The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and thirtieth IX male protagonist who was beaten in the face (3)

The latest website: "Also, I am seeking progress with Comrade Zhuo Ya, and there are some things that still need to be avoided!"

"Comrade Han Dongmei, we are really not suitable!"

"You and I are just educated youths from the same place, classmates, friends, that's all!"

"You, you are always like this, it will make people misunderstood!"

He Tiantian said the words of refusal righteously and awe-inspiringly, and released her charm to Han Dongmei from an angle that outsiders could not see.

He Tiantian: ... ugh, my mother is about to vomit!

Han Dongmei: disgusting, so greasy! Just such a common man, I actually gave up everything for him.

Not just the family in the city and the opportunity to work or enlist in the army, but the most important thing is her self-esteem and pride.

Han Dongmei didn't dare to recall her past self, she was so humble.

In the words of netizens in the live broadcast room, it is the best dog licking.

And licking the dog is not a good end, licking until the end has nothing!

In fact, she did not end well.

Dogecoin He Yuntian used the money and things she secretly sent to show face in front of other educated youths and the heroine Zhuo Ya.

He was obviously only the third son who was not valued by his family, and was forced to go to the countryside. His family did not even support him with any money or tickets, but he was able to live very well in a remote small mountain village like Liujiaao.

Later, the college entrance examination will resume.

He Yuntian even used the materials sent by the Han family to Han Dongmei to study hard with Zhuo Ya, and were admitted to the university in the capital together.

On the other hand, Han Dongmei was coaxed round and round by He Yuntian's ambiguous look and three or two deceptive nonsense.

I only care about the so-called "love", and completely forget to read and make progress.

In the end, he was entangled by a scoundrel in the village and had to marry the other party and be completely buried in this remote village!

Thinking of the foreseen future, Han Dongmei's eyes became bloodshot with hatred.


She knew that she would end up like that, mainly because she was too stupid.

I'm rushing to post up and down, so it's no wonder people don't cherish it.

She is indeed at fault, but are He Yuntian and Zhuo Ya really innocent?

He Yuntian didn't like her, why did he accept her things? !

And Zhuoya, she always looked aloof and proud, like a holy white lotus.

But when she fell in love with He Yuntian, she should have also learned about the situation of the He family.

After He Yuntian was released, the He family seemed to have forgotten about this son, and could not write a single letter throughout the year.

With parents like this, they would be willing to send He Yuntian so much money, tickets and good things that were in short supply? !

He Yuntian secretly had an affair with Han Dongmei, although it was a little hidden, it was not without a trace of wind.

Not to mention the educated youth, the folks in Liujia'ao would also mention these in their daily chats.

Zhuo Ya, who also lives in Liujia'ao and works with the villagers, can't really notice it?

You know, Zhuo Ya is a well-known smart and meticulous girl.


It's not that Zhuo Ya was really unaware, but she was pretending to be confused.

Because she is also a vested interest.

Half of the things Han Dongmei gave to He Yuntian went into Zhuo Ya's hands.

Zhuo Ya relied on He Yuntian's "subsidy" to have a good relationship with the deputy captain of the production team and the village head of Liujiaao, and then got a leisurely job.

You don't need to do heavy work on the ground, and you don't need to pay too much attention to any work points. Zhuo Ya has not been tanned, and her hands and feet have not become thicker, and she still maintains the image of a reserved and charming lady in the city!

I don’t need to eat coarse grains every day, but I can also drink malted milk essence and eat all kinds of canned fruits, which are also very nutritious.

Zhuoya's life is simply more comfortable than her life in the city.

And all this was brought by Han Dongmei.

Even if Zhuo Ya knew about the secret ambiguity between Han Dongmei and He Yuntian, she would not break it, nor would she feel guilty.

It is estimated that she will be very proud. She is also a woman, and she is offered by He Yuntian as a goddess.

As for Han Dongmei, even if the conditions at home are good, so what, isn't she still circling around He Yuntian like a pug? !

Realizing this, it was really hard for Han Dongmei not to resent Zhuoya.

Of course, the culprit was He Yuntian!

"Come, come! The woman licking the dog awakens, and the famous scene of tearing the scumbag by hand is about to be staged!"

"The anchor, go, slap the face of the dog coin man, let him know why the flowers are so red!"

"Boom! 'I'm just watching the fun' to reward the anchor with a peace charm! Come on anchor! Slap the face of the Dogecoin man!"

"Boom! 'Lemon Lemons Can't Be Fine' reward the anchor with a spirit beast! Tear up the scumbag and slap the white-eyed wolf in the face!"

In the depths of Han Dongmei's knowledge, there is a live broadcast system, and the public screen of the live broadcast is full of comments and rewards from netizens.

Seeing the rising popularity, Han Dongmei was secretly happy—

With popularity, she has fan value and rewards.

Regardless of fan value or reward, if you reach a certain amount, you can draw a lottery or buy items in the live broadcast mall.

In the past two days, Han Dongmei has been researching this live broadcast system.

Especially for the things in the live broadcast mall, she is very coveted.

Her family's family conditions are definitely good, and Han Dongmei has seen a lot of good things.

Han Dongmei has not only seen, but also eaten and used some in-demand items that are only available in the capital and the magic capital.

However, when she saw the dazzling variety of live broadcast malls, she couldn't help but widen her eyes——

Oh my god, there's so much good stuff in here, isn't it? !

The key is that there are many things in it that she has never seen or even heard of.

The system assistant told her that these are products decades later.

Some don't even have a future, but some kind of interstellar black technology.

Han Dongmei doesn't know much about interstellar, but she only knows one thing: these are all good things, and you can't buy them with money or tickets.

In addition, she can also gain some skills through lottery.

Such as unforgettable, such as Wen Ruquan Yong... Anyway, it is the kind of magical skill that Han Dongmei dare not even think about.

Of course, Han Dongmei came to settle accounts with He Yuntian, not just to attract netizens and get those rewards.

But she really hated this shameless and hypocritical man and wanted to make a complete break with him.

"Misunderstanding? Hehe, He Yuntian, do you also know the misunderstanding?"

Han Dongmei glared at He Tiantian and scolded angrily: "When you received my money, my ticket, and my canned food, malted milk essence and sausage, why were you not afraid of misunderstanding?!"


When Han Dongmei said this, the educated youths and villagers who gathered around to watch the fun all exploded.

The educated youths are better. Although everyone is not very sure, they also have some guesses - the good things in He Yuntian's hands are probably sent by Han Dongmei.

It's just that Han Dongmei, the party involved, didn't say anything, and cooperated very well with He Yuntian to brag and show off, so the other educated youths wouldn't talk too much.

The villagers were actually taken aback.

Originally, when they saw that Comrade He was neatly dressed all day long, shiny from head to toe, and generous with his actions, they thought he was a rich young master from the city.

Unexpectedly, He Yuntian is not a rich young master at all, but a little white face who eats soft rice.

There are also people with quick brains, who are even more shameless when they think of He Yuntian and Zhuo Ya's appearance.

Spending a woman's money to be nice to other women, tsk tsk, this Comrade He Yuntian is really unkind.

"What money? What?"

He Tiantian deliberately made an angry look, her face blushed, "Those, those are all you have to give me!"

Speaking of which, He Tiantian seemed to have confidence, she raised her chin and continued to look reserved and arrogant.

A pair of eyes stared at Han Dongmei, "I said no, you have to give it to me, and if I don't accept it, throw those things into the river!"

These words are not He Tiantian to wash away the original owner.

Han Dongmei was really obsessed with the original owner, chasing him to the countryside, holding a lot of good things into the original owner's hands.

The original owner also refused at first, because he was not born bad.

He knew that he didn't like other people's girls and should not accept other people's things.

But she couldn't stand Han Dongmei's stalking.

And the days of going to the countryside are really hard.

The original owner's parents were both dual-earners, but there were many children at home, and the burden on the elderly was also heavy.

The He family, including the original owner, has a total of six children, four boys and two girls.

He Yuntian ranked third.

There are many children, and there is no shortage of sons. He Yuntian, who is in the middle, is easy to be ignored.

Usually it’s fine. When the children grow up, the eldest son and the second daughter are arranged for work by all means because they are more popular with their parents.

When it was the turn of the third and fourth, someone had to go to the countryside no matter what.

The parents of the He family were more partial to the fourth son, who was in poor health. As for the third son, He Yuntian, they signed up for him directly.

The remaining two children are still young, and they are rare twins. They are more valued by their parents than He Yuntian.

Of the six children, only He Yun has taken over the world.

The original owner's inner suffocation and anguish can be imagined.

Even so, the He family's parents did not feel guilty, let alone any compensation.

Except when the original owner left home, Mother He stuffed him with some money and tickets. In the next few years, at most, he would write a letter to the original owner, wrap it up, and don't even think about it!

He Yuntian seemed to be forgotten by his family.

Alone, although he looks quite strong, but he is a city baby, how can he endure the hardships of working in the fields?

Even if you are tired, the key is not to eat enough.

Other educated youths, no matter how many or small, can always get subsidies from their families.

Only He Yuntian had nothing.

He Yuntian couldn't take it anymore after going to the countryside for less than a month.

Facing what Han Dongmei offered to him again, it was really difficult for him to refuse.

In addition, Han Dongmei was really persistent, and He Yuntian accepted it half-heartedly.

One has two. Once the bottom line is broken, there is really no bottom line.

He Yuntian was actually used to Han Dongmei's "support", not only did he lose his embarrassment, but also began to intensify——

I want things, but the relationship has to be clear.

He doesn't like the willful and arrogant Han Dongmei, but likes the elegant and gentle Zhuoya!

But he couldn't bear the benefits Han Dongmei gave him, so he started to pursue Zhuoya in a high-profile way while secretly flirting with Han Dongmei.

Han Dongmei liked him and was willing to endure everything for him, but she did not cut off her "supply" because of He Yuntian's pursuit of others.

For a while, several male educated youths who were educated youths admired He Yuntian very much, and felt that this man was too capable.

He Tiantian: ...Well, she didn't mean to whitewash the original owner, it's true that the former female supporting role is really not very good.

Fortunately, now Han Dongmei has "awakened"!

"Yes, I did say that, but if you don't like me, you shouldn't take my stuff!"

Han Dongmei once again spit out her former "cheapness" in her heart.

However, she still firmly believes that she did have problems in the past, but He Yuntian is by no means as beautiful and upright as he has shown!

"But you have to give—"

He Tiantian looked aggrieved.

Seeing Han Dongmei, she became even more speechless. You accepted my favor, but still wronged you?

If you feel wronged, don't accept it.

Of course, Han Dongmei herself knew that she was indeed a little stubborn at the beginning.

As if there was only one man left in the world, He Yuntian, she recognized this man.

Stalking, desperately reposting.

It wasn't all the other party's fault that He Yuntian accepted her things.

If it were her, and there was a man who was stalking her, sending him money and tickets every day and all kinds of urgent supplies, she would probably accept it.

Han Dongmei hated He Yuntian not because the other party ate and used her own things, but because of these benefits, she deliberately misled her and took her as a victim.

Taking a deep breath, Han Dongmei said with a cold face, "Okay, even if I used to be cheap, I have to rush to give you something, but now I don't like you, and I will have nothing to do with you in the future!"

"Hmph, you don't have to feel 'wronged' anymore!"

Han Dongmei deliberately aggravated the pronunciation of the word "grievance".

When the people around heard this, and then looked at He Tiantian's contrived appearance, they burst into laughter.

There were even a few faceless thugs who hid in the crowd and shouted, "Ouch, it's a grievance to give money, votes and things? I want to feel wronged too!"

When everyone heard this, they laughed even more vigorously.

He Tiantian deliberately looked embarrassed, "Han Dongmei, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? It means, I'm no longer a fool!"

Han Dongmei shouted this sentence as if she tried her best.

After shouting, she only felt relieved, and the shackles that had been restraining her seemed to be broken.

"If you eat the things I gave you in the past, you can forget them. But there are some things, you must return them to me!"

Han Dongmei pointed at the watch on He Tiantian's wrist, "I gave this watch to you, and I am going to give it to my future husband. You have already talked to Zhuo Ya, so please return it to me!"

"And your leather shoes, really good shirt, oh, yes, and a set of information books!"

Han Dongmei counted with her fingers.

He Tiantian held the original owner's fair and gentle face, and her face instantly became ugly.

She deliberately looked disbelieving, and shouted at Han Dongmei in some embarrassment: "Han Dongmei, do you know what you are talking about?"

"You, aren't you—" Do you like "me" the most, why do you treat "me" like this?

Seeing "He Yuntian"'s face full of surprise, panic, and deep reluctance, Han Dongmei only felt a burst of joy in her heart.

And the public screen of her live broadcast room was full of comments by netizens...

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