The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 1022: Digging out the ancestors (18)

In front of the camera, He Lingxi was wearing a modified Hanfu with a yellow background embroidered with peonies. Her long hair was tied into a bun and fixed with a jade hairpin.

She has a fair face and delicate facial features, especially her pair of round and thick earlobes, which makes her look beautiful and wealthy.

There are only strands of white hair in the hair.

However, because of his good complexion, this white hair not only does not make him look old or depressed, but also exudes an alternative sense of fashion.

People who didn't know the inside story saw He Lingxi and thought he was a fashionista who deliberately dyed his silver hair.

"Impossible! This, this is absolutely impossible!"

Facing the light screen, Wu Xincheng shouted a bit glumly.

Just two or three months ago, he went to the nursing home to "visit" He Lingxi.

He saw with his own eyes that He Lingxi was described as dry and gloomy, like a walking corpse when she was quiet, and like a crazy female ghost when she was sick.

Not a normal person anyway.

In addition, He Lingxi on the screen is independent and domineering like she has never been before.

Even when she was in the boudoir before she got married, she didn't look like this.

This is no longer simply curing "depression", but directly changing the person.

"...Who didn't meet a few scumbag men and scumbag women when they were young? They are all adults and must be responsible for their own choices!"

"I was out of my mind back then, so I fell in love with a Phoenix man like Wu Xincheng, which led to a miserable end after marriage."

"Scumbag men and bitches are shameless, but I also have problems myself. I blindly pursue love and love, but forget that love is not the most important thing for people!"

"Family, responsibilities, etc., are equally important... Fortunately, I have ancestors who controlled everything in my mind, and I gained a new life."

Facing the camera, He Lingxi talked eloquently.

She did not shy away from her love affair, nor did she place all the blame on He Fengming and Wu Xincheng.

So clear-headed and aboveboard,

Her success has earned her numerous fans——

[Ah ah ah, Sister Lingxi is so sensible and sober. She was hurt by a scumbag and a bitch, but she didn't put all the blame on the other person like some victims. 】

[This is not to advocate the ‘victim’s guilt theory’, but to truly understand self-examination, only in this way can we truly transform. 】

【Yes! Moreover, my sister said this, I don’t see what else those bastard couple can do to clear themselves up. 】

[The key to why He Lingxi is so beautiful is that she has a great temperament. I don’t know if Wu Xincheng is blind or has a unique taste. He doesn’t like elegant peonies, but prefers pretentious white flowers. 】

[Haha, don’t go away, little white flower in front, you’re making me laugh! It's already 2222 years ago, but there are still people taking this strange route! 】

[I just saw He Fengming in He Shengtian’s live broadcast room, and I thought she had a good temperament. But after meeting He Lingxi, I realized what the true noble lady of aristocratic family was like. 】

[I have long said that He Fengming was just a concubine. If she hadn't deliberately snatched He Lingxi's husband, she wouldn't even be able to enter the He family's ancestral land in Xizhou! 】

【Huh? There is something in these words! Is there any origin? 】

[The person in front of you has never studied history and hasn’t read "The Biography of He Tiantian"? I suggest you go to Qiandu's "He Tiantian Brother", haha, there is a surprise! 】

The comments in He Yitian's live broadcast room were very happy.

They were really attracted by He Lingxi's appearance and temperament.

Because He Lingxi like this completely fits all their fantasies about the eldest lady of a wealthy family.

Of course, it's not really one-sided.

Among the many barrages of praise, there are still mixed with the whitewashing of trolls and the slander of black fans.

[Someone’s crazy fan really has the nerve to say anything in order to praise He Lingxi. She is crazy! 】

[That’s right, they are all noblewomen from aristocratic families, but their temperaments are different. How can they still be classified as high or low? 】

[The world of love does not depend solely on family background. So what if He Lingxi is noble? Wu Xincheng just doesn't love her! 】

【True love is guiltless! If you think He Fengming and Wu Xincheng are guilty, then let the police come and arrest them! 】

These mindless remarks only left many netizens with a chill in their throats.

It has been said that the law is the lowest line of morality.

It doesn’t mean that a person who doesn’t break the law is a good person.

The trolls (or fans?) invited by He Fengming and Wu Xincheng always talk about the law.

Everyone knows that they are sophistry, but they can't refute it!

Yes, He and Wu were more morally corrupt and had no bottom line, but they did not break the law or discipline.

If it were two hundred years ago, they could be charged with bigamy.

But after the spiritual energy was revived, the "family" rose up, and the mistresses, mistresses, illegitimate sons and illegitimate daughters seemed to have become "legitimate".

Some changes have also been made to laws related to marriage.

On the surface, monogamy is still respected, but the legitimacy of "concubine" is also gradually recognized.

If you want to accuse someone of "bigamy" at this time, there is almost no chance of winning.

...So, He and Wu really have no "real evidence" of violating the law!

"Who said that? Who said they didn't break the law?"

While He Lingxi was live broadcasting, he took a moment to glance at the light screen on his wrist.

Seeing the discussion among netizens about "morality and rule of law", I couldn't help but smile coldly.

She directly called out to the scumbag and the bitch: "He Fengming, is my diamond watch still suitable for wearing?"

"Wu Xincheng, where have all the antique calligraphy and paintings in my ancestral home of the He family gone? You must know best."

"These things are not the joint property of you and me, but the ancestral property of my Dongzhou He family! And the 'law' stipulates that ancestral property is sacred and inviolable!"

"I have a detailed catalog with a total value of more than 600 million, including several national treasures and handed down works——"

Speaking of this, He Lingxi looked specifically at the drone's camera and asked in a joking tone: "Some netizens in the live broadcast room, don't you know the law best?"

"Please tell me, or tell Wu Xincheng, how many years in prison should he be sentenced to according to the law for his behavior?"

After He Lingxi finished speaking, the barrage area in the live broadcast room exploded.

【I go! Six hundred million! 】

[No wonder Wu Xincheng has the money to start a company. I thought it was the funds given by the He family in Xizhou, but it turned out that he really stole his ex-wife’s ancestral property! 】

【Depend on! Six hundred million! Poverty really limits my imagination! 】

[He Fengming actually has the nerve to show off his wealth in the live broadcast room! After showing off for a long time, my jewelry was actually stolen from someone else’s original piece! 】

[He Shengtian actually has the nerve to hype herself up as some sort of ‘eldest princess’? Ha, your mother's jewelry was stolen, and your father's company was cheated. What kind of public servant do you think you are? 】

[Sister Lingxi, you still need a leg pendant. You don’t need 600 million, but if you give 6 million, 600,000 will be enough! 】

Netizens were either shocked, ridiculed, envious, or complimented... The atmosphere in He Yitian's live broadcast room was very joyful.

Wu Xincheng, who was watching the live broadcast, was shocked and angry, "He Lingxi, how dare you?!"

He did take many things from the He family, but those were not given to him by He Lingxi.

Now, He Lingxi suddenly turned his back and said something about "stealing"!

She, she is deliberately slandering and framing!

He Lingxi: what?

No matter what the process is, the result is: the things belonging to my He family fall into your hands, and you and your true love live a rich and luxurious life relying on the ancestral property of my He family.

Anyway, there were only two of them involved, so who could tell whether it was "gifting" or "stealing"?

Having said that, even if it is a "gift", it is still a conditional gift.

According to the law, she, the giver, can regret it and recover it!


Shouldn’t the law be used to tell the navy to open and shut up? Let’s do it according to the law!

Let me see what you two bitch couple have to say!

Of course Wu Xincheng knew these tricks, so he was anxious and even a little out of control.

Six hundred million. Over the years, he has sold some of it in order to start a business and live a luxurious life.

Now he only has one-third on hand.

He Lingxi has turned his back, and he can't take out everything. Once he goes to court, will he really go to jail?

The key point is that even if you go to jail, the "stolen goods and money" that should be returned must still be returned.


I need to think of a solution quickly.

And now the only person who can save their couple is the ancestor of the He family in Xizhou!

Six hundred million, for ordinary people, is nothing more than an astronomical figure.

For a spiritual family like the He family in Xizhou, even if it is not a drop in the bucket, it is not a big deal.

But, why did the He family in Xizhou help their family?

Just because He Fengming is the daughter of the He family?


The most important thing for the He family in Xizhou is heirs.

Not to mention a married daughter, even a son is not rare!

Unless the child has spiritual veins or a high enough IQ.

And He Fengming and He Shengtian are both "incompatible"!

He Shengtian: ...who said I don’t have a trump card!

Me, I and senior Xuanmo are here.

At this time, after He Fengming and his daughter received a call from Wu Xincheng, they both ignored the live broadcast at the moment.

One of them ran to count the remaining jewelry and antiques in the safe, and the other came to the backyard to try to find the white shadow.

Xuan Mo is wearing the latest smart bracelet, and the transparent light screen in mid-air is playing the scene from He Yitian's live broadcast room.

Looking at the confident and flamboyant He Lingxi in front of the camera, and the other young but independent girl, Xuan Mo felt inexplicably familiar.

He didn't know these two people, but he was familiar with a certain temperament they exuded.

"It's you!"

My little sister-in-law, I finally found you!

Xuan Mo has not forgotten that when he was watching the replay just now, he heard the word "ancestor" from the mouths of mother and daughter He Lingxi and He Yitian more than once.

Well, the current ancestor, the former junior sister-in-law!

Familiar formula, same taste, that can only indicate one result——

With certainty in his heart, Xuan Mo didn't want to stay in the He family and waste time.

Moreover, in the past few days, Xuan Mo has learned about everything that happened two hundred years ago through the Internet.

The He Yongcheng who was gifted by his own magic talisman and successfully broke through a small realm was none other than He Tiantian's biological brother who was extremely hostile to He Tiantian!

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