The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 524th chapter is another rescue mission (3)

"Uh, this, hehe-"

Little D classmate smiled guiltily.

"Little D classmate?"

He Tiantian said almost word by word.

Little D classmate felt a pressure from the villain, and there was a huge tremor deep in its core.

Shaking the fur on his body, Xiao D hurriedly said, "What, sweet, this is definitely not something I'm hiding on purpose!"

"It's like this, this novel world was forced to close because of the failure of the mission. Even the main system cannot easily detect the situation!"

Afraid of He Tiantian's misunderstanding, classmate D explained the general situation carefully and carefully.

In Dianniang Library, there is a certain process for dealing with such novels except for problems——

Shield first, readers can't see it, but the inside of the system can be probed.

After probing, determine what is wrong with the novel, and then let the writers fix it.

If the fix is ​​successful, then touch the ban and keep reading for readers.

However, if the repair fails, or there is no value in repairing, it will be taken off the shelf and placed in the recycle bin.

In this way, not only readers can't see it, but the system itself cannot be further explored.

Now, the novel task that needs to be rescued has directly skipped the "shielding" step and has been taken off the shelf on its own.

It is not impossible for the system to forcibly investigate, but it may lead to further collapse of the novel world.

"...So, why did the last writer fail? The main system doesn't even know what the novel world has become!"

Xiao D said in a low voice, with a hint of grievance in his tone.

It's not that it's deliberately concealing or deceiving, it's just that it doesn't know wow.

"Oh, I see!"

He Tiantian said in a stunned mouth, but whispered in her heart: There is still such a situation!

Does the main system not know, or is it too lazy to probe?

Or is this remedial task really cumbersome?

He Tiantian began to beat drums in her heart.

Feeling He Tiantian's "retreat", Xiao D hurriedly said, "This time the remedial task is indeed a bit more difficult, so there will be a double reward for points."

"Oh, yes, and oh, the virus this time seems to be very domineering, and the more domineering the virus, the more energy it contains—"

And He Tiantian has contract renewal benefits, she can absorb the energy of the virus.

The more energy the virus has, the more spiritual power He Tiantian will gain, which will greatly help her grow her soul.

He Tiantian: ... This is also an exciting condition.

It's just that He Tiantian is instinctively afraid of a world that is too unknown.

Little D classmate saw that He Tiantian still didn't live, and after holding it for a long time, he still spit out a sentence: "Besides, you have already accepted this task, and now you regret-" It seems a little late.

He Tiantian rolled her eyes, "I knew you were cheating on me! Humph!"

The plush on Xiao D's body trembled, and he smiled with a smile, "No! Sweet, you are my close friend. I will be fine if you are hello. How can I cheat on you?"

"Forget it, since you've already accepted the mission, let's give it a try."

He Tiantian doesn't really care about classmates D.

She thought about it carefully, although unknown things always make people feel afraid, but this kind of task without script and without prediction will also give people a sense of freshness and excitement.

He Tiantian's heart was full of eagerness to try.

However, before entering the novel world, He Tiantian still made some preparations.

In reality, she has everything arranged properly.

After returning to the courtyard, lying on the bed, after adjusting my body and mind, I slowly said, "Okay, let's enter the world of novels!"

"Okay! The mission world is open!"

Xiao D's cheerful mechanical voice sounded.

Space was distorted, time and space were transformed, and when He Tiantian became conscious again, before she could see everything around her clearly, she felt a very uncomfortable aura.

Putrid, dirty, lifeless, full of destruction... It felt like she was in hell.

Oh no, not hell.

He Tiantian once had such a feeling, and it was still in a certain apocalyptic script.

Wait, has this world collapsed from an urban supernatural text to an apocalyptic sci-fi text?

"Hetian! Hetian! Are you all right?"

"Oh, he doesn't have a fever, right? I heard it on the radio. If he has a fever, he is most likely infected with the virus!"

"Not necessarily, it may also be inspired by the ability!"

"...Ha, ability? You really believe those posts on the Internet."

"You don't believe it, but the problem is, that blogger didn't lie, no, isn't the end of the world coming?"

"Enough! Stop arguing, we are trapped in the school now, and if we want to escape, we must unite!"

He Tiantian was groggy, and there was a group of people talking in his ears.

She was in a coma, and her whole body was so hot, as if she was in a furnace.

The burning made her mouth dry, as if her soul was about to be roasted dry.

He Tiantian stabilized her spirit and tried her best to keep herself awake.

She knew that the body she had passed through should be sick, and the whole person was very weak.

If it cannot be treated in time, it is very likely to hang up directly.

Just came out and hung up, tsk tsk, the mission failed.

He Tiantian refused such a tragic reminder. With her powerful soul and super willpower, she finally controlled this body.

Biting the tip of her tongue hard, the pain made her wake up for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, He Tiantian hurriedly ran a circle of Promise-


There is plenty of aura around.

Wait, this is not aura, but a tyrannical black energy.

However, now He Tiantian can't take much care of it, and she continues to save herself with spiritual power.

No matter whether it is dark energy or real spiritual energy, she can transform it into the spiritual energy she needs through Little Martial Uncle's Promise Decision.

I have to say that Uncle's Promise is really amazing, and it is indeed the kind of exercise that can finally make people soar.

Relying on it, He Tiantian can not only cultivate her soul and strengthen herself in various mission worlds, but in reality, she has also cultivated spiritual power.

This time, in this suspected apocalyptic virus world, the energy is out of control, but He Tiantian has a sufficient energy source.

After running for a week, He Tiantian actually gathered a small amount of spiritual power in her dantian.

He Tiantian didn't know whether to be surprised or surprised, but she didn't dare to waste time. If she wanted to understand the world and successfully complete the task, she had to wake up first.

Make sure that this body will not hang up easily, and everything will have a chance!

He Tiantian continued to run the Promise Jue, allowing the spiritual power to travel through the major meridians of the body.

After dredging her body with spiritual power, He Tiantian felt that her body was not so weak, and her mental state was much better.

She was finally able to fuse the memory of this body and feel everything that happened around her more clearly.

The owner of this body is Shen Hetian, a college student who is about to graduate.

Does the name sound familiar?

Shen Aotian and Shen Hetian, the names of these people are only one word different from the male protagonist of the original script.

Even if they are not brothers, it is estimated that they have some origins.

In fact, Shen Hetian was really Shen Aotian's brother, but he was not a compatriot, but a cousin of the same clan.

They are all villagers from Shenjiaping, a remote small mountain village. Ninety percent of the people in the village are surnamed Shen, and the same ancestor is worshipped in the ancestral hall.

However, Shen Aotian and Shen Hetian already had five suits apart. Although they could still call "brother" according to their seniority, their blood relationship was already very weak.

Shen Aotian was the first famous university sage that Shenjiaping flew out of, and he was the pride of the whole village.

As for Shen Hetian, it was the second.

It's just that he is slightly worse than Shen Aotian. The male protagonist was admitted to a famous university in the capital, while Shen Hetian went to the best university in the provincial capital.

From childhood to adulthood, Shen Hetian seemed to live under the shadow of Shen Aotian.

It's not as good as others in the college entrance examination, and it seems that the entrepreneurship after graduation is not as good as others.

After graduation, Shen Aotian became Shenjiaping's most promising descendant because of a fortuitous encounter. He not only became a rich man himself, but also tried every means to promote his family members.

Outsiders don't know that Shen Aotian has opened the golden finger, they only think that he is really capable.

The people in the village regarded him as a role model for educating their own children.

After Shen Aotian bought a house and opened a company in the capital, he took the clansmen out of the village to make a fortune together.

The folks in Shenjiaping are even more envious and respectful of him.

He opened his mouth and shut his mouth and said, "Xiao Ao is a smart boy since he was a child. Now it seems that he is indeed the most promising junior of our Shenjiaping."

The touted words and the envious look should not be too obvious!

Shen Hetian came home from vacation, and all his ears were filled with such voices, even his parents couldn't help comparing him to Shen Aotian.

And use Shen Aotian as a goal to motivate Shen Hetian: "Xiao He, you have to study hard with Xiao Ao."

"After graduation, we will also start a business, be the boss, and help the villagers in the village!"

As a young man in his twenties, Shen Hetian was the second young man to pass the test of Shen Jiaping. He was arrogant and sensitive.

Hearing the words of the villagers and parents, at first he really envied and admired Shen Aotian, his cousin who was separated by several rooms.

However, the same words are heard a lot, and they are always used for comparison, and the rebellious psychology of young people will come up.


always like this!

From childhood to adulthood, from elementary school, middle school to university, he seemed to be a little bit worse than Shen Aotian.

Afterwards, Shen Aotian went to the capital, while he was admitted to the university in the provincial capital, and was finally able to separate.

However, he still can't escape the fate of being used as a comparison!

"I'm not much worse than Shen Aotian, but, but—"

Although he had a rebellious mentality, he always wanted to turn Shen Aotian down.

However, after going to the provincial capital and studying at the university, Shen He only felt the cruelty of reality.

He also had the same sigh as Shen Aotian: there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people.

In their hometown, he Shen Hetian was indeed one of the best in the world.

But when he came to the provincial capital and entered the university campus full of talents, he realized that he was actually very mediocre.

He was severely beaten in the university, and when he was about to graduate from the university, he began to practice and look for a job. Shen Hetian was severely beaten again in reality.

Unemployment after graduation!

The status of famous university students in the provincial capital is indeed more competitive than that of students from ordinary second-tier colleges.

However, it is impossible to achieve the same achievements as Shen Aotian.

He Tiantian: ... Silly boy, you are a cannon fodder and you go to compare yourself with the male protagonist. Isn't this looking for abuse by yourself?

Shen Aotian has a golden finger from the author's mother, you have nothing, you can only be a hard worker.

What's even more difficult is that before Shen Hetian can get his graduation certificate and officially start his career as a worker, the end times will come!

That's right!

He Tiantian's previous guess was not wrong, this world has suddenly entered the science fiction apocalypse channel from the urban supernatural power article.

I don't know if it's because the last writer's mission failed, which led to the collapse of the small world, or the system virus is raging.

After a meteor shower, the whole small world is invaded by a terrible virus.

Countless people fell into a coma, most of them became walking corpses, and a very few became supernatural powers.

Shen Hetian, as a small cannon fodder in the original script, is a tool person used to set off the success of the male protagonist, naturally it will not be a special case.

If He Tiantian didn't wear it, he had a great probability of becoming a zombie.

He Tiantian: ...what a hard cannon fodder.

And the more difficult thing is yet to come...

He Tiantian used her spiritual power to unclog her body, the high fever subsided, and she finally opened her eyes.

Looking around, He Tiantian found that she was in a dormitory now, which was the original owner's student dormitory.

In the ten-square-meter room, in addition to the original owner, there were seven or eight classmates, both male and female.

He Tiantian glanced over, combined with the original owner's memory, she knew that these people were the original owner's classmates.

Two of them are roommates, and the other three are classmates from the next dorm.

The three girls are their girlfriends.

The night before the end of the world, it was a weekend. Three girls secretly went to the boys' dormitory to find their male ticket to play.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that kind of activity, it's playing cards and games with the people in the dorm.

The original owner also has a girlfriend named Dong Lina, whose family is in the provincial capital, and her parents are ordinary workers.

The Dong family is the most ordinary citizen family in the provincial capital, but for Shen Hetian, who was born in a remote mountain village and whose achievements are not very outstanding, it is definitely a tall order.

However, love on campus is always much simpler than that in society.

What Dong Lina likes is Shen Hetian, without too many other factors.

A pair of young people just enjoy a pure and beautiful first love, and they rarely worry about practical issues such as marriage, house, work, etc.

Shen Hetian might have thought about it and doubled down on his inferiority complex.

But in front of Dong Lina, he still maintained a positive and carefree appearance.

When he was about to graduate, Shen Hetian couldn't find a suitable job, so he wanted to go public.

Dong Lina was very supportive. In order to cooperate with her boyfriend, she worked hard with Shen Hetian.

On weekends, the other brothers in the dorm either play games or go to the next dorm to play cards with the girls.

Shen Hetian and Dong Lina stayed in the dormitory reading books and memorizing together.

At this time, a meteor shower started to fall in the sky, and the zombie virus came to Blue Star along with the falling meteorites...

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