The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 1009: Digging out the ancestor (5)

"Guardian for generations?"

These four words deeply touched He Tiantian's heart.

She was silent for a long time before suddenly asking, "How many years is it now?"

He Yitian didn't hesitate at all and answered: "2222."

He Tiantian: ...What a great year.

Silently complaining, He Tiantian quickly realized: "200 years have passed?"

"Well, we have also protected this ancestral land for 200 years."

He Yitian's eyes were bright, but there was a hint of sadness in her tone, "Actually, starting from my great-great-grandmother, our He family doesn't quite understand why we have to protect this deserted island without spiritual energy."

As she spoke, her eyes fell on He Tiantian, "We never thought that you were 'sleeping' in the deepest part of the island."

"As for ancestors Cheng Yiming and He Polang, they probably still have illusions. Even if they don't think you are at the bottom of the sea, they still feel that this place has a deep connection with you."

"Protecting the ancestral land means protecting you! They didn't expect that you would 'awake' two hundred years later, but they still have such expectations!"

What He Yitian said was not to show credit to his ancestors, but to state the facts and express his feelings.

Yes, even in history, He Tiantian has long been regarded as a dead person.

Cheng Yiming, He Polang and his son insisted on guarding the First Island for two hundred years for the sake of a trace of fantasy in their hearts.

If He Yitian hadn't been driven to a dead end and decided to dig up family heirlooms in the backyard, the "secret" of the ancestral land would probably have been passed down.

As for the He family, as long as they are not dead, they will continue to protect him.

He Tiantian:......

She looked at He Yitian intently. This girl had no blood relationship with her.

However, she just felt an inexplicable closeness to this child.

Two hundred years of protection, respect and filial piety from the heart... He Tiantian, who was still a little uncomfortable with her status as an "ancestor\

,"Suddenly I felt at peace!

"Thank you! Thank you, and all your ancestors!"

He Tiantian thanked her gently, her voice was not loud, but it contained her sincerity.

"Oh, ancestor, I'm not saying this to thank you. I'm just telling you what really happened!"

He Yitian felt a little embarrassed when she felt her ancestor's sincerity.

The ancients often said, "A son is not a biological child, but a grandson must be."

This not only refers to the feelings and kindness of raising oneself, but also a kind of identity recognition.

Once the adopted son is born, he is definitely not his biological son.

But once the grandson is born, he will be a legitimate grandson.

This is the case for He Yitian, her mother, grandmother, etc.

They knew their surname was He as soon as they were born, and they were descendants of He Tiantian's ancestor.

They grew up watching the images of their ancestors, and they relied on the inheritance left by their ancestors to live a prosperous and healthy life.

The fact that "He Tiantian is the ancestor" is deeply engraved in their genes!

He Tiantian's heart became softer and softer, and she looked at He Yitian with a smile.

She didn't even realize that she was as loving as an "ancestor" now.

After a brief moment of warmth, He Tiantian continued to ask.

In He Yitian's narration, she also caught an important point: "Great-great-grandmother? Are you saying that the inheritance of the He family will be carried out by daughters?"

Of course, it is not ruled out that He Polang only gave birth to a daughter, and the He family could only let his daughter pass on the inheritance.

However, He Tiantian thought it was impossible, she just had an inexplicable premonition.

"That's right!"

At this point, He Yitian became more energetic, "Ancestor Cheng Yiming said that you are a victim of son preference. Since you started the Dongzhou He family, you must have a daughter to pass on it."

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows: ... Oh, her brother Yi Ming still has such a "willful" side?

But it does agree with his arrogant and domineering character.

Seeing that He Tiantian actually took it seriously, He Yitian covered her mouth and snickered, and quickly explained: "Hey, of course not. That's what Cheng Yiming's ancestor said at the beginning."

"Perhaps, our ancestors did think so, but what really contributed to this matter was another hidden secret."

"In addition to great-great-grandmother, He Polang's ancestor also has a son and a daughter. But great-great-grandmother has the highest IQ among the three children. When she was six years old, her IQ was as high as 160."

"At that time, our ancestor Cheng Yiming was still here, so he said that his great-great-grandmother had 'inherited' your excellent genes from our ancestors, so she is the most suitable to be your heir."

"Subsequently, major changes occurred in the Cheng family. He Polang's twin brother and nephew all died unexpectedly. The Cheng family was cut off."

"He Polang decided to let his son change his surname back to Cheng and continue the inheritance of the Cheng family."

"Slowly, a rule was formed: all women inherit the He family in Dongzhou, and only this daughter's surname is He, and the other children are still surnamed Cheng!"

Two hundred years have passed, and the Cheng and He families have developed independently and have become famous families.

However, compared to the Cheng family, which has many descendants, the He family, which has only one female descendant, seems a little thinner.

Especially when it came to He Yitian's mother's generation, the He family was severely damaged.

So much so that when He Yitian, a dignified eldest daughter of the He family, went to college, she had to work by herself to earn tuition.

Compared with her cousins ​​from the Cheng family, He Yitian is just a pitiful Cinderella.

However, because the mark of the He family has long been integrated into the bone marrow, He Yitian never thought about leaving the He family, "returning to the Cheng family" or changing his surname back to his father, no matter how hard it was.

She is He Yitian, the sixth generation descendant of the He family in Dongzhou and the head of the He family!

"So that's it!"

He Tiantian nodded slowly, and then she asked another question: "And the He family in Xizhou? This family-"

He Tiantian paused and guessed, "Could it be related to He Yongcheng?"


He Yitian gave a thumbs up and praised without hesitation: "Ancestor, you are so amazing! You can even guess this."

He Tiantian:......

Kid, I know you want to brag about your ancestors’ rainbow farts, but there’s no need to be so exaggerated.

Isn't this obvious?

He Yongcheng has a "spiritual vein" in his body and has become a so-called "spiritual person".

As a strong man who surpasses ordinary people, his rise is natural.

With a successful big man, it is natural for a family to prosper.

Moreover, when I heard He Yitian mention "Xizhou He Family", there was a hint of gritted teeth.

He Tiantian thought with her toes and knew that the He family in Dongzhou and the He family in Xizhou had conflicts and even hatred.

What grudge could there be to make a "head of the family" hate the other party so much?

The biggest possibility is historical origin.

Of course, it could also be a new feud.

However, He Tiantian only had a guess, and there was a half chance of it being yes or no.

Once again, He Tiantian guessed correctly!

"Ancestor, do you have anything else to ask?"

He Yitian couldn't hear her ancestor's inner complaints and asked earnestly.

However, there was a look of fatigue on her brows, and she almost yawned when she spoke.

He Tiantian glanced at the sky outside, then looked at the gray-faced appearance of her sixth-generation grandson, curled her lips and said, "I'm a little tired. Let's rest first. You can go to sleep too."

"If you have any questions, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

He Yitian's eyelids had already begun to fight.

Only because I was supported by the excitement and excitement of digging out my ancestors, I didn't yawn continuously or teeter on the verge of collapse.

"Okay! Ancestor, our ancestral house has a lot of rooms. There are beddings in the rooms in the main courtyard. I also clean them frequently. How about you, who can stay in the room?"

He Yitian held He Tiantian's hand, as if supporting an old man.

He Tiantian:......

Although I am your ancestor, my actual age is two years younger than you.

However, the child is very filial, and He Tiantian, as an elder, cannot refuse.

Furthermore, she had just woken up from the nutrition chamber, and her body had not moved in two hundred years.

There is not much strength in the limbs at all.

That is to say, He Tiantian's tenacity and strong willpower prevented her from showing her weakness.

Holding He Yitian's hand, the "ancestor and grandson" walked through the layers of courtyards and finally came to the main courtyard on the central axis.

He Tiantian lives in the upper room, and He Yitian sleeps in the east wing.

He Yitian busied himself diligently, laying out the bedding, finding a change of clothes, and tidying up the bathroom.

He Tiantian watched the girl busy and didn't say anything to stop her.

"Ancestors, we already have a super smart butler, but our first island has always been 'retro', so we haven't installed it yet."

He Yitian manually put the bath water for the ancestor and said with a little embarrassment.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows. Is it "retro" or too poor?

Although she woke up less than two hours ago, she could already see the embarrassment and desolation of the He family's ancestral home.

The house is really big and very grand.

However, the house was obviously dilapidated and looked like it had been in disrepair for many years.

The furnishings in the room are all worthless things.

If it is truly retro, there should be antique calligraphy and painting.

In the best upper room of the He family's ancestral house, there is not even a single valuable or historical ornament.

As for those high-tech products, He Tiantian didn't see them either.

It has been two hundred years, and technology has undergone countless innovations.

However, the He family's mansion seems to be stuck in 2022, with "retro" lamps, "retro" bathrooms, and "retro" smart little retards.

Thinking of the words "little mentally retarded", He Tiantian's heart suddenly moved.

She concentrated her mind and silently used her thoughts to call out from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness——

"Little D! Little D, classmate!"

Classmate Little D is bound to her soul, and she can communicate with it whether in reality or in the mission world.

Of course, in some tasks, little D was locked up in a small dark room in order not to be discovered by his opponents.


Isn’t that “reality” now?

It’s not a task, Little D should be there.

However, He Tiantian called several times but received no response.

Little D’s classmate seemed to have disappeared.

He Tiantian remained calm, but in the small space isolated in the depths of her consciousness, she was secretly alert...

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