The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 188th chapter Mrs. Ma does not whitewash (8)

"I'm going to Shaoshi Mountain to participate in the martial arts conference!"

He Tiantian found three elders and directly expressed her attitude.

"Kang Gang, our Beggar Gang and Shaolin are both well-known and upright sects in the rivers and lakes, and have been watching and helping each other for hundreds of years—"

The three elders thought that He Tiantian, like Quan Guanqing, wanted to trouble the Shaolin Temple, and hurriedly dissuaded.

However, listening to their name for He Tiantian, from the former "Mrs. Ma" to the current "Kang Gangzhu", it is enough to show that they have recognized Kang Min as a person.

Perhaps obedience to a woman made them feel uncomfortable for a while.

But in the past two or three months, He Tiantian's reform and development of the beggar gang has allowed the three elders and several helmsmen to see the hope of revitalizing the beggar gang.

They are all old people of the Beggar Gang, who have seen the prosperity of the Beggar Gang with their own eyes, and also experienced the disaster of the Beggar Gang.

Therefore, when they saw that under the leadership of Gang Leader Kang, the Beggar Gang had regained its vitality, and the disciples in the Gang no longer had the hesitation and infighting, but began to actively practice martial arts and inquire about news... The Beggar Gang's revival is imminent!

The three elders and the helmsmen truly accepted Kang Min as the gang leader and actively cooperated with her various plans.

But, going to the martial arts conference, competing for the martial arts leader, this, this is a bit——

"Yes, Gang Master Kang, we have always had a very good relationship with Shaolin. If we suddenly compete with each other for some alliance leader, it will inevitably hurt the peace."

"That's right, Gang Master Kang, please think twice!"

Several old people persuaded them one after another. They were just discussing and did not express their dissatisfaction strongly.

He Tiantian curled her lips, "Several elders, I never wanted to be the leader of the martial arts alliance, nor do I want to fight with Shaolin."

"I went to Shaoshi Mountain for two main reasons."

"First, Quan Guanqing left the beggar gang with some of his brothers, and they became a so-called 'new beggar gang'."

Speaking of this, He Tiantian slowly glanced at everyone, trying to find something on everyone's faces.

After all, for these old people, although Quan Guanqing was scheming and selfish, he was a brother who had been in the Beggar Gang for many years.

He left the beggar gang with his confidants and followers, which was also a big loss for the beggar gang.

This matter is actually an infighting of the beggar gang.

As the elderly of the beggar gang, they prefer to see the beggar gang unite and prosper.

Infighting or something, they are the least likely to see it.

And the reason why Quan Guanqing ran away, the excuse he shouted was "a dignified husband, unwilling to submit to a woman".

This "woman" is naturally her "Kang Min".

For the Beggar Gang, "Kang Min" is far inferior to Quanguan Qinggen and Hongmiao Zheng. After all, they are the ones who have made deeds for the Beggar Gang, otherwise they would not be able to become the helmsman.

As for "Kang Min", although she also has a good relationship with the Beggar Gang, it is because of her ex-husband Ma Dayuan that she herself is not a Beggar Gang disciple.

Quanguanqing VS "Kangmin"

He Tiantian felt that it was reasonable for the beggar gang to prefer the former.

Although she understands, He Tiantian doesn't want to see everyone taking anger at her because of Quan Guanqing's departure.

"Hey, this Quanguanqing likes to go to the camp most on weekdays, it's fine if he leaves!" The three elders sighed helplessly.

I hadn't noticed it before, but after Quan Guanqing led people away from the Beggar Gang, several old people thought back carefully and realized that there seemed to be something wrong with Quan Guanqing in the matter of Qiao Feng.

He was very hostile to Qiao Feng, and he would not give up until he was brought down.

In the past, there was Quan Guanqing's eloquent sophistry, and several old people were deceived.

After Quan Guanqing left, they recalled the past, and they felt more and more that Quan Guanqing was thoughtful and selfish.

"That's right, the idea of ​​this perfect talent is full of talents. Our beggar gang is a group of beggars. Where do we need so many beggars?"

"...The beggar gang has a series of incidents, and it is when the storm is precarious.

Really can't stand the toss! "

Therefore, although the three elders and several rudder masters felt that it was a pity for the whole crown to clear the beggar gang, they were not too sad.

Cut the rotten flesh to heal the wound.

And Quan Guanqing who jumped up and down like this, disturbing the beggar gang's restlessness, is the rotten flesh of the beggar gang!

Although they lost nearly 10,000 disciples, the most important thing in the Beggar Gang is people. If the gang can be united from now on, and there will be no more messy infighting, the Quanguanqing incident will be a good thing.

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another. Everyone was only a pity for Quan Guanqing's departure, and they did not complain at all, let alone express their anger.

Seeing this, He Tiantian was very satisfied.

She raised her hand to stop everyone's heated discussion, and in the eyes of everyone's attention, she said slowly, "Although Quan Guanqing poses as if he does not violate the river water with our beggar gang, he deliberately gives his own The new gang is named 'New Beggar Gang'."

"What does he want?"

"This time I'm posting heroic posts to Shaolin, and Quan Guanqing is even in the name of the Beggar Gang!"

"We know the difference between the Beggar Gang and the New Beggar Gang, but outsiders don't know."

He Tiantian's remarks startled everyone.

Yes, Quan Guanqing is deliberately touching the porcelain beggar gang.

In case he swaggered outside and caused some trouble, others would only put the blame on the beggar gang.

After all, Quan Guanqing and his followers were originally members of the Beggar Gang, and even if they set up their own businesses, outsiders still believed that they were inextricably linked with the Beggar Gang.

Otherwise, when Quan Guanqing launched the "new beggar gang", the beggar gang should take action.

The Beggar Gang didn't move, didn't this tacitly acknowledge the relationship between Quan Guanqing and the others and the Beggar Gang?

"What a good Quanguanqing, I really don't forget to play tricks at any time."

"That's right, this man is really abominable!"

"Our beggar gang has always been chivalrous, serving the country and the people. If we ruin our reputation for hundreds of years because of a full crown, then, then—"

The high-level officials of the beggar gang shouted one after another, as if they were going to settle accounts with Quanguan.

Really provocative!

He Tiantian sighed in her heart, sigh, the people of the Beggar Gang are too upright from top to bottom, of course, if it sounds ugly, they just don't like to use their brains.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been fooled around by a full crown clearing.

"That's why I'm going to participate in the martial arts conference. I want to solemnly declare the relationship between our beggar gang and the new beggar gang in front of the world's martial arts heroes."

He Tiantian restrained her mind and said sternly, "I would like to warn Quan Guanqing in public that he is not allowed to act in the name of the beggar gang in the future, and he is not allowed to take the runaway disciples of the beggar gang to do wrong!"

"If the new beggar gang does something wrong, I will be the first to refuse."

He Tiantian's words were sonorous and powerful.

The domineering and arrogance of being the world's largest gang leader soared into the sky, and hearing all the old people sighed in admiration: "Okay! The gang leader said it well!"

"Yes! Our beggar gang will never allow anyone to do unkind and injustice in our name."

"If Quan Guanqing dares to ruin the reputation of our beggar gang, we will not give up with him."

The crowd was excited, and they all aimed at Quan Guanqing.

As for He Tiantian wanting to take the beggar gang to Shaoshi Mountain to watch the fun, ah, no, there is no opinion at all about participating in the martial arts conference.


He Tiantian brought her apprentice Song Qingyun, three elders and other high-level officials, as well as hundreds of disciples holding dog sticks, and rushed to Shaoshi Mountain.

"Old Immortal Constellation, the mana is boundless, the magic frame of the Central Plains..."

Good guy, just when I came to the foot of the mountain, I heard a familiar and embarrassing slogan.

Is this the constellation boss coming?

He Tiantian blinked and recalled the original book.

Oh, by the way, there is indeed this plot in the original book-

It was here that the constellation boss caught the blind A Zi, and You Tanzhi, who had already gone by the pseudonym Zhuang Juxian, disregarded the shame and the face of the beggar gang for love, and disregarded the opposition of the gang members, kneeling and worshipping the constellation boss. Enter the constellation.

This is the first bullet of the beggar gang's shame.

Later, in Shaoshi Mountain, Zhuang Juxian repeatedly destroyed the prestige of the Beggar Gang over the past century.

He Tiantian once entered the world of divine carvings, was a daughter to Huang Rong, and led the beggar gang to fight the enemy, so she has a special affection for the beggar gang.

After leaving the novel world, her emotions in that world will be pulled away, but subconsciously, He Tiantian still has a natural affection for the beggar gang.

Besides, although the Beggar Gang has such and such deficiencies, its existence itself is to protect the most pitiful and bottom-level weaklings in the world.

Integrating such a group of beggars that everyone dislikes forms a powerful force, which not only allows the weak to hug and help each other, but also do something for the country and the people.

He Tiantian felt that such gangs should be respected.

As for You Tanzhi, maybe he didn't become the leader of the beggar gang out of his original intention, but was fooled by Quan Guanqing.

However, You Tanzhi was not really reluctant, he wanted to be a big man, and he wanted Azi to like and admire him.

And the leader of the largest gang in the world really made him gain enough face in front of A Zi, his sweetheart.

He enjoyed the dividends because he was the leader of the Beggar Gang, but at a critical moment, he did not defend the reputation of the Beggar Gang, but instead made the Beggar Gang a laughing stock for the world!

Isn't he being a little rude?

Of course, You Tanzhi is a serious Stockholm patient, and he cannot be measured by normal people's standards.

However, since He Tiantian was dressed and became the head of the beggar gang, she had the responsibility to safeguard the dignity and reputation of the beggar gang.

"...You want the old man to let her go, it's not difficult, you just need to promise the old man a few things!"

Just when He Tiantian was wandering in the sky, the plot ahead had already progressed so fast that Ding Chunqiu, a constellation old monster, caught A Zi and used her as a threat to talk to You Tan about conditions.

"No problem, no matter how many, I promise you thousands, as long as you let Azi go!" You Tanzhi said eagerly with a mask on.

"The first thing, you have to worship the old man as a teacher and become a disciple of the Constellation School!"

The old constellation monster grabbed A Zi's neck in one hand and a feather fan in the other, and said triumphantly.

And the disciples of the Constellation School behind him also booed and cheered.

You Tanzhi hesitated.

The few beggar gang disciples standing behind him couldn't stand this humiliation, and they jumped out and scolded:

"Bastard! Constellation boss! Stop bullshitting!"

A Zi shouted eagerly, "Brother Zhuang!"

With just these three words, without any other words, You Tanzhi fell to his knees with a thud.

"Master is on top, disciple Zhuang Juxian gives a discount to Master!"

Constellation boss laughed proudly.

And those beggar gang disciples, even if they weren't the three elders in the original book, were embarrassed and angry when they saw this scene.

They were instigated by Quan Guanqing to leave the beggar gang. During this time, they regretted it.

"Unwilling to submit to women" is the reason why they don't want to stay in the beggar gang.

However, seeing Zhuang Juxian's absurdity with their own eyes, and experiencing Azi's unruly willfulness with their own eyes, these disciples couldn't help but hesitate.

At this moment, seeing the gang leader of their dignified "New Beggar Gang", he actually crawls like a dog wagging its tail and begging for pity, in front of the notorious crooks like the old constellation.

I also want to join the Constellation Sect as a disciple!

Where is Zhuang Juxian going to put the tens of thousands of brothers of the "New Beggar Gang"?

Could it be that they, these beggar gang disciples, have to follow Zhuang Juxian to enter that bullshit constellation faction? !

"Mother, such a bullshit gang leader is not as good as a woman!"

"That's right, I heard that the old constellation monster also went to the Beggar Gang conference to make trouble, but was easily repelled by Gang Master Kang!"

Except for Quan Guanqing, other beggar gang disciples were whispering, and their dissatisfaction with Zhuang Juxian, the gang leader, had reached a peak.

However, what made them even more grieved and indignant was yet to come—

"...Go to the Shaolin Temple later, challenge the Abbot Xuanci, and beat him to death!" The old monster from the stars continued to choke A Zi's neck, threatening You Tanzhi.

"I kill Xuanci, I promise to kill Xuanci!" You Tanzhi hesitated for a while, he didn't want to kill Xuanci at all.

However, for the sake of the beloved girl Azi, You Tanzhi finally agreed.

The disciples of the beggar gang behind him quit again, "Headmaster, our beggar gang is the largest gang in the world—"

Yes, although this group of people followed Quan Guanqing and left the Beggar Gang and established their own sect, but in their bones, they still regarded themselves as Beggar Gang disciples.

"...Xiang is known for his chivalry and cannot be controlled by the notorious Ding Chunqiu!"

The Beggar Gang disciples echoed, "Yes, yes!"

Only Quan Guanqing, although he felt ashamed of Zhuang Juxian, he had to defend the puppet he pushed to the front of the stage.

Just listen to him to help explain: "The gang leader is doing this for the sake of the overall situation. Mr. Ding is superb in martial arts, and the gang leader will be more confident to defeat Shaolin and convince the heroes by cooperating with him!"

However, Quan Guanqing's remarks cannot be convincing at all.

"Be a tiger! Even if you are lucky enough to defeat Shaolin, you will be cast aside by the heroes of the world!"

"It's a shame to have a leader like you in the Beggar Gang! Zhuang Juxian, you are not worthy of being the leader of our Beggar Gang."

Quan Guanqing jumped out to refute again: "The evil words confuse the public, disturb the army's heart, help the leader, kill him!"

Zhuang Juxian was already a little embarrassed and angry, but when he heard Quan Guanqing's words, he immediately had a murderous intention. He stood up, waved his palm, and hit the beggar gang disciple.

Seeing this, the man thought he would die.

Although Zhuang Juxian is absurd and shameless, his treacherous martial arts are indeed very strong.

He is a six-bag elder, and he is not a match for Zhuang Juxian at all.

However, the expected pain did not come, and a charming female voice sounded in my ears: "The Beggar Gang? Quan Guanqing, you are a traitor of the Beggar Gang, you dare to call yourself the Beggar Gang?"

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