The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Four hundred and ninetieth chapters palace fighting is not as good as rebellion (32)

"Sweet, are you surprised? Are you surprised? Are you happy?"

Xiao D was held back for several days, and finally the day of "revealing the cup" came, laughing like a little villain.

He Tiantian: ...It's a bit of a surprise, but it's also quite surprising.

Knowing that the little emperor is an unscrupulous barbecued pork bun, but I still didn't expect that he would have such a magical operation.

Haha, it's just a stroke of genius!

Classmate D: ...Hey, that's not right, Tiantian doesn't seem to be talking angry, but she is really happy.

This this--

Just when classmate D was secretly wondering, Mammy Song, who was standing beside He Tiantian, couldn't help it.

"Bitch, dare you?!"

Mammy Song's eyes were cracked. She really wished she could rush to the old woman and devour this bitch who spoke nonsense with her eyes open and slandered her master for no reason.

As the most trusted person of Empress Dowager He, she was also the confidant who accompanied her all the way from outside the palace to the palace, and stayed with her in the palace for more than ten years.

Madam Song knew the Empress Dowager He very well.

Whether or not the little emperor was the biological daughter of the Empress Dowager, Song Mo knew better than anyone else.

Mother Song has a good memory, and of course she remembers that there was a maid who died of illness beside her master more than ten years ago.

It's just that that person was just a little palace maid, and after so many years, Song Mammy couldn't remember the other party's name.

I vaguely remember that the little palace maid had an epidemic, and the queen mother was afraid that the epidemic would spread, so she moved her outside the palace.

Although the person was sent away, she did not ignore it. The Queen Mother arranged for a doctor and medicinal materials.

After the death of the little palace maid, the queen mother was pitiful and even rewarded her family with funeral money.

However, he is an ordinary palace servant, and he is nothing but a benevolent master.

How could it fall into the mouth of this slut and become a pitiful person who was forced by the Queen Mother to give birth to a child through her belly.

Even the empress dowager's benevolent heart has become a "hush money" for guilt and guilty conscience?

Ridiculous, ridiculous... even more presumptuous!

She is slandering the queen mother,

In front of the ministers, in front of the world, he pulled out a big lie!

Did not see the queen mother was so angry that she was speechless?

And the courtiers and the female relatives all looked at each other? stunned? !

"What is your intention? Who was instructed? How dare you slander the Queen Mother like this?"

Madam Song is worthy of being the confidant that Queen Mother He has to use. Her anger returned to her anger and her anger returned to her anger, but she did not completely lose her mind.

She calmed down her anger a little, and realized that the scene in front of her was most likely a conspiracy against her master.

She pinched her palms hard, the slightest traces of pain reminding her to stay calm.

She scolded sharply, wanting to use cross-examination to remind the people around her: this person is framing the queen mother, everyone must not be blinded by her!

"..." The old woman who claimed to be Abi instinctively shrank in the face of Mammy Song who kept asking questions.

Her two eyeballs rolled around in the crowd, and soon, she seemed to see something, got a certain hint, and the whole person calmed down again.

"Mother Song just said, was there a palace maid named A Yuan by the Empress Dowager's side back then? Did she "die of illness" fifteen years ago?"

The old woman took a "confrontation" gesture, but what she said was a bit of a rogue.

Mother Song was furiously angry again.

Ma Dan, even if there is A Yuan by the Queen Mother's side, what's the matter? What if the palace servant died unexpectedly?

In such a big palace, for such a noble person as their queen mother, there are some palace servants around to serve. Isn't this normal.

And so many palace people, eating whole grains, doing heavy work, have a headache, and occasionally die, it is also very common.

Let’s just say it’s the noble queen mother, and even in the backyard of ordinary officials and eunuchs, there are always one or two slaves who died of illness.

This bitch, caught some unusual things, and slandered the queen mother by slander!

Her tongue is still clever, whether it is related or not, she can take it out and talk about it indiscriminately.

In the midst of her harassment, it is a bit crooked to actually step on her mother—

The empress dowager lost several children one after another in the early years, and her body really suffered, so that she did not give birth for several years.

And the relationship between the queen mother and the late emperor has long been indifferent, at most one or two days a month in the same room.

Under such circumstances, it is definitely "lucky" that the queen mother can give birth to such a son as the little emperor.

But what is the old woman talking about?

He actually took these as evidence for the Queen Mother's "borrowing a child"?


He Tiantian, who had been sitting quietly on the head, finally moved, and she spit out a sentence: "Okay, A Wu, don't say it!"

Song Mammy heard that her master's tone was wrong, and her heart raised her throat.

She hurriedly went to see the queen mother, and whispered to comfort: "Niangniang, the fake can't be true, the real can't be fake! No one knows the truth better than the old slave, the old slave and the old slave will definitely interrogate this lowly maid!"

He Tiantian slowly shook her head.

Mother Song opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she still succumbed to her duty and did not mean to disobey the master.

He Tiantian stopped Song Momo, her eyes swept over the courtiers and female relatives present, turned around a lot, and finally landed on Yongcheng Emperor.

"Emperor, what do you think?"

He Tiantian's meaning is very clear, she doesn't care what the nonsense that Abi is talking about, or how other people think about it.

She just wanted to know what Emperor Yongcheng meant now.

Wang Yuan and the other old foxes lowered their eyelids to hide the light in their eyes.

Feng Shou was so anxious that he was really afraid that Emperor Yongcheng would kill him alive.

He kept in mind the entrustment of the late emperor before his death, and he also sincerely felt the friendship between teachers and students over the past ten years.

"Cough! Cough!"

Feng Shou frantically winked at Emperor Yongcheng, but the other party pretended not to see it.

Forced to do so, Feng Shou coughed on purpose.

As a result, Emperor Yongcheng directly turned his head away.

Feng Shou: ... Ma Dan, if I hadn't owed you father and son, I would have really stepped on the mother and didn't want to care about you.

He Tiantian didn't look at Feng Shou's anxious appearance, but stared at Emperor Yongcheng.

Emperor Yongcheng felt guilty, but he was more eager to get rid of the oppression of the "Queen Mother He".

He avoided He Tiantian's gaze and murmured, "There is no wind and no waves, this Abi doesn't seem to be fake!"

In other words, he would rather trust a stranger who appeared out of nowhere than his own mother?

"Haha! Hahaha!"

He Tiantian was silent for a long time, then suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

Smiling, tears rolled down the corners of her eyes.

Obviously it was laughter, but everyone present felt chills.

As for the loyal servant Song Ma, she couldn't help feeling distressed, and her gaze towards the emperor was full of accusations—

It's nothing more than others. How could you, being a son, hurt your mother's heart so much?

In addition to not taking care of you personally, what else can I feel sorry for you?

I will do my best to protect you, plan for you with all my heart, and bring the best of the world to you.

You have disobeyed many times, and the queen mother was fainted from anger, but she still did not care about you.

Cursing in your mouth, but pain in your heart, no matter how absurd and willful your request is, the Queen Mother finally acquiesced!

... Such a mother, you still suspect that she is not your biological mother?


If you are not afraid of making taboos, you are such an unscrupulous little white-eyed wolf. If it is not your own mother, who will treat you like this?

Suddenly, Mother Song understood Empress Dowager He.

She felt a deep sense of remorse and guilt—

Woohoo, she's confused!

In the past, when I saw that Niangniang suddenly "let go" of the little emperor, Mammy Song also advised Niangniang to relax and stop worrying about a child!

Now, seeing with her own eyes the little emperor's unconscionableness, Song Ma finally realized the despair and sadness of her master!

This child is completely mistreated.

Instead of showing any filial piety to the mother of the Queen Mother, he regarded the Queen Mother as a roadblock and an enemy.

Mother Song is not an ordinary servant. She has been with Queen Mother He for many years, she has seen many conspiracies in the palace, and she has experienced too many storms.

When the late emperor and the empress dowager were confronted, Song mama was the most cutting-edge witness.

Therefore, she also developed a pair of vicious old eyes.

In the past, the fact that he couldn't see the real face of the little emperor was simply because he was in the game and didn't want to think too badly about his little master.

Now, Mother Song is on the opposite side, and she can actually see many facts clearly.

Abi is an old woman, but she can come and beat the drum, and she can let the emperor "trial the case" regardless of the occasion.

If it was said that there was no emperor's handwriting, Song Mama would not believe it if she was beaten to death.

In the face of Empress Dowager He's questioning, the emperor's eyes dodged, and the whole person showed a guilty conscience, and Song Ma could see it very clearly.

... The farce in front of me is not only related to the emperor, but is clearly directed by the emperor!

With this guess, Song Mammy simply couldn't understand the little emperor's divine operation.

However, she could understand why her queen mother suddenly burst into tears.

Because even a dull old slave of hers had guessed the "truth", how could the incomparably smart and wise Queen Mother not guess it.

Niangniang was heartbroken by the little emperor!

Mother Song has no children, but she can save others by herself. She just replaced herself with the Queen Mother He and thought about it, and her heart hurts like being stabbed by a burning needle!

"It turns out that the little emperor is not the real son of the Ai family!"

After He Tiantian smiled sadly, she raised her hand to gently wipe the tears from her cheeks, and said this softly.

Then, without any explanation, she stood up directly, regardless of whether everyone was surprised, puzzled, or gloating, and left the hall.

Emperor Yongcheng was also very surprised. He opened his mouth and wanted to call someone, but he didn't know what to say.

According to the plan, he should denounce the "Empress Dowager He" by giving birth to a child in his womb, leaving his mother to leave a child and other vicious means, and vindicate his "birth mother".

He even made preparations for how he would "trial" this matter if the Queen Mother He refuted it.

But... after anticipating all kinds of possibilities and making a lot of preparations, Abi even had a "blood book" left by A Yuan to prove the identity of Emperor Yongcheng.

As a result, Mrs. He didn't even have a half sentence to refute it, and it seemed to be "acquiescence"!

This this--

Punching the cotton, Emperor Yongcheng, Zheng Nian'er, Hu Shi and others not only felt an inexplicable emptiness, but also a vague fear.

On the surface, they appear to have achieved their goal.

But why were they not as excited and happy as they expected?

Wang Yuan slowly raised his eyelids, glanced at Emperor Yongcheng, who was showing his emotions, and shook his head secretly.

Feng Shou: ...Dead, please burn paper!

Concubine Xie Gui and Queen Liang's mother and son were extremely excited.

If it wasn't for a sensible reminder, the two of them would have liked to dance on the spot, and then ordered people to set firecrackers for three days and three nights to celebrate!

"Haha! I've seen a fool before, but I've never seen a fool like Zhao Gui! Self-deprecation, self-destruction, he is afraid that his position as emperor is not dangerous enough!"

King Liang couldn't wait for the banquet to end, so he wanted to run to the series.

Without the support of the Queen Mother He, Zhao Gui has repeatedly made troubles, abolishing the emperor or something, is it still far?

And the first emperor only had two sons, Zhao Gui was abolished, isn't it his turn to be King Liang?

"... Mr. He, you have to be strong all your life, and you have been calculating for a lifetime, but you still lost in the hands of your own flesh and blood?"

Compared with King Liang's blood boiling, Concubine Xie Gui has a kind of great revenge and joy.

"Haha, my son would rather recognize a humble palace servant as his mother than to recognize you, the queen mother, as a mother. You must be in pain! Haha, there is no way, who made you a failure as a human being!"

"Wives and wives can't do well, and mothers and mothers are incompetent! Now they are about to be grandmothers, but they are still being stabbed in the heart by their own sons... Haha! Hahaha, retribution, really retribution!"

Concubine Xie Gui almost burst into tears from laughter.

She really wished she could go to the imperial mausoleum and tell the late emperor what happened today.

Concubine Xie Gui gritted her teeth even more, thinking that Mrs. He suddenly became a "childless queen mother". How will she show off her power in the future? !

"Erlang, this is the end of the matter, then settle the status as soon as possible!"

"Empress Dowager He" suddenly left the table, and the atmosphere at the scene became extremely strange.

Zheng Nian'er, who was kneeling near Emperor Yongcheng, whispered to Emperor Yongcheng.

Emperor Yongcheng suppressed the uneasiness and fear in his heart. He looked at Zheng Nian'er and everyone at the scene. After a long time, he said a little hoarsely:

"The truth is revealed, I turned out to be the parent and son of the palace servant A Yuan!"

"A, A-Niang has passed away, and I will not hold you accountable for what happened in the past. I will pursue A-Niang as the Empress Dowager Xiaozhen—"

Having said that, Emperor Yongcheng deliberately paused for a moment.

He feared that the courtiers would object.

After all, chasing the queen mother or something is not a trivial matter, and the mystery of his so-called life experience is full of loopholes.

Not to mention others, Feng Shou alone cannot allow him to mess around.

However, what surprised Emperor Yongcheng was that he said so much, and none of the ministers, nobles, and clans present objected.

As for Feng Shou——

Dead, don't disturb!

"Emperor, it's really not that the minister didn't keep his promise back then, it's really your son, the minister can't do anything!"

Fortunately, Feng Shou's promise to the late emperor at that time was that he would never let the mountains of the Great Yuan Dynasty change hands during his lifetime.

Zhao Gui can't do it, isn't there Zhao Yao?

And Feng Shou is already old, and he can't guarantee how long he can live!

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