"Return to the real world!"

Xiao D made a mechanical announcement, and He Tiantian only felt that the space in front of her began to twist.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself still lying on the bed.

To say something literary and artistic, she left Sansheng Sanshi again, and came back again.

He Tiantian blinked and slowly brought back the memory.

Hmm, she just came back from the capital, and when she was changing trains in the provincial capital, she went to "that place" smoothly.

I saw my biological parents with my own eyes, and I also completely gave up my heart as I wished.

She then went on to travel across the world and began a variety of colorful lives.

After sorting out all the things that happened before her time-travel, He Tiantian gradually got a real feeling - I'm really back!

Moreover, He Tiantian also found that her brain really brightened a lot.

As if the veil covering it had been lifted, she saw something clearer and more real.

Clear ears, clear logic, super strong memory!

"Shen Yan's super-powerful brain is really unusual!"

He Tiantian closed her eyes and thought about it carefully.

She was pleasantly surprised to discover that she had long forgotten many things from her childhood, but now she can recall them clearly.

Although there are many unpleasant things in these memories, there are also some warm little fragments.

For example, one of He Tiantian's neighbors, auntie, seems to have moved from another place. She is a very gentle and beautiful woman.

Although she is also not ashamed of her aunt He Shengnan's behavior as a mistress, she is not like the people around her who involve He Tiantian, an innocent child.

The neighbor's aunt always bakes some delicious snacks, and then presents them to He Tiantian when no one is paying attention.

She always had a peaceful smile on her beautiful face.

That was He Tiantian's gloomy childhood,

One of the few warm.

Not only is the aunt's snacks delicious, the key is that there is no prejudice and no malicious attitude, which soothes He Tiantian's young heart.

It's a pity that the aunt only lived for a year or two before moving, and in the following years, she never appeared in the county seat.

He Tiantian was too young at that time, and as time passed, she gradually forgot that auntie.

I just vaguely remember that when I was in the quagmire, there was a pair of gentle hands that used to caress me so softly.

However, at this moment, He Tiantian recalled clearly.

Not only the details of how Auntie got along with her, but also Auntie's face became very clear in He Tiantian's mind!

In addition, in addition to the neighbor aunt, there are also the uncle of the police, the aunt of the sub-district office, the language teacher in the elementary school...

He Tiantian suddenly found out that her childhood was not so miserable, and there were not only a group of villains around her.

There are still many kind and beautiful people who may not have rescued her completely, but they have also given her warmth and help.

He Tiantian sniffed and suppressed the surging tears. She silently said in her heart, "So, this world is still very beautiful."

However, it is estimated that the warmth of childhood did not completely distort He Tiantian.

After she entered the world by chance, she was always forced into the villain's script, and she was able to stick to the bottom line in her heart!

Now that she has a super powerful brain, He Tiantian has opened up a lot of dusty memories, and her logic and thinking have also been greatly improved.

The same thing, she can think from all aspects, and get the most rational and objective analysis.

Don't talk about others, such as Zhou Zixuan, who she once resented.

There was a time when He Tiantian complained to this classmate more than once in her heart: Did I invite you to provoke you? Why did you put me in the book and make me the villain?

After returning to reality, when He Tiantian saw Zhou Zixuan again, she was very uncomfortable and repulsive.

He Tiantian became stronger because of more tasks.

She reconciled with many classmates who had excluded and even bullied her, but she did not forgive Zhou Zixuan.

But now, He Tiantian is not so extreme or admits to death.

And He Tiantian gradually came to understand that it was not Zhou Zixuan's fault that she would travel into the world of books.

She has accumulated too much negative energy because of her original family, and her whole person is on the verge of crisis (either collapse or blacken). people.

It has nothing to do with the venting nature that Zhou Zixuan secretly wrote.

At the beginning, He Tiantian appeared in Zhou Zixuan's book, and it was also the point mother system to take care of rookies.

Some worlds that are close to He Tiantian's life or have "acquaintances" are specially selected.

... In fact, He Tiantian had already discovered this situation.

Because the world she traveled through, except for the first two that were related to Zhou Zixuan, Zhou Zixuan never appeared in the subsequent worlds.

And He Tiantian once checked the Dianniang library and found that Zhou Zixuan not only wrote two online articles, but under her pen name "Beautiful Xuanji", there was a long list of eunuch articles and unfinished articles.

It's not Zhou Zixuan's fault, and Zhou Zixuan just wrote and vented in private. On the surface, she didn't really hurt He Tiantian.

At most, they form a gang like a bear child, and a few little girls ignore He Tiantian together.

He Tiantian has experienced so many book worlds and has hundreds of years of life experience. Her mind has already become mature and tough.

So... hey, it's just a bunch of spoiled bear children, in fact, there's no need to care too much.

Zhou Zixuan is different from the eldest sister, Duan Nana. The former just doesn't want to be friends with He Tiantian, while the latter is the violent bullying of Chi Guoguo.

Although He Tiantian has become a writer, she doesn't think she has become a rmb and a heartthrob.

It's normal that others don't like her and don't want to make friends with her. She really doesn't need to resent others because of it!


He Tiantian let out a long sigh, and she was completely relieved.

And on the soul she couldn't see, an invisible shackle was quietly opened.

Xiao D watched silently, and couldn't help cheering He Tiantian in his heart: "Well done, He Tiantian! Your heart has been completely opened!"

If it was left in the world of immortality, He Tiantian would have overcome her inner demons.

After passing this level, her "cultivation" was smooth.

He Tiantian didn't know what Xiao D was thinking, but she was very relaxed at the moment.

Turning over deftly, she quickly jumped off the top bunk.

After arranging her clothes, He Tiantian packed her backpack and left the dormitory.

She's going to the library, uh, what, she didn't forget, she seemed to have done another stupid thing before crossing.

She sent a letter to Professor Chen of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. There was no personal content in the envelope, but a few drawings of her improved firearms.

At that time, He Tiantian didn't think much about it. He had just finished studying the "Firearms Encyclopedia", which was rewarded by the system. When he was excited, he improved the blueprints of several commonly used firearms.

She didn't know anyone from the military, but she had just returned from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, so she sent all the blueprints to Professor Chen when her brain became hot.

Counting the time, the letter should have left the small county.

Maybe it hasn't arrived in the capital yet, but in a few days, Professor Chen will receive it.

When Professor Chen reads the letter, He Tiantian's trouble will come: In China, where guns are banned by the whole people, you are a person with no special background and no relevant education. How can you improve firearms? !

Of course, He Tiantian can use "genius" as a shield.

However, this reason is too far-fetched.

He Tiantian still needs to make up for it.

She first asked Xiao D to secretly buy some books on firearms for her, just like "inventing" artificial intelligence before.

In addition, He Tiantian will also go to the library, museum and other places in the county to supplement her studies, so as to find some convincing reasons for her rash actions!

"Little D, help me invade the borrowing system of the county library and modify some borrowing records!"

He Tiantian sat on the bus, looking at the street scene outside the window, while silently giving instructions to classmate D.

"Okay, dear!"

He has already done a cheating for He Tiantian, and once again, Xiao D is very familiar with it.

It easily entered the borrowing system of the county library, and according to He Tiantian's request, "added" many records of books borrowed by He Tiantian.

It involves firearms, military industry, military and many other aspects.

In addition, according to He Tiantian's instructions, Xiao D entered the online book borrowing system of the provincial library, and why Tiantian "borrowed" many e-books.

Of course, all the borrowing time was a month or two earlier, creating the illusion that He Tiantian was studying related knowledge in the recent period.

"My dear, it's all done, and there's nothing wrong with it!"

Before the bus arrived at the station, Xiao D had already completed the operation, and he proudly showed off.

"Little D, thank you! You are really getting better and better, and you are indeed my best friend!"

He Tiantian has never been stingy with praise to her own people.

Xiao D was a little embarrassed to be praised, and his white fluffy clothes were instantly dyed with a layer of lovely pink.

"Oh, you're welcome, you said it too, we are partners, of course we have to help each other!"

Xiao D replied shyly.

He Tiantian did a good job at the task. While she got points and rewards, classmate D also made a lot of money.

No, it was only a few months after it was bound to He Tiantian, and it was promoted by one level.

Xiao D has a hunch that as long as He Tiantian continues to work hard, its next upgrade will not be too far away.

One day, it may be able to save enough points to exchange for physical skins and become the No.1 in the smart assistants of Dianniang Library!

"Yes, we help each other, I will do my job well, and you, just wait to become a super-class intelligent assistant!"

He Tiantian replied with a smile.

Although she always bullies and oppresses classmate D, in He Tiantian's heart, classmate D has been gradually included in the circle of "her own".

No matter in reality or in the world, Xiao D is her good helper.

He Tiantian doesn't need it to do anything. It can always accompany him. When he is lonely and lonely, talking with him is also a kind of help.

Uh, okay, He Tiantian didn't treat Xiao D as a pet!

Besides, even if it is a pet, it is a family-like existence to its owner.

He Tiantian controlled her mood swings and prevented Xiao D from seeing the abnormality.

Classmate D: ... scratching his head, something strange seems to have flashed by, but it doesn't matter, Tiantian praised me today!

Xiao D's inner core is full of happy codes, and it does not pursue the fleeting fluctuations at all.

When the bus arrived, He Tiantian got off the bus with her schoolbag on her back, and walked two or three minutes to the only library in the county.

After registering with the student card, He Tiantian went to the reading area.

There are magazines of all genres, newly published books, and popular books on the bestseller lists.

He Tiantian flipped through the pages quickly.

She has "Shen Yan's super-powerful brain", and although she can't achieve the level of a humanoid computer, she can also be close to unforgettable.

She has ten lines in one eye, and where her eyes touch, her brain can run quickly, and then accurately record the relevant content.

A book with two or three hundred pages, she read it in five minutes.

It's really "reading", not pretending to show off.

Looking at it, He Tiantian also had the pleasure of reading.

From the "remedy" at the beginning, it has become a real enjoyment.

He Tiantian stayed in the library until it was closed, and was urged to leave by the working aunt, and then she went out without a word.

In the following time, He Tiantian studied diligently in get out of class, reviewed carefully after class, and reviewed all her high school homework.

Mmmm, at her current level, there is no problem in going directly to the college entrance examination.

However, she seems to have secured a place in the Beijing University Winter Camp, and she can go to the capital only when the winter vacation comes.

After attending the winter camp, if there is no accident, she will be admitted to Beijing University in advance.

She should not need to participate in the college entrance examination or something!

However, even if he does not participate, He Tiantian will study hard.

No matter how beautiful and powerful she is in the world, in reality, she will study and work hard!

He Tiantian has always reminded herself in her heart that the world is virtual, and the real world is her foundation.

She can't be too addicted to the wonderful world and forget everything in reality.

Be sure to stay awake and not lose yourself!

He Tiantian secretly admonished herself, and then threw herself into the intense and busy study.

"Hey! What are you pretending to be? Do you really think you are a good student who loves learning?"

"...She won't be complacent for a few days! I heard that Duan Nana's brother is back. I heard that he is a martial arts coach outside, which is very good!"

"Oh, after I said that Duan Nana suffered a loss, why didn't she ask He Tiantian to trouble her, so she was waiting here!"

"Have you watched another good show? Hmph, I just think He Tiantian is too fake. I haven't seen her like studying so much in the past, but now she looks like a good student all day long."

"She must be pretending to show Gao Xiang. I heard that Gao Xiang was selected by our school to participate in the Mathematical Olympiad competition..."

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