The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 1011: Digging out the ancestor (7)

"Sister Mei, Chen Nan, you are all still alive!"

Looking at several photos on the computer screen, He Tiantian didn't realize that tears were already covering her cheeks.

"That's great! That's great!"

It was only then that He Tiantian had a real feeling for the world.

After sleeping for two hundred years, when I woke up, the vast sea had turned into a mulberry field.

Everything around him became strange and unreal.

Although she has a descendant, this descendant still makes her very close.

But He Tiantian's heart is always floating.

But after seeing the images of two old friends, Yuan Mei and Chen Nan, and knowing that they had always been alive, He Tiantian's heart dropped.

Yuan Mei became a spiritual practitioner, and He Tiantian was not surprised at all.

When Yuan Mei worked as her "assistant", she once taught her a set of entry-level training formulas.

It's just a popular technique in the Immortal Cultivation Continent, but in the spiritual cultivation world where spiritual energy is resurrected, it is a rare and good technique.

Yuan Mei relied on this set of formulas to practice to the spiritual elixir realm.

He Tiantian has learned that there are only three levels of spiritual practitioners -

The spiritual dynamic state is roughly equivalent to the Qi refining stage.

The spiritual elixir realm is similar to the foundation building stage.

The Lingyuan realm is worse than the Nascent Soul stage.

Each major realm has nine small realms.

The current average cultivation level of spiritual practitioners is probably at the Lingyuan realm.

The "ancestors" with the highest cultivation level are the elders of several spiritual academies, and they have basically just broken through to the Lingyuan realm.

Yuan Mei is talented and has cultivation techniques that transcend this era. Her cultivation has reached the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Pill Realm.

As long as she breaks through to the Lingyuan realm, her lifespan can be extended to six hundred years.

He Tiantian's cheap brother is currently stuck on the sixth level of the spiritual elixir realm.

If he cannot break through to the seventh level, his lifespan will stop at more than 210 years old.

If he breaks through, he can live to the maximum age of three hundred years in the spiritual elixir realm.

"...Tsk, I just don't know if he has any "opportunity"!"

He Tiantian has no love or hatred for He Yongcheng, and has long regarded him as a stranger.

He Tiantian didn't care at all whether he was good or bad.

She continued to follow her friends.

Yuan Mei probably started to retreat three years ago just because she wanted to reach the Lingyuan realm.

Another good friend, Chen Nan, was He Tiantian's roommate in high school.

Also born in a family that values ​​boys over girls, Chen Nan was not brainwashed into becoming a demon to support her younger brothers, but instead actively worked hard for herself.

She studied hard and finally changed her destiny by taking the college entrance examination and broke away from the family that suffocated her.

She was admitted to the top university in the province, successfully applied for a bursary and received a scholarship.

If there is no spiritual recovery, she will graduate with honors, continue her studies, or become an outstanding professional elite.

He Tiantian believes that no matter what the situation is, with Chen Nan's tenacity and hard work, she will live well.

Unfortunately, after the spiritual energy was revived, the original student of a famous school and the destined son of heaven was reduced to the bottom because he had no spiritual veins.

Of course, without spiritual veins, there is also IQ.

Chen Nan's IQ is as high as 131, which just meets the standards of the Academy of Science and Technology.

Moreover, she was He Tiantian's good friend, and her name was even mentioned in He Tiantian's will.

The Institute of Science and Technology also looked highly at Chen Nan.

Relying on the inheritance given to her by He Tiantian, as well as her super high IQ and hard-working personality, Chen Nan had her own laboratory and discovered factors that could suppress mutated animals and plants.

She collaborated with several scientific researchers to develop mutated animal and plant inhibitors.

Relying on this credit, Chen Nan successfully became a Samsung technician and received a nutrient solution rewarded by relevant departments.

With the nutrient solution, not only does she stay healthy, but her genes are also strengthened.

Lifespan has also been extended.

Chen Nan is a beneficiary of nutrient solution, and she has developed a strong interest in it.

When she was one hundred and one years old, after decades of research, she finally improved the formula of the nutrient solution.

(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 1011: Digging up the ancestor (7)

Nutrient Solution 2.0 successfully extended Chen Nan's life span for more than a hundred years.

However, this is already the limit.

If it weren't for being filled with spiritual energy and drawing energy from mutated animals and plants.

Even with Nutrient Solution 2.0, Chen Nan would not be able to live to be over two hundred years old.

Today, Chen Nan has reached the end of his life.

But she doesn't want to wait for death. She wants to spend her last days exploring the wider stars.

Or, what other adventures will she encounter in outer space that will extend her lifespan?

Even if she couldn't fulfill her last wish, she would die without regrets.

"...It's been three years. I hope Chen Nan can get what she wants."

Facing the computer screen, He Tiantian muttered to himself.

After searching for half a night, He Tiantian finally filled in the blanks of the past two hundred years.

She also understood the current situation in the world——

There are spiritual people and scientific researchers.

Cultivation and technology coexist and become the two largest forces.

Today's technological level is higher than that of 2022, but it has not reached the true interstellar era.

In the civilian field, technology has even regressed somewhat.

Therefore, the He family does not have many high-tech products, not because of poverty as He Tiantian guessed, but because of the current level of technology!

Uh, what, He Tiantian actually did not wrong the He family.

Today, the He family in Dongzhou is only an empty shell, and it is really poor inside.

As the head of the family, He Yitian even became an "actor".

These days, things are different from two hundred years ago.

The most sought-after profession is no longer that of a glamorous star making millions a day.

Spiritual practitioners and scientific cultivators are the real top-level existences.

They have a transcendent social status, and their income is unimaginable to ordinary people.

In some poor families, if a child with six spiritual veins or an IQ of over 130 is born, the whole family will be able to turn around immediately and successfully cross a class.

As for the big stars, in 2222, they were just tools for entertainment and had no social status at all.

This is a bit like an actor in ancient times.

Of course, this is relative to spiritual practitioners and scientific practitioners.

For ordinary people, being a celebrity is still a good career.

Because no matter what, the income of celebrities is higher than that of ordinary people in other professions.

But He Yitian is different. She is the heir and the only owner of the He family in Dongzhou.

How honorable and wealthy was the He family of Dongzhou in the past?

But now——

He Tiantian: ...I feel inexplicably unhappy.

"Oh, sure enough, a love-minded person has appeared, and the whole family has been affected!"

"It's hard for the child He Yitian. He has to shoulder the burden of supporting the family and revitalizing the He family at such a young age."

He Tiantian felt a little sorry for He Yitian.

Although looking at age, He Yitian is two years older than He Tiantian.

However, at this moment, He Tiantian has successfully assumed the identity of "ancestor".

In fact, based on her experience of traveling through dozens of worlds and living for tens of thousands of years, He Yitian is indeed her junior.

To put it bluntly, even if He Yitian was not regarded as a descendant, He Tiantian would not leave Yitian alone just because of the two hundred years of love between her and her ancestors.

"Well, isn't it just about revitalizing the He family?"

He Tiantian didn't feel any pressure at all.

Wait, the most important thing now is not to revitalize the He family, but—

He Yitian is a star, but also a bad artist who is covered in dirty stuff and is almost forced to quit the industry by the entire network.

Perhaps her agency wanted to save her, or to squeeze out the last bit of her use value, so she secured a variety show for her.

This is a reality show.

However, it is not the kind of video that is arranged in advance according to the script and edited later, but a 24-hour live broadcast.

"Live broadcast? Live broadcast again!"

For some reason, He Tiantian felt uncomfortable when she saw the word "live broadcast" (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 1011: Digging up the ancestor (7)


"Fortunately, it is not a holographic live broadcast, and there is no "sharing" function."

He Tiantian searched for the relevant introduction to the variety show, studied it carefully, and then let out a sigh of relief.

It was late at night, and He Tiantian was also a little tired.

She turned off her computer and got into bed.

Originally, she thought she would be too excited to sleep.

But when her head hit the pillow, she fell into a deep sleep not long after.

The next day, He Tiantian was not awakened by the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, but was awakened by screams.

"Okay! You, He Shengtian, actually want to participate in a live reality show."

"You did it on purpose! You must have done it on purpose!"

"You, you are really going too far. Do you have to block my last road?"

"Ah! Ah! And these netizens, what do you know?"

"True love? Damn my true love! She is obviously a scumbag and a bitch, but she can still wash her hands?"

By the end of the roar, He Yitian ran out of energy.

She squatted on the ground, hugged her knees with her hands, and started to cry.

She was so tired, really so tired.

There was also that kind of indescribable grievance and anger that almost crushed her, a 21-year-old young girl!

"Oh, grandpa, great-great-grandmother, I'm sorry for you!"

"I'm so useless, I've really embarrassed the He family!"

"Ancestor, I'm sorry, I, I -"

After crying to this point, He Yitian stopped crying, and she suddenly remembered, "Ancestor? Wait!"

"I had a strange dream last night. I, I actually dreamed that I dug out my ancestor."

Thinking of this, He Yitian laughed dryly.

Ha ha!

How can it be!

My ancestor has been dead for two hundred years. Even if she disappeared back then, after all these years, she will probably--

"He Yitian, you didn't dream! You really dug up my ancestor!"

Being woken up so early in the morning, He Tiantian was not very happy even though he was not angry.

Wearing a retro dress and cascading black hair, she strode into the yard and said angrily.

He Yitian raised his head fiercely and looked at He Tiantian. The emotions in his eyes were decreasing in layers: shock, suspicion, disbelief, and overjoyed!

He Tiantian: ...This child's eyes can't hide anything. What is on his mind is obvious to outsiders.

He Yitian rubbed her eyes vigorously, and then pinched her thigh hard.


It hurts!

Not a dream.


He Yitian screamed again, "Oh my god, I actually dug out my ancestor!"

"Ahhh~ I'm saved! Haha, with our ancestors, who dares to bully our Dongzhou He family!"

Chapter 1011: Digging up the ancestor (7)

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