The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and tenth chapter I am a vicious nanny (12)

"Professor Qiao, I discussed it with my daughter, but she didn't object too much!"

Back at the hospital, He Tiantian whispered to Qiao Zhenbang while giving him a massage.

Qiao Zhenbang's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face, "Okay, it's fine if the child doesn't object!"

"Then let's do this as soon as possible?"

In a few days, it will be November. Before the holiday, go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate, and then take advantage of the Golden Week to clean up the house.

His new life will be on the right track!

Qiao Zhenbang thought to himself.

His body, in fact, has almost recovered and can be discharged from the hospital.

However, because of a plan in his heart, Qiao Zhenbang wanted to settle the matter and then go home.

Now, "He Xiutian" finally agreed, and Qiao Zhenbang began to plan step by step according to his own ideas.

"Not urgent!"

He Tiantian will not be led by Qiao Zhenbang's nose.

She was not begging Qiao Zhenbang, but insisted that he give him a bowl of rice.

Between her and Qiao Zhenbang, no one is superior or inferior, but an equal partnership.

Before the "cooperation" officially begins, He Tiantian must clarify her attitude and position.

In this way, when she gets married, she will not be at a disadvantage.

Qiao Zhenbang was stunned for a moment, "No, no hurry?"


Does "He Xiutian" still have a big deal?

Second marriage, they are not young, there is no need to make such a big fanfare.

Even if you want a sense of ceremony, it is enough for the two families to sit down and have a meal together.

Qiao Zhenbang fell ill and knew what he really needed.

He did want to find a "wife" who could serve him, but he didn't want to be too public.

Because everyone is not a fool, seeing him suddenly remarry, the object is still a middle-aged rural woman who is obviously unsuitable for him.

Even thinking with his toes, he knew that Qiao Zhenbang was not looking for a wife, but a nanny.

Although the fact is true, but this kind of thing, let's see it without saying it.

It's good that everyone knows each other well. Once they say it, Qiao Zhenbang will feel embarrassed!

He didn't even want to be discussed in secret, saying that he was not kind, that he was too calculating, and that he tricked other women into not being a nanny who could earn money, and stupidly acting as a free nanny for him.

This kind of thing is not good to say.

Qiao Zhenbang is not a kind and perfect holy father, but he is not a real villain either.

Between him and "He Xiutian", it is a mutually beneficial transaction!

When they live together, they have plans for each other, and he really isn't playing tricks alone.

"Yes! No hurry!"

He Tiantian didn't seem to see the change in Qiao Zhenbang's expression, she continued to speak while massaging——

"There are some things I want to make clear in advance!"

Qiao Zhenbang remained calm, but his eyes were obviously vigilant.

He was worried that "He Xiutian" wanted to take the opportunity to speak loudly.

He thought that Qiao Zhenbang had to be her, so he was not greedy enough. In addition to his monthly income, he also wanted to be greedy for other property.

"First, the matter between the two of us was brought up by you, Professor Qiao, not me rushing to climb up the branches!"

He Tiantian still pretended not to notice Qiao Zhenbang's eyes, but said calmly, "I'm not the old goblin who seduces you and destroys other people's families, right or wrong?"

Qiao Zhenbang was stunned for a moment, hey, it's not the same as what he guessed.

He nodded in confusion, "Yes!"

The person who first proposed marriage was indeed not "He Xiutian".

And "He Xiutian" is not only a bad woman who climbs high, but also Qiao Zhenbang's savior.

In fact, this is also one of the reasons why Qiao Zhenbang chose "He Xiutian" - he did not directly marry his nanny, but married his savior.

Although there is not much difference between the two, but speaking, the latter is always better.

"Life-saving grace, promise with one's body" or something, not only has the traditional romance of the Chinese,

It will also show Qiao Zhenbang's love and righteousness.

"So, Professor Qiao, if I marry you, even if I don't get the acceptance and respect of your children, I shouldn't be ostracized or even hated by them! Is it right or not?"

He Tiantian raised her head and looked fixedly at Qiao Zhenbang.

Qiao Zhenbang:  …

Suddenly something flashed in his mind, and his expression became a little unnatural.

"Then what, Xiao He, don't worry about it, that kid from Jianan, it's just too unexpected, and he misunderstood you a little bit, that's why—"

As a father, Qiao Zhenbang certainly knows the dispositions of his children.

The eldest son, Qiao Jiamu, is okay. He is older and married again. After all, his temperament is calm and mature.

Regarding Qiao Zhenbang's remarriage, although it felt sudden, he quickly understood.

Because Qiao Jiamu knows very well that he has already married and settled abroad, and unless there is a major change, he will not return to China.

It is his inescapable responsibility to take care of and support his father.

This time Qiao Zhenbang suffered a cerebral infarction and almost suffered a stroke. On the plane back to China, Qiao Jiamu once thought:

If my father really lost the ability to take care of himself, he would take people to the United States to take care of him.

Whether it is to hire a nurse or send him to a nursing home, it is to take people out of the country, not to bring them back to serve them.

Now, without Qiao Jiamu worrying about his father's "future", his father has a solution.

After the initial surprise when he heard the news, Qiao Jiamu quickly figured it out and agreed very much.

Anyway, his father had promised him that even if he remarried, the Qiao family's property would not be cheap to outsiders.

At most, it would cost ten to twenty thousand dollars a month to hire a senior live-in nanny!

His own interests were not lost, and on the contrary, he helped solve major problems. Qiao Jiamu really did not object.

As the youngest daughter, Qiao Jianan is more headstrong.

In addition, she is not married yet, she still has a certain sense of territory and belonging to her father and home.

Inexplicably, there was a "stepmother", and Qiao Jianan's first reaction was rejection.

She didn't want to blame her father, so she angered "He Xiutian".

I think it is this middle-aged woman from the countryside who is greedy for the money and status of the Qiao family, and tries every means to gain a position!

Of course, Qiao Jianan is a highly educated person, and he also retains a minimum of sanity.

Complaining in my heart, I wouldn't really run to "He Xiutian".

When I saw He Tiantian that day, she gave a black face and snorted coldly, it was she who was expressing her dissatisfaction.

Qiao Zhenbang felt that although his daughter was a little inappropriate, it was not too much.

However, He Tiantian was very concerned.

She interrupted Qiao Zhenbang directly, "Perhaps, she really misunderstood."

"However, there are some things that need to be made clear. For example, the real estate and deposits you mentioned before, those are your property!"

"It makes sense that you want to leave it to your children. I also fully understand and agree!"

"Actually, you don't have to wait 100 years, you can transfer the house to your two children now and give them a share of the savings!"

"Or when we get married, we sign a prenuptial agreement, stating that those properties are your prenuptial properties. Whether we divorce or have an accident in the future, the only heirs to those properties are your children!"

He Tiantian said "misunderstanding" first, and then talked about the issue of property.

It means to make it clear that she thinks Qiao Jianan will play with her, not because she cares if she is an old goblin, but because she is worried that the property she can get will be taken away!

Well, Qiao Jianan will definitely have such worries.

Even Qiao Zhenbang knew it in his heart.

However, this kind of words are also seen through but not spoken.

Once he said it, Qiao Zhenbang's face couldn't be hung up.

His daughter objected to his remarriage, not for fear that he would be deceived by a woman, or that his father would be taken away.

And just for property!

This... alas, the reality is cruel.

Even if Qiao Zhenbang felt sorry for his daughter, he couldn't say much to help her refute.

Even in the bottom of his heart, he was a little awkward—does his daughter love him, or does he care more about his money?

Don't blame Qiao Zhenbang for thinking too much, he really experienced a life and death, and personally experienced the pain and despair of dying.

Qiao Zhenbang's mentality has really changed dramatically.

You could say he's become more selfish, or you could say he's become "transparent."

In short, he no longer thinks about his children, work, and students as he used to, he wants to live for himself!

Property or something, after all, it's not too much, at least not comparable to those of the real rich.

However, after being ill and having experienced the experience of being unattended, Qiao Zhenbang deeply realized what is most reliable - money!

If he has money, he can find a conspiratorial wife like "He Xiutian" and catch her to serve him well in the future.

If you have money, you can be filial to the father and son, and the father and daughter can live in harmony.

His property, he will indeed leave his two children, but not now, but a hundred years from now.

If as He Tiantian said, divide the property cleanly now... Haha, in the TV news, are there fewer cases of old people transferring the house to their children in advance, but ending up homeless?

"There is no need to owe a prenuptial agreement, and those properties do not need to be divided in advance!"

Qiao Zhenbang felt awkward, and his tone was a little stiff, "I want to marry you, and you don't want my money. This matter has nothing to do with my two children!"

"They understand that support is best. If they are not satisfied, then hold on. Anyway, they will stay abroad in the future, and they will never come back once a year!"

"I'm back, if I'm still angry, I won't condone it! It's you, not them, who live with me and spend the rest of my life with me! I can tell these things clearly!"

Qiao Zhenbang spoke decisively, even a little inhumane.

He also wanted to express his attitude to He Tiantian: he would not allow his children to despise and humiliate her!

"In this case, when I see Jiamu and Jianan, I will understand!"

Qiao Zhenbang made a serious statement!

"Professor Qiao, this is the best! After all, I really didn't do anything wrong to others, and I don't want to be charged with crimes that don't belong to me!"

He Tiantian was still satisfied, nodded and said.

However, before she was finished, she made a second request: "We are married for the second time, and we are not young anymore. There is no need to make a big deal about marriage!"

"However, there must be a minimum ceremony. At least your relatives and friends, your colleagues, and your students must know that I am your wife, not your nanny!"

What He Tiantian wants is not only a sense of ceremony, but also a real status and respect.

Her "professor's wife" must be worthy of the name, must be public, and must be recognized by the circle of Qiao Zhenbang!

He Tiantian did this not for herself, but for Zhao Yan.

Only in this way, He Tiantian can enter Qiao's house justifiably, and Zhao Yan can slowly build up self-confidence and pride.

Qiao Zhenbang:  …

Well, this request, although a bit higher than his plan, is not unacceptable.

Nodding his head, Qiao Zhenbang said there was no problem.

He Tiantian made a third request, "Professor Qiao, you should also know that I have no intention of remarrying."

"I will promise this marriage, more for my daughter—"

This time, without waiting for He Tiantian to finish speaking, Qiao Zhenbang said actively: "Don't worry, after we get married, Yan'er will also be my daughter, and I will treat her well!"

"By the way, let's just renovate the small room at home and let Yan'er live there!"

"Although she lives on campus now, our home is not far from S University. Every weekend, we can let Yaner come home and live!"

Qiao Zhenbang is very shrewd, he accurately found out the fate of "He Xiutian".

In order to get better care in the future, he decided that he would treat Zhao Yan's cheap daughter well.

As long as he shows enough kindness to Zhao Yan, "He Xiutian" will serve him with all his heart.

This is a win-win situation for you, me, and everyone. Qiao Zhenbang will not destroy it by himself.

He Tiantian smiled, and Qiao Zhenbang really got on the road.

Dealing with smart people is so easy, you don't need to talk too much.

With a consensus and a tacit understanding, Qiao Zhenbang and He Tiantian, the halfway husband and wife, became extremely harmonious in the shortest possible time.

He Tiantian helped Qiao Zhenbang to be discharged from the hospital, while Qiao Zhenbang called in a few students and found acquaintances to renovate the room at home.

Not only the guest room allocated to Zhao Yan, but the master bedroom and living room were also simply decorated.

At least, the old house should have a newlywed vibe.

At the same time, Qiao Zhenbang also called a pair of children, and the family of three closed the door and talked in detail.

Qiao Jiamu was fine, and he didn't have too obvious mood swings.

Qiao Jianan obviously had a little dissatisfaction in his eyes, but when he saw He Tiantian again, he didn't roll his eyes or say sarcastic words.

Her attitude is still not very intimate, but she will not directly reject it. She regards "He Xiutian" as a stranger.

In addition, Qiao Zhenbang asked a boss he had worked with and booked a few tables in a five-star hotel under the name of the other party.

He informed his acquaintances, neighbors, and well-connected students, and solemnly stated: I am going to remarry, and my wife is my savior, He Xiutian.

On the day of the wine set, Qiao Zhenbang not only introduced "He Xiutian" to all relatives and friends, but also kindly pushed Zhao Yan out.

"This is my youngest daughter, haha, she is seventeen years old this year, and is studying international trade at S University. You can take care of it in the future!"

Qiao Zhenbang's face was full of love, and he valued Zhao Yan's appearance as a cheap daughter very much.

Those teachers, professors, or entrepreneurs who asked Qiao Zhenbang to be their consultants were nothing more than polite smiles and greeting gifts.

Many of Qiao Zhenbang's students, especially the graduate students under his command, are very enthusiastic.

One by one, "Little Junior Sister" shouted, that attitude, let alone being attentive.

Zhao Yan has an inexplicable illusion, she seems to be Yue Lingshan of the Huashan School, who is loved by all the stars...

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