The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 508 I am a vicious nanny (10)

finally come!

He Tiantian looked calm on the surface, but secretly communicated with D classmates with consciousness.

"Little D, do you feel the energy fluctuations of the wild system? Compared with the palace fighting system in the previous world, how powerful is this cannon fodder counterattack system?"

Xiao D felt it carefully, and shook Xiao Yuan's body, "It's a little far away, I can only feel its arrival, but I can't judge its energy!"

"However, this wild lineage came too early. Unlike the previous world, you made so many preparations, and the wild lineage was long overdue!"

Little D classmates rambled on.

He Tiantian pursed her lips. She was worried that the wild party would come too early, so she made such a plan.

Otherwise, if time is sufficient, He Tiantian can use other methods.

Instead of choosing to be a free nanny for Qiao Zhenbang, he took a "shortcut" that could not highlight his personal value!

"How about Zhao Yan? Did she agree to be bound to the system?"

He Tiantian paused for a moment, then asked.


Speaking of this, Xiao D was very excited: "Sweet, I have to say that Zhao Yan, the female lead's control group, although she is vain and not strong enough, her IQ is very online!"

"Presumably that wild one must have said a lot of bewitching things, but she never agreed to be bound!"

Because if Zhao Yan agreed to be bound, her divine soul would be mixed with wild energy fluctuations.

For now, Xiao D students have not felt such a situation.

"Well, apart from her vanity, Zhao Yan is very smart herself."

He Tiantian nodded in agreement, "To be admitted to the best university in the provincial capital, Zhao Yan's IQ is definitely enough!"

"It's just that the poverty of her family and the embarrassment of a single-parent family made her too inferior, and when she was deficient, she had desire."

When reality can't meet her needs and she has no better solution, a little misleading or bewitching will lead her to go down the wrong path.

But in the process of "deteriorating", Zhao Yan will still have time to wake up.


She couldn't control her heart, and then she fell into the quagmire step by step and couldn't extricate herself.

What He Tiantian has to do now is to hold Zhao Yan so that she will no longer be lacking, no longer have low self-esteem, and refuse to degenerate herself.

"However, it's useless for her to insist. The cannon fodder counterattack system is a wild system. It likes to play rogues the most. If it is the same as the palace fighting system in the previous world, it will be forcibly bound-"

Xiao D, who has always been "naive", is not so optimistic this time.

"You also said that the wild world is very likely to be the same as the previous world!"

He Tiantian was more optimistic than Xiao D's classmate. She said slowly, "In the previous world, Zheng Nian'er's experience taught me that there is a difference between forced binding and voluntary binding."

"The former can also have a chance to be separated from the wild family, while the latter is really irreparable!"

Zheng Nian'er was forcibly bound by the Gongdou system and forced to become a machine for tasks.

But deep down in her soul, she rejected the so-called system.

Therefore, when the wild system cannot draw energy, He Tiantian can easily separate it from the soul of the host.

It's just that the Gongdou system has been bound to Zheng Nian'er for too long, and Zheng Nian'er's spirit has been affected to some extent.

In the end, He Tiantian can only send her soul back to reality, but cannot let her continue to travel in ancient times.

Of course, perhaps being able to return to reality is Zheng Nian'er's biggest dream.

But no matter whether Zheng Nian'er is happy or not, He Tiantian has won a chance for her.

Now Zhao Yan is also entangled in the wild, as long as Zhao Yan does not agree, as long as He Tiantian acts as soon as possible, he can save Zhao Yan as much as possible!

"Exactly, about Qiao Zhenbang, I need to 'discuss' with my daughter. I will go to S University tomorrow!"

He Tiantian sorted out her thoughts and quickly made a decision.

The next day, He Tiantian prepared breakfast for Qiao Zhenbang, watched him get a drip, greeted the nurse and the family members of the patient in the same ward, and left the hospital in a hurry.

"Mom, why are you here?"

Without a good night's sleep, Zhao Yan's spirit was a little sluggish.

There are light blue under both eyes, and it looks like a lack of sleep.

There is a big trouble in the mind, Zhao Yan is not in a good mood.

When she received a call from her mother, she was worried that her roommate would hear about it and ask her about her mother's situation.

What, Zhao Yan really didn't dislike her mother, but she just didn't want to tell her roommates: My mother is a nanny!

Everyone says "It's not shameful to eat with your own hands", but no child would write in "My Ideal":

I want to be a nanny, I want to be a construction site guy, I want to be a junk picker.

Most of the methods parents use to educate children who are unwilling to study hard are to let their children experience the hardships of heavy physical work.

Zhao Yan had never disliked her own mother, nor was she qualified to dislike her.

However, she still tries to avoid letting her classmates and roommates know the real situation of her family.

"There is something I-I want to discuss with you!"

He Tiantian deliberately revealed a hesitant and flattering tone on the phone.

Zhao Yan was a little surprised, her mother had always been a strong and independent personality.

Nothing else, just to see that after her husband died, she did not remarry under the banner of "for the sake of the child", but gritted her teeth and raised her daughter alone, which is enough to show everything.

Whether it is for Zhao Yan to study at university, or renting out the farmland from his hometown, or going to the provincial capital to work alone, it is He Xiutian's decision.

At most, she just said something to her daughter, and that was just a notification, not a discussion!

What's the matter with mom today?

Is it too important or too sensitive for the mother to "negotiate"? !

Zhao Yan suddenly felt uneasy in her heart. After class, she made an excuse and did not go to the study room with her roommates for self-study.

She dodged and ran outside the school gate to find her mother who had been waiting for a long time. The mother and daughter went to the alley behind S University.

Looking around to see that there was no one, Zhao Yan asked eagerly, "Mom, what's the matter?"

He Tiantian deliberately made a twisted and hesitant appearance.

She looked at Zhao Yan with anxiety in her eyes.

Zhao Yan's heart became more and more uneasy, "Mom, have you encountered any trouble? Oh, you are talking!"

After saying this, Zhao Yan realized that her tone was not very good.

She hurriedly eased her tone, "If there's something wrong, just say it, and even if I can't solve it, we can find a solution together!"

Seeing that her daughter is still considerate, He Tiantian thought to herself: Although Zhao Yan is vain and selfish, she will still cheat her mother later.

But her nature is not bad, at most she is not firm enough and easily corroded.

"Yan'er, I, I said this, don't worry, don't think about it!"

He Tiantian continued to act hesitantly and hesitantly. She looked left and right to make sure that no one was around, so she said a little embarrassedly:

"I, the Professor Qiao I take care of, he wants to marry me!"

Zhao Yan: (⊙_⊙)?

My mother was so simple, let her "just say it", and she really said it directly.

He didn't even ask "Yan'er, do you want a father" or something like that.

Silently spit out a small groove, Zhao Yan was completely shocked.

But after the shock, there was no reasonable resistance.

When I was a child, when my father died, everyone around me said that my mother was still young and would definitely remarry.

Even her grandparents tried to persuade her mother to find another home.

At that time, Zhao Yan was no longer afraid.

She was afraid that her mother would really marry and not herself.

Or, when my mother gets married, she will take herself with her, but when she goes to someone else's house, she is a dragging oil bottle.

If you have a stepfather, you will have a stepmother, and you don't need to watch TV or be frightened by adults. There are too many such examples around her.

When a man dies, a woman remarrys or simply runs away, and neither son nor daughter is needed.

Some women are reluctant to have children, or the husbands of second marriages are willing to accept a girl and will remarry with her daughter.

But when my daughter went to a new family, she was either ignored by her stepfather or bullied by her own children, and she lived as pitiful as the little cabbage in the field!

Therefore, during that time, Zhao Yan often cried in front of her own mother, begging her not to leave herself behind.

I don't know if it was my own crying that played a role, or my mother cared more about her daughter. No matter what the people around her said, no matter how hard life was, my mother never married.

Guarding her, farming and working alone, raising her hard, and sending her to university.

Now, Zhao Yan is seventeen years old, and she is about to become an adult.

Her character may not be mature enough, but she is no longer the helpless little girl who was afraid of her mother's remarriage.

She didn't resist her mother's remarriage too much.

To be honest, sometimes Zhao Yan thinks that her mother has not remarried for more than ten years because of her.

Now her mother is in her forties, and Zhao Yan will work and get married after college, and will leave her mother sooner or later.

When she has a small family of her own, what will her mother do?

Should she continue to suffer alone?

Her mother has sacrificed too much for her. If there is a chance, Zhao Yan also hopes that her mother can have a stable and beautiful old age!

Remarried, finding a wife, and having someone to rely on when you are old is also a kind of happiness.

Zhao Yan thought so, but she was not shirking her responsibilities and was unwilling to support her own mother.

But from the perspective of feelings, she hopes that her mother can live a happy life for a few years.

Not to mention-

"Professor Qiao? Mom, you mean the finance professor of University A, the one who lives in the family's house of A?"

Zhao Yan's brain turned quickly.

He Tiantian deliberately pretended not to see the calculations in Zhao Yan's eyes, she nodded dumbly, "Yes, it's him!"

"He said that he was sick and wanted to do everything, and wanted to find a wife who could take care of him!"

"As for me, I'm thinking, if you go to college, if you get married in the future, it's better to have a complete family than a single-parent family..."

He Tiantian made a special mention and wanted to tell Zhao Yan: Dear, Professor Qiao and I don't have any romantic relationship between men and women.

After saying this, He Tiantian hurriedly added, "However, I still want to discuss with you how to decide this matter in the end!"

"Yan'er, I know, at my age, it's a bit embarrassing to talk about getting married-"

Before He Tiantian could finish speaking, Zhao Yan, who had already reacted, hurriedly interrupted.

"Mom, it's not shameful to say anything!"

"Also, what do you mean by 'at your age'? What's wrong with you? You're only forty-five years old this year!"

In her hometown, a woman in her 40s is indeed the age at which her life is destined. Zhang Luo, who should marry her child, should marry her grandson, and grandson should help hold her child.

But when she came to the provincial capital, Zhao Yan knew that there were many women, especially exceptional and exceptional women.

Getting married in your thirties is normal.

And forty-five years old is not the age of middle-aged and elderly women, obediently waiting for retirement.

Zhao Yan never objected to her mother's remarriage, but now her mother's object of remarriage is still a university professor who lives in the family's house of Family A, which Li Sangzi envies!

Thinking of the troubles she had buried yesterday because of her lying, Zhao Yan's heart sank.

If mother is married to Professor Qiao, then she is the stepdaughter of the Qiao family.

Saying that I live in University A is simply too reasonable.

She didn't lie, no!

If her roommates offered to visit her house in the future, she wouldn't have to try to lie!

Also, when the roommates mentioned their families and parents again, Zhao Yan didn’t have to hide it, but could say something generously—

"My father is a professor at University A, and my mother is a housewife!"

Well, Zhao Yan admitted that she was vain.

For the sake of his decency, even his father can easily recognize him.

It seems that she is a little sorry for her biological father.

However, when her father died, she was only eight years old.

And in her deep memory, the impression of her own father was that of an alcohol addict who ignored his wife and daughter for the sake of his brother!

Yes, as far as my father and Zhao Yan are concerned, they are not warm and memorable existences.

My father, Zhao Yongfeng, was an ordinary farmer, and everyone said he was honest and kind.

When I was young, I used to work in the city.

However, after being tricked by the foreman once, and after working hard for more than half a year, he didn't even earn a penny, and he no longer wanted to work in the city.

After returning to his hometown, he guarded the family's ten acres of land, and occasionally returned to work in the orchards and fish ponds contracted by the villagers, barely able to support his family.

Perhaps because he couldn't make a lot of money, Zhao Yongfeng felt a little inferior.

He is desperate to prove to everyone that he is not a "wimp".

It's just that the method he proves is a bit different, not trying to make money, but eating and drinking with a group of friends.

It was as if he was fighting with people in a wine field, or rushing to pay after the game, and the "brothers" praised him a few words, and he was really a "skilled person".

The money he earned was not enough for him to drink.

He is very generous to those friends, and would rather starve his wife and daughter than lend the little money that the family finally saved to a "brother" who is not very short of money.

After drinking alcohol, when I got home, I started to go crazy.

Fortunately, he can't beat people, but the way he swears, falls, smashes, blames others, and brags all over the sky is really ugly.

When young Zhao Yan saw such a father, she really couldn't give birth to the slightest respect and closeness.

The cause of death of my father is also not very decent. He drank alcohol, but alcohol poisoning.

When Shili Baxiang mentioned Zhao Yongfeng, they would say something with disgust: "Oh, that's the alcohol addict, he doesn't do his business, he drinks every day, and he drank himself to death!"

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