room full of female guests, turned around and left...

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