The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 505 I am a vicious nanny (7)

He Tiantian took care of Qiao Zhenbang and ate.

Qiao Zhenbang always looked at He Tiantian, hesitating and hesitating.

His expression was so obvious that He Tiantian couldn't help pretending that he couldn't see or read.

In the end, she was worthy of pretending to be at a loss and asked, "Professor Qiao, do you have anything to tell me?"

"...Xiao He, we know each other, so I won't hide it!"

"Your daughter has gone to college and is an adult. Have you ever thought about remarrying?"

Qiao Zhenbang seemed to be in a hurry, he didn't even have the first foreshadowing.

He didn't talk about any feelings with He Tiantian, but went straight to the topic.

So direct and so straightforward, He Tiantian showed a surprised expression without disguising.

Her eyes widened, and there was a hint of shyness and panic on her face that was hardly noticeable.

Seeing He Tiantian's reaction, Qiao Zhenbang curled the corners of his lips with a wry smile, and continued:

"Well, as you should have known, my wife died a few years ago."

"At that time, someone persuaded me to find another wife, but I always felt that the children were old, and I was getting old, so it was not suitable to marry again."

"But, this time I walked around the gate of hell and almost never came back, and I suddenly found out—"

"Children, students, friends, and relatives are all unreliable. In the end, the one who can wait by my side is my wife!"

"It's a bit pretentious for me to say this, but we're not young anymore. At this age, it's not realistic to talk about love or love! Let's talk about more realistic and practical issues!"

Qiao Zhenbang's words are straightforward, but his attitude is very sincere.

At first glance, it looks like a heart-to-heart.

He didn't rush to listen to "He Xiutian"'s response, but said to himself——

"I am fifty-four years old this year, and a professor of finance at University A."

"I'm not a rich man, but I have saved a little fortune."

"Except for the faculty dormitory that I live in now,

There is also a flat, a villa, and some deposits! "

"However, we are all parents. You can understand that these family businesses will be left to my two children in a hundred years."

"Of course, without these things, I still have my salary and other income."

"I have roughly estimated that, plus salary and bonuses, there are 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per month."

"After I retire, I still have a pension and consulting fees from some companies, which are no less than 30,000 yuan a month."

This money is Qiao Zhenbang's personal income, which belongs to the joint property of the husband and wife after marriage.

"This time I have a cerebral infarction, and I may have the disease or other diseases in the future. There is no need to worry about medical expenses."

"I have social security, and I also bought commercial insurance such as critical illness insurance, serious illness medical treatment, etc. Even if I get cancer or need major surgery such as a heart transplant or a kidney transplant, the medical expenses will be reimbursed!"

Therefore, he will not cause financial difficulties to the other half because of his old age and serious illness.

It's not like Qiao Zhenbang is talking about marriage with a woman, but he seems to be sitting at the negotiating table, talking about the conditions that are favorable to him one by one.

He Tiantian:  …

Such a straightforward man, such a thorny fruit, discussing marriage on the basis of "he Xiutian", a rural middle-aged woman like "He Xiutian", has no other reaction except for being shocked and at a loss. …

He Tiantian took this measure just right.

She opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

The bottom of his eyes seemed to move-Professor Qiao was not looking for a wife, but a nanny.

However, people are very frank, and they do not talk about feelings with women, and then carry out moral kidnapping.

People have directly stated their attitude that their family business will be left to their children, rather than coaxing women into making pie as an offering to their ancestors.

But people don't let women be free babysitters. His monthly income is the common property of husband and wife, which can be used by women.

Even if it's only half, there are 10,000 or 20,000 a month.

This is much higher than the average live-in nanny salary.

As a middle-aged single mother who wants to earn a lot of money for her daughter to study, He Tiantian will definitely be moved.

But she hesitated again—

She herself did not want to get married, and if she wanted to remarry, she would do it right after her husband died.

Instead of struggling to survive alone with her daughter.

Now that her daughter has gone to college, she can get married and have children in the blink of an eye, and she has completed the task.

At that time, when a person is free and can do whatever he wants, why should he have an "uncle" to serve him.

Professor Qiao made it clear that he was looking for a nanny who could take care of his food and daily life and serve him in front of the hospital bed.

If He Tiantian agreed, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?

In addition to these obvious problems, there is also the opposition or hatred of the children of both sides.

Not to mention others, just Qiao Jianan just now, didn't she show a dissatisfied look to her? !

This is not yet married, nor does it touch the interests of the Qiao brothers and sisters.

Once married in the future, even if they are no longer in the country, there will always be conflicts.

She is clearly Qiao Zhenbang's "savior" and should have accepted the gratitude and respect of the Qiao family's children.

In the end, because he ran to be a free babysitter for Qiao Zhenbang, he became an old goblin or a vicious stepmother!

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Tsk tsk, she is stupid to do such a stupid thing!

Qiao Zhenbang saw He Xiutian's hesitation.

He also knew that women today are smart.

In the same situation, people would rather be a paid nanny who can resign than be fooled into being a "full-time wife" by a man.

"...In addition to these, although I am not a big person, I am a professor of A University, and there are many students and classmates."

"It's hard to say elsewhere. In the provincial capital, I still have some connections and connections."

"Your daughter went to university, and it's still the best S university in the provincial capital, which is great!"

"However, you must be familiar with the current employment situation. It does not mean that you can have a good future by studying in a good university."

"How many undergraduate graduates are there every year? The students themselves ridicule that they are unemployed after graduation. This shows how much employment pressure is there!"

"As for me, I don't have much ability. As a professor of the Department of Finance, whether it is in the field of education or the field of finance, I know a few people!"

So, at that time, whether Zhao Yan continues to study in graduate school, becomes a teacher in a certain school, or enters an enterprise, Qiao Zhenbang will be able to help.

Hearing this, He Tiantian knew that she should show a heart-warming expression. …

She is a good mother who does not remarry after her husband's death, and is devoted to pulling her daughter.

Therefore, her daughter Zhao Yan is her biggest weakness.

Qiao Zhenbang hit her acupuncture point precisely, and she had to respond.

Sure enough, seeing the eager light in "He Xiutian"'s eyes, Qiao Zhenbang knew that his words touched her.

Qiao Zhenbang made persistent efforts, "It's a little early to talk about this issue, but as parents, we must think about it for our children in advance."

"Xiao He, your daughter is very good. In the campus, some boys will like it."

"But, we are all adults and know that falling in love and getting married are two different things."

"Young people fall in love regardless of family conditions and economic bases, as long as they like each other. Love is full of water!"

"However, once we talk about marriage... I'm not discriminatory, but a little frivolous, that is, a single-parent family is very repelled--"

Not to mention, "He Xiutian" is also a nanny.

Qiao Zhenbang didn't say this.

Because of his identity and self-discipline, he couldn't say such obviously professionally discriminatory words.

However, this kind of thing does not need to be said too directly.

The prejudice of the world, the vanity of the world, are real.

Even "He Xiutian" himself hopes that his daughter can find a good family with a house and a car, and her parents-in-law are kind.

Everyone says "as long as the child is of good character", but the two objects, one has a decent job and a good family background; the other is a mess except for "good people". to choose?

As Qiao Zhenbang said, love and marriage are two different things.

If it's just a relationship, with two children, there is no need to worry too much.

But once marriage is involved, it is not a problem of two people, but two families, and it will even affect more relatives and friends.

Marriage is never just love.

Zhao Yan is still a girl, and she is more likely to be picked on in the marriage and love market.

A single parent, a mother or a nanny... Tsk tsk, a little better family should think carefully.

He Tiantian deliberately pretended to be stimulated, with a look of embarrassment and self-blame on her face.

In this way, she obviously heard what Qiao Zhenbang meant, and realized that her situation might cause trouble to her daughter's future.

In fact, there is no need to wait until the future, just like now, He Xiutian has come to the provincial capital, but he does not dare to go to S University to find his daughter easily.

She is afraid that she is not decent enough. If her daughter's classmates and roommates know that she is a nanny who serves others, they will laugh at, despise and even reject her daughter!

"Xiao He, you saved me, and my children and I are very grateful to you!"

"I told them all just now, maybe it was too sudden, and they couldn't accept it for a while."

"However, they don't have much opinion on you, and they won't deliberately target you in the future!"

"Xiao He, I really think you are very good, and I am not too unbearable to say!"

It's more than "not too unbearable". Given Qiao Zhenbang's condition, it's not difficult at all to find a "free babysitter". …

Today's women are indeed not foolishly tricked into being free babysitters.

However, Qiao Zhenbang did not really "white wolf with empty gloves", he took out his monthly income.

Twenty to thirty thousand a month, even if Professor Qiao's living standard is high and his daily expenses are higher than ordinary people, he can still save half of it.

This half of the money is already much higher than the nanny's salary.

If a woman can figure out how to live, she may be able to "save" more money.

Therefore, if you marry Qiao Zhenbang, even if you don't get his property, the monthly income alone is enough to attract many women.

Of course, Qiao Zhenbang also has to choose.

First and foremost, it's a matter of character.

In this regard, "He Xiutian" has an innate advantage - without knowing it, they saved Qiao Zhenbang who suddenly fell ill.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Such a kind person, Qiao Zhenbang will really have a stroke in the future, and he will not be able to take care of himself, so he should not be too abusive to him.

Of course, Qiao Zhenbang also gave up the bait.

Even if he retires in the future, he will still have pensions, consultant bonuses, etc.

If he lives an extra month, his "wife" will be able to share an extra month's income.

Second, it is fate.

Qiao Zhenbang is not someone who pursues romance, but he believes in fate.

He and "He Xiutian" were originally people from two worlds, and under normal circumstances, there would be no intersection.

However, they have come into contact, and inexplicably become people who accompany each other day and night.

"He Xiutian" has no culture, nor is it refined and particular enough, but this person is diligent and willing to learn.

As a teacher, Qiao Zhenbang is not afraid of stupid students, but is afraid that students will be lazy.

"He Xiutian" is very motivated. Although he only learns a massage from a nurse, or learns how to cook soup and cooking from a patient's family, at least he has a positive attitude.

Qiao Zhenbang felt that if they got married, "He Xiutian" could use his spare time to sign up for more classes.

Whether it's cooking, nursing, or learning a nutritionist, it's all very good.

"He Xiutian" has learned skills, and he can also get enough enjoyment!

Qiao Zhenbang is a finance student, and he is best at calculating interests and investing in advance.

And "He Xiutian" is a potential stock he is optimistic about.

He Tiantian:  …

Although she couldn't hear Qiao Zhenbang's voice, she was sure that this Professor Qiao must have considered it very carefully.

No, even Zhao Yan, the daughter of the original owner, brought it up to talk about it, which shows that he was thoughtful.

"Xiao He, I said so much, what do you think?"

Barabara said a lot, and Qiao Zhenbang's mouth was dry.

He Tiantian winked and handed him a glass of warm water.

Qiao Zhenbang was even more satisfied. He would choose "He Xiutian". The most important reason was that this person would take care of others.

After being ill for a while, and after walking around outside the gate of hell, Qiao Zhenbang thought about it completely.

He finally knew what was really needed for an old man like him.

It's not a child, it's not a success, but when he is seriously ill, there is a reliable person by his side who can take care of him and take care of him carefully and thoughtfully!

Others, all riding on the horse is false.

"...Professor Qiao, this,'s so sudden, I never thought of remarrying!"

"And my daughter, she and I have been living with each other for more than ten years. I, I don't know if she will agree!"

He Tiantian pretended to be at a loss, her face was blushing, and she stammered.

Qiao Zhenbang understood it very well, and nodded slowly, "Then discuss it with your daughter."

"The seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl should already be sensible!"

Entering a university campus is like stepping into society with one foot.

Don't feel that the campus is simple. Now that the information is developed, the students have long become no longer naive.

Especially someone like Zhao Yan who came from a small remote county to a bustling big city, from simply studying well to putting on talents and dressing up... Her mood will definitely be affected!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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