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"Return to the real world!"

With a rigid mechanical sound from classmate D, He Tiantian's spirit was pulled out of the library space.

When I opened my eyes, the familiar and unfamiliar bed came into view again.

He Tiantian still kept the lying position before crossing, she looked up at the white ceiling of the school dormitory.

Turning his head left and right, it is the closed bed curtain.

It's still a familiar color, and the familiar roommates whispering outside the bed curtain, or the rustling sound of writing, the rustling of flipping books, changing clothes, and so on.

He Tiantian's emotions in the novel world were all pulled away, as if she just had one long, real dream after another.

Only the feelings of the first world are retained, and she is born in the first world, so she always has the illusion that the first world is her real life.

In her subconscious, she also regarded He Hongtu and Tian Zhenzhen in the first world as her biological parents.

He Tiantian sat up slowly, opened the curtain of the bed, and the bright sunlight instantly cast in.

He Tiantian squinted her eyes and opened them again after getting used to the dazzling light.

Looking out the window at the blue sky and white clouds, the bright sun, and the noise from the distant campus, He Tiantian gradually got a sense of reality.

This is the real life she is familiar with, not the fictional worlds that she needs to grapple with.

Letting out a long breath, He Tiantian climbed down from the top bunk.

The student dormitory of the County No. 1 Middle School adopts the layout of the upper bunk and the lower table, and He Tiantian's bed is no exception.

She got off the bed and came to her desk, where she slowly sat on the chair.

"Tiantian, what are you going to do?" Xiao D asked curiously.

He Tiantian glanced at her neatly tidied, but slightly empty desk, and then looked at the computer on Zhou Zixuan's desktop on the other side, and suddenly found that she had a lot of things to do.

First, she's going to buy a laptop.

It's not that He Tiantian didn't have the money to buy it before,

But at the moment when smartphones are getting better and better, it seems that computers have no meaning to exist.

Ordinary study and life problems can be easily dealt with with a smartphone.

However, sometimes, you still need to use a computer.

And He Tiantian carefully sorted out her thoughts, had already planned what she would do next, and found that she really knew how to use a computer.

In addition, Director Feng Jing also needs to have a clear result. If there is no accident, she will go to the capital.

The capital... Well, well, something on the list of He Tiantian's plans really has to be done in the capital.

"Many things need to be dealt with!"

He Tiantian went through it again in her heart, while checking for leaks and filling in the gaps, and communicating with Xiao D's classmates with her consciousness.

"He Xian'er, why are you sitting in a daze?"

Zhou Zixuan came in from outside, sweating all over, holding a basketball in her hand.

Needless to say, she just came back from playing basketball on the playground.

"He Xian'er?!"

He Tiantian was stunned for a moment, what is this name? Your new nickname?

"Yeah, you don't know yet! You jumped so amazingly after the opening ceremony of the school sports meeting. Not only our class, but the whole county No. 1 middle school students think you are a real god!"

Zhou Zixuan put the basketball away, took out a change of clothes from the cabinet, and before entering the bathroom, stood at the door and chatted with He Tiantian.

"Originally, everyone wanted to call you He Shen, but it's easy to make homonyms like He Shen and He Shen, so everyone just called you He Xian'er!"

"You are the real big fairy, tsk tsk, I just went to play basketball with the animals in the third class, and those sports students are still imitating your volley. It's a pity, you are He Xian'er, and they are not!"

Therefore, jumping in the air, arching with a bow, etc. are only the patent of He Tiantian and He Xian'er. Other sports students, even those who have practiced taekwondo and martial arts, are difficult to copy!

He Tiantian:  …

It seemed that she didn't have a more appropriate response besides "hehe".

"By the way, when is the time you agreed with Director Feng?"

Because Director Feng contacted He Tiantian through Zhou Zixuan's mother, and He Tiantian was Zhou Zixuan's good friend, so she paid more attention to this matter.

"Next weekend." He Tiantian had already sorted out all her memories and faced the inquiries without any pressure.

"Are you still taking leave?"

"It shouldn't be necessary. I'm going by plane. It only takes a few hours to come and go."

And audition or something, at most half a day's effort.

He Tiantian can still spare a day to stroll around the capital and handle the things on her plan list.

"It turns out that you have all planned, so that's good!"

Seeing that He Tiantian had planned everything out, Zhou Zixuan was relieved and turned to go to the bathroom to rinse.

He Tiantian picked up the textbook and began to familiarize himself with the schoolwork of the second-year high school students.

Alas, it is hard to say, in the world of novels, she used to be the arrogant and willful young lady, and she was also the leader of the all-powerful beggar gang.

But as long as she returns to reality, she is still a high school student who needs to study and take exams.

Fortunately, she has a simulated study space in the library, and she can have N times more study time than normal students.

There are also one-on-one tutoring with famous teachers, or mock exams in the exam room.

He Tiantian felt that with such a plug-in, if he could not achieve good academic performance, it would be a great disappointment.

In the next week, He Tiantian, like an ordinary second-year high school student, spent three days in the classroom, dormitory, and cafeteria, busy with reviewing, previewing, and various questions.

It was not until Friday that He Tiantian finished a busy week of study, packed her luggage, prepared personal documents and other items, took the bus to the provincial capital, and then flew from the provincial capital to the capital.

"Sweet, I heard that you are going to the capital? Just in time, there is a business meeting in the morning the day after tomorrow, and a Spanish interpreter is urgently needed. The other teachers are temporarily inconvenient. Can you come?"

Mr. Guo, a senior interpreter whom He Tiantian met at a foreign trade fair, left a message with He Tiantian through QQ.

He Tiantian calculated the time and found that she could squeeze out half a day, "Yes, but only one morning, is that enough?"

"Enough! It's just an urgent temporary video conference, which can be completed in one or two hours. By the way, it's related to the field of computer and artificial intelligence. Do you have relevant professional knowledge?"

This is the case for on-site interpreting at conferences. Not only do you need to be proficient in foreign languages, but you also need to understand industry-related professional knowledge.

Because there are too many proper nouns and complicated ones, it is estimated that even the crooked nuts who regard this language as their mother tongue may not be able to understand.

"Understood!" He Tiantian agreed without hesitation.

Artificial intelligence! She knows too much.

The system gave her a plug-in, and she has been studying in the treasure chest space for decades, and she has already reached the point where she knows it by heart.

And, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, He Tiantian is also doing artificial intelligence-related programming in her spare time in recent days.

Now she has the opportunity to interpret in a real related field, and she can also get close contact, so that she can experience the level of artificial intelligence in the real world.

"Okay, then I'll take over this CASE for you. This is the contact information of the person in charge of our Chinese company. You can add it."

Mr. Guo is very happy. The talents in their circle are limited, and their usual work is very busy.

For this temporary video conference, because of the tight schedule and high professionalism, it is difficult to find suitable candidates in time.

He Tiantian is still easy to use. The little girl has time and is very capable. She can complete any type of translation tasks.

He Tiantian does a good job and can take on any job. As a middleman, Mr. Guo will also have a good face in the circle.

"Thank you, Mr. Guo!"

He Tiantian thanked him and wrote down the contact information of the person in charge.

Added to the V letter, after the other party passed, He Tiantian sent a message to identify himself.

The other party was very positive and hurriedly sent the time, place and relevant requirements of the meeting.

He Tiantian wrote it all down and said that he would definitely attend on time.

After doing all this, He Tiantian has arrived in the provincial capital.

Provincial capital!

Her biological parents live here, oh yes, and her half-brother.

It's just that the three people in the family are a family who love each other, and she is just a loser who was not wanted by her parents, a proper outsider.

He Tiantian came to the provincial capital for the first time, and when she saw the bustling night scene, she had a mixed feeling.

Suppressing the surging emotions in his heart, He Tiantian smiled bitterly: "I don't care, in fact, I still care a little in my heart!"

However, no matter how much he cared about it, He Tiantian was also very sober.

She has never been related to her parents all her life, it's not her fault, she doesn't have to feel guilty and frustrated for it.

Besides, she also has He Hongtu and Tian Zhenzhen, parents who really love her. She is not short of love, and she will not beg for the poor warmth and care from those who don't love her.

Arriving at the airport, the flight was at 9:40 pm. He Tiantian changed the boarding pass and went to the waiting hall to wait.

He Tiantian didn't waste the waiting time, she took out the high-end notebook she bought online and tapped the keyboard.

When the boarding information of the flight was broadcast on the radio, He Tiantian raised her head, rubbed her slightly sore neck, saved the program, and then prepared to board the plane.

At 12:30 midnight, the flight arrived in Beijing smoothly.

He Tiantian made a reservation for the hotel in advance, took a taxi from the airport, and when he arrived at the hotel, it was almost two in the morning.

He Tiantian simply took a shower, and lay in bed with clothes and slept for a few hours.

At eight in the morning, she opened her eyes on time.

This time, she took a shower carefully, put on clean clothes, and followed the address given by Feng Director.

When He Tiantian arrived, she found that she was not the only one who participated in the audition, but also several young girls under the age of 20.

These girls have their own characteristics, but they all have one unifying feature: young, beautiful, and natural.

He Tiantian has sharp eyes and a good memory. She seems to have seen a somewhat familiar face among the girls—


Isn't this girl the school girl who went on the hot search this year and is known as the most beautiful freshman in "Hua Opera".

The Hua Opera school flower also discovered He Tiantian. Although all of the present are young and beautiful girls, He Tiantian's temperament is very unique.

She is clearly a seventeen or eighteen-year-old flower girl, but she is mature and stable.

That kind of temperament between youthful and mature is really attractive.

Through the relationship with the teacher, Hua Opera School Flower had a general understanding of the role of this audition - simple in the early stage, and glamorous in the later stage.

It is a complex character who can be white moonlight or femme fatale.

This kind of role is the most difficult to choose. Choose a girl who matches her age. She can't play the kind of style and viciousness in the later period.

Choose a great actress from the acting school, the age is just, just——

It's not that the age of the actress is too demanding, but sometimes it is really embarrassing to let a woman in her 30s or 40s forcibly play the role of a girl.

Director Feng Jing has very high requirements for his film works. Even in this kind of male group portrait drama, the so-called heroine is just an embellishment, and he also wants to find the most suitable actor.

The two male protagonists and the N male supporting role have all been selected, and they can all start shooting at any time. Just because the female lead actor has not been finalized, Director Feng continued to audition under pressure from all parties.

The Hua Opera School Beauty felt that the girl in front of her seemed to fit the requirements of the role in the script.

She suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and directly regarded He Tiantian as her biggest potential enemy.

I have to say that the premonition of the Huaxi School Flower is quite accurate.

Before seeing He Tiantian's performance, Director Feng, the screenwriter, producers and others felt that although the performance of this Chinese opera school flower was a little green, she was still talented.

After joining the group, learn more from the veteran actors, plus the director's guidance, you should be able to meet the requirements.

It was not finalized on the spot, but the Huaxi School Flower saw some clues from the expressions and tone of everyone, and went back happily to wait for the news.

such a pity--

"Hello, teachers, I'm He Tiantian!"

He Tiantian walked into the audition room and introduced herself politely.

Her external conditions are really excellent, with a movie face, petite stature, and a weight of more than 80 pounds, which is too thin in reality.

In the camera, it was just right.

The key is her pair of eyes, too smart, can be pure or deep, full of a sense of story.

The entertainment industry has never been short of beauties, but there are relatively few beauties with their own characteristics and aura.

At first sight of her, Director Feng became interested and ordered someone to hand the script to He Tiantian.

Hey, as a professional writer, He Tiantian said that she is too familiar with the script and so on.

She carefully read the character settings: the eldest Miss of the Republic of China, who was born well, has a simple personality, is kind and beautiful, and is progressive and active.

He Tiantian slowly raised her head, without any makeup or outfits, her whole temperament changed.

The smile on his lips, the graceful way he walks, and even the simple gesture of raising his hands and feet, all show a strong Republic of China style.

The most striking thing is the pair of eyes, clear as water, vivid and full of stars, people can't help but admire them when they look at them.

Back then, Mr. Lin, the goddess of first love for many men, probably looked like this.

it is good!

Feng Dao cried out in his heart.

However, this is nothing, a beautiful girl playing a girl in the Republic of China, this is not a challenge.

The most difficult thing is the "femme beauty" in the back.

Director Feng also gave He Tiantian a role setting: a female agent of the fruit party, beautiful and ruthless, who will do anything to achieve her goals!

He Tiantian: ...Villain, I'm better at it!

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