The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 350th chapter my sister is reborn (3)

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He Tiantian felt that it was not only her own fault, but how did her parents become so weird?

Art majors are not easy to find a job, this is a consensus, and it is common sense!

He Tiantian, a seventeen-year-old high school student, can think of these practical problems, and it is impossible for her parents who are older and more experienced than her.

As a result, before He Tiantian herself spoke, her parents had already taken the lead.

Looking at their positive attitude, it seems that they really support her in learning how to paint.

What the hell is this?

Speaking of which, He Tiantian is still confused.

During most of the day in a coma, He Tiantian seemed to find that there were two "Is" in her body.

It's just that she has long been used to it: because of her poor health, she regards herself as a special member of the family.

For the love of her parents and the humility of her sister, not only is she not grateful, but she has a sense of "should be like this".

She even developed a selfish, lazy, cold temperament, everything is self-centered, and everything is only considered from her own point of view.

Just like pretending to be sick this time, she just wanted to take a shortcut because she was lazy and didn't want to study. Even though she knew that she was "sick", it would make her parents worried and distressed, she still did it willfully.

The other "I" is very despised by this kind of behavior.

People can be selfish, but they cannot fail to be grateful. Not to hurt others.

Your parents are your closest relatives, and your parents are not scumbags who don't care about their children. If you have something to say, why can't you just say it directly?

Instead, use your own body as a bargaining chip, and use "self-mutilation" to calculate and persecute them?

Also, does the body of "He Tiantian" really have the talent for painting?

Obviously the conditions are average, and there is no professional training, why should you deceive your parents and yourself under the banner of painting?

To put it bluntly, "He Tiantian" is a spoiled child.

Such willfulness and stubbornness, even the gods can't see it, directly let "He Tiantian" come to "make a fake come true".

The feeling of being in a coma is unpleasant, right? The feeling of sudden cardiac arrest and stepping into the gate of hell is terrifying, right?



Do it yourself!

He Tiantian: ...Please, eldest sister, even if you are a split personality from me, we are essentially one person.

Is it really appropriate for you to scold yourself like this?

Yes, He Tiantian felt that something was wrong with herself since this morning, and she always felt like she was being split.

After this coma, He Tiantian finally came to a conclusion: I have indeed become different from the past, with a split personality.

As for why it would "make a fake into a real", pretending to be in critical condition, He Tiantian also had a vague guess.

It must be that her personality split was too rapid, and her not-so-healthy body couldn't bear the two "Is", which led to a direct crash.

In addition, she also found that after she woke up, she actually had more space in her mind.

Internet literature is just emerging these days, and some fantasy and immortal online novels have written about portable space and mustard seeds.

He Tiantian looked like a sick and weak sister Lin, but in fact she liked these new things very much.

The computer at home costing more than 20,000 yuan, He Tiantian said that it was used for learning, but in fact, he secretly read novels online.

Therefore, He Tiantian knows what a portable space is, and also knows some adventures of the protagonist.

"I, I should have also encountered a chance and got the so-called golden finger!"

He Tiantian thought happily.

And from this space, He Tiantian guessed the reason why she almost died this time——

It has also been written in the online novel that whether it is to travel through or obtain the golden finger, it is at the critical time when the protagonist falls into the catastrophe of life and death.

And she almost died because of split personality, and at the critical moment, she inspired the doomed golden finger.

Why "destined"?

He Tiantian secretly probed through her consciousness. In this ten cubic meter space, in addition to some compressed biscuits, mineral water, and various cans, there was actually a "talent blessing card".

Talent blessing!

Before He Tiantian fell into a coma, he was thinking about an artistic specialty.

If she really improved her talent for painting, art exams, etc., it wouldn't be a problem at all!

This "talent blessing card" is definitely a baby tailored for her, and the carry-on space that carries this baby is naturally her destined plug-in!

The more He Tiantian thought about it, the more excited he became. This excitement even offset the fear and anger that he almost died.

"Dad, Mom, do you really agree with me to learn to draw?"

He Tiantian suppressed the chaotic thoughts in her heart and looked up to see her parents.

She was lying on the white hospital bed, her already thin face, without a trace of blood, looked particularly weak and pitiful.

Seeing her daughter's timid appearance, Mother He felt distressed, with red eyes and nodding forcefully, "Agree! As long as you like Tiantian, what do you do, both parents agree!"

Father He is a big man after all, and he can't make the gesture of crying and wiping tears, but his eyes are a little red, and his voice is very unnatural, and he said, "Well! When you are healed, let's learn to paint!"

He Tiantian was still a little hesitant, "Learning to draw is very expensive. Also, if I don't study well, or if I go to university, I won't be able to find a matching job in the future—"

Father He didn't even wait for the little girl to finish speaking, and he said boldly, "Don't be afraid, our family is rich!"

Isn't it just taking a remedial class and buying some painting tools, no matter how much money is spent, where can you get more?

Again, don't say that their family does have this condition, even if they don't, for the sake of their daughter, they have to grit their teeth and support!

They have worked hard all their lives as parents, not just for the sake of their children.

As long as the child is happy, as long as the child can live healthy and healthy, any parent or mother is willing to suffer and suffer.

"Yes, our family has two buildings. You and your sister live in one, and the rent alone is enough for you to learn to paint!"

Mother He also said generously.

After receiving the news, He Tianxin, who was reluctant to come, happened to come outside the ward, and her eyes were a little complicated when she heard what her mother said.

There is moving, but there is also a trace of complaints and grievances.

It turned out that my parents also had a fair time, but as the younger sister became more selfish, the parents' hearts were all biased towards the younger sister.

As for her, just because she is a sister, because she is sensible and filial, she is obviously a second-generation renter, but she has to work hard to make money. When she gets married, she can't even afford a decent dowry!

Closing her eyes, He Tianxin, who had just passed her 21st birthday, desperately told herself in the bottom of her heart: Don't think about it, those are things from a previous life.

Once reborn, she will never be as sensible as her previous life.

If the parents are still partial, and still develop He Tiantian into a selfish, cool giant baby and gnaw on the old family, then she will make a cut with this terrible family of origin.

She will never repeat the tragedy of her previous life!

"Thank you Dad, thank you Mom, I love you guys the most!"

He Tiantian's little face was full of excitement, and her little mouth was even more sweet.

Also, as a favored little daughter, if she doesn't have any "specialties", how can she get the favor of her parents.

Just because of bad health? Relying on the guilt of the parents?

These are useful, but they can't be used every day.

After all, human feelings are limited, they are consumed every day, and sooner or later there will be a day when they are exhausted.

He Tiantian has a sweet mouth, no matter if it is true or not, what she says will always make her parents happy, and they will naturally put this lovely little daughter on top of their hearts.

"...You bad girl, you almost scared your parents to death this time!"

As an older generation, Mother He naturally wouldn't talk about "love" or anything.

She naturally loves her daughter in her heart, but she won't say it.

On the contrary, she would even say some hateful words, expressing her worries and cares awkwardly.

"That's right, your parents' souls will be scared away by you."

When Father He saw that his daughter had returned to her former appearance, the big stone hanging in his heart finally fell.

He smiled and said to his daughter, "You, don't be in a hurry to thank you, there's no hurry to paint, let's take your time when you're healthy!"


Standing at the door of the ward, He Tianxin heard the words that she hated.


Sure enough, just like in her previous life, He Tiantian, in order to avoid laziness and take shortcuts, started to put on the pretense of art exams again!

That's right, it's a pretense!

He Tiantian said that she likes to draw, and secretly said that she has a talent for drawing.

Funny parents still believe it.

When He Tianxin questioned, her mother even took out the praise from the teacher of an art remedial class back then.

Hmm, can you believe the words of such a profit-oriented tutor?

People praise your children to get you to sign up so that you can earn your tuition.

In the early 1990s, he dared to charge dozens of yuan for a class, which was equivalent to a week's salary of ordinary workers.

And this kind of class, it is impossible to only take one class, and it will cost thousands of dollars in one semester.

If you don't say "your child is talented, it's a pity not to learn", what parents are willing to pay such a large sum of money?

It was this kind of commercial tout that was used by He Tiantian as an arrow, and even He's parents and He's mother were convinced.

Perhaps, He Tiantian is really better than a child without talent.

After all, in the previous life, He's father and He's mother spent tens of thousands of dollars to find a tutoring class for He Tiantian, and to buy various brand painting tools.

After three months of concentrated attack, He Tiantian did pass the art examination of a comprehensive art school, and then with 300% of the college entrance examination score, he was successfully admitted to their local art school.

After he was admitted to university, did He Tiantian stop?


He Tiantian majored in oil painting, and how expensive this major is. Although He Tianxin and the He family had expected it, they were still surprised.

Not to mention tuition, accommodation and other expenses, just one consumable for painting can make people feel a pain.

He Tiantian also likes to use imported big brands. Just a small tube of paint will cost hundreds of dollars.

And with a set, thousands of dollars are gone.

The key point is that this thing is a consumable, and it will be purchased soon.

There are also linens, various varnishes, brushes, models, etc. All together, He Tiantian can burn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a year.

If He Tiantian can really draw results, it is not wrong to spend this money.

But He Tiantian took the money under the guise of painting, but compared food, clothing and luxury with the girls in the performance department and music department next door.

After four years of undergraduate study, He Tiantian drew a bunch of ghost characters that could not be seen as human or devil.

Don't take it out and sell it for money, you will be laughed at if you hang it at home.

It can only be piled up in the utility room of the house, and it is too troublesome to burn it.

However, He Tiantian was embarrassed to say, "This is abstract art, it is a work of art, you laity don't know how to appreciate it!"

Yes, He Tianxin really doesn't have any artistic skills, and really can't understand He Tiantian's "art".

But she will settle the bill.

He Tiantian studied at university for four years, and the rent of one building in the He family was not enough. In the end, He's father reluctantly sold a shop.

... Of course, whether it was the rent in the urban village or the shop that was sold, it was the property that the parents planned to give to He Tiantian.

She herself was in trouble ahead of time, and as an elder sister, He Tianxin couldn't say anything.

However, He Tiantian's splurge journey is not over.

Do you think that going to college is a big money-burner?

Wrong plus wrong!

After He Tiantian graduated, he did not become a painter, nor could he find a professional job, so he could only continue to work hard.

The most hateful thing is that she continues to use painting as a guise, either to go to a foreign scenic spot to find inspiration today, or to participate in some artist salon tomorrow.

There are also daily painting of ghosts, oh no, it is all kinds of consumables needed to create art.

Adding up all the expenses, a little rich family like the He family can't bear it.

He's father and He's mother began to feel guilty about using the rent and shops that were supposed to be distributed to the eldest daughter, He Tianxin.

At the end of the development, He Tiantian is in her thirties, but she is still like a small child, not knowing how to take responsibility, and can't even support herself.

The two buildings and two shops of the He family were also eaten by He Tiantian.

When He Tianxin got married, she was already old. If she hadn't had a decent job, she would not have been able to marry.

It's not that He Tianxin isn't good enough, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that her burden is too heavy. She has a "painter" sister who does not work in production, and a pair of parents who prefer her sister without principle. The He family is not satisfied. The bottomless pit!

Unless He Tianxin severes ties with the He family and stops worrying about Juying's sister, the normal in-law's family can't stand it.

It's a pity that He Tianxin in her previous life was too sensible and filial to bear the hardships of her parents, so she took on the burden of supporting the family.

After getting married, don't forget to make up for her natal family.

Over time, husbands, in-laws, and even children have opinions.

Others are the demon of helping the younger brother, and she is the demon of supporting the younger sister!

If she can get up, she will endure some hardships and be scolded, and it is not too wrong.

But the problem is, He Tiantian is simply an Adou who can't help her, and she is still ungrateful and heartless.

He Tianxin repented, but it was too late. She had a estrangement with her husband, and her children complained a lot to her.

When he was about to die, he was lying alone in the hospital bed.

The moment she closed her eyes, recalling all this, He Tianxin was really regretful.

She hates herself, her parents, and even He Tiantian, the culprit...

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